Weapons Programming - Custom Ammo Types Last edited 1 year ago2023-07-10 07:48:40 UTC

Half-Life Programming

This article will explain, in depth, how to add a new type of ammo to Half-Life. Since this isn't focused on adding a new weapon, we'll be modifying an existing weapon instead. Since the MP5 and the Glock both use 9mm bullets, let's change the Glock to use a different ammo type instead. This guide assumes that you have experience programming in C++, and a programming environment and your custom mod already set up.

You can view the commit containing all the code changes in this tutorial on GitHub by clicking here.

A quick online search shows that several Glock pistols use ammo other than 9mm - I'm going to use the Glock 21, which shoots .45 ACP bullets, with a clip size of 13 bullets. Wikipedia seems to indicate that they do about the same amount of damage as 9mm, but for the purposes of this guide, we'll pretend that they're slightly stronger than 9mm ammo.

Add new skill cvars

Let's start by adding the new skill cvars to define how much damage the new ammo type will do. For player weapons, the damage typically doesn't change between difficulty levels, but we'll do it anyway to match the other ammo types.
NOTE: Since we're replacing an existing set of cvars, we'll be renaming them in this guide. However, for a new weapon, you'll probably be adding new cvars, rather than renaming existing ones. The process is about the same, simply add new lines instead of editing existing ones. For a full guide, take a look at the Zoomable Weapons article.

game.cpp changes

First, got to game.cpp. The cvars are declared in the top half of this file, and registered in the bottom half. Search the file for plr_9mm_bullet. You'll find the references to the "9mm" glock cvars - let's change them to "45acp" cvars:
// Glock Round
cvar_t sk_plr_9mm_bullet1 = {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet1", "0"};
cvar_t sk_plr_9mm_bullet2 = {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet2", "0"};
cvar_t sk_plr_9mm_bullet3 = {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet3", "0"};
// Glock Round
cvar_t sk_plr_45acp_bullet1 = {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet1", "0"};
cvar_t sk_plr_45acp_bullet2 = {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet2", "0"};
cvar_t sk_plr_45acp_bullet3 = {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet3", "0"};
Continue searching this file and you'll find more references with CVAR_REGISTER calls. Change these too:
// Glock Round
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_9mm_bullet1); // {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet1","0"};
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_9mm_bullet2); // {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet2","0"};
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_9mm_bullet3); // {"sk_plr_9mm_bullet3","0"};
// Glock Round
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_45acp_bullet1); // {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet1","0"};
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_45acp_bullet2); // {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet2","0"};
CVAR_REGISTER(&sk_plr_45acp_bullet3); // {"sk_plr_45acp_bullet3","0"};

gamerules.cpp changes

The only other place you'll find this cvar is in gamerules.cpp, when the cvars are loaded into the gSkillData struct. There's only a one-line change you need to do here:
// Glock Round
gSkillData.plrDmg9MM = GetSkillCvar("sk_plr_9mm_bullet");
// Glock Round
gSkillData.plrDmg45Acp = GetSkillCvar("sk_plr_45acp_bullet");

multiplay_gamerules.cpp changes

The cvar isn't used in multiplay_gamerules.cpp, but the gSkillData struct is. Change the variable name here as well. While we're at it, we'll bump up the damage from 12 to, say, 18.
// Glock Round
gSkillData.plrDmg9MM = 12;
// Glock Round
gSkillData.plrDmg45Acp = 18;
The plrDmg45Acp field doesn't exist in gSkillData yet, so that's next.

skill.h changes

Now to skill.h. Inside the skilldata_t struct, you'll find the plrDmg9MM field. Just update the field name here:
// Player Weapons
float plrDmgCrowbar;
float plrDmg9MM;
float plrDmg357;
// Player Weapons
float plrDmgCrowbar;
float plrDmg45Acp;
float plrDmg357;

combat.cpp changes

The plrDmg9MM value is only used in one other place: combat.cpp, in the FireBulletsPlayer method. Find it, and rename it:
    pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, gSkillData.plrDmg9MM, vecDir, &tr, DMG_BULLET);
    pEntity->TraceAttack(pevAttacker, gSkillData.plrDmg45Acp, vecDir, &tr, DMG_BULLET);

Update the bullet type enum

But, what about that BULLET_PLAYER_9MM label? We should change that as well. You'll find references to it in the following files, just change it to BULLET_PLAYER_45ACP in each case:
Half-Life Updated change notice
If you are not using Solokiller's Half-Life Updated, the Glock source file is hl_wpn_glock.cpp instead of glock.cpp.

On "standard" SDK bases, there will be both files, glock.cpp is an unused obsolete version of the code and hl_wpn_glock.cpp is the correct one.

Take this into account very carefully in the future.

skill.cfg changes

Finally, you'll need to update the cvar values in skill.cfg. If your mod doesn't already have one, copy the one from the valve folder into your mod. Then, make the following changes:
// 9mmhandgun Round
sk_plr_9mm_bullet1    "8"
sk_plr_9mm_bullet2    "8"
sk_plr_9mm_bullet3    "8"
// 45acphandgun Round
sk_plr_45acp_bullet1    "12"
sk_plr_45acp_bullet2    "12"
sk_plr_45acp_bullet3    "12"
That covers all the skill-related changes we need to make. If you compile and run your mod now, you'll find that nothing much has changed, except that the pistol does a bit more damage. Let's move on to the next step: making the pistol use a different ammo type.

Updating the weapon's ammo type

weapons.h changes

Open up weapons.h and find the #define blocks near the top. We'll be defining a new ammo type, so we'll need some new ammo constants to match.

First, the MAX_CARRY value:
// weapon clip/carry ammo capacities
#define _9MM_MAX_CARRY 250
#define _357_MAX_CARRY 36
// weapon clip/carry ammo capacities
#define _9MM_MAX_CARRY 250
#define _45ACP_MAX_CARRY 78
#define _357_MAX_CARRY 36
I chose 78, since that ends up being six 13-bullet clips, which seems like an ok number to use. Changing that clip size is next:
#define GLOCK_MAX_CLIP 17
// ... several lines
#define GLOCK_MAX_CLIP 13
// ... several lines
#define GLOCK_MAX_CLIP 13
That's all in here - you don't need to change AMMO_GLOCKCLIP_GIVE, because it's already defined to be the same as GLOCK_MAX_CLIP. Depending on your use case, you might want to change this, or add a new one, for your new ammo type.

glock.cpp changes

Now we're ready to actually change the weapon's code. Let's go through the areas that must be considered in this file.

Entity class names

Towards the top of the file, you'll see the following two lines:
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_glock, CGlock );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_9mmhandgun, CGlock );
These two lines simply link the weapon_glock and weapon_9mmhandgun classnames to the CGlock class. There's a couple of things you can choose to do here: I'm going to choose the first option here, since it's easiest. The classname of weapon_9mmhandgun is actually used in a number of other files and would require a bunch of changes that aren't particularly important. (For example, barney drops one on death, it can be included in a func_breakable, the player is given one on spawn in HLDM, and so on.)

One thing I would do is to make sure that weapon_glock is the classname that gets exposed in the FGD, so mappers don't get confused. Changing classnames is not the focus of this article, so it won't be mentioned again.

Spawn function

You'll see this line in the Spawn function:
m_iDefaultAmmo = GLOCK_DEFAULT_GIVE;
Since the code is using the GLOCK_DEFAULT_GIVE constant, you don't need to change anything here.

GetItemInfo function

Here's the first real change we need to make. In GetItemInfo, you need to update the ammo name and maximum carry values.
p->pszAmmo1 = "9mm";
p->iMaxAmmo1 = _9MM_MAX_CARRY;
p->pszAmmo1 = "45acp";
p->iMaxAmmo1 = _45ACP_MAX_CARRY;

Reload function

If Valve coded this function correctly, you wouldn't need to make any changes. Unfortunately, they hard-coded the number 17 here as the clip size, instead of using the GLOCK_MAX_CLIP constant. So you need to make a small change to this method:
if (m_iClip == 0)
    iResult = DefaultReload(17, GLOCK_RELOAD, 1.5);
    iResult = DefaultReload(17, GLOCK_RELOAD_NOT_EMPTY, 1.5);
if (m_iClip == 0)
    iResult = DefaultReload(GLOCK_MAX_CLIP, GLOCK_RELOAD, 1.5);
    iResult = DefaultReload(GLOCK_MAX_CLIP, GLOCK_RELOAD_NOT_EMPTY, 1.5);

CGlockAmmo changes

The last change you need to make in this file is the CGlockAmmo class. Simply change the ammo type given by the AddAmmo function to our new ammo type:
bool AddAmmo(CBaseEntity* pOther) override
    if (pOther->GiveAmmo(AMMO_GLOCKCLIP_GIVE, "9mm", _9MM_MAX_CARRY) != -1)
        EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/9mmclip1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
        return true;
    return false;
bool AddAmmo(CBaseEntity* pOther) override
    if (pOther->GiveAmmo(AMMO_GLOCKCLIP_GIVE, "45acp", _45ACP_MAX_CARRY) != -1)
        EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/9mmclip1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
        return true;
    return false;

multiplay_gamerules.cpp changes

Something to note for the glock is that it's given to the player when they spawn in HLDM. 9mm ammo is also given to them on spawn, but this isn't very useful now that we've changed the glock's ammo type. Note that this is specific to the glock only, so in other cases you won't need to worry about this change.

Go into multiplay_gamerules.cpp and make this change in the PlayerSpawn function:
if (addDefault)
    pPlayer->GiveAmmo(68, "9mm", _9MM_MAX_CARRY); // 4 full reloads
if (addDefault)
    pPlayer->GiveAmmo(GLOCK_MAX_CLIP * 4, "45acp", _45ACP_MAX_CARRY); // 4 full reloads

Client changes

This section is optional, but for the sake of completion, you want to be able to send the count of your ammo values to the client for prediction purposes. For a single player mod, you can probably not worry about it. But let's make those changes anyway.

cbase.h changes

First go to cbase.h and add a new field to the CBaseEntity class for your new ammo count:
//We use this variables to store each ammo count.
int ammo_9mm;
int ammo_357;
//We use this variables to store each ammo count.
int ammo_9mm;
int ammo_45acp;
int ammo_357;

player.cpp changes

Next, open player.cpp and find the TabulateAmmo function. Add a new line to populate the new ammo value using the AmmoInventory method:
ammo_9mm = AmmoInventory(GetAmmoIndex("9mm"));
ammo_357 = AmmoInventory(GetAmmoIndex("357"));
ammo_9mm = AmmoInventory(GetAmmoIndex("9mm"));
ammo_45acp = AmmoInventory(GetAmmoIndex("45acp"));
ammo_357 = AmmoInventory(GetAmmoIndex("357"));

client.cpp changes

These last two changes are a little obscure, because we're not allowed to add new variables to the clientdata_s structure. We have to make do with using one of the unused variables in order to get our new ammo counter sent across the network. In client.cpp, find the UpdateClientData function and scroll down to the section marked out by a #if defined( CLIENT_WEAPONS ) block.

In this method, you'll see a whole bunch of variables being set. Essentially, if a variable in clientdata_s isn't being used here, you're free to use it yourself. As you might expect, this could be quite problematic if you want to add a lot of new ammo types, or other bits of data that need to be sent here. You'll need to be very careful about how you use these values. The "safe" variables in the unmodified SDK that aren't used elsewhere in UpdateClientData are: This doesn't give you much to work with, but it is possible to start trying to be more fancy with your values. For example, you could find 4 ammo values that will always be between 0 and 255, convert them into 4 byte values, and then pack the 4 bytes into a single 32-bit field using bit-shifting. If you need to make major changes, you'll need to be creative.

For now, we'll simply use vuser3.x to transfer the .45 ACP ammo value:
cd->ammo_cells = pl->ammo_uranium;
cd->vuser2.x = pl->ammo_hornets;
cd->ammo_cells = pl->ammo_uranium;
cd->vuser2.x = pl->ammo_hornets;
cd->vuser3.x = pl->ammo_45acp;
It's ugly, but a lot of Half-Life programming is ugly, so don't worry too much about it.

hl_weapons.cpp changes

We're almost done! We just have to do the same work on the client side now. Open hl_weapons.cpp and find the HUD_WeaponsPostThink method. Search for a reference to ammo_rockets, and add some code after it:
player.ammo_hornets = (int)from->client.vuser2[0];
player.ammo_rockets = (int)from->client.ammo_rockets;
player.ammo_hornets = (int)from->client.vuser2[0];
player.ammo_rockets = (int)from->client.ammo_rockets;
player.ammo_45acp = (int)from->client.vuser3[0];
Scroll down a bit more to find a second, similar block - except it's doing the reverse of the first. Make the same change:
to->client.vuser2[0] = player.ammo_hornets;
to->client.ammo_rockets = player.ammo_rockets;
to->client.vuser2[0] = player.ammo_hornets;
to->client.ammo_rockets = player.ammo_rockets;
to->client.vuser3[0] = player.ammo_45acp;
And we're done!

Adding a HUD sprite

You might also want to add a new HUD sprite to represent your new ammo type. Each weapon will have a sprite file - for the glock, the file you want is sprites/weapon_9mmhandgun.txt. Simply copy (or for a new weapon, create) this file into your mod. Take a look inside:
weapon     320 320hud1     0    40    80    20
weapon_s   320 320hud1     0    60    80    20
ammo       320 320hud2     0    16    18    18
crosshair  320 crosshairs  24    0    24    24
autoaim    320 crosshairs  0    72    24    24
weapon     640 640hud1     0    45   170    45
weapon_s   640 640hud4     0    45   170    45
ammo       640 640hud7     144  72    24    24
crosshair  640 crosshairs  24    0    24    24
autoaim    640 crosshairs  0    72    24    24
The important lines here are the ones starting with ammo. You can either edit the existing sprites (320hud2 and 640hud7) to add your new icons, or simply create new sprites and update this text file. Either way, you'll need to also update the X and Y coordinates in the text file as well, to point to the new images.

For the 640 HUD sprite, I found a spare bit of space in the sprite image, and since I'm no artist, I just added the text ".45 ACP" as the ammo icon:
User posted image
And then updated the corresponding line in the sprite text file:
ammo            640 640hud7    144    72    24    24
The process is much the same for the 320 HUD sprite.


And that's it! Hopefully this guide has covered everything you need to know to start adding your own ammo types to your mod. Good luck!


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