
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 13:57:06 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9697
Those are gunman's textures! lol What about the fgd file you use??
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 13:25:18 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9696
Thw textures look quite awesome.. :o
Don't have gunnman, tho.. :(
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 13:21:16 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Destiny Comment #9695
Yeah about timecops it's almost the same as there.(atlist thats exactly as what my brother told me) Anyway we both thought on the same ideas. I thought on a train that travles through a teleporter(almost as yours) into xen and bring people to there. I know decided it deserves a full mod for opfor.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 13:17:44 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Destiny Comment #9694
Timecops is a movie! :P And in timefall ,before you enter a room that in it a scientist brifes you through a computer there was a simler scanner only not red.(the big block thingy that moves)
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 13:08:08 UTC in vault item: dm_inbound Comment #9693
I agree. This is a very nice map, with larger areas than most of what we've seen for HLDM. The difference in fog values with the skybox was certainly strange looking. In that sense It felt a bit like the old Tony Hawk games ;)
And with such a big layout, it felt strange to walk in spaces of minimum with like pipes.
Good job anyway. I hope to see more maps from you.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 07:51:37 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9692
Thanks for your comments !!!

If you want play on steam there is small patch for Gunman Chronicles that make the game compatible whit steam ---->;4251177;;/fileinfo.html
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-31 06:29:06 UTC in vault item: de_stack_v2 Comment #9691
ok thanks for the comment.
If anyone had ever played goldeneye for the n64, they would realise this is one of the levels from the game. personally i dont like the glass, but its there because the goldeneye verison had it!
ropes where just put there for the effect of the terrorists entering the building.
arrows indicate directions to the bombsite, and yes the secret passageways were from the original level aswel.
But thanks for the comment anyways, i think im gonna abandon that level now and work on something new.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 22:00:51 UTC in vault item: de_stack_v2 Comment #9690
A map that has lots of nice elements, and many things I don't agree with

+Nice detail in places
+Interesting original layout
-Too many props strewn in some areas and others left barren
-ropes? do they have a purpose--I tried jumping too them for a while? I think it would be cool if the ct's started atop the roof and took the ropes down.
-random glass thingies everywhere--yuk!
-weird secret passages with arrows that don't make sense

It's obvious that you have mapping skills and put some time into this, but I think it needs some rethinking.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 21:25:30 UTC in vault item: dm_inbound Comment #9689
Nice review by Cap P.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 21:10:20 UTC in vault item: Deus Ex Machina Comment #9683
I really liked the way you did the lifts and such with the env_beams.

+Interesting layout.
+Neat construction in places.

The rest didn't leave an impression on me, which is to say this definitely needs more work, and doesn't belong in the 'completed' section imo.

4 stars Hunter? In what universe? :|
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 20:54:43 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9682
Looks beautiful from screenie!

Makes me almost want to install the mod too, but I'm far too lazy :(
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 20:10:14 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9681
yeah... i agree with you. im annoyed now as I can see now that my other entry was pointless. it was a teleporter, and obviously, at that stage in my mapping career, even my teleport (a crap and old idea anyway) would be beaten by anybody elese teleporter! IT SUCKED!!! maybe if i spent all my time on it I may have got a medal... hind sight ehh... a wonderful thing!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 19:14:26 UTC in vault item: dm_inbound Comment #9680
I must say, this map definitely looks detailed and has a nice ambience. The short fog distance is probably necessary for it to run well, but it distracted somewhat, especially because it doesn't work well with the 3D skybox. Hard to fix problem, I guess?

You didn't state for what player count the map is intended but it looks like quite some players could fit in. I think it's too large for 8 players but with the current fps too many players might be a bit of a problem. Playtesting should tell...

I noticed a lot of items are somewhat hidden or placed next to explosives or are otherwise placed in hard-to-get area's. Maybe that works well, but personally I think with the already large nature of the map it's not a real good idea. Armor and a weapon are best quickly accessible from the spawn point so you aren't chanceless against an opponent who's running around for a longer time and stocked up on weaponry already.
So, I like items and weapons to be somewhat easier to get. The more heavy weapons or a real fat item storage room are best made hard to access so their power doesn't come at no cost, but the more basic stuff should be available sooner and easier.

As for visuals, I already said I like the details and especially the sounds and all. They're nice touches, like the man screaming for help. Some textures weren't chosen that well though, like some walls had a generic metal texture that's probably meant as a floor texture. The outside area's looked great though.
The level is also easy to learn despite it's size and I think you've used the vertical axis great. One note about that though: a player that's on a higher place has an advantage over lower players. He doesn't need cover but just has to step back somewhat to be safe. The lower player will have less use of cover because of the height, too. I noticed you placed some AR grenades on the roof. I think that's outbalancing things somewhat: the lower player could use some grenades to counter the height difference rather than the other way around.

All in all, overall it looked great and the ambience was well-done, but the item placement and size could be done better.
Have you playtested this map with others throughout the construction period, bytheway?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 16:43:28 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9679
Thats exactly what I said the idea is awsome and also the setup but the other stuff were very poor and made it lose in the compotition.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 16:38:41 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9678
Cool!! I thought that nobody actually maps for gunman. you use the fgd file that comes with gunman(it's for worldcraft 2.1) or that you downloaded/created a better one? I just can't stand that I can't set the direction the monster/player will look at.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 14:59:19 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9677
No, it's a seperate release. $.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 12:42:28 UTC in vault item: TWHL Dedication Project Comment #9676
Yeah I had to remove it to free up some space for some images...Might as well put it back up now :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 12:34:08 UTC in vault item: TWHL Dedication Project Comment #9675
404 on the download
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 12:16:48 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9674
It looks good, this GM:C...Is it free?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 10:59:53 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9673
Looks quite cool judging from the screenshot.. almost makes me wanna install GM:C again.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 10:05:29 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9672
thats what I was thinking at first, but realised I didn't have enough time. I thought of a living world sort of swallowing you, which I think is represented well when falling down, although not so much going along. thats for that idea captain p though, that would definately make the 'living thing' look more realistic!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 09:22:56 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9671
Actually, it reminded me of an old idea I had years back, which in turn I've seen as a level theme in some games: the inner organs of a creature. It's pulsating, it feels alive and just like certain organs it's a transport tube. I would've played with func_trains to achieve such an effect though as I think clever shaping and use of these would give about the same effect but be much less prone to getting-stuck problems.
Another thing I would've done was modelling parts of the map and animating them to achieve a pulsating and alive effect.

Maybe that's an idea if you're ever going to use this again?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 08:35:04 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9670
nah, year 11, an about 1/2 way through it.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 07:37:30 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9669
are you in year 12 alex?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 01:46:19 UTC in vault item: cs_napal Comment #9668
I dont know what you mean...rowleybob. but if you mean take too long time when you download my map close all your internet explorer browser when you download my map. Too much useing wads...yeah. I too leasy to submit this map again...(much useing time almost 1 hour)
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-30 01:16:07 UTC in vault item: cs_napal Comment #9667
D_man sori about the screeny, when I submit my map the screen change like that...Actualy i don't know...why???
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 20:23:43 UTC in vault item: Old Medkit Comment #9666
hahahahha nice map (although i cannot test play it) :( but i was lookin at it and it is better than what i kan make lol
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 18:33:57 UTC in vault item: Small map Comment #9665
Picture is included in zip, didnt upload correctly.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 17:17:10 UTC in vault item: Mappy Comment #9664
Thanks. The radios were just simple textured brushes (actually one that was clipped for multiple texturing,) and the middle brush was a func_button that turned an ambient_generic on and off. The little robots were an experiment with func_trains.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 17:10:30 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9663
cheers all. if got exams in 2 weeks, but after that, I will definately start something. what inspired me? not sure. i think I was messing around with rotating objects, changed the start delay, and realised that it carries you. it is practically impossible to go backwards!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 15:39:03 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9662
@Hunter: The screenie does not do this map justice, as is many times the case with maps. This you should know by now.

The getting stuck problem is obvious, buy when you 'fall' through the right way, it creates an exquisite, original effect, that I can safely say blew me away.

Sort of like waves and gears. I like how you can ride atop the wave and fall throught too.

@Alex B: Please tell us what inspired you to create this effect!

The rest of the map was quite well done, if not a little short. I'm giving this one *** for sheer origianlity.

Nice Job!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 15:27:00 UTC in vault item: cs_penetration Comment #9661
Wow, a blatant rip of many classic cs maps!

That said, this map has nice architecture/texturing/lighting throughout.

Little big for my taste too, I would never play a map like this.

You obviously have some skill, why not building something a little smaller, and a little less cloney :P

Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 15:15:57 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #9660
Wow, I'm impressed--as always--, and you seem to be refining your technique at building this map, which is clearly evident for anyone trying this one out.

Texturing is impeccable albeit with a quite limited pallete--true rimrook style. What sets this one apart imo is how crispy clear and pretty they all looked, especially the main brick, which was my favourite! Whilst still in the realm of texturing, I must also say your sky fit really nice on this one and I thought it was most well done.

Architecture is always good and original for your maps, but for this one in paticular, I really loved the multipe, interweaving starways. They were simply beautiful, my second favourite part of the map.

First goes to the creative relief of the level, I think someone else described it as 'escheresque', which is a great analogy. I also like that you cant see the two top most towers until your just about up there.

Cool, different shapes throughout also--windows, hatchways, etc.

I'm quite the noob at lighting, but looked spot on to me.

loved the 'lag ahead' signs too--outstanding!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 15:07:00 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #9659
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 15:05:40 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9658
Awesome idea,
really intuitive -although player does get stuck an awful lot in places. Especially when you drop down to the next level .
Elon I think he was trying to focus emphasis on the wave, not so much every thing else around the player. As he States [" maybe incoperate into a mini-mod set in Xen, something rarely seen. "]
I say go for it, it's somthing different!!!!!!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 11:36:07 UTC in vault item: Mappy Comment #9657
not bad for one of your first maps. radios are quite cool, as with texture app. your right about blocky, but hey, aint everybody at the begginning"!
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 09:28:13 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #9656
don't spaz out

I need a mod with "func_detail" property for HL1. That's all i need and i would be set for life. Is it possible to code that for HL1?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 09:24:23 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9655
Ok well i just tryed it and yes its alright, and i know its unfinished.

I think you need some more detail into the map like hand rails on the train , and when the train goes up it just floats and id put the place where you get off the train closer to it to make it look more realistic.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 07:29:00 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #9653
Nooo! Rimrook, stick to HL1!!!
if you map for HL2, they wont work on my PC because they'll be more detailed than actual HL2 which lags enough already.

did that make sense?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 07:03:48 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9652
Ok, thats done now. out.wad has been removed.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 05:19:51 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9651
I liked the idea but the artitecture was bad and the lightning was bad. As I said before great handling of those func_rotating entities.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-29 03:41:17 UTC in vault item: Mappy Comment #9650
Yea youve got some nice little gadgets in there :D

I like it
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 20:04:47 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9649
Take out.wad out of your hammer wads then recompile and update it please, i would really like to see what youve done
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 18:27:07 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9648
i got rid of the textures in the map which were from out.wad... there was only like 1 or 2...
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 17:08:48 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9647
How did you check it if the wad isn't included?
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 16:42:23 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9646
Not bad :)
Arcututure is impressive!

Keep up the good work. Later I'll do a full review...

I busy now! (gmod 9)

Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 16:40:24 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9645
Thanks... (its not my first, its like my 5th, i guess...but its taken me ages!!!)

i tried to include it, but its too big... oh well. i just cut out the textures in the end.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 16:14:43 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9644
Include out.wad in the zip.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 15:50:22 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9643
I'll try as soon as I finish compiling my map! Looks nice for a first map.
Commented 18 years ago2005-10-28 15:35:17 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9642
Ok... i've fixed it now i think. Please retry!