History of func_door_rotating

Revision User Message Revert
#8682 - 4 months ago kimilil kimilil marked "don't link" flag as bogus; markup update; copied over a lot of stuff from func_door to bring it closer to parity
#8337 - 10 months ago kimilil kimilil note on why to use angles, and example use case Revert
#8188 - 1 year ago kimilil kimilil fixed pitch yaw roll being in the wrong order Revert
#8187 - 1 year ago kimilil kimilil confirmed angle PYR behaviour, added origin img inline Revert
#7606 - 2 years ago Solokiller Solokiller Add missing move sounds Revert
#7604 - 2 years ago Solokiller Solokiller Add sound and sentence names Revert
#7603 - 2 years ago Solokiller Solokiller Use same title format as other pages Revert
#7133 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Fix external -> internal link (and add more links that refer to other entities) Revert
#6052 - 5 years ago Captain P Captain P All attribute and flag names are now bold Revert
#5936 - 5 years ago Half Way Lambda Half Way Lambda added & fixed up a few things, but still needs more work Revert
#5183 - 6 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Merged TFC Revert
#3964 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Removed unneeded sound options, as they were for func_train; Adjusted several attribute descriptions to refer to "door" instead of "the entity" Revert
#3960 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Revert
#3951 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Revert
#3948 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Fixed styling, added description for "Don't link" flag Revert
#3942 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Fixed Styling Revert
#828 - 10 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Minor Edit Revert
#827 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#826 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Entity Notes Revert
#825 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert