Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 21:53:13 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #231910
Currently own a cheap harmonica (harp) and hopefully will be getting a decent couple of Hohner ones soon to really start learning on/
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 17:03:17 UTC
in (repost) I am DESPERATE for help!!! Post #231802
It may be a silly question but is everything on your PC ok?

Drivers up to date?
Defrag HDD?

Could the HDD have an error itself causing problems when trying to use vrad?

Its worth trying as its just something else to eliminate from the long list of possible causes.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 16:50:57 UTC
in HL2DM player start question Post #231798
Hi all,

Just remade and old HL map for HL2DM but i was wondering if there is anyway that i can make the players spawn without the gravity gun?

Ive uploaded the map to the unfinished section as its playable but not very pretty yet. Map = Circle.

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 19:45:13 UTC
in XP install help Post #217546
she bought the laptop 2-3 years ago from an online retailer so there is no chance of getting a CD from them. If i could find my bloody copy i would be sorted but we moved home 5 months ago and a lot of stuff seemed to go missing!

She didnt actually buy XP Home, however, it comes it preinstalled and then the rescue disks are supposed to cover any problems that arise. However, they dont cover a fresh install onto a new HDD!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 19:31:05 UTC
in XP install help Post #217544
Lo all,

Ive got a small problem. My mums Toshiba Laptop (Satellite Pro A10) decided to destroy the 30GB HDD so ive replaced it with a 100GB one.

Problem is that even thought the laptop has the XP HOME OEM serial key on a label on the bottom of the laptop it only comes with rescue disks. I cant find my OEM copy anywhere.

Any ideas how i can get XP installed on the laptop?? Ive tried 98 but the drivers wont work for it and Toshiba have one of the worst customers support systems i have ever seen!!!!

Someone has suggested i copy the files over from my PC onto a CD and then use that to install XP? Is this possible and if so what files would i need to copy over?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 16:50:39 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #175658
MadcowWhen I shower my science teacher, I used my weight as example.
Sorry but that made me chuckle! :D

7th is just saying that its easier to read 1.8x10^17 than 1800 000 000 000 000 00.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 09:37:05 UTC
in Keyboard maintenance Post #175504
Best thing ive found for cleaning all the grime from off the keyboard and keys is nail polish remover and some kitchen roll, works a treat.

I have also used paint thinner on some old beige keyboards and it does the job however it may be a tad too strong for coloured keyboards/keys!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 15:12:53 UTC
in FEAR through the eyes of a mapper Post #174994
the one thing that really got me with the game was the enemy NPCs that seemed to be in a huge amount of armour!! its a pain trying to kill them!

I suppose i should finish it, i hate having games half done!

Plus it will keep me going until Space rangers turns up and i can find a cheap copy of Stubbs the Zombie.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 15:05:43 UTC
in ***WARNING*** Disturbing Subject Matter Post #174992
The problem is that treating people with mental problems doesnt work.

I remember a story from here in the UK, some guy had attacked someone and then claimed that he was mentally unstable at the time. He was treated for a while then released. The same day he killed someone with a Samuri sword. Cant remember if he was released because his treatment had finished or due to lack of funding.

There was the case of one guy stabbing a young teenage girl to death in a public park while she was sunbathing. He claimed he had mental problems.

Things happen all over the world but i imagine many thing never make the news. In Liverpool, about 40 miles from me there are stabbings and shootings daily but i never see anything in the news.

My mum worked at a home for people with these problems. One lad ate the heads of his mums birds, many are Peados and one tried to eat his way out of his cell. Got about 3 inches into the concrete wall before it was discovered.

The best we can do with them is lock them up, for life!

However, someone who does kill due to a mental disorder, although just as serious is not as bad a a sane person killing people. Some people do not know what is right and what is wrong, they feel no remorse or guilt.

The main problem is, we dont know who these people are until they have destroyed someone elses life!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 12:29:51 UTC
in FEAR through the eyes of a mapper Post #174966
Yeah, MNuTz, no real need to post two identical posts within 4 minutes from eachother.
Sarcy **, like i would of posted 2 identical posts!!

I posted that and left this thread. ive just come back and now there is 2 so i have no idea why!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 12:27:46 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174965
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 10:23:46 UTC
in FEAR through the eyes of a mapper Post #174946
I got bored halfway through, very repetitive and just didnt holy my attention.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 10:19:40 UTC
in FEAR through the eyes of a mapper Post #174944
I got bored halfway through, very repetitive and just didnt holy my attention.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 14:18:43 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174311
I mean the Chaos Theory, everyone always ttried to describe it by saying "if a butterfly flaps its wings in america will it cause a tsunamia in japan" or something similar to that.

Its very hard to explain so id suggest you do a bit of research into it.

One of the first things i read about it that a scientist built a very basic weather program, he entered the current figures he needed and then fast forwarded the program to try and predict the weather. After a while extremely bad weather appeared. He then entered the data from just before the bad weather to see if it would happen again, it didnt.

good book on it: Chaos: Making a science by James Gleick.

First book i read on the subject and is very good!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 14:07:13 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174309
Chaos has to be in your "book" somewhere!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 13:32:10 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174305
i dont believe in god in the sense of an almighty being that oversees earth and all that live upon it, however, i strongly believe in an afterlife to the point where ive had friends die and ive not been as upset as others. Some people see it as heartless but when i explain that i believe they are in a better place they understand where i am coming from.

The doctor was trying to prove the existence of a soul. Ive have read a more detailed research paper about his methods, alot of what is not mentioned in this page. We all lose 21 grams on dying (supposedly) This page outlines the initial research done but not later research etc.

If in fact it is true, we know that energy can not be created or destroyed, only tranferred. If we cant see anything physical leave the body then it must be energy of some type but what does it transfer into and where does it go.

However, we are moving from science to religion, two subjects that mix about as well as oil and water :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 13:08:08 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174295
true, and as we know, that if we create "nothing" (if it really does exist) it is basically a vacuum. If we put a balloon into a vaccum it would suck the ballon outwards until it popped.

It the nothing outside our universe is a vacuum and we image that our universe has a 'skin' around its outer edge (like surface tension on water) then perhaps we lost the initial energy from the big bang but now we are expanding due to the vacuum beyond our universe pulling us outwards!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 12:55:19 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174290
everythings not being pulled togheter, but repeled faster and faster. the universe will spread out forever by its current rate.

Perfect nothiness has to exist

let me give you a proof of this.

in the weakest vacume you can pick a volume in which there are contained only two particles. what is between those two particles, nothing.
It cannot travel outwards forever, the bang that created the universe did so with a limited amount of energy, as it travels further and further away from its source it will loose more and more energy. Eventually it will stop. Ripples in a pon dont go on forever but fade over time, and bombs only have a limited blast area.

Your nothing between 2 points is logical but flawed, just because at this current time in our scientific knowledge we cannot find anything between these 2 particles doesnt mean its not there. We may just lack the equipment to measure it. Remember that not that long ago there was nothing smaller than an atom!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 11:28:56 UTC
in The G-man...Mans greatest Mystery Post #174273
That made me laugh, MNuTz.

Fahrenheit is a cracking game with a good story, jobabob is the first person ive ever heard say anything bad about it!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 11:26:20 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174270
As anyone who knows about the big bang theory knows that the universe is expanding, and they believe that at one point it will slow, then stop and come rushing back to its original point.

At which point, all matter implodes and then explodes again in another big bang. We may or may not be the first instance of the universe. What was there before this we can only guess!

At least, this is what i believe :D
although we can speculate that other universes exists beyond it, like a collection of marbles in a very big bag.
like the ending of MIB :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 11:21:20 UTC
in The G-man...Mans greatest Mystery Post #174268
It all goes back to the ancient prophecy, 2 twins seperated at birth,

One taken by an alien race, the other left with his mother.

G-Man knows about gordon, about the prophecy, gordon is clueless.

its a good theory :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 11:18:00 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174267
I cant find that article but i will keep looking!

I remember as a child (about 6) i was standing on a childrens roundabout that spins around and around. I told my parents that i would travel faster if i stood on the outside of the roundabout than the inside. my reasoning because it has to keep up with the middle as its attached but has to travel further.

At that age i didnt know the speed/time/distance formula then, i kust knew it was right. My parents however told me i was wrong!

its strange to think that one object can and does travel at 2 different speeds!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 14:29:23 UTC
in creating textures Post #174037
Err, yeah, that's basically what I was saying, since a scanner and a camera do basically the same thing.
we posted at the same time mate, your post wasnt up when i started writing mine. I wasnt correcting you :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 14:14:36 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174032
Everyones has heard of outer space, but very few have heard of inner space.

I was reading an article about this the other day, it basically states that infinity brings images of vastness and long distances, however infinity goes the other way to.

you have infinity inside your body, in between your cells etc.

Hard to get your head round though, just like the chaos theory but very interesting!

I see if i can find the article.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 14:10:33 UTC
in creating textures Post #174031
I thought that the brush was a scanner that takes a snap shot of it and the brush is put against a touch screen and the last scanned image appears.

Dont know if thats how it works but it looks that way to me!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 13:10:38 UTC
in creating textures Post #174019
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 11:24:24 UTC
in PC gamers are stupid Post #174007
yes i did mean that :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 11:23:51 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #174006
True, but it all makes sense.
Don't be negative mr. smile - :)
Im not but ive a physics background and just love experiments to prove stuff, i love theories as i often come up with some myself (even if they are rather outlandish) just to spark a conversation. Thats the beauty of a theory, it can be anything you like, its when theories start being used as fact that it gets to me!

I also work under the fact that if you make a theory, you should try and prove it wrong not try and prove it right. If you cant then it must be true.

It used to make sense that the earth was flat until someone proved different! However, you seem to take the theories with a pinch of salt so this should make an interesting thread :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 11:15:54 UTC
in PC gamers are stupid Post #174004
Counterstrike like Halo do attrract a lot of idiots, im not saying they all are but the majority are.

I also used to work in a games shop called Electronic Boutique (now GAME) and the majority of games buyers know very little about PCs in general. Things such as spec are foreign to many of them, but i used to enjoy helping these people learn how to understand their PCs. After all, we where all learners once!

Plus i would say the majority of owners buy their PCs premade from PC World or Dell and dont understand what they are buying, they just want to play games and wont follow all the lastest trends or improvements!

I never judge anyone for not understanding something, its when you teach it to them and they still dont get it that winds me up! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 11:08:21 UTC
in The universe itself. Post #173999
So what is in the box if its a vacuum?

You say there is no such thing as nothing but then neglect to tell us what is in the box when under vacuum conditions! If you cant prove to me what is in there then reason states that there must be nothing in thus proving your statement wrong.
Everything; The universe, the galaxies, the solarsystems, have all been born out of what we call "nothing"
Wich means that there is something in nothing.
And there's nothing more to say about that, yet
yes we may* have been born out of nothing but your saying that there is now something in nothing. Surely when something was born then nothing no longer existed!

*Space science is about 95% theory, we cant or havent proven the majority of our theories so we dont know if newer theories based on unproven theories are in fact reliable.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 15:27:08 UTC
in CopyProtection Post #173291
By Worldcraft Dude
Can you explain what coprprotect is?
Yes i know but he asked!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-07 10:02:55 UTC
in Half-Life 2 on a Mac? Post #172800
Macs are good for editing documents or art packages but thats about it!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-07 09:32:20 UTC
in CopyProtection Post #172797
copy protection is simply a method of protecting the software from being copied.

It used to be a case of entering the word from a page,paragraph and line from the manual or using a cardboard security device like that of Uplink.

However, now they have software built into the program that stops you from copying it so people are having to come up with ways to crack it. Starforce seems the most well-known at the moment due to the controversial claims going on that it causes system instability.

HAve you ever heard of anyone having trouble running a game because they have CD copying software on their PC? Thats a type of copyprotection!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 15:48:56 UTC
in CopyProtection Post #172708
I was going to download Stubbs the Zombie for my PC but its been nearly 2 years since i downloaded anything, all the sites i used to use have gone and none of my programs work now :(

Time to start over!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 16:09:28 UTC
in Help this bloke win a bet Post #172543

A guy gets a threesome if he can get 2 million hits by next year.

Not sure if its real or not but if it is we cant let yet another woman think she is right can we? :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 16:50:50 UTC
in My last week. :( Post #170288
He wont be gone, he'll be round here all the time annoying me so much until i let him online!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 16:11:47 UTC
in Steam Survey Post #168238
found out im in the very small % that use 2 processors and over 2 gig of ram but not a loat else really!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 16:10:44 UTC
in Hammer 3.4 Problems Post #168237
have you tried getting rid of it all and starting from scratch??
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 14:02:19 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167950
Urb, if you read this before i see you then you will need to download DosBox in order to play those games on XP.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 15:41:26 UTC
in The Weird, the Wonderful & the doorknob Post #167507
What is it with Chuck Norris?? We've had it banned on another forum i go on because everyone was going mad over it!

The ghostbusters, the transformers or maybe the samuri pizza cats :D

There is loads of these i could come up with.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 15:38:48 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167506
I dont mind you disagreeing mate, after all it would be just as boring if we all agreed as it would be if we all looked alike :D

Apology accept, and i apologise if i made any comments that people took as nasty, that wasnt my intention. However, im sure you will all learn soon enough is that when i write something down it doesnt always come across the way i was thinking it. :D

Ive got nothing against anyone on how they look or dress, its rude, evil people i dislike!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 15:33:40 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167504
Moonstone is the only game mentioned here that ive never heard of. Any good? Whats it about? :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 13:35:35 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167449
what evil midgets or some of the posters? :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 13:24:35 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167446
Id like to point out that i have never said the Emos or goths are depressed as i have never thought that they were. As ive already said, my brothers a goth but he is very happy. Good for him!

My whole point and the reason that people are attacking me is that i hate fake people and that the way a person presents themselves to the world does give some insight into a person but will not tell you who that person truely is. Analysing handwriting and body language can give an insight into the person inside as well.

You must take all of these small things and get to know a person before you can truely judge that person.

And LOL at all the midget stuff!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 13:16:46 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167444
That quote is out of context as i was saying that looks is part of a whole package and to ignore part of that package is dumb.

In no way was i saying that you should judge purely on looks!

If you saw a white bloke with a skin head, big black boots and covered in nazi , white power tattoos what would you think?

So you hate me because i think that the way a person presents themself on the outside may effect the way people think of them?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 12:44:45 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167432
Christ its like talking to a brick wall!! And when the fuck did i say you were dumb?

I judge people on who they are once i get to meet them but everyone including you will make an automatic snap judgement on how someone looks. If you say different then your a liar as its an automatic system built into the human brain. You see something and you automatically assess it.

I never said that this snap judgement represents who they actually are, thats why you should get to know someone, i also never said that i do just judge people on looks!

For instance: If you saw an old man walking down a road, wearing a scruffy hat, scruffy, dirty and ripped clothes. had a large scruffy beard pushing a trolley full of junk you would automatically think he was homeless. Its an automatic human response!

People for me fit into two brackets, good people and bad people. I cant tell which you are until i get to know you. I have a large group of friends from goths to hardcore bikers covered in tattoos to people i only know over the net. If i only judged on looks alone i wouldnt have made friends with any of these people, would i?

EDIT: Go and read the 7th post in this thread by me, the one were i say that many of my friends would look like trouble makers to many people but they are the nicest people on earth. My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 15:41:34 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167253
Yes chaos engine, classic game, dont think i ever finished it though.

The great escape: I had that game on the Amiga 1200 but i could never et past about 3 days of game time!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 15:07:24 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167241
Is that the actual PONG atari console??

That was my first experience with computers, i was 3 or 4 years old!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 15:05:27 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167239
i used to have the Xenon board game! Never had the instructions though :P

The Bitmap Brothers: Oh how i miss Chaos Theory!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 14:59:03 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167235
LOL, i was waiting for that! :D