History of info_player_deathmatch

Revision User Message Revert
#7778 - 2 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Deathmatch -> multiplayer
#7769 - 2 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Explain its use in Counter-Strike in the first paragraph Revert
#7096 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Add Ricochet information Revert
#6984 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Fix attributes format Revert
#6826 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Update title format and add details based on the ones that exists already from info_player_start Revert
#6097 - 5 years ago Captain P Captain P Attribute names are now bold. Also removed empty paragraphs. Revert
#5325 - 6 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Revert
#965 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#964 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert