Forum posts

Posted 10 years ago2014-05-21 08:02:52 UTC
in Automatic turret with targets Post #319475
I tried to search for tutorials about this but I really couldn't find that much useful information. I kind of know how to do the actual turret but other than that I have no idea about this.

What I want to make is an automatic shooting turret that switches targets, it is going on a deathrun map. I would like the turret to start automatically shooting each round and keep shooting at all times, it would have 5-6 targets that it switches between so that the CT have to learn the pattern to avoid getting shot. I could alternatively make a turret that automatically shoots and follows a target if thats possible.

I made a small screenshot trying to explain what I'm trying to do:

Any ideas and detailed help would be appreciated.
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-18 07:39:21 UTC
in cs 1.6 not working Post #318758
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-21 19:06:00 UTC
in Free To Play Post #318345
I just watched this yesterday, I have to say I enjoyed every single minute of it. They did a really good job with this.

I've played different kinds of games all my life but never even considered going "competitive" on any of them since I've just always played for fun. Also the film really shows the attitude from parents towards that kind of gaming, my family is no different from that.

It will take 5-10 years or more before it will be acceptable for kids to actually pursue some kind of a gaming career. I guess it's just as risky as trying to be a professional athlete, not many will make it but those who do will be really successful.

I played Dota 1 long long time ago and I did try Dota 2 for about a hundred games, it is a great game especially when played with a team. Only thing that scares me is how mad I get after losing on some matches, that's why I prefer playing it drunk so I don't really care what happens.

TL;DR Really loved the film and can't wait to see how gaming industry will explode over the next 5-10 years.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-11 16:54:12 UTC
in Fog Post #317891
I was wondering why not use env_fog or are there better methods to do it ?
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-06 06:54:17 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #317772
Updated again ? :o
Posted 11 years ago2014-01-07 20:08:40 UTC
in Few problems Post #317412
It doesn't have to be an entity. I'm trying to make it invisible on the outside and still allow terrorist to look out from it. The only method I could think of is putting sky on the outer surfaces and null on the one wall inside, but since you can't tie sky onto func_wall that's why I came here to ask for help.
Posted 11 years ago2014-01-07 18:02:34 UTC
in Few problems Post #317410
A little update on the problems now:

1. I decided to completely remove the triggering from the songs and now I got them working. I think they don't play at round start but when someone enters their radius or something I don't really even know but they do work almost like I intended. They do have cue points too.

2. I thought this couldn't be the problem because I have some grass models and couple other torches that go inside the brushwork and still appear after compile, but when I moved the torches that used to disappear so that they don't go inside the brushes they work now.

3. I tried doing this thickness trick with it, I think it might actually work but what texture should I add to the insides of the box ? I can't tie sky texture to any entity and clip makes it visible from outside. Also that area is for the terrorists (its a deathrun map), so I can't move it outside the main area because they have to be able to see the CT's.

Thanks a lot for the help so far !
Posted 11 years ago2014-01-07 09:20:42 UTC
in Few problems Post #317404
Thanks for the help so far !

There is a "play everywhere" option, but that is out of the question when I have 2 songs in the map. I guess the easy solution to that triggering problem would be just removing the trigger and make the songs play and loop automatically, I just would have liked for them to trigger when the players enter the ships on the map. About too many sounds in general, you mean too many sound files or simply too many ambient_generics playing them ?

Here is a picture of the situation with the models After compile some of the torch models disappear even if they're made with the exact same settings. The models are inside the cliff brushes a little, but there are couple torches like that earlier that still appear after compile. I currently have 217 point entities and 329 solidentities, did I go over the limits ?

The problem with the invisible space is that you shouldn't be able to see inside it and still see out from it. I need to achieve exactly what zeeba said, not being able to see through sky textures. This is where that invisible space would be:
Posted 11 years ago2014-01-06 19:19:22 UTC
in Few problems Post #317387
1. Triggering ambient_generic.

I have multiple torches and couple fires on the map with a sound effect and they work fine. But then I have 2 custom made songs in it also that play fine when playing on LAN but not when I run my HLDS to test the map with friends. The songs should be played on trigger, activated when CT's touch the trigger brush but for some reason the songs start playing only when you go inside a certain radius of the entity. And on HLDS/public servers the songs don't work at all, only the fire sounds do.

Songs are uncompressed wav, 8bit, mono and 22 khz and file size 4-6mb. Because they work fine when playing alone in "new game", I don't understand where's the problem on normal servers.

2. Models disappearing after compile.

This is about the torches mentioned above. They all show up in hammer, are made with the same model and with the same settings but some of them disappear after compile.

They disappear only in certain areas, not from all spots. In the spots where they disappear the sprite and sound effect still stay there, only the model is missing.

3. Making an invisible space.

From what I've heard this is impossible but I thought I'd still ask. Is it possible to make a room in the middle of the air that:
  • Blends into the skybox or is invisible but solid to everyone outside the room.
  • Can have players inside that can still see outside.
Also about the errors above, my compile log is clear of anything that could relate to those issues. Hope I managed to arrange my questions so that you can understand them. All this is coming onto a deathrun map with a pirate theme, if needed I can post screenshots but I rather not share the rmf or wads. Sorry if there are answers to these somewhere, I just couldn't find them.
Posted 11 years ago2013-12-17 09:29:48 UTC
in Help with optimization Post #317150
I thought about using hint brushes, but because I'm such a rookie on using them I honestly have no clue where I should place them on this map.

That shorter render distance could actually really help on this one, didn't even think about that I just always use the maximum distance. I might give it a go and see what happens.

I guess func_walls/func_details would be one of the best solutions since I believe it's mostly the cliffs that are causing the fps drops. If I fail to optimize this in any way I will post the map and wad here if someone could help me after that.
Posted 11 years ago2013-12-14 17:07:43 UTC
in Help with optimization Post #317118
I recently made this deathrun map and it was just played on a public server for the first time. As I expected there was some performance issues with the map resulting in fps drops for some players when the server was full.

I'm not completely familiar with all the optimization methods but I do know something about the usage of skybox, null and func_detail for example. I tried to optimize this map the best I know but seems I failed miserably. Since I've already nulled out pretty much all I can and used func_detail on every spot I saw necessary, what would be the next optimization methods for this map ?

Screenshots from hammer:

Map in GB:

What would you recommend to try optimize next ?
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-31 21:34:18 UTC
in CS 1.6 Problem with spawn points Post #316593
I didn't mean to come out rude, if I have done so then I apologize. My reply might have looked aggressive for you since you asked about the spawn distances even tho I mentioned it in the first post.

In the screenshots you're looking at the T spawns and I admit those are too close to the roof. It doesn't matter that much tho, since the new deathrun plugins only choose 1 T while the old ones chose according to the amount of CT's, even 4 sometimes. If you look at the CT spawns, you can see there is at least 30 units of space everywhere around them and players still kept dying until I put the 64 spawns in.

From what I've learned 16 units should already be enough for the spawns. I really doubt the space the spawns have is my problem here, I can of course try to give them some ridiculously large spot just to see what happens.
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-27 19:28:18 UTC
in CS 1.6 Problem with spawn points Post #316513
I don't like ghosts :/
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-23 18:36:21 UTC
in CS 1.6 Problem with spawn points Post #316441
Well if you read my post carefully you would know that I did put enough space everywhere around them. Tried from 16-64 units on sides/above/below/front/back and nothing helped.

Here is the rmf of the first deathrun map I've ever made, don't jugde me:
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-22 20:23:54 UTC
in CS 1.6 Problem with spawn points Post #316428
This problem doesn't really bother my mapping anymore since I found a solution to it, but I would like to know what exactly causes it.

So I've had this problem of too few spawn points on all of my maps so far. For some reason even though I put 32 spawns players kept dying. The spawns were the correct entity, had more than enough space around them and I even tried adding them all invidually instead of shift+drag but nothing has helped so far.

I managed to fix this on my second map when a friend of mine suggested that I would just double the amount of spawns. As ridiculous as it sounds, for some reason when I put 64 spawns instead of 32 they work perfectly fine, and it has to be that 64, anything less and couple players still die. So ever since that I have just began to put 64 spawns to every map I make, just adding another layer of them above the original 32 I put there.

But for sure this cannot be normal, so I would like to know what causes this. Currently I'm only mapping for CS 1.6 Deathrun. You can check my maps here:

If you need any more info feel free to ask, would be nice to know what I'm doing wrong :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-06 12:46:27 UTC
in Guess game, Quote game Post #316108
Fallout: New Vegas

"Oh hi. So, how are you holding up ? Because I'm a potato."
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-05 12:22:16 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #316091
Warframe :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-10-05 12:20:54 UTC
in Guess game, Quote game Post #316090
Serious Sam ?

"Requiescat in pace."
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-08 15:36:14 UTC
in Warning: Ambiguous leafnode content Post #314793
For me it was mostly that below 0.1 units away from each other...Never go below 8 units grid unless you absolutely have to. I learned my lesson the hard way :D
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-26 12:52:17 UTC
in Deathrun mapping tutorial? Post #314472
Well I've been mapping for about 6 months for dr now and I've played the mod all the way from its creation. I can tell there are no good deathrun mapping tutorials.

I learned by asking some friends that have mapped longer than me, and you will learn to do basic traps really fast. When you want to try create something new and unique that will always take more time.

Couple of the mappers that helped me are on this site too, if they see this thread they will most likely help you out :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-23 12:51:30 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313665
Soo I'm guessing nobody knows a solution to this problem ? :/
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-07 17:07:24 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313442
Max wpoly I got was ~450 and epoly ~1450.
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-06 19:48:28 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313436
I have used more than 4096 on all of my maps so far and they work fine, I doubt that is the problem.
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-06 17:23:56 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313432
I did make sure that all spawns had plenty of space when I had the problem. I tried 16 units and 32 units between the spawns and above the ground, neither helped. I also tested them with bots, nothing worked until I doubled the amount of spawns.

I got ~350 entities on deathrun_3sixty so I don't think that is the problem ?
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-06 10:43:23 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313428
You can play this map fine on the server until there is 15+ players, when enough players join, the reliable error starts to appear on some rounds. Not every round, and it kicks a different amount of players each time it happens. And you can play this fine on HLDS or LAN without any errors. Easiest way to find if the error is caused by the server would be playing this on a another public server I guess, I haven't yet asked anyone to test it for me. It would be great to get it working on the server I play most on of course.

I will look into that entity poly thing, I have to admit I'm not completely familiar with that term :)

Here is the rmf, wad and lights.rad values I used:

The rmf is slightly modified from the original beta2 version, fixed some things on it, but nothing big. I hope your eyes don't bleed after seeing my work.

Edit: And if it helps anyone, the server had this same error with deathrun_bhopz_v2 at start, but when they moved the spawns on that map, for some reason the error stopped appearing. Was wondering if this could somehow be linked to that spawn problem I had on my first deathrun map.
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-05 21:23:46 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313421
I can give you the rmf, do you need to have the textures too ?
  • Yes I have checked it for errors.
  • Compile tools Vluzacns ZHLT v3.0 (is this the one ? :D).
  • I nowadays put 64 spawns because last time I used 32, for some reason players kept dying when there was over 15 players. So I tried all kinds of tricks, and finally doubling the amount of spawns solved that problem.
  • I have no idea what this dev mode is ?
I've been mapping for about 3 months now so many things are still unfamiliar for me :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-05 18:10:06 UTC
in Reliable Channel Overflowed Post #313417
I'm not sure if this is in the correct place, sorry if it's not. Came here asking for help since this place was recommended...

Okay so I'm having this problem with my newest map deathrun_3sixty. For some reason on almost every round start it gives this error to a somewhat random amount of players, kicking them out of the server. I've read it could be a problem with entities but that is not the case here since the entity amount is below the limits. Also we thought it was some plugins fault, but later on it turned out it's not the plugin.

All my previous deathrun maps have worked fine, and the only new things I brought into this were using my own textures and lights.rad. I already tried compiling a version without lights.rad and that didn't work either. So the only thing I could think of is I did something wrong with the textures, but I have not read anywhere they could cause something like this. Also the error seems to appear only when there is like 15+ players on the server.

So I'm asking if anybody here would know better what are the possible causes of this error in maps ? I will provide any additional info if it's needed.

Map download: