Is it particularly boring and raining for a couple of days where you live?Remove the words "for a couple of days" and you've got England pretty much nailed.

Created 14 years ago2010-12-11 02:04:50 UTC by
Is it particularly boring and raining for a couple of days where you live?Remove the words "for a couple of days" and you've got England pretty much nailed.
I spent a month in london a couple january's ago, and the weather was hard for me to handle. Even around 30 degrees F, i felt chilled to the bone like it was subzero..Try living in Canada.
460 degrees below zero --lol'd so hard.
ALL atomic motion stops.
People in Scotland start saying "chilly, you cald an aw?"
as error 37 has made all too apparentObviously the first few days are going to be unpredictable. You don't open servers to millions of people and have it go off without a hitch, that's just unrealistic. This is Blizzard. They run WoW, they have as much experience keeping populated servers running as anyone else and I trust them. I'm not going to throw a shitfit because the game goes down every once in a while for maintenance.
In the past you could just load up a modding tool and add the weapon stats you wanted"I disagree that this is good. This is bad. Bad bad bad.
Bad shallow gaming communityIt's nothing to do with being shallow. I refuse to buy Apple phones/mp3 players because of how they treat their foreign labour force. That's not shallow - that's moral.
It's like when Yahtzee discounts all of multiplayer gaming because it's the same every timeNo, you're contradicting yourself because that's relating to how the game plays, not the service that allows you to play it.
I love Steam, but its offline support could be seriously improved since offline mode only seems to work properly 75% of the time.QFT
I really don't think equating requiring an internet connection to play a multiplayer videogame to modern day slave labor is fair.I didn't equate it. I said it was similar and I used an extreme example because you genuinely don't seem to understand why people might have a problem with this.
Steam. It basically does require a connectionIt requires a connection to download your game and update it. After that, unless it's a multiplayer-only game, you're free to play the game on or offline.
I love Steam, but its offline support could be seriously improved since offline mode only seems to work properly 75% of the time.Actually I think it works fine pretty much all of the time, it's just understanding how it works. For offline mode to function, you have to have an active internet connection because it has to log into your account, and then it goes into offline mode after it's verified your information.
At no time did I say anything about the gameplay of the game itself.Exactly. Like I said:
they have every right to complain about itTo who? Me? Here? Why? To accomplish what? I jumped into this discussion about Diablo 3 to discuss Diablo 3. Complaining is not discussing. Kthanks.
And saying it's similar is equating it.It most certainly is not.
Instead, the security uses an abitrary systemExplain how Diablo III, a multiplayer game (regardless of whether previous games in the series were both multi and single), requiring an internet connection(among the most stable in the industry through experience) is "arbitrary". Check my previous posts, I gave a few examples of why it's necessary if you want some easy points.
I'm not sure how heavily focused on Multiplayer the gameAs I've said a bajillion times. THERE IS NO SINGLE PLAYER DIABLO III. There were previously Diablo games that you could play singleplayer.
What I'm saying is that you should not have to log in at the start of the game [meaning you have to log in just to launch the game to get to the main menu], only if you choose to play MP from the menu.There is no "Multiplayer" menu option. This is a multiplayer game. You can create your own instance. You can then chose to allow other people into it. Freinds can request being allowed in via the list. You can invite anyone in at any time.
No one is arguing that there is a single player mode in diablo 3. We are saying there should be, and that it sucks that there isnt.For the record I'm not saying that. Players can choose to ignore the whole MMO aspect to it and can stay in their own instance indefinitely, though, right? Why do they need to be online to do that?
I'm pretty sure it only logs in to access your game library, otherwise people could just put a bunch of games in the steamapps folder that they don't own, and then play them in offline mode, free and legally.You can get Steam to remember your account credentials once you've logged on once, you just need to tell it to go offline manually. It does save what you have in your library, AFAIK, so you are probably right that you couldn't play games you don't own. (Never tried this, but I expect they have safeguards)
No one is arguing that there is a single player modeLike four people were.
Stop taking this personallyLOL
Why do they need to be online to do that?I answered this. Back in the thread. Short answer: to stop retards from ruining Diablo like they ruined every other version of Diablo. They ruined it for everyone.
He's in the world there all by himself, playing at his own pace. That's pretty much the definition of a SP game to meIf you drive a four-seated race car alone, does it magically become a one-seat race car? No, there's gonna be three empty seats. Likewise, for the hundredth time, there is no singleplayer Diablo III. Your bro is playing a multiplayer game, online, alone. Which is perfectly fine! I've probably done about half of my first play through alone so far.
It's a co-op game that you can choose to not let anyone else into.Yes, and my point is, is that is literally singleplayer gameplay, with the option of playing multiplayer. If it is required that you have two or more people for the game to actually launch and sucessfully play, then it's a multiplayer game.