
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-05 15:03:46 UTC in vault item: The_Work_Area v1.0 (SP) Comment #5237
well, didn't work for me.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-05 15:01:44 UTC in vault item: The_Work_Area v1.0 (SP) Comment #5236
ok, i'll try it now..
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-05 08:48:09 UTC in vault item: sg_spacestation Comment #5235
me laughs back @ vassy :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-05 00:07:15 UTC in vault item: Get walls & ground to touch Comment #5234
Use the '[' key to shrink the grid.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-04 21:44:08 UTC in vault item: The Sydney Harbour Bridge Comment #5233
Just a note: You can run it in OpenGL, but you need a half-decent GFX card.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-04 17:50:49 UTC in vault item: Get walls & ground to touch Comment #5232
Damned, one of the easiest things in mapping is to touch the walls to the ground.... It is just a basic thing :o
Read one of the tutorials in the beginner section ;)
( My english really sux :P )
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-04 17:38:30 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #5230
he he i did the same thing when i first mapped he he i used wall textures as floors and water as ceiling :o but i learnt that you should read the name of the texture before applying
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-04 12:27:26 UTC in vault item: My_First_Map Comment #5229
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-04 10:13:54 UTC in vault item: Get walls & ground to touch Comment #5228
I didnt know what to put so i clicked on all of it. lolz sorry "Included: BSP MAP RMF "
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 14:45:34 UTC in vault item: aim_roadblock Comment #5226
ONE SENTENCE: keep up the good work!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 14:20:46 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #5225
In the begin, u got glass with ticket on it or something, that glass is in the wall above it, ffs, my english sux ass :o U also got a WALL TEXTURE as floor....
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 14:07:02 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #5224
what do u mena by a wall is in the glass?
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 14:05:58 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #5223
This map is kinda small and do some music with it, i mean it is a concert ?, look at the textures to, a wall is in the glass for example, but i think u just started at mapping, its oke then i guess (sorry for my bad english btw :p)
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 13:02:06 UTC in vault item: Small battle 2 Comment #5221
I think that aim_map comment was referring to the fact that grunts cant aim for peanuts and that barneys would whoop their arses any day... its a CS term anyhows.. did that make sense? Anyway, even though it's not that good, i think its a good idea to send your first few maps in.. Make sure your on the right tracks
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 12:31:15 UTC in vault item: The_Work_Area v1.0 (SP) Comment #5220
Plz commecnt what you think about the map and report bugs!!!! :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-03 01:27:23 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #5219
...and I also enjoy eating pig snout!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-02 04:20:15 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #5216
omg. U really spent some serious time on writing all this.. man.. Youre weird.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-01 16:10:32 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5212
oohhh Sorry :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-12-01 15:05:55 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #5211
Walkthrough for "Escape from Black Mesa"
I know a small ugly map like this doesn't really deserve to have a "walkthrough", but there are so many ways to complete the map that most of you might not even realize it. If you attempt to confront the guards head-on with just your crowbar, you'll find the map extremely challenging (not to mention frustrating) indeed.

However, when I designed the map, I planned for the player to use some stealth. I guess I should say "relative" stealth, because it's impossible to be completely undetected to reach your objective. It's more like sneaking behind a guard and loading him up with lead, picking off each guard one by one. When more than one guards gang up on you with their firearms, your survival usually becomes grim.

Anyways, without further delay, here is the walkthrough.

Wait a moment for you to regain consciousness, and you'll find yourself stuck in a jail. Turn around to face away from the jail window, and in the dark corner away from the unconscious sceintist, investigate the ceiling. You should find a piece of ceiling that is somewhat displaced. Jump up to it, and a secret trap door will open up. Jump up again to gain access to the crowbar hidden there.

Use to the crowbar to smash the jail door. It takes about ten to fifteen hits to break down--it is a metal door afterall. After the door is demolished, don't walk out directly! If you do, you'll be spotted by the guards immediately and they won't have any mercy on you.

Instead, crouch down and walk as close to the exterior of the jail as possible and sneak to your right. Walk behind the adjacent library but stop before you reach the guard waiting at the far side of that building. Save your game.

Quickly step from behind the library and show yourself to the guard waiting there. He'll open fire, but you would have had the chance to withdraw to the safety behind the wall. After a few seconds of firing at you, he'll advance to the area behind the building, and you'll hit his head with the crowbar as hard and fast as you can. It sometimes takes just two or three whacks before he's dead (he might not even have a chance to return fire). And now you have his assault rifle (Whew! Some real weapon finally).

Turn around and run to the back side of the jail house (quickly, as the guards are already aware that you've broken out). Crouch along the periphery of the jail house towards the room with the soda machine. You'll want to crouch or else the guard in the room will notice you and shoot you on sight.

If you're successful and haven't made too much noise, you'll find the guard in the soda room facing in another direction other than yours. In the crouched position, give him some head shots (and I don't mean with a camera). Stay alert after you've killed him, because usually there will be another guard running towards your direction. Be ready to shoot him dead as well.

After you've killed both of these guards, crouch-jump through the window to the soda room. You'll find your HEV suit in the back of the room. After you've donned your HEV suit, crouch-jump out of the window again. Turn around and shoot at the soda machine while trying to conserve your bullets as much as possible. When the machine explodes, you'll find a battery left on the floor. I'm sure you know what to do with it. (You wouldn't want to hit the machine with the crowbar, because once it explodes, you'll suffer some injury from the explosion if you're near it.)

Get behind the jail house again after you've climbed out of the window from the soda room. Run quickly to the library. Climb through the window and you can find a battery on the desk. Use your crowbar to smash the bookshelf, and you can replenish your health with the healthkit if you need the boost.

Crouch-jump out of the library window facing away from the jail house towards the ammunition depot. Quickly run behind the room. If you're slow, you'll be detected by a guard in the satellite control room. Crouch down and walk slowly to the far side of the ammunition depot while pressing yourself against the wall. If you stand up or sticks out too much from the wall, the sentry gun will detect you.

Through the window of the ammunition depot, check the guard inside the room. If you've used stealth appropriately, he should be either facing away from you or in some other direction, unware of your location. Shoot him down with the remaining of your ammunition. Jump through the window into the ammunition depot and destroy those crates with your crowbar. You'll find a shotgun and a tripmine, plus some RPG ammunition for your assault rifle (Yeah, baby! Now we're talking).

Before you leave the room, turn on your flash light. You'll find a big-ass arrow pointing towards the ceiling in the ammunition room. Take the hint and jump up at the ceiling to activate the trap door, and you'll earn yourself some grenades.

Leave the room through the door but approach the main building carefully. There might be a guard in the satellite control room. Shoot him down at a distance outside the building, as he can't do too much damage to you because he only has a shotgun.

Now, you have the option of eliminating the guard on the tower with your grenade launcher or you can wait until later. It's up to you which ever way is more fun.

Before you enter the main building, sneak to the far side of the building where the generator is fenced off (by an electrified fence). Through the window there, you can shoot down the guard in the sleeping quarter (No more Xena for him!).

Get inside the sleeping quarter and load yourself up with some health boost next to the wooden couch (and collect some much-needed ammo). Before venturing into the adjacent satellite control room, be careful of another guard in the room. Mow him down first to clear the room before you reward yourself with a battery boost there.

Exit the main building again through the sleeping quarter and sneak along the wall of the main building. Install the tripmine against the wall of the building, with the laser beam pointing to the soda room. Hopefully, you've done all these without being detected by the guards.

Now, open fire to the two guards (one in the alleyway between the main building and the bathroom, the other one on the far side of the bathroom). One of them should come after you, and he'll be the victim of the tripmine trap you've set up earlier. There is a healthkit inside the bathroom if you need it.

Proceed to the front of the main building along the wall to avoid the sentry gun. Get to the front corner of the building where the generator is located (you can see the sign "High Voltage" on the fence). The sentry gun is right above you. Throw a well-aimed grenade or two towards the roof of the building to destroy the gun and the guard up there.

When that's accomplished, gain access to the roof via the ladder in the alleyway facing the bathroom. Quickly dock under the observation tower to avoid the RPG fire from the guard on top (and treat yourself with more grenades in there). When you peek out, lob a grenade onto the tower platform and hear him splatter. Grab his grenade launcher ammo on the tower afterwards.

Move back down to the mesa level and approach the ladder leading down the plateau carefully. There is still a guard down there waiting for you. You can choose your favorite weapon to eliminate him (I prefer the RPG--it's just so damn satisfying to launch!).

Climb down the ladder carefully to the ledge, but Barney isn't there. You have to jump to the impossibly thin ledge along the rock wall across from you. Make sure, however, you don't actually jump! If you do, you'll hit your head on the rock formation protruding out and you'll fall to your death. Instead, just run fast and let yourself fall to the thin ledge.

Turn around, and this time, jump to the ladder on the rock wall facing you. Hopefully you'll grab on to the ladder instead of falling all the way down. Climb down the ladder and rendezvous with Barney!

The map will immediately return you to the OEM menu at this point. It's not a bug, it's just an abrupt end to your adventure. Sorry, no victory music for this map.

I hope you've enjoyed this map, and my walkthrough has enhanced your appreciation for the gameplay. It took me a while to fine-tune the gameplay and the position of the grunts and info_nodes. It is, however, my first map, and I am aware of the meager architecture and texture.

Feel free to comment.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-30 17:35:10 UTC in vault item: zero_kako Comment #5210
Hey, don't apologize. For a first map, it's pretty good.

But be sure to let your next map do the talking. Now you have all the resources at TWHL, you'll show us what you can really make with your next upload.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-30 16:22:39 UTC in vault item: Compo 12 Egyptian Museum Comment #5209
Thanks Rabid. I didn't see the tut on minimods until after I submitted this :(
Next time :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-30 03:15:48 UTC in vault item: CS Surf Map Pack Comment #5208
I can host if for you if you want. Email me if you want me to:
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 23:59:13 UTC in vault item: CS Surf Map Pack Comment #5207
how do i attach the sound file? its less than 2 megs and im a noob -.-
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 21:55:24 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5206
yeh no teasing :P we encourage your efforts and are commenting sugestions for future work. think codename gordan, stickman style :o
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 16:29:46 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5204
not teasing you, mate. we're teasing habboi, for trying to base maps off of the gameplay (the map isnt everything in the gameplay either.)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 13:21:50 UTC in vault item: Getting a belt to move Comment #5203
The reason I wanted moveing belt is because I have used built on moters and spining axel things and I wanted a change.What did u do to fix the problems with the fan?It is hard to tell the diffrence.Thanks for doing the belt.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 10:20:28 UTC in vault item: den_Area12_V0,2 Comment #5202
I LOVE Danish maps... (specielt nær jeg selv er dansker!!!)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 10:14:10 UTC in vault item: fy_icewar Comment #5199
Keep Mapping... Maybe some sort of de_map or cs_map. I Think you could make some nice ones of those if you know what i mean :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 09:37:56 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5198
AND thanx for good rating!!!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 09:35:59 UTC in vault item: zero_kako Comment #5197
sorry it's my first map without any toturial or help at all... AND i made this map the same as I dl hammer editor!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 09:31:44 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5196
I said i was noob making maps so dont tease me like that!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 07:22:30 UTC in vault item: Winter City Comment #5195
When are you gonna fix that ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-29 03:50:38 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5194
better yet lets make the walls invisible and just skybox it in white or black O.o
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 18:00:16 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level Elevators Comment #5193
Good job!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 17:04:42 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5192
yeah. itll be a great mod. it doesnt matter what the models look like, because we only need to have good gameplay.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 16:40:23 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5191
wooteh we should make a stickman mod :/
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 15:10:43 UTC in vault item: Getting a belt to move Comment #5190
You have four bad brusher in all fanblade and one in the belt, I have fix that in the uploaded file.
Do you really ned a moving belt in this place?
Okay you do it with a scroling texture I think it's "SCROLL_CONV3" you can use.
Good luck
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 10:23:55 UTC in vault item: Small battle 2 Comment #5189
aim map? its half life single player, fool.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-28 10:23:18 UTC in vault item: de_kako Comment #5188
you cant judge a map entirley on gameplay. would you still enjoy half life 2 if all the characters were stick figures and the walls looked like they were made of jelly?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 22:57:24 UTC in vault item: sg_spacestation Comment #5186
:P jokes
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 21:16:44 UTC in vault item: zero_kako Comment #5185
a river. a river of BLOOD!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 19:33:44 UTC in vault item: sg_spacestation Comment #5184
no they're all hl.wad :/
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 18:44:17 UTC in vault item: zero_kako Comment #5183
that map makes me cry.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 16:49:10 UTC in vault item: sg_spacestation Comment #5182
habboi: looks like it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 12:29:48 UTC in vault item: chemical_trap Comment #5181
about the door, i think you can stop it by setting the door up as a track train
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-27 11:34:21 UTC in vault item: de_valstrand Comment #5180
well it looks as though you put a bit of effort into it and i can see you know how to make a building! one thing i might add is that the player starts are too low in the floor! but besides from that i would say its ok but i dont know what your school looks like!