Ok, for any of you geniouses out there, I need a mega fix. I've tried everything! I'm almost sure it's because of a compile error, but I can't tell.
What isn't working is there is a red light. It is supposed to darken the place. Noclip up one floor. This is the admin place. You hit the lightswitch and it turns the lights on. That's what it used to do. After one test, it was full bright. The compile process said nothing about lights having anything wrong with them. The normal light's flags are initially dark, meaning they have to be triggered in order for them to turn on. Well, as soon as someone gets it working so you spawn and it's a dark red, then hit the lightswitch and it's brightened again, please post the download link here. Thanks.
P.S. The lightswitch is by the computer desk, to the right.
P.S.P.S Sorry, I forgot the wad file for the textures, here.