Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2012-06-27 05:58:48 UTC
in Rchi Minicompo #1 Post #307430
do u mind if I use ur map as part of my mod?
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-24 02:26:58 UTC
in Steam Profile Analysis Post #307366
2muchvideogames | Games Owned: 28 | Percentage Played: 89.29%

Too bad it doesn't list the 400 mods I played.
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-22 23:21:58 UTC
in How do you rate maps? Post #307358
Rating systems don't work well on most websites, but for TWHL in particular it is a good idea to attempt to unify the rating system, because it is already better than rating systems of most websites.

On most websites (and I have observed this firsthand), they are filled with little kids maybe around 12 years old or something. Moddb is a perfect example of this. Basically, these juveniles tend to have a strictly black & white rating system, where something they like = 10/10 and something they didn't like = 1/10. As you can imagine, this will horrifically mess up the rating system, not to mention the possibility of serving as unhelpful and destructive criticism (and usually no explanation is given with these ratings.) I think TWHL is great to have a group of mature honest people who actually want to spend the time to improve something as pointless as a rating system. This action in itself makes TWHL's rating system less pointless and more useful than those of most websites. If you actually read the whole thing then you must be really bored. As I'm writing this I am also getting bored. So here's a story about a boy named Jim. Jim wasn't really important to the story anyway. The bottom line turned out to be the he was impatient and couldn't wait for the next mapping competition to be announced. And that's why TWHL's rating system should be examined and unified as suggested by this thread.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-15 07:16:39 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #307100
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-15 01:13:06 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #307098
Another 3 months, another request for mappers. The mod has alot of new monsters and weapons since the list in the first post. If you are looking for an excuse to map stuff, find it here!
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-08 06:34:27 UTC
in More statistics (mostly from US) Post #306863
Hellow TWHL, if you remember my last thread on statistics from the US well nevermind. Here are some new ones. According to Wikipedia:
35% of US high school students were currently sexually active and 47.8% of US high school students reported having had sexual intercourse
A 2008 study by the CDC found that an estimated 1 in 4 sexually active teens contracts an STD. The same study found that, among those who were infected, 15% had more than one STI, and 20% of those who said they had only one sexual partner were infected.
teenage pregnancy is 2 to 10 times more prevalent in the United States than in other similarly developed countries
On blowjobs (pretty popular too):
half of all 15- to 19-year-olds have had oral sex, with the percentage rising to 70% by the time they turn 19
Thought this was funny:
"There is a widespread belief that teens engage in nonvaginal forms of sex, especially oral sex, as a way to be sexually active while still claiming that technically, they are virgins," says study author Laura Lindberg
I don't get this part:
Of anal and vaginal sex, 14% believed you could engage in the former and 12% said you could participate in the latter while still remaining abstinent.
One in four women in America who had sex during their teenage years will have a baby before they are married...Of all women, 16% will be teen mothers
18% (almost 1 in 5) of teen girls were infected with Human PapillomaVirus
Of seniors in high school, 74% of girls regret sexual experiences they have had
Of women who had sex for the first time as teens, 30% divorced within five years, and 47% divorced within 10 years of getting married. The divorce rate for women who delayed sex until adulthood was far lower: 15% at five years, and 27% at 10 years. Researchers believe "that the early sexual experience leads to the development of behaviors or beliefs that promote divorce.
More than one fifth of teens have sent sexually suggestive text messages or nude photographs of themselves online. Teens who photograph or film themselves or receive photos of others, known as sexting, can be charged with child pornography.
Experts say that sexting poses a serious problem, partly because teens do not understand that the images are permanent and can be spread quickly. “It does not click that what they’re doing is destructive, let alone illegal.” “Once they are out there, it spreads like a virus,” police say.
...sexual minority youth (e.g. homosexuals) were significantly more likely than other students to report "having been or gotten someone pregnant (15% vs. 4%)
Check out these fail parents
Less than half of parents with daughters under 18 talk to their girls about how to say no to boys, and about half talk to them about contraception. While 78% of parents believe that their daughters can talk to them about any topic, only 54% of girls believe they can discuss any topic with them.
Also, according to the CDC, one in ten teens will be physically abused between the grades of seventh through twelfth
Humans never cease to amaze me.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-04 16:28:39 UTC
in Build The Enterprise Post #306749
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-01 21:58:42 UTC
in TWHL Oldschool CS 1.6 Server (CSDM) Post #306661
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-31 16:37:15 UTC
in TWHL Oldschool CS 1.6 Server (CSDM) Post #306611
hey, mind if you add my mp_farm? r_speeds are terrible though. if you do want to add, don't use the one I have on TWHL, I will add a more updated version, if you'd like to add it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-26 06:26:27 UTC
in Map Vault Regulation Post #306496
speaking of, I wonder what should be done about 'empty' map ID's in the vault. Like map #1, #4, etc. etc.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 03:16:14 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306245
yes you're right. I can't even read this sticker on the computer correctly.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 03:13:36 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306243
I think the update caused both the blue screens and the breaking of the HL1 mods. Before the update, the crappy laptop can play HL1 and mods in D3d without problems. After this update, HL1 force quits as described in the journal and these blue screens start showing up (neither computer has ever had a blue screen before.) In both cases it was just after booting up from like a standby mode with steam running. Basically, about 10-20 seconds after booting up from standby, the blue screen appears.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 03:06:05 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306241
I didn't run HL1 with computer B yet, but this thread was referring to the blue screen having occurred in computer B, which made me kinda irritated.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 03:03:32 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306239
Computer A: crappy laptop that can barely handle TF2. (Win 7)

Computer B: AMD Quad-Core A6 3600 APU
1TB 7200rpm HDD
ATI Radeon HD 6530D
Windows 7 Home Premium (brand new)
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 02:58:43 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306237
I 'wiped out' my mod collection on this computer (hereby known as Computer A), meaning that I have relocated it entirely to another, brand new computer (computer B). Before the update, I never had problems with HL1 on steam. However, after this update, Computer A crashes with a Blue Screen, and HL1 and all mods do not work as described in the journal entry. Then I relocate everything to the brand new computer (Computer B), and, under the same circumstances, crashes with the Blue Screen. --> This is a brand new comp, mind you, so there is no other reason for it to have a blue screen.

Valve has in the past released unstable updates on steam. I'm just hoping that this will be fixed ASAP.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-17 22:49:16 UTC
in Steam screwed me up big time Post #306206
Remember when I had to uninstall half life and wipe out my entire mod collection on steam after some update or another? Turns out that steam is the reason for causing the blue screen I mentioned as well. Even after switching computers, steam once again fugged up the computer and caused a blue screen, on a different, brand new computer. If valve is not gonna shit out an update pronto within the next 3 days, expect steam to be wiped off this computer permanently.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-04 14:55:51 UTC
in SMJ question... Post #305946
from what you're telling me here, I'm thinking your game is like stickman sam or metal slug, etc.

It looks like you are asking whether to have a cap for maximum health. Without having played your game I would have no idea exactly how high the cap should numerically be. However it looks like lives are fairly cheap, so I would assume the cap for max HP should be rather high. But there should definitely be a cap to max HP to prevent mindless grinding. It would definitely be sad for someone to go thru the game tanking all the damage with 9999999 HP, can you imagine?

Regards, pickups that increase the max HP would definitely be helpful to players and is very rewarding for explorers. You said that enemies can do as much as 5 damage per hit, I think, so 100 coins (no idea of how fast income goes) buys about 2-10 lives, or 6 on average. So, is this right about how you want your game so far?
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-03 12:14:49 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #305919
apparently cs go has it's gui inspired by call of duty

Anyway I'm playing thru the mod 'Peaces like us' using the knife. The best part was when 4 grunts rappelled down and none of them noticed me. I managed to backstab 2 of them and almost got the third guy as well
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-02 12:05:53 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #305888
CT fans, haven't you all tried crimson echoes? it's really good.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-29 09:49:59 UTC
in Coding and Tutorials Post #305819

What exactly are you looking for? This is a fairly good tutorial on how to add custom weapons into the code. The only thing it doesn't have is how to make the weapon exactly. In that case, what kind of weapon are you looking to make? In most cases, new weapons are clones of the preexisting ones (e.g. another crowbar or shotgun with different model, etc.)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-18 23:04:50 UTC
in Problems with my mod (HL1) Post #305523
there are entries in weapons.cpp (something like util_precacheother(something) where you need to add an entry for your weapon.
Furthermore I would like to know how to make these weapons appear in Hammer tab entities when I build my map.
You need to make a custom FGD for you to be able to have your custom entities appear in hammer. However, this is entirely unnecessary. Simply place a weapon_glock or something and then rename it directly to the name of the weapon you coded (weapon_dragunov or whatever you named it in the code)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-18 11:01:24 UTC
in how to create a medic? Post #305486
hey, spannerspammer, just curious, how good are you with the hl1 source code?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-15 22:23:42 UTC
in Bought any TF2 items? Post #305415
Lol, the 100 dollar useless rings alone should tell you how this system works.
But yeah, don't bother buying anything.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-14 11:14:00 UTC
in how to create a medic? Post #305376
You need to be more specific about what you want. Are you going for that medic NPC in Opposing Force? Or a scientist that can heal other NPC's? What exactly is it you want?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 10:46:20 UTC
in Custom Weapons and Entities Post #305257
Should you need the models, I remember ispitatel 1 or 2 having an op4 pipewrench with scientist arms (which you can reskin to blue). Anything else you need feel free to ask!
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 10:43:39 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #305256
*Make grenades come individually wrapped, as opposed to in packs of 5

Was considering doing that... but switched it back to be consistent with vanilla. However, if you think it's good idea to make it 1 grenade per pickup, I can change it back.

*Add a slight (500ms or so) delay to the glock's silencer submodel being added; you can sometimes see it appear before it's screwed on in the animation.
I'm aware of this graphic error; I tried before to fix it but it didn't work, but the suggestion of a delay might pull the trick; I'll try fixing it again at some point
*Make the glock's silencer a separate pickup from the glock, using the w_silenced/w_silencer (can't remember which it is) model. It would give the player the ability to use the glock's alt-fire if they don't already have it, and 17 rounds. It could also be dropped by the female assasins, because if memory serves, they have a second, unused weapon submodel that is empty.
Do you mean to make them two different weapons? Or make the silencer a 'secondary ammo' thingy so that the player would need to pick up a silenced handgun to gain the silencer ability? I'm guessing the latter is what u mean.
*Have you put thought into making any kind of weather/precipitation/particle system into the mod? It's not necessary, but it could be useful to have weather functionality and easier ways to make good looking dripping pipes and the like.
I'm not big on the graphics aspect of the code, do you have source code that allows for this stuff? I remember spirit's fog freezing my computer, so I'd be careful about that. However, for rain specifically, I have a model that shows it very well; only prob is you need generics of this model all over your map.
*Snipers should toss their rifles upwards and outwards on death instead of the standard drop style; that way players can get the rifle as a reward, instead of it staying in the nest. Maybe a "don't drop rifle" flag that can stop this behavior as well.
I was sort of imagining it like in the half-life 1 and 2 style, in that snipers don't give out such a powerful weapon on death. Have you tried combining sniper 'trigger death' with a trigger_push? If that doesn't work; and you'd like the player to get sniper easier, then I can make the sniper propel forward if you'd like.

Thanks again, and here's a very complete list of new entities that I got from the dll directly (not the code):
Note there are some vanilla debug entities that I have no idea does what. You're welcome to try.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 10:31:59 UTC
in 10 April, 2012... Post #305254
paying my respects for your pet cat.

On another note, Dimbark's inappropriate outburst suddenly reminded me of a iraq-war-like CGI animation short called 'cat shit one'
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 21:53:04 UTC
in Custom Weapons and Entities Post #305226
it is possible to fake the armorvest/helmet by replacing the battery with one of them in the mod. However, if you want both, and/or want new weapons, you need to know how to code.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 12:19:12 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305117
Don't y'all know that graphics are more important than gameplay to people these days? Just ask Dimbark's classmates.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-01 22:30:59 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304859
?? 'caused HL to lock up?' No one else has told me that happened... does it lock up when you load t0a0 in the mod? Sorry but I have no idea how or why mod is dissonant with your computer. We all use steam HL too so that shouldn't be a problem :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 17:56:53 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304821
Gentlemen, here is your new challenge: In this fast paced action shooter, the HECU soldiers have been outfitted and armed with dangerous weapons provided by JeffMOD. Are you up for a challenge? Also gawk at one of my horrible early maps.

Click Here to Continue

Once again, I'm hoping this new code will convince some TWHL members to help map for the mod. I don't have much maps and am hoping that peeps can contribute to the effort of mod.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 17:34:02 UTC
in help to create better thirdperson in hl Post #304822
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 07:25:30 UTC
in help to create better thirdperson in hl Post #304814
you dont need code to program thirdperson. Go to moddb, search for and download the mod called 'macky's adventures', and from that mod extract the file called autoexec.cfg.

That file will allow you to run your mod in the thirdperson.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 00:52:37 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304616
Dead versions? Should be easy to do.

I'm already done with the m4/saw grunts and moving on to snipers, hopefully massns are up next too, how's ur map comin' along?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 00:35:12 UTC
in Map of the Month Vault Section Post #304615

this? (bottom of main vault page)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-25 19:44:12 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304608
yes, I know about the steroid-looking barneys and scientist rigged with grunt animations.

Anyway don't worry about mp5/shotgun barneys. I have models of those already, and it's actually not the one from point of view :glad:
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 06:05:20 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304533
He's on depression medication, for various mental impediments. He has no where to express himself and thinks everyone hates him. What do u think should be done?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 01:24:08 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304522
So goldsrcforever tells me he's really fond of the site and wants to make an apology for his actions.


Hey, goldsrcforever here. I know that I'm temp- banned with the posibility with being perma-banned. I would like to thank 2muchvideogames for helping me with this. I just want to say that I know that what i did was wrong and that I should be punished for it. I want to apologize for acting the way i have for the past month. I want you all to know that I didn't mean any harm with this. I was just "screwing around" but i guess it went to far. The Admins have every right to perma-ban me. I understand that. The way I have been acting has been very inappropriate and that I was probably breaking the rules (even though I've tried looking for the rules on the site and haven't found them). But please just hear me out.

I'm done with the spam. I'm done with the uncalled for Pony posts. I'm done with my uneccesary shouts and journals. I'm sorry Urby. I'm sorry Stojke. I'm sorry TheGrimReafer. I'm sorry Penguinboy. I'm sorry Joebama. I'm sorry to every community member here for having to put up with me. But most of all, I'm sorry ARchie. A lot of my hate has gone twords you. Thank you all for trying your best to be patient and understanding of me. I hope that you will understand where I am coming from after reading this.
  • goldsrcforever

Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 00:09:43 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304517
actually, I dunno who the author is lol... or even where I got it from. But they are pretty good models
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 00:01:16 UTC
in Dota 2 Give-away Post #304515
Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
I don't even play DOTA
Can I has DOTA 2?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 23:57:15 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304514
I actually have an LD (not opfor) version of opposing force allied grunt models, that match the graphics style of the vanilla LD's grunts. The problem is these guys' mouths move to impossible contortions, but other than that they are pretty good ones (has mp5, shotgun, and SAW). I'm leaning on not using the default ones from OP4 since they are graphically different from the vanilla grunts. What do ya think?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:57:56 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304507
It's cool, of course I'd want the code to be as good as possible. I didn't get around to making separate factions for the other entities, but it's not a hard thing to do so that can be done pretty soon. And if you didn't know, monster_human_grunts were allied to black ops in op4; I've seen it in plenty of op4 mods.

The game crash I have seen before in that situation. I have also seen it in other mods and I suspect that this is caused by the HL engine. This is prolly not fixable.

For the handguns I'd like to keep vanilla weapons as is, and thus the mk23 would encourage a different style of play, which is fun since all the guns are sort of unique in some way, wouldn't you agree?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:54:10 UTC
in Map Problem: Solid Entity (func_breakabl Post #304506
shouldn't this be in the another forum category?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 05:12:34 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304459
Atom, I have yet to actually put the displacer code into the mod yet, so I prolly wouldn't know what's wrong until I actually put it in.

Jeff: The urban.mdl are just terrorists models from condition zero.
The mark23 is not planned to have an automatic mode, so secondary fire does nothing (missing event). But this weapon isn't finished either so you know.
And yes, those commas need to be put in :lol:

Here's a newer client and dll - with quick fixes:
  • func breakable spawned items now work
  • some stuff done to eagle and m4 (nothing really)
  • mark23 is now semi-automatic (a new bug appeared: it fires two bullets per shot for some reason.)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 17:33:45 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304452
Nice work on the FGD Jeff, and if you have some new models I'd love to take a look. You'll prolly need this list, which is for the func_breakable register:
NULL,			// 0
"item_battery",		// 1
"item_healthkit",	// 2
"weapon_9mmhandgun",    // 3
"ammo_9mmclip",		// 4
"weapon_9mmAR",		// 5
"ammo_9mmAR",		// 6
"ammo_ARgrenades",	// 7
"weapon_shotgun",	// 8
"ammo_buckshot",	// 9
"weapon_crossbow",	// 10
"ammo_crossbow",	// 11
"weapon_357",		// 12
"ammo_357",		// 13
"weapon_rpg",		// 14
"ammo_rpgclip",		// 15
"ammo_gaussclip",	// 16
"weapon_handgrenade",   // 17
"weapon_tripmine",	// 18
"weapon_satchel",	// 19
"weapon_snark",		// 20
"weapon_hornetgun",	// 21
"weapon_mark23",	// 22
"ammo_57",		// 23 (for mk23, but the model is a crowbar)
"weapon_12gauge",	// 24 (this will be removed)
"weapon_m4",		// 25
"ammo_m4clip",		// 26
"weapon_beretta",	// 27
"weapon_sniperrifle"    // 28
"ammo_762"		// 29 (for sniper)
"weapon_m249"		// 30
"weapon_displacer"      // 31 (has not been coded yet, will not appear)
"ammo_sawclip"		// 32 (for m249)
"weapon_eagle"		// 33

Atom, I'm prolly not going to do either otis or any race X stuff, but I have a HEV hands spore launcher if you need it. For the deagle, I think it IS accurate, but the decal is not drawn correctly. I might have to look at it soon. Didn't you correct this problem already in ur code? (if I remember correctly)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-19 01:57:17 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304431
Dude, Jeff, glad you like this and is expressing interest for it! The list at the top is pretty much what is in the mod right now (except for deagle, it should be weapon_eagle) Your suggestions are good ideas although I think most of it is going to be included in the next version, hopefully.

The HWgrunt is definitely not completely finished; he has AI problems as well.

The brothers are already coded not to drop weapons on death.

The knife does do slash damage but apparently it make no difference gamewise. The knife stats were mostly based on team fortress 2 and I think its balanced, maybe. The op4 knife does 10 damage which is twice of crowbar's, and perhaps this knife should be buffed if necessary.

About the enemies, they turn around because you 'touched' them, so if you crouch and get somewhat close enough for melee range (but not close enough to touch them), it's possible to get their backs. I rather not touch the basemonster AI code because it may screw up every other monster.

The hornet grunt is a bit hard to handle and I'm thinking of removing him. The model is meant to replace the alien grunt anyway.

The glock starts with the silencer. In fact its default rapid fire secondary mode has been replaced, so now the glock is no longer the beast it used to be (what with both close range rapid spam and long range sniping, heh heh.)

Feel free to make any map you want for the mod, I'm sure a story can be made based on the maps once the mod has substantial content.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 21:15:46 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304415
Mapping for this mod does not require an FGD, unless you want stuff to spawn from say a func_breakable. You simply can rename point entities to anything from the list above. However, if people really need an fgd it shouldn't be too hard to make
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:39:55 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304409
EDIT: Also, latest download doesn't work.
??? It's working for me, make sure to click the 'download this file', ignore the ad above it. ALso it doesn't use spirit.

I didn't make any model myself; use anything if you like.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 18:03:44 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304403
Oh crap sorry peeps I need to reupload just gimme a few hours to adjust the files. here it is.

SCROLL DOWN TO THE 'DOWNLOAD THIS FILE" ---ignore the 7zip download
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 04:48:08 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #304384
Doesn't anyone want to try this mod? (click above post link, ignore link in first post)