atom: Aww, okay. Anyhow... I like colors like metalish-green/blue, and stuff like red, white/gray and black... and, uh. Yeah. I'm sure you can think of other stuff.
For buttons to change texture, use texture pairs that begin with +0 and +A, for instance +0BUTTON4 and +ABUTTON4. Those textures will toggle automatically when used on a button. For your spirit console question, I'm not sure because I don't have spirit, but try "game spirit map mapname"
I think you mean the sky texture. Take a look at atoms Environment tutorial for help on outdoor maps. But you definitely DON'T want to make a brush surrounding your entire level. That is known as a 'skybox' and it will cause your hair to fall out in clumps and your children will be born with two heads! OK, so it won't cause that, but it is a bad mapping technique that you should strive to avoid.
I remember from somewhere that to make outdoor maps you need to make a brush surrounding your entire level and apply a outdoor texture to it. I can't find an out door texture, where is it???
i know its a bit random, but how about a little checkbox on all maps in the vault aking if they want the map or a part of it to have a chance of appearing in a mod! the idea came when i saw the mod ISSUES which asked ppl 2 send in any map and they would bind them in2 a story. it finished on the 1st of september but since twhl has loads of ppl who could contribute it might be worth a shot, comprendi?
a idea for a forum with a kind of maps wich arrent ready for the unfinshd section: but you cna show people some screenies of your map and get some first comment:D cause i would liek that cause iam now bizzy for 2 weeks with my tfc map and i need some backup;) but i cant put it in the unfinishd map section
I was using -dev 'cause the cheats wouldn't work for me otherwise... However, when I play without -dev, that error disappears but no cheats seem to work (god, noclip, give WEAPON/ITEM, impulse, etc)...
Uh. Little help?
Thanks for that though, I didn't know of the limit before.
lol, err, well, since they were mostly stolen... no
Djinn: I'm going to try alternative colours... but it's not using any smart template system or anything, so changing the actual layout of the pages would be a mission. Give me colour suggestions though
If you stick in some info_player_deathmatchs, and run it as a deathmatch game (launch a server/run it on one) then you'll respawn after you die. You'll start with a HEV, crow and 9mm too
Items will also respawn in deathmatch.
To start Hl in DM from the command-line, just add +deathmatch 1 to the line, i.e. "d:hlhl.exe -console -map deathmap +deathmatch 1".
the ones in the Spec dir? that's, I think specialists.wad, halflife.wad (in valve) and mebbe some others. Just add them all, as long as you have NO CUSTOM ONES!
Ive got my map, whenever you die the level restarts, like in single player. I want it to be a deathmatch map where when you die you respawn.
I also want to know how you make a player start with a hev suit a crowbar and a pistol, ive only been able to do this by placing it in the player start point.
Finally, how do you get items to respawn.
If anyone can help me out id really apreciate it, cheers
Are there any experienced modellers here? Anyone know a decent (comprehensible) tutorial on getting started? I followed the included MS one but got lost when he started "patching up" the blade
Is there a reason you are running the map in software mode? If you have an OpenGL or Direct3D capable videocard, then change your settings If you don't, then welcome to mapping last century style, and as Kol mentioned, you will need to do some heavy reading on polygon counts, vis and r_speeds. Basically your map has more than 800 polygons to be rendered by the engine from where the player is looking. The amount of short surfaces are the number that the engine is NOT drawing because it is in software mode and limited to the magical 800 figure. Don't forget, what the engine see's and what the player see's are two different things. FIX: Reduce the amount of brushes...
Looks like you lights.rad is in the right place. Any chance of e-mailing a copy of the lights.rad and letting me know what texture (name and what .wad it's a from) ?
um, have you tried running vis with the -full command line switch?
if you have, then read up on polygor reduction methods... the short surfaces only appears in software which has a max of about 600-700 surfaces or polys.. i really don't have time now to explain.. check out some tuts on polygor reduction, and vis
my lights.rad dont work its in the folder i compile with. i compile through the console and i use spirit. the texture i want to light up is there and was an original texture. crystal clear. if any1 didnt understand that i'll lift thier toenails off with a screwdriver.