Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-19 08:11:00 UTC
in Display value of an math_counter Post #247804
I don't code in VB.NET, so I can't really agree or disagree with that =p
What I can tell you is, done correctly, it will work. Fact.


Posted 16 years ago2008-03-17 17:50:55 UTC
in Display value of an math_counter Post #247755
I made a functioning blackjack table prefab once where I gave a value to the suit, a value to the, uh, value (A, 2, 3.. J, Q, K) and then when the player was assigned cards, used a combination of logic_case and game_text to determine and display the output. The resulting entity setup was pretty impressive to look at, because it was laid out exactly like the flowchart I used to design the logic.
Unrelated? Not quite! My point is, know what entities you have at your disposal, and then draw a flow chart of how the logic will flow, then convert each point of that to a Source entity on your little drawing. It makes complicated ent setups easy!
1. Have a logic_case, with case 1 as 0, case 2 as 100, case 3 as 200, and case 4 as 300.
2. Have 4 game_text's, named text0, text100, text200 and text300, with message text like 'Counter: 0' etc. or something
3. For the outputs of the logic_case
a) OnCase1, text0.display
b) OnCase2, text100.display
c) OnCase3, text200.display
d) OnCase4, text300.display
4. The output of your math_counter should then output it's value to the InValue of the logic_case.
Hope that helps!
I would suggest, rather than using the UI to display the value, create 4 textures with the values written on, have a counter on the wall, create 4 func_illusionary brush entities textured with the seperate textures all in one place, as part of a counter on the wall. Then set the alpha of the appropriate one to full and the other to 0 via the OnCase1 outputs of the logic case. Would look much more impressive :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-12 19:30:06 UTC
in Func_traintrack flipping on axis? Post #247602
I set up a func_traintrack as a lift which shuttles between two path_track's.
However, no matter which settings I change regarding angles and orientation, the lift flips on its x axis 90 degrees:
User posted image

Any help mega-appreciated!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 08:11:44 UTC
in Syncronising triggers Post #234590
OK, so here's what I'm trying to acheive.
I have various lighting and sound effects that are to be controlled by buttons. there is a choice of multiple types of lighting to be applied to 2 groups of lights individually, and sound effects that are also individual of other choices.
I wish for the lighting to change and the sound to start at the same time. This currently does not happen, the lighting changes as soon as the user presses the button.

What I was hoping for was some sort of 'queue' system, where the user picks their effects via buttons, and then there is a 'go' button which then triggers all the chosen effects at once.
How would I go about this?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 08:08:17 UTC
in prop_door issue Post #234588
OK, so I noticed a yellow line that appears in hammer when the door is selected that shows exactly how the door flips out of place. It looks like it's a value of some kind, bu I kind figure out what...
And thanks hunter :
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 20:41:22 UTC
in hlvis / rad lockups Post #234496
Often Hammer will stop 'updating' the GUI to save processing time, and instead devote that time to vis and the other compile programs.
I have, however, noticed that if windows goes into screensaver mode, that can screw with whatever compile tool is running at the time.
If you are having problems, leave it compiling overnight, with screensaver turned off. If the app still wont respond in the morning, THEN we will cross that bridge.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 10:59:51 UTC
in prop_door issue Post #234464
Sorry, I said prop_door, I meant func_door.
And I dont really want it to rotate, it should just go up...
Ah feck it, I could just use a func_traintrack I guess...
But this should work!!! It moves in the right direction, it's just a bit gay nd starts off at the wrong angle
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 10:29:57 UTC
in prop_door issue Post #234459
OK, so I setup a prop_door to act like a garage door that slides up on fire:open, but whenever I compile the map it comes out like so:
User posted image

Why is it randomly flipping out of position?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 10:28:20 UTC
in Flipping textures? Post #234458
OK< I feel really dumb, why did I not think of that! Guess I never thought it applied to RT textures for some reason. Oh well, thanks!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 07:40:52 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #234009
Once I saw two guys feeling each other up in a park, and I died a little inside, I thought it was the gayest thing I would ever see. I was wrong.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 14:05:14 UTC
in Flipping textures? Post #233957
OK, I'm using a func_monitor setup, except the image is backwards when viewed on the monitor. I tried terxturing it with dev_monitor, but that doesnt rectify it. I even rotated the brush round, nada.
Any help? Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 21:04:28 UTC
in Constraints? Post #233369
OK, so Im having some problems with physics constraints.
I created the two objects to be constrained outta brushes, tied them to func_physbox's, named them, and stuck a phys_constraint between the two, with a limit of 150lbs to break, or 200lbs*torque.
However, when I get to the objects, they are not constrianed together, and Im wonderin what Im doing wrong!

Ignore that, I fixed it!!!
For people having a similar problem, turn the weight and torque limits up much higher than you want, and by trial and error lower them by trial and error
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 21:00:28 UTC
in Frosted Textures Post #233368
Wow thats awesome uragan!!! Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-28 16:06:08 UTC
in Frosted Textures Post #233058
Is it at all possible to have frosted materials in Source?Bu this I mean lighting and shadows are partially visible but diffused, but brushes are not, kinda like paper really.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 17:01:44 UTC
in Research: Surveillance-based map(s)? Post #231429
Exactly my problem DragonFly!
I think one room that is either defined as being for one team, or a room that teams fight over.
Ill look into it though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 11:49:18 UTC
in Research: Surveillance-based map(s)? Post #231391
Ah thats a point... oh crap!
Well you can have loadsa monitors, but they both have to show the same thing... hmm! Ill have to think about this one!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 10:08:43 UTC
in Research: Surveillance-based map(s)? Post #231387
Oh of course saw, I made a camera prefab last night.
The camera's rotate, beyond the operators control, just osciallting. This allows for good players to evade detection.

I also thought about placing the surveillance rooms in an accessible but hard-to-reach places, so the surveillance guy can actually be killed, or the opponents surveillance room comprimised.

Finally, one last concept was that of an 'override switch', which each team may use once, which disables enemy cameras for a small period of time to allow an unmonitored tactical assault.

OK, Im going for it!
Which map do people want to see this in? It can be CS:S, HL:DM or even Gmod if you want.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:41:17 UTC
in Research: Surveillance-based map(s)? Post #231356
OK, I am planning a series of related maps all based around a simple, and as far as I can tell, original idea.
I plan on incorperating surveillance elements into maps. More specifically, 2 medium-sized rooms will be included in the map, one per team. One member of each team is given access to the room, which contains screens and controls to control various surveillance cameras placed around the map. They can then alert their team mates to enemy tactics.
Obviously, cameras will not cover every inch of the map, and the operator will only be able to view one camera at a time, which will require high-level tactics of both parties.

As a proof-of-concept, I plan to incorperate these elements into an existing map, probably cs_office. After I have tried this out on the public, I will do a couple more modified maps, and then start making my own.

My question: would you play/enjoy these maps?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-16 15:49:15 UTC
in Reflective issues? Post #229177
Yeah, cubemap present, and build. Compile's all normal :/
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-16 09:53:53 UTC
in Reflective issues? Post #229124
OK, so work is going really well on this RP casino thing. I got the logic for blackjack nearly sorted, the logic for slots planned perfectly, and other popular casino games in the works.
I have also started brushwork and texturing, currently exterior only. Whilst this is very preliminary, included is a screenshot.
However, the shadows cast fall in odd shapes, as if the solid has been carved or something. All the brushes are > 1 unit, nothing has been carved and it's all straight edges. And yet, I get these triangular shadows... whats up?
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 11:52:20 UTC
in Your most complicated entity setup EVER! Post #228412
Ok, simple as. Just interested as to the most confuddling of setups you lot have ever created

For me, it's my Blackjack logic system, to hopefully be used in my up coming casino map. It is almost incomplete, and currently uses 30 entities for one hand of blackjack, per table. It is my intention that there will be multiple tables on the casino floor, and I estimate the finished prefab will come to around 35-40 entities!!! All just for one prefab!
How about you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 11:25:05 UTC
in Reflective textures Post #228405
OK, thing is, I have SEEN near-mirror like textures in source, but under slightly strange circumstances.

I was quite a beginner at mapping, and I rendered the latest version of a map I had made. This was before I understood what a cubemap was, let alone how to use one!
So that map loaded (I think I rendered it in HDR...) and I noticed one area, that was textured in metalgibs/metal_gibs was REALLY shiny. However, it wasn't reflecting the map, it was reflecting the skybox, I assume because there were no cubemaps as reference.

However, I have since revisited said map and the texture is it's usual dull self. It would suggest that, whilst it was actually an error, probably on my part, highly-reflective textures can be obtained without creating preset cubemaps
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 20:12:55 UTC
in Reflective textures Post #228156
Ok, so I thought i had reflective textures nailed, but, apprently not!
I created a pretty basic vtf, basically, just a blue square, slight light to dark gradient. Next, I write my VMT:

"$basetexture" "casino/main"
"$surfaceprop" "glass"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[0.8 0.8 1]"

For a blue tinted mirror-like reflection.

I texture in hammer, place a cubemap, and then build cube maps once in game. However, it looks matte-like, and nothing like what I expected/hoped.
The effect I am aiming for is that similar to very reflective metal, blue-tinted, as seen on the exterior of a casino I am modelling a map around:
User posted image
[The MonteCito Resort, for the show 'Las Vegas']

Any help here? I know I have been asking for quite a bit of help recently, but if I can get this casino working it will be STUNNING!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 10:48:33 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #228088
Emo is a label by people who DON'T listen to the music, not those that do.

I am just your regular type person, can't be pigionholed, and certainly ain't what you'd define as 'emo.'! I pretty much like rock music across the board, from indie to classic to, yes, emo. Well some of it anyway. How emo would you say Dashboard Confessional were? :D

But then I'm in an indie band, and a punk band, so I play everything from +44 to Wolfmother, The Killers to Green Day

So am I emo for liking emo music? No, and neither is anyone else that listens to it.

It isn't homosexual, and it's not like I base my life around the lyrics of emo, or any genre for that matter.

And bloc party is really, REALLY NOT emo!!!

Now Listening to: The Monkeys.

I kid, I kid, this week's tune is Smokers Outside Hospital Doors by Editors
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 21:46:37 UTC
in Multiple camera feeds+monitors Post #227993
OK, thats great!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 16:27:34 UTC
in rp_casino, interesed? Post #227964
OK, heres what Im thinking. I am absolutely taken with the TV show 'Las Vegas,' and think a casino-based RP-type map would be awesome.

The chance to work in a hotel/casino to earn money, which in turn you can spend on amenities and gambling!
Jobs could include croupier, and security, for catching cheaters.
I beleive that the gambling part could be accomplished with entity setups alone, or very little coding, which I think I am probably capable of!

I have already started experimenting with entity setups to acheive roulette and blackjack, and that may require some code to handle the back end. Basically just some generic card-deck code, and then a randomiser to assign cards, and maybe a modified logic-counter to handle adding up values and checking them against other players. Not too hard really.

Poker might be a bit hard, but things like slots, as I say blackjack and roulette, and other stuff like that, are very acheivable.

Maybe some inventory code and we're sorted!

What I need, since Im going to be spending a lot of time figuring out the back-end for the map, I need somebody to create, or help create, a fitting front-end, as in a stunning casino. I have a few reference pictures and can get plenty more.
Of course, I could use some help with the back-end, if anyone is game!

Anyway, who is interested?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 16:19:23 UTC
in Multiple camera feeds+monitors Post #227963
Hmm yea I've looked around

Thanks anyway! Oh well!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 14:25:59 UTC
in Multiple camera feeds+monitors Post #227957
Thats my point. I want lots of different monitors showing lots of different things. Possible with coding?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 11:00:34 UTC
in Help needed to build a Stargate System Post #227931
Well do you have the brushwork looking good? If the brushes don't look good, no amount of bubbly entities will make it look good!
The way I tend to see that sort of effect acheived is with sprites on a func_traintrack if I aint mistaken.

Maybe post your last attempt and we can help you improve?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 10:58:52 UTC
in Multiple camera feeds+monitors Post #227930
OK, I asked a while ago ata different forum about create multiple monitor setups, whereby you have various func_monitors (or monitor textures), each that is fed by a different camera.
If that makes no sense, I am trying to create a security system, with mutliple cameras all feeding to a control room.
I was told that this would require extra coding. Is this true? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction? I can program sufficiently in a few languages including C++
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 13:03:58 UTC
in Missing skybox textures? Post #227458
I realised what Im doing wrong... and I WAS being an idiot
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 12:57:37 UTC
in Missing skybox textures? Post #227454
Right, this has completely thrown me!
I'm mapping a scene, I put a nice hollow box around, and texture it with tools/skybox. I specify the skybox texture in map properties (sky_day01_091f), and yet the game still renders it as if the skybox isnt there, like one massive leak. I get the following from the console:
material "skybox/sky_day01_091frt" not found
material "skybox/sky_urb01rt" not found

Now I have mapped a lot, but it was a while ago. Am I being an idiot?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-04 09:11:51 UTC
in Compiling mods Post #224375
Just wondering what you lot use to complile the Source sc. I'm getting Visual C++ express hoping that will do the trick, and I really don't wanna get an illegal copy of Visual Studio.
What do you find works best?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-04 06:28:26 UTC
in env_smoketrail Post #224366
"The set_emit is a custom keyvalue added to the env_smoketrail by one of the team's coders in case anyone was wondering"
Basically, your trigger won't use set_emit because in your version of the env_smoketrail, that input doesnt exist. Perhaps contact the person who wrote the first post on
If not, then all I can think of, and it sounds stupid, is to place it somewhere else, parent it to something you could 'teleport' that can also be invisible, and teleport said object to the location where you want the smoke, when you want it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 17:07:58 UTC
in Source curtain Post #223861
Oh its sorted thanks, I just think he was trying to keep it exclusive. Understandable given what it is.
Now I just gotta get used to the interface, do some tutorials on rigging and WHAM!

However, a ragdoll which is part fixed (Ie to curtain rail at top) and part physics might be a bit beyond me for my first project. Worth a try though!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 17:06:00 UTC
in Favourite "recration" maps? Post #223860
He definately is, see his dev blog:

Well technically black mesa counts as a real place because there is a testing range its based on. But I was kinda thinking more places you've visited or recognise.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 16:38:53 UTC
in Favourite "recration" maps? Post #223855
Recently I have been trying to find something to fill the void whilst I wait for MINERVA 3. So I started downloading maps and mods by the ton. And in there was some terrible, terrible content, and also some gems.
One of said gems was this "Tower of Terror" map which is probably only cool if you have been on the ride. That said, if you have, its well worth a look, and I know its old:;69320

This then led me to Nipper's map page, where I found the awesome de_lost 2. Again, only awesome to Lost fans, but awesome nonetheless.

I just wondered what your favourite maps of the same vein are? I think I like these because they are so interactive, and the whole setup of the ToT map is stunning.

Basically interactive maps of real-world locations. Which do you like/would you suggest?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 16:32:14 UTC
in Source curtain Post #223852
Oh yes, thats my map. It was sorta a different kind of project for me. Im a very critical mapper and so nothing I ever make goes public. The Raw arena was something I decided I had played around with as much as I could ever be bothered to, so I released. Not perfect, in fact far from it. But I figure Ill never learn if I dont get critised!

Ye, I might have a go at rigging a curtain ragdoll. I know it has been done before for a private project, but the email address for the project was dead.

Cheers for the link RotatorSplint

If RimRook actually decides to stop being posessive and let me have the password to that archive of stuff he put up, I reckon I have a pretty solid chance of getting this to work!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-29 20:38:40 UTC
in Do you love Tits [NSFW] Post #223768
Yes because that was the main point of my post, my bad!

ZL< where did you get Because I want to get started on my collage entitled perfect!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-29 19:57:56 UTC
in Do you love Tits [NSFW] Post #223766
Hah, trust a HL2 community post to start off about hot female nudity in all its glory and end up about condensing a file into a WinRAR archive.
That may seem like an insult, but I too am a member, even if a small one! And only a madman insults themself.
Moral of the story?
More nudity!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 15:35:07 UTC
in Source curtain Post #222439
Right, so for my WWE arena map, a curtain would be brilliant. Im not talking a static prop, I mean a full ragdoll. Does anyone know of where I could get something like this?
Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 16:16:01 UTC
in WWE Raw. Now making a concert! Post #204856
OK, so Im planning something bigger then the WWE Raw arena I made about 6 months ago (and finished!), a live music video for my band.
Well, really, I just have a few questions, and wanna show off my RAW map!
1. Can the render FX of a lpoint_spotlight be modified via inputs? Say I have a light thats solid and want it to start strobing, how possible is that?
2. any easy way to make a point spotlight point at an entity
3. A good reskinning npc's tutorial? I searched, but couldnt find any
4. Making point_spotlight's move nicely. I tried with light_spot, but they don't have any casting light, just light where it hits.
5. Making fog look good IE not just making everything go smoky, just to act as a primer for the lights
6. RAW!!!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a>
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Posted 18 years ago2006-08-31 07:21:21 UTC
in AVi in game? Post #195168
Its a long shot, and I don't expect its possible, but is there a way to loop a avi as a texture in hammer? I am experimenting with converting the avi nto jpegs and then tga's then one vmt/vmf, but I cant seem to get a good avi-filmstrip converter for free.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 18:08:25 UTC
in Animated textures? Post #194954
Kinda a newbie, is it possible to have a texture animated?
i searched, but everything seemed to apply to hl1 as opposed to source. Id like to know if its the same.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 13:13:13 UTC
in Episode 2 Box Art? Post #194935
I said it was a quick effort...
Its a long story why it's so long, and really not worth reading.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-28 06:46:52 UTC
in Episode 2 Box Art? Post #194895
Thanks everyone!
Jobabob, if you are talking to me, I do hope your offering to put me to sleep, Im real tired!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 21:00:41 UTC
in Episode 2 Box Art? Post #194852
Well, it's a mock up with a combo of self made text (the 'two'), a grab from the new trailer, and various logos from google images.
What do you think? Its a 5 minute effort, you can tell from the res differences and the w on to. But I think it looks kinda cool.
All the 'cool cats' [coughs VERY loud] can print it and stick it in thefront of a regular game's case and parade it in front of their e-friends!!!

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 19:32:31 UTC
in Info_camera_link errors Post #194847
OK, I get ya. Thanks anyway
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 10:39:56 UTC
in Compile error Post #194769
lol. If only... How's it going with the fixingness?


In despariation, I brought an old version up to speed and it's now better than the original, so please stop!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 07:08:42 UTC
in Compile error Post #194729
I have to say for a site where all the bright minds of mapping come, I expcected phpbb. Its free!!!
Well a virtual thanks! Not that that does hella good...