item_armor1 (Team Fortress Classic) Last edited 4 years ago2020-06-02 12:44:18 UTC

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Point Entity

The item_armor1 entity is an easy way to create armour in spawn rooms without bothering with the hassle of info_tfgoals. The appearance, function, and behavior of the three different armor entities is generally the same, the only major differences being the color of the armor and the amount of armor points given out.

All item_armorx entities automatically detect whether the player activating them actually needs armor (if not, it's not activated), and respawn in Respawn Delay (respawn_delay) seconds. They automatically give metal to the engineer if necessary # the amount of metal given is equal to whatever is left after the armor itself has been given out (for example, if the Engineer has 40/50 armor, and touches an item_armor1, he will receive 10 armor and 15 metal).





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