I just realised something. I'm sorry to say but competitions here on twhl are for nothing. You have to win something not just a virtual image representing an award.
Money is the most usual way, but it's not the best. A TWHL T-Shirt or a piece of hardware. Something like that. The most simple would be a Steam Gift.
Oh no ! "We poor admins from TWHL don't have money to support such things !".
Then don't organize competitions...
I think I'll say what's on everyone's mind:
Then get the fuck out of TWHL. No body asked you to use your time in this competition, therefore no one gives a fuck about what you have to say. Want there to be a prize? Go buy a hand gun and shoot yourself in the face. You wont have to suffer from your own stupidity anymore, that's pretty rewarding.
That wouldn't so much reward yourself as it would everyone else.
Seriously, shut the fuck up.