
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 19:41:26 UTC in vault item: TP Comment #14523
either that or it just makes the person you commented on hide in shame and cry...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 16:01:41 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14522
supports bots. They dont teleport yet. I'm still working on it.
And i need to put the player kill underneath but other than that, it's bot friendly. Gravity default is 800, btw
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 15:30:57 UTC in vault item: EnclosedSpace Comment #14521
did all of the sounds I made for this map work?
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 13:17:51 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14520
because it is a low-grav map... anyway downloading...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 13:13:16 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14519
why wouldn't it?
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 11:21:19 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14518
:D:D My old favourite for Unreal Tournament!
I will definatly download this and give it a review.

Does it support bots?
I'm guessing no.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 23:48:11 UTC in vault item: Multi Rotation Comment #14516
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 23:47:41 UTC in vault item: Catalyst Comment #14515
Okay, since I dont have Sven Coop on my computer, i'll vote by the screen shot, i'll give it a 5, cause that... generator or whatever it is looks awsome, and the lighting looks great in that room. I have to ask, what goes on at that part? Is it like another experiment?
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 21:05:02 UTC in vault item: 3D Skybox for HL1 Comment #14513
So, it's just a huge model? I don't see what's so amazing about that, to be honest. I mean, it looks fantastic, but technically, it's not that hard to do. This same effect was used in some Day of Defeat maps, where they used large models for hills in the background. Not so revolutionary, but still useful if you know how to model, I suppose.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 18:09:17 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14511
Okay, first off, just let me say this: You totally stole my idea, and all credit should go to me. I came up with this idea waaayyy before you, and coincidentally, it was also gonna be my map for the competition, I just never started making it. Thief. :P

Alright, now that that's out of the way, I'll get on to the review.

This is definitely a unique idea for a deathmatch map (being my idea, it's obviously unique), and it's generally very well implemented into the gameplay, with doors leading into the water everywhere, so as never to leave the player trapped in a corner, with nowhere to go.

You seem to have gotten the gameplay down, but the actual construction of the map got on my nerves a bit. Basically, the interior is just a bunch of copy+pasted wall sections, with some small details, lights, doors, and the occasional pushable crate here and there. Needless to say, it all seemed a bit repetitive, and it was very hard to distinguish one area of the map from another.

There were other areas that showed a bit more creativity, like the location shown in the screenshot, but even there, the brushwork was all very large and blocky, with few details implemented into the brushwork. I realize it's hard to get every area to be unique and detailed, but it just doesn't look like you put too much effort into any one part. And don't even get me started on those large security doors that lined right up with the outer wall... ugh.

Alright, moving on to the exterior now, I'd say you could have put a little more work into the general construction of it. The rocks were very repetitive, and could definitely use some major work. There were no stray rocks laying around, simply these large, single height ones, obviously there for no other purpose than to keep the player in. The exterior of the structure was also very mundane, as it was all very... squarish. It would have been nice to see some pipes coming put of the side and feeding into the ground, or at least some rounded corners on the structure. As it is, it's just a bunch of blocks connected together.

So, I guess I'd give this three stars for the effort, but with such an inventive idea (that I came up with), it seems like you could have done something better with it. Oh, and don't be surprised if you see a very similar map turn up here in the future. I still have my eye on this theme. ;)
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 16:52:55 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14510
Thanks. This was meant (originally) as a counterstrike map. I kept the basic layout and just changed the look and feel of it. Maybe i'll just have some areas of water. Not the entire thing.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 16:39:03 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14509
This map deffinetly had a different concept than most deathmatch maps ive played. Definetly unique.

+The pumps were neat looking thow i could tell you just copied and pasted em around the map.
+The hallways branched out in many ways and had nice ceiling and floor trims that complimented them.
+definetly a unique way of manuvering through the map w the water
-The entire map seemed almost repetetive of itself
-The hallways seemed big and empty in some parts
-the outside water area brought you to a "too much open" area where you could basicaly see the entire outside shape of the map thow the terrain did blend it good to the ground.

Overall- the map was kinda boring in some parts because of overuse of textures in big empty areas, but the map flowed "somewhat good". It would have flown better if some of the big rooms maybe opened up to other areas with halls. ex: the huge room w one hall out and some items in the way far away corner. The map was pretty well constructed thow so just keep on mappin and remember " dont make bigol borin areas" or atleast not a lot of them.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 14:16:29 UTC in vault item: Helicopter Comment #14508
:) Thanks.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 14:15:31 UTC in vault item: Playing as terrorist crashes the game - forest Comment #14507
^_^ Seems strange that I typed like that back then...Kill me!
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 14:12:15 UTC in vault item: Motor Blade Trap (HL2) Comment #14506
AH sorry Daubster...I just realised why you said that...>_<
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 11:54:47 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14505
:) Wow thanks for the comment!
Let me know of any problems you come across. This compile was on full everything. It only took like.. 18 minutes or so.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 11:29:54 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14504
it's really astounding how much you're improving!

This looks great, and i shall try it out very soon.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 10:33:42 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14503
Thanks I'll work on these for my update and it was meant to be dark Its not very bright at night you know.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 07:13:33 UTC in vault item: The Crab Lab v2.0 Comment #14501
Pretty intresting map, could I use it in one of my mods, if yes, i'll be sure to include your name in the credits
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 03:53:55 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14500
An enjoyable play, but I found the maps much too dark and couldn't find where I was going. This gave me a headache. A lot of the textures were the same and fitted incorrectly and there was far too many monsters for anyones liking. A fairly decent effort though with plenty of horror, puzzles and intrigue.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-27 11:08:44 UTC in vault item: Ocean Temple Comment #14499
ahhh, Invalid Dll version, Im guessing I need HL to be version or however many numbers are for it, if thats the case then ill get that and view this map later, but it looks good from the screenshot
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-26 23:09:57 UTC in vault item: Camaro Comment #14495
Damn, this looks so much better then that Viper, the rims kick ass, this Camaro looks perfect, how long did it take you?
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-26 14:20:11 UTC in vault item: Building won't appear after compile (project_show_them) Comment #14494
Try saving the map as somthing else and then compile again...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-26 00:41:35 UTC in vault item: Gordans Secrets Comment #14493
It looks okay, but I was woundering, could I use this map, I wanted to ask you before doing anything to it
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 16:42:32 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14491
I'll keep that in mind
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 16:30:30 UTC in vault item: Alternate Points Comment #14490
Assult? Hahaha! Assault, dude, assault.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 15:32:37 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14489
Please, just use oXi Hosting. It's a no frills file hosting site that even allows public uploading. Most importantly, direct linking is allowed.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 14:37:11 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14488
Hmph it seems to be problem after problem after problem with this mod but i've fixed the downloading problem tell me of any more problems you might have with this mod.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 11:20:18 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14487
Crappy host, im unable to download this, times out everytime i click Download.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 08:43:57 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14486
Thanks I did that so now the wad files are now included with the mod folder please tell me if you have anymore problems
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 07:47:33 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14485
You could host it up at or some other site that hosts files.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 07:20:03 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14484
Well I tried to include the wad file but it increased the wad folder to 6mb and I dont have a website so what do you think I should do.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 05:33:29 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14483
"And another thing is that you should simply texture an object and use the fit button for every side of the object, that really reduces the quality of the game."

Either you just told him he shouldn't use the fit function on everything, which is correct, or you were saying that he should do that to every face, which would be completely wrong. I can't figure out which, but from the screenshot, it doesn't look like he fitted EVERYTHING.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 05:32:30 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14482
I'ts OK to experiment with gameplay, but you should try to add some more feel and realistic features to your map before posting it. Try to make it actually look like a warehouse insteawd of just a massive room with boxes in it.

But for a first map... It wasn't all that bad, but keep in mind all the response people give you, perhaps go to the mapvault and download some of the maps there that have resieved high ratings and then have a look at how they have achieved this.

And finally.... don't be disheartened by people flamming your maps.... remember everyone here started off as a novis.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-25 01:08:48 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14481
Not a bad first mod. However some of the stuff in this mod i really didnt like. For the first there was too many monsters in each level whitch called a huge lag and also made the game EXTREMELY repetative. The brushwork wasnt all that bad, but alot of things were the same texture. And another thing is that you should simply texture an object and use the fit button for every side of the object, that really reduces the quality of the game. Using different textures for walls floors and ceilings also increases quality. But overall this was a good game, and i really like the idea.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 20:41:47 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14480
Oh, and when I say all the WADs, I really mean all the custom WADs. Just saying that so you don't go including halflife.wad. ;)
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 20:40:48 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14479
Heh, yeah.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 19:55:08 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14478
It looks like he or she made good use of decals.wad though lol.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 19:03:55 UTC in vault item: Quarintine Comment #14477
"Warning: Couldn't open Valve/rain.wad"

Please either wadinclude your textures (best for individual maps without their own mod folder IMO), or include all the WADs in the mod folder, which is preferable in this situation.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 18:27:36 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14476
Whoops sorry, I'm usally the one who protects the first maps and new mappers, guess I was a little tired.

Don't be discouraged, always try to improve, in the end you'll create an awsome map and everybody will worship you. Besides my first map was much worse. ;)
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 14:00:39 UTC in vault item: The Pool - Compo 23 Comment #14472
thanks for the feedback

The waterfalls at the beginning did have sound, strange that they didn't work for you though. The glass was also one of the issues I had with the max entity limit, and grouping them didn't seem to help. I agree about the swimming pool depth - i thought about that at one point but completely forgot to take it further.

If I have some spare time, I might work on this some more, and maybe try and show off some more of the HL2 textures.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 13:44:51 UTC in vault item: aim_arcadiariflecup Comment #14471
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 12:16:30 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14470
Basically it was a simple map. I didn't try to make it look good. And chill its my first map >:(
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 10:02:50 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14469
You made it as a joke, right?

Otherwise, shame on you... even kill boxes look better and play better. :
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 06:44:49 UTC in vault item: aim_arcadiariflecup Comment #14467
Hm.. I'll make you feel even dirtier by writing an appropriate review. ;D

wl thnks 4 a map dat gd its rly 1337 i likde teh prat wen u ken pik up wpns at teh start coz tahts rly usefool bcuz usin mai baiskript all teh tiem woz gettin 2 tirin n stuf
tho dis maps liek rly 2 big dunno whai i think its big mebbe coz i plai smallr maps all teh tiem lol anyho u shud mayk it smallr liek u kno teh map kilbox_ubar_1337_totly_lyk_yah_totly_dood its rly gd in siez n gamplay adn it duznt lag coz may 1337 frend maid it adn hes rly gd at makin map witout lag lol
adn yah u shuld mebbe mayk a sekret plays wit awp n shiz coz its fun to get teh sekret wpn adn go all booms hs on teh noobd and teh noobs wud go liek ohnoes ur spoilen teh gaymepley or sumthin liek dat rofl
so dis maps rly 1337 if u dunt mention teh flawes whit r rly eesee 2 fix imo lol so liek gd job n keep makin mpas liek dat plz kthx
ps i thot dat u wud liek to heer mai ide ov a mpa dat i wanted 2 map but kudnt coz i kuldnt run hammre files on cs lol so hre it is
teh naym: omg_u_shuld_pley_dis_mpa_adn_if_u_dnot_ur_moms_a_fag_lol
its liek u gte wepons at strat adn u dun hva 2 moov jsut shot teh othres lol it shud b rly fun adn tehre wud be a sekret awp wich is hiddan n stuf

lol k im w8in 4 u 2 mayk dat map k? i kent pai u tho coz my mom sez i ken only gte 2$ a day to buy cande b4 she picks me up frmo skool
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 03:08:36 UTC in vault item: shotgun_warehouse_km Comment #14466
This is marked wrong, it's obviously for Counter-Strike. Edit or I'll smite you.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-23 20:14:21 UTC in vault item: Nightshift_FsC Comment #14465
hunter fucking put the wads in the map
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-23 18:13:42 UTC in vault item: The Pool - Compo 23 Comment #14464
- ok i played again and saw the scroll textures that are running the wrong way. For such a small map you should have noticed that. And in the bottom pool, the water is split in half which makes it appear to have a line going through it. It looks like you didnt finish the glass on your rails well maybe because of the error but you should have fixed it. In my opinion I hate pools that are the same depth all the way through and they are in yours. Also you could have rounded off the bottoms of them. And in my opinion you shouldnt have added such an annoying sound to the button that turns on the waterfalls. Like i sayed b4 as well, The waterfalls would look much better if much more transparent. And you should have given the beggining waterfalls a sound. Since the error in this map was that there were to many entities, maybe instead of making so many, you could have grouped them together.
+ Anyways, besides all that the map was pretty neat. The splashes coming from the waterfalls was a realy great touch. I realy liked the small waterfall coming from the spa. For a big pool area, i could say you pulled it off.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-23 16:19:30 UTC in vault item: EnclosedSpace Comment #14462
the reason I did not care about the room being square, was because I only wanted to get used to sertain things, Func_Track Train mostly.