Hey, guys. Again, long time no see! Studying for finals primarily and working a bit on your map makes it hard to visit forums.
Urby, fantastic job, as always! I really like the theme you've got going.
Archie, I like the layout, though I can't say I'm familiar with the first one. Can't wait to see ingame screenshots.
Tremplar, I really like the concept, but, aside from the last image, it's really friggin' dark, and lacks the great lighting you put out so far.
Moaby, I remember working on humanoid creatures using brushes. It was a pain in the ass. It looks great, but needs textures. Badly.
Anyways, here's my contribution. I need comments! I've heard the lobby looks empty, and that the lighting is dull, but it's supposed to be a nightmare (vision from the G-Man), so I'm going for an uncomfortable vibe. The only sounds are from a vending machine and (will be) from the protagonist, Eli, typing.
Most of these are currently HL1/HL2/Ep2/CS:GO props and textures. I'll soon replace them all.
Also, do you advise against texlights? In CS:GO, I see VALVe uses normal lights where texlights should work. Is there a major reason for this?http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265599749