I would like to have a mental console in my head where can I type different commands in different situations . Examples :
If I'm having a fight with somebody and we are continuously arguing and that somebody is right and I'm wrong , I'll type the following :
kick thepersonI'marguingwith
If a teacher gives me a bad mark , I would type :
ban teacher 50
Often I would like to use this :
[quote]sv_cheats 1
Heh , it would be awesome to scare somebody to death
Well if there's a robbery and a bunch of bad guys are yelling at me I would use this :
impulse 101
gl_wireframe would be unusable , as real locations always have vis-blockers and monuments, desks, books etc. aren't func_walls ....
If I practice a dangerous sport , I would always write this before starting :
SuperPowers like superjump would be easy :
sv_gravity 100
And if I don't have a mirror, this command would save me ! :
And many other cool things ....