Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-07-16 16:10:58 UTC
in Competition 28 Vote-O-Rama Post #283112
I for number 2- Map hell.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-12 12:12:07 UTC
in scales! Post #282947
1 cm in real life is equal to 3,75 units in hammer.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-10 17:16:51 UTC
in scales! Post #282906
Sorry about my bad english, but can you define rail gauge? google translate **** that one up :biggrin:

EDIT: Didn't see that standard gauge was a link. Thank you for your help, your awesome :D !
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-10 16:55:31 UTC
in scales! Post #282864
what is the closest you can get to the scale between the real world, and half-life 2 episode 2. I've seen other comments other places, saying that there is no exact scale. But there must be, it might just have alot of decimal numbers. PLEASE HELP ME! Or make a qualified guess. :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-09 16:02:01 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #282877
Shaun of the dead- The gonk XD!
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-09 15:59:11 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #282876
Shaun of the dead!!!
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-09 14:08:36 UTC
in Func_door Spawn Position borked? Post #282868
I used google to translate this from my language to english:
That the door starts closed does not mean that it closes when you start the game, it means that it stay in the position as it was built in. Hammer do not know that you've built it open, it expects that you have built it closed and thats why it doesn't turn 90 degrees when you start the game.

Im not sure if Im right, or wrong, or if I misunderstood it, but I hope this can help :D.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-11 15:58:16 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280434
Those Stupid Crows!!! I give up, can't keep on trying forever.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-11 12:08:06 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280433
Problem solved! I don't know how i fixed it...
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 15:31:14 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280403
What should i trigger to make the crow fly to the path_corner?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 10:45:20 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280402
I'll see if that works when I get home.
I'm on a visit at my cousin, I'll be back today.
Doesn't that make it start on spawn? I also want it to do a script at the first Path_corner. Is that just adding a scripted_sequence and make it trigger the next path_corner at the end of sequence, or is it harder than that?
Thank you :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:39:27 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280396
Thank you:D Can you tell me how to set it up?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:13:57 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280394
I got a problem. I have a Npc_crow Named crow1 with it's hint group value set to flyto1. I have a info_node_hint laying on a nodraw texture with it's hint group value set to flyto1, and it's hint value set to Crow: fly to point, and a output saying:on npc start using, trigger Crow_sequence, begin scripting. I have a scripted_sequence named Crow_sequence, with it's target npc value set to crow1, the action animation is set to eat_a, and it have a output called: on end sequence, target crow1, flyaway, I have the flags; override AI, and No interruptions ticked. I have a trigger_once that ontrigger, targets template_crow(wich is a point_template with the template 1 value set to crow1), forcespawn.

I also have some info_node_air's between the bird and the info_node_hint
I want the crow to forcespawn when triggered by the trigger_once, fly to the info_node_hint wich are laying on a nodraw texture brush. Then i want it to play the scripted_sequence, when the script is done, i want it to fly away to another info_node_hint on another nodraw texture (only if scared by player)

This is what happens: The trigger_once forcespawn the crow with the Point_template(worked). The bird forcespawns and fly to the info_node hint(and then it goes wrong), the bird try to land on the info_node_hint, but instead of landing, it just starts bouncing around near the node_hint, failing to land on it. After a few seconds of bouncing it plays the scripted_sequence, and then it starts bouncing again.

DAAARGH! WHAT SHOULD I DO!? :nya: I'll start all over again if nessecary.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:11:23 UTC
in Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Post #280393
I got a problem. I have a Npc_crow Named crow1 with it's hint group value set to flyto1. I have a info_node_hint laying on a nodraw texture with it's hint group value set to flyto1, and it's hint value set to Crow: fly to point, and a output saying:on npc start using, trigger Crow_sequence, begin scripting. I have a scripted_sequence named Crow_sequence, with it's target npc value set to crow1, the action animation is set to eat_a, and it have a output called: on end sequence, target crow1, flyaway, I have the flags; override AI, and No interruptions ticked. I have a trigger_once that ontrigger, targets template_crow(wich is a point_template with the template 1 value set to crow1), forcespawn.

I also have some info_node_air's between the bird and the info_node_hint
I want the crow to forcespawn when triggered by the trigger_once, fly to the info_node_hint wich are laying on a nodraw texture brush. Then i want it to play the scripted_sequence, when the script is done, i want it to fly away to another info_node_hint on another nodraw texture (only if scared by player)

This is what happens: The trigger_once forcespawn the crow with the Point_template(worked). The bird forcespawns and fly to the info_node hint(and then it goes wrong), the bird try to land on the info_node_hint, but instead of landing, it just starts bouncing around near the node_hint, failing to land on it. After a few seconds of bouncing it plays the scripted_sequence, and then it starts bouncing again.

Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 05:09:20 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280390
Problem solved! FINALLY!
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-05 12:33:11 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280261
Hammer crashed while compiling, and when I try to start hammer up again, it comes with the error "steamstartup() failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x0012f4c0) failed with error 1: failed to take a master pipe connection lock.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-05 12:11:03 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280260
No, but the path_corner have that flag, you were right about the path_corner.
I'll test it with a Func_tracktrain.
Didn't work.
Testing it again, might work this time.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-05 11:49:33 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280258
I can't make a func_train. Can it be because im mapping in hl2 ep2?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-05 11:27:59 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280256
I've got three problems in my map, I'll start with the Func_tracktrain. I have a platform that I've made into a Func_tracktrain, I have to path_tracks. I want the func train to work like a two-stop elevator wich i only can move by pressing a button. The problem is that when i press the button, the platform starts moving, but instead of stopping at the second path_track, it just back moves back again. The buttons output is set to startforward onpressed.
The problem with lightning is that I can't make the lights shine, as does the light_spot. What should I do to light up a room?
Also there are some of the tutorials written on this site, that i can't view. Is that normal?

If you have any further questions about the problems, just write it.

I hope somebody can help me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 11:46:56 UTC
in glass problem Post #266525
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 10:57:39 UTC
in glass problem Post #266518
I tried to do it but it didn't work. Could someone explain that so that I understand it or just make a example map. I dont know how to make a transparent or make the back side nulled or what side that is the back side
and if the back side is nulled what is the other side then??? I know that sounded complicated but im no expert mapper yet I got mutch to learn.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 01:32:49 UTC
in glass problem Post #266503
I'll try it out.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-05 15:41:59 UTC
in glass problem Post #266468
I have a problem. I want to make a window that i can see through from one side but can't see through from the other but i don't know how to do. I remember that i've seen a tutorial about how to do it but i've searched for it in 1 hour now and i didn,t find anything. Someone please tell me how to do.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 18:26:38 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263464
i didnt fix the problem. i just placed some weapons inside the crate.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 16:49:34 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263457
ive finally figured out what to do the problem is solved but ill never find out how to use game_player_equip in a singleplayer map...
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 11:49:27 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263448
it didnt work...
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 11:02:46 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263445
ill try that...
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 10:55:05 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263443
i know that it has a "spawn on break" but i cant use that if i want it to spawn more than one thing. Ive done what captain terror said but i didnt find anything that could help me. Even when i do check the 'use only' flag it still crashes the game.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 07:53:33 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263420
Ive got a problem with game_player_equip. I am trying to make a crate spawn some objects by triggering a game_player equip when it breaks. In gameplay when i break the crate the game crashes.
Whats wrong and how do i fix it???

the game_player_equip got these keyvalues:
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-26 17:23:05 UTC
in trigger_changelevel problem Post #263346
when i shift from one map to another i spawns outside the map.ive heard about other people having the same problem but ive never heard how to fix it...someone help me whats wrong???
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-24 09:52:47 UTC
in opening doors by killing monsters Post #263198
doh... yes it is facepunch lol.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-23 17:58:01 UTC
in opening doors by killing monsters Post #263176
im only registered to the forum on the steam website,headpunch studios forum, and this one...
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-23 10:57:55 UTC
in opening doors by killing monsters Post #263152
Someone help me ive been working on this map in 2 days now.
How do i make a func_door open when all monsters in a map are killed.
Ive tried to use the trigger_counter but i never succeded to make it work.

Send your answer to: to make sure that ill read your answer.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-21 05:36:15 UTC
in friendly.mdl not in halflife fgd Post #263064
thank you for your help. this have helped me alot.
Ill try out that mod muzzleflash mentioned.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-20 10:11:13 UTC
in friendly.mdl not in halflife fgd Post #263019
is it possible to make a AI for the friendly.mdl ?
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-19 17:24:21 UTC
in friendly.mdl not in halflife fgd Post #262974
hello evryone ive found a half-life model called friendly.mdl in the
half-life.gcf and i want to know how to add this model to the halflife.fgd.
If this is possible then how do i do it... someone help me.

send you answer to: to make sure that i read your answers.