origin of your e-identity? Created 18 years ago2006-11-29 22:15:42 UTC by the Arcan the Arcan

Created 18 years ago2006-11-29 22:15:42 UTC by the Arcan the Arcan

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 22:15:42 UTC Post #204527
Well how did you come by your current internet alias and why do you have it? A historical background of other names might also be intresting ^^

ordered more or less chronologically

came from my love of the color black and speed. It reminded me both of the stealth airplane and the raven-like bird.
since this was my runescape account it stayed very long with me

The Dawntreader
came from C.S. Lewis voyage of the Dawntreader. awesome name that is

spawn from a LAN where everyone decided to give themselves kitchen utensil names. translated it means "fish-knife"

The Patriarch
came from the quintology of Rhapsody. just sounded very grandfatherly and wise or powerful

The Arcan
Comes from the Rome total war series. The arcans are an elite roman unit who can hide anywhere, are fast, have alot of endurance and definetly pack a punch.
Since my current tactic in CSS is usually to outflank, sneak from behind and knife my way through the enemy who is hopefully bogged down blasting my teammates this name seemed very fitting.

The Arcan and blackbird20 were my most heavily used names whereas the patriarch and dawntreader phase were relatively short.

I dunno why i like putting a "the" infront of my name. Just sounds more mysterious i suppose 0-o
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 23:05:14 UTC Post #204531
Luke: Real name

Ieatmonkeychow: Random shit

IEMC: Short for above

Mr. Fax Sender: Came from Stella Shorts, and no one else ever has used this name, so its unique.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 23:15:18 UTC Post #204533
i chose mine because it was a funny little saying i heard on the simpsons
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 23:27:33 UTC Post #204534
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 01:02:15 UTC Post #204539
Tawnos was given to me by my business teacher a few years ago, as my code name to keep the marks 'secretive', as in so other ppl don`t know what you got. The name itself is the same name as an old character from Magic: The Gathering.

I used that for a while, and then one day my mind was wondering off on it`s own again, as it so frequently does, and I ended up tacking Prime onto the end of it. All of a sudden, I had made a good name better. So, I just kept using it.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 01:43:32 UTC Post #204540
Aragorn from Lord Of The Rings, or the giant beastie of HL2 fame, you decide.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 01:51:07 UTC Post #204541
both? >_>
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 03:24:57 UTC Post #204544
"Boxtop" was part of my AOL screen name that I created when I was 15. Eventually the name just stuck, so now I call myself "Boxtop" or "Lord Boxtop" around the internet 24/7.

Not many people on the internet know my real name. I'm l33t like that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 03:43:34 UTC Post #204549
Well, I've never stuck with one name for very long, because I haven't been actively contrubuting to any community for very long. TWHL was the first I'd ever joined.

Before I got my current name, I had been playing CS for quite a long time, where I went by the name of Hostage Killer. I still use this, or another variation of it (like Hostagekiller) for times when I need to sign up for something, and srry is taken. More recently, I chose the name of Tortillachip over at GamingParents.org, which I like quite a bit, although I never really use my account there.

The names I choose don't really have any meaning, I just think they sound good (except for Hostage Killer, since I actively slaughtered hostages in CS at the time.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 04:14:55 UTC Post #204551
38_98 = I dunno, kinda just sprung into my mind.

Ringers = Another ancient alias that i have used but not really that much now. Again, just random.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 09:50:28 UTC Post #204570
Mr J Gamer
My first name's initial and my hobby.. stopped using this name when i was 12..

The Hunter
My Elite Force name, taken after the mighty Hirogen Hunters... I always chose the Hirogen Alpha as my player avatar.. Elite Force was my first deathmatch experience. I then went on to Half-Life and just kept the name..

For things that dont allow spaces in the names... pk stands for le parkour.

Tuna Hunter
Dawn of War has a feature when you're creating your online name.. I typed in hunter, and it processed it for a bit, then said "This username is taken, why not use one of the following-


I just thought it was so silly :)

Boggy B
My Worms Armageddon team name. Originates from the original Worms game.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 10:04:30 UTC Post #204573
Anyone remember the Sega genesis console? It had a game called "Road Rash II." The default player name came up as PlayerA, so rather than delete the default and type my name, it was easier just to change the P to an S to make SlayerA. I've kept the name ever since.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 10:10:52 UTC Post #204574
Ha! The truth is revealed!

I do know Road Rash, but I've never played it. Good fun from what I hear.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 10:15:18 UTC Post #204575
It sure is
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 11:14:24 UTC Post #204578
My original nickname is 'Freshy Fresh'.
Heh, I just made it up, it sounded nice.

I shortened it to 'FresheD'.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:04:25 UTC Post #204585
Mad and cow was the first english words I learned so - Mad-cow ftw
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:07:52 UTC Post #204586
Urbanebula - A unique word made up of 2 tacked together. It was originally created in order to get a unique e-mail address without adding numbers and stuff on the end.

Then I started signing up to forums and the like and eventually it stuck.


Urban - CityBuilt-upMan-made
Nebula - CloudVapour mass

"City Clouds" = Pollution

BloodBath - Former HLDM and TFC username

BloodBaron - Former HLDM and TFC username

Monkeys_Todger - Former HLDM and TFC username
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:10:18 UTC Post #204587
mister man-made vapour mass, eh?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:12:00 UTC Post #204588
Oh, and John.martins (BF2 name, I also use it when Madcow is already taken) is sort of a short version of my secret hidden name ( :o )
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:14:21 UTC Post #204594
Athlete: I run...alot... everyday.

Rat-Boy: My brother's nickname for me.

Jimm1: My BF2 alias, given to me by friends at school. Search UBAR for my 1337 BF2 stats. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:30:29 UTC Post #204597
Why hallo there Jimmi :/ Anyone else noticed this?

I used to be masterofpuppets (the title of one of my favorite Metallica albums at the time), but it got annoying in IRC so I changed it to MoP (MasterofPuppets), then later decided to change it to mOp, then soon after that m0p. A long time after that I decided to add an X on the end, and thus m0pX was born.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 15:21:45 UTC Post #204602
satchmo is Louis Armstrong's official nickname. It's on all of his stationary.

I am a jazz fan. The name satchmo made its first appearance at TWHL.

This community is the birth place for satchmo.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 15:44:24 UTC Post #204608
My friends use to call me saco when I was at first grade.Using it lik 10 years.Everywhere I go, teachers, shops and people who I dont even know call me Saco.
Infested:I used this nick mostly in DoD.It comes from Starcraft's infested terran.
Sajo:The nick which accomplishes Saco to be correctly pronounced in all languages.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:04:31 UTC Post #204614
Hey Sajo/Saco, do you ever use one of those nicks in HLDM? I've seen a "Saco" a few times on a server.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:06:34 UTC Post #204615
yea I used to but didnt use it this month.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:13:18 UTC Post #204619
Well it was a while ago. :P

Here's mine by the way.

Saribous. I got this like 6-7 years ago. It's some sort of demon. Being 13, I thought it was cool. Now i'm so used to it I can't be arsed to change it.

Vempire. My standard Msn nick. Taken from a really old Cradle of Filth album. Basically it's Vampire and Empire combined.

GOER!!. My HLDM nick. was originally "G?R", the Swedish word for "do", but the letter ? isn't allowed in HL. I consider it a really lame nick, which makes it so darn cool.

Slaughterbitch Also a HLDM nick I sometimes use. Why? I have no idea.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:20:05 UTC Post #204622
Sounds more like Vampire pronounced in Afrikaans here in South Africa. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:36:04 UTC Post #204646
here in South Africa.
Let every man assume what he likes. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:38:30 UTC Post #204649
Tetsu0 - Main Character From AKIRA the movie/graphic novel (manga whatever u wanna call it)

i stick the zero in there for 'originality' and to make sure nobody else uses regular Tetsuo

The name's meaning is 'clear thinking man ; iron man'

basically its me.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:41:55 UTC Post #204653
Dark_Kilauea - Born from a need for an original name that never was taken on DM servers. Originally it was Kilauea, named after the Hawaiian volcano, and also my explosive playing style. Added Dark on the front to further originalize it, and my nick was born.

As for my other ones...
Don't ask.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:48:24 UTC Post #204656
Coolfat3459 - Born several years ago as a replacement name for "coolguy", which was already taken as a yahoo account and the number "3459" having a specific sentimental memory with me.

Worldcraft Dude - Random name I decided to use when registering at TWHL(originally planned on not being an active member).

World Crafter - My most recent name branching from "Worldcraft Dude". Its meant to imply that am a mapper, and that I am creative/unique.

Gaming names
Cheesy Goodness - Does it really need a reason? Christ, its CHEESE!, what more do you want?

Take my hand - Usual name when playing The Specialists(among several other "serious" names). Named after the lyric fragment in Metallica's Enter Sandman.

Batman - Name used in FEAR online. Fuck Joker.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:04:56 UTC Post #204660
After an inspiring story character who was a demi-god that created worlds as a hobby, but suffered from several social and romantic issues. It was suiting at the time I join TWHL, so i went with it.

Squirrel + Weasel = Squeasel. That's. It. A fun name for non-serious accounts. Sometimes on HLDM, but i'm always Rimrook on Muzz's server whenever I played.

Juindalo (Win-Da-Low)
A really strange name someone called me in a dream. I use it for my serious accounts. It also sounds sexy.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:11:23 UTC Post #204661

Megamike - AOL name when I was a n00blet at the internet. First put in when I was playing ...... That battletanks game (the 3d one with the wireframe tanks) a lonnngggg time ago.

RedFox - Picked during a sesion of Rainbow 6 at the school libary afterhours. Came from a show trigger happy T.V., in one skit a guy pretends to be meeting someone and their identity was "Red Fox". Didn't last to long.

AcuteMania - A Battlefield:Vietnam when I was in a clan. Clan {CDC} (center for death and chaos) and everyone needed a diesease (T-Virus, Enemia, etc.) Something sorta like Bi-Polar, where you go from normal to crazy or something.

[)ustbunny (used only when I play a game up at the school on LAN)

Dustbunny (used less than 27)
Dustbunny27 - Started when my older brother and his friend names for something (forget what it was) back in 6th grade, they were fuz, and fluff-e, and other got some names which kept with the pocket lint theme, paperclip, lint, mudball. Being a younger brother and wanting to have one they gave me dustbunny. I didn't really like it at the time went from megamike to acute mania, then sometime around halo I put this in for I was at a loss of anything else, then a couple years later, I got Xbox Live, and was tetering on the name when I was picking it (you can't change) so I went with Dustbunny27 (there are some others) and it eventually just stuck use it in everything now. I especially like the name because I am not a very cocky person, so I didn't want something like Slay3r, or that, so it is fun to see people with "scary" name (especially Dark in them) and they get fragged by Dustbunny27, a cute and cuddly name.

And on a Separate note. Is there an actuall name for these. I tried comming up with something that was quick, simple and cool, but I only came up with "sub-name" (which really doesn't explain, what it is) and I like Avatar (got from some show or movie, but most people would represent that to a picture). Is "e-identity" accepted? I think someone should coin a term for the names already, e-identity is nice, but the dash isn't good and they are used for more than just forum names, game, email, etc. edentity would work! Let's spready the word!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 20:13:57 UTC Post #204670
sweet i created a word ^^.

I remember the very few days when i started gaming generally and i thought the names killer and slayer were hot shit ><
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 20:43:55 UTC Post #204671
Snpbond - Sniper + Bond put into a name generator ;) Pretty basic, but I like both of those, so Ill keep it
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 23:48:18 UTC Post #204699
Tosse: I've been called Tosse ever sence birth actualy. Not my real name but most people call me by that name.

Jungell: My last name, use it from time to time.

Birch_1: I just made that up some time ago when I started to play HLDM again, I wasn't going to make a fool out of "Tosse" if I sucked. :P

Mr.Bacon: Used that when I was like 12 or something...

But Im mostly Tosse, or TosseJungell. Depends on weather Tosse is taken or not.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 23:56:30 UTC Post #204701
Caboose: Ripped from both my friends Xbox's name on system link networks of Halo, and from Red vs Blue. Very popular, so I changed.

Blitzkrieg: Sweet song by a sweet band covered by a sweeter band. Also I think German is the coolest language ever, and the fear that word strikes into your enemies is sweet.

I've used about a hundred other names a couple times, mostly for Halo 2 and Starcraft lan with friends.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 23:58:19 UTC Post #204702
Tiki: Sarcastic Nickname. Tiki is the Hawaiin god of drinking, I'm the only one of my friends that doesn't drink.
TheTikiTony: Tony is my name.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 00:38:54 UTC Post #204706
Yes, we already know. I'm feeling rather permissive so meh.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 01:30:23 UTC Post #204708
Discussions like these reminds me of the Matrix.
"What is your name?"
"No, your REAL name"
Kinda funny ever read Snow Crash, everyone kinda has two names if they go to the internet (which is kinda like one big game).
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 02:26:30 UTC Post #204712
Das ist lustig.

Jax - Abbreviated form of Jackson, my real name. Also my nickname in the game of "real life".

Mercury - My CS alias back in the 14 yr old clan days.

SuperJax - Kind of an extension of my nickname for use in most games.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 03:40:55 UTC Post #204713
Oh, another one of mine - Jimmi.

Taken from my real name, James, and my second name, William (Also known as Willi) then combining them to make the W a J and the L a M, thus you get Jimmi. Also Jimm1 if Jimmi has been taken.
Though iv'e had many interesting deviations of the word used at me: (By friends)

Jimbo, JimmiMeBoy, Jimbot, SlimJim, Jimmeh, TimJim,.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 16:57:43 UTC Post #204735
Der meinung bin ich auch.
German words sound so l33t when prononced in english (if you're german and know the correct pronounciation. like the krieg from css. ^^

Whereas french words just sound hilarious when prononced english:
French say:
Alber Camuus

Me and my friend say:
Alberrt Kmus

french say:
la fontaine (french poem writer)

we say:
the fountain
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 17:12:58 UTC Post #204739
Dorian27: Powerman5000 Guitarist. I used to like this band a lot. Now, not so much, but I kept the name for consistancy sake.

Dissever: My WoW name, used occassionally in CS. It means to tear apart, limb from limb.

YouCanCallMeCookie: A lyric from a Bloodhound Gang song. Usually my CS Nick. I like it because it humiliates people when they see YouCanCallMeCookie [M4A1 Pic] <their name>

info_player_deathmatch (When Terrorist) and info_player_start (When Counter-Terrorist) when playing CS, to see if there are any fellow mappers playing.

FPS_Doug: as an homage to Pure Pwnage <3
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 18:06:09 UTC Post #204753
Ah, I almost forgot.

Demonic Puppy - Name used in CSS if I need to warm up. (Can't used Urbanebula and get pwned.)

Minurba - Name of my WoW gnome.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 20:17:40 UTC Post #204759
Alliance dog! For the Horde!
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 20:35:08 UTC Post #204763
info_player_deathmatch (When Terrorist) and info_player_start (When Counter-Terrorist) when playing CS, to see if there are any fellow mappers playing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 23:44:39 UTC Post #204786
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 14:43:38 UTC Post #204849
Stickittotheman: Randomly selected about three years ago right after I watched school of rock. I had to sign up on the forums of some site to get at something, and I ended up posting on the forums, and the name stuck.

moltovcocktail88: Hell, I don't remember. That's been my alias since like 5th grade when I got aim. I dont really use it anymore.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 22:15:15 UTC Post #209266
Kleinerbug: well something i made up a long time ago for a mail account, used it ever since...means KLEINER=small and bug=bug (thought of a virus or something)
and i mostly use this name ans a sig form my photoshop creations..

<aP>: my initials i mostly use infront of my CS:S games..thought that it looks cool
[~gsg9~] : TAG that me and my friends used to have in CS:S (gsg9 beeing the world best special ops group and also beeing German, like me ^^)
[4s] : Tag that me and my friends used to have in CoD
(ehtse tags r mostly used to just quickly identify each other in a game/scoreboard)

Randomizer: my old name in CoD after soem1 said that i just say random stuff all over the place

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