
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-30 10:05:30 UTC in vault item: psychedelic Comment #19138
OMG dude! It's SUPER MEGA COOL map!!! :D
I liked and rated 5 stars...

I wish there's a helicopter model at center point of helicopter area. But that's cool too :D

And how did you do that big sphere of lazers? Is it env_beam with flag?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-30 05:18:44 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62854
Windows is doing things behind users' backs.

There's plenty of this all over the internet. Inform yourself.

Windows 7 can be as outdated as you want, but it's still my computer. I'll be the one to decide if it gets updated or not.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-30 04:52:39 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Perfect Timing with Doors Comment #100988
nvm what i just said it has nothing to do with the tutorial my bad
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-29 11:59:17 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Changing Levels Comment #100629
alright, the level change work for me, only one issue: since my level change is in an elevator, i have npcs from the previous level who shows up in the next level, but i really dont need them in here, so how do i get rid of them?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-29 05:04:29 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62866
The whole point is, if you dont know something, get to know it. It took me 3 minutes of reading to find an solution for the people who faced this problem. A whole lot of 3 microsoft windows updates were causing the update process to occur, and still only after you approved it you self. Windows is not doign anything behind its users backs that was not already announced and mentioned.
You paid for an, now outdated, version of windows operating system that is entitled to free update to the newest, more improved, version and you dont want to. Obviously you dont want your computer to serve you, you want to serve it.
Lack of thinking has lead to masses of users to complain, not bad functionality of an multi milion dollar invesment operating system.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-29 05:00:36 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: ambient_generic Comment #100728
im trying to trigger elevmove2.wav when im starting my level in the elevator, it plays the sound but it keeps looping forever, im using trigger_once and multi_manager in order to do so. how do i fix that?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-29 04:56:42 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62853
Stojke, you are an idiot.

Some people may not be very well acquainted with the inner workings of their computer and its operating system, but the whole point of this is that people who do are pissed because Windows is doing things behind their back despite their explicit setting not to take a certain action. And with reason. Wouldn't you be pissed if your computer decided to do something you specifically told it not to do?

The features (or lack of) of a new OS aside, it is my computer. I'm the one who paid for it and its sole purpose is to serve me, that is why I have it. No matter what it offers and how much it insists, the last say should be mine.

In this thread (and other threads related to the topic) you called me, as well as others, autistic, computer illiterate, and lazy. I take offense to that.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 21:40:21 UTC in vault item: de_stroyschool (Pre-Alpha 9) Comment #19142
No one will loose interest for something he does not know is beeing created. He can only gain interest into it once it is created and from there should be given one test run in order to fix everything. Or as the old masters used to do: Create great map > find flaws > create an even greater and more original second version with improvements from first version. Never go backto something you can finish and make done. Life is too short to go back and wait, go back and wait, go back and wait. Charge head on, think, create, improve only whats on the foundation after your mind is set on it.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 21:33:03 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62865
What a stupid response, just 20 years ago you would have needed an intensive computer training course in order to use one. Computers are there to be used as tools and serve the user not as a replacement for your own brain. The problem with why windows and many other aspects of it are retarded as they are is because a good part of the userbase is as well.
A computer can not, and should not, think for you, you should think for your self and instruct a computer what to do. If a user is too dumb to do a simple infromative search on how to disable certain aspects of his operating system that he does not desire, and thank god EVERYTHING can be disabled or enabled, he should inform and educate himself.
I said autistic because people really love to be retarded today instead to invest time and sweat, and I personally do not believe autistic people are any more different than anybody else, they are just misfortunate to be unable to completely controll them selfes with ease.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 21:00:17 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62869
"And people should stop being so autistic about new versions of Windows operating system regarding its security, privacy and looks, its free ffs."
And you should stop being insulting towards those people as well as autistic people. Also using insults is not a way to cover your lack of arguments.
Windows's not free (Windows 10 is only available free for a limited period of time), and if you don't care about the privacy, security and look of your OS, that's great, but I don't know why you should force people to be as indifferent as you.
I do care about my privacy, the security of my OS and lastly about the look of it. I think that people who don't are reckless and misinformed and that people like you who don't and insult those who do are being stupid and unbearable...

"the fact that I know that you need to confirm the installation in order for it to progress only suggest to me that some people have no idea on how to use their computer and would gladly waste hours and/or days posting how disgusted they are instead of spending around 10 minutes only for finding the most logical solution and getting to know their operating system more."
You're being offensive and saying stupid things again. Windows is still barely doing what we told it to do but has an aggressive and frustrating way of urging us to update Windows deserves to be criticized. Using an OS shouldn't require a PHD, nor should it be complicated. You may use your computer while being tired, focused on other things than you OS. Thus any normal person would find annoying the fact of being obliged to go into the Windows's settings in order to find how to disable the frequent reminder for Windows 10 when you never asked for it, and even more annoying the fact that the buttons are frequently swapped so you end up clicking the "Install now" button when you wanted to click on the "Cancel" button which you thought was there because it was there before.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 20:51:59 UTC in vault item: de_stroyschool (Pre-Alpha 9) Comment #19512
I have a lot of version names:

Plan-phase, Pre-alpha_building, Pre-alpha, Alpha, Pre-beta, Beta, Test Beta, Open Test Beta, Delta, Final and Final HotFix.

You're right. But it's not me. Other people will loose interest about it. It's like watching a 'behind-the-scenes' before the actual movie comes out.

The detail is what blocks me from continuing. See, some places (like the corner between the fence and the sandy part) are made out of details. So, instead of putting 4 brushes for that area I put 12 of them.

But, at least it's better than the old one, which was clearly laggy.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 16:38:10 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62864
The fact that the same thing has not happened on my computer, and I use windows 8.1 for a few years now, on English language, and the fact that I know that you need to confirm the installation in order for it to progress only suggest to me that some people have no idea on how to use their computer and would gladly waste hours and/or days posting how disgusted they are instead of spending around 10 minutes only for finding the most logical solution and getting to know their operating system more.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 16:13:49 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62852
Linux is free too and doesn't decide what I need on my computer on my behalf.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 06:56:28 UTC in vault item: de_stroyschool (Pre-Alpha 9) Comment #19306
Pre alpha 89, pre beta 2156, almost final 9999 ..
You will easily loose interested to finish things if you publish them like this. No one publushes a empty book with a few head lines, then a book with a few pages and an half drawn title cover, books are published completed, proof read and free of possible errors and mistakes.

If you're building an map first plan it from point 0 to point A from which you can build an steady foundation onto which you can add your composition. Dont just shuffle around different loose foundations that can lead no where in the end.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 06:49:35 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62863
Just remove the updates designated for the update process and hide them from required windows updates list.

And people should stop being so autistic about new versions of Windows operating system regarding its security, privacy and looks, its free ffs. As if any of us have any data that means anything to anyone important, and if any one has any illegal data, or activities, either live with it openly or move onto an deserted island that has no laws. Man up sissies.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-28 02:53:20 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62851
Yeah there are a handful of those. But I always forget to download them :P

Still, I shouldn't be actively working to prevent it, I should be the one making it happen.

That said, why does the first screenshot look like... Linux?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-27 17:42:28 UTC in journal: #8705 Comment #68026
Hey, not all dreams are bad. Some bring luck. If you saw the one about the big blue moon, I actually told my mom to buy a lottery ticket because of that dream. I told her that 6 months after I had the dream, so it probably lost 90% of its effects?

Guess what. We won 5 BAM. Not much, but it's probably not a coincidence.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-27 09:09:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Doors Comment #100480
when i put the origin brush, the map is having bugs when i load it in game, how do i fix it?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-27 06:24:31 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Perfect Timing with Doors Comment #100987
a more simplier way is putting a trigger_multiple next to the doors and make them big enough so the player doesnt reach the doors before it start opening (thats if you dont want to block on the doors when youre running)
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-26 21:21:21 UTC in journal: #8705 Comment #68025
My general culture teacher taught me when I was studying my BTS (the french equivalent of what english people would call BTEC National Diploma) that it's normal for dreams to be weird. Because the main reason of dreaming is to escape an hostile/painful reality, humans seek for a peaceful world or a world where the only thing he has to do is enjoy life, some people confessed dreaming to be a guy like Duke Nukem (without the aliens) or Deadpool.

For years, I used to tell everyone that I wasn't dreaming and I realized that I were wrong for the whole time. Everybody dreams, but for most people, it's hard to remember.

When I was a child, I had a nightmare where my house was on fire like The Sims. I also had a nightmare where I was in space on some kind of space pod with one of my brothers, then I fell down the pod into space.

The most recent nightmare I had was days ago, I was sleeping with my girlfriend at her place and suddenly I realized that my legs and arms were unconsciously moving and I was talking in my sleep. I have never done those before, I was logging on my university portal to find out that I failed the exams and I woke up in a brutal way. I tried to sleep again but it wasn't possible. I remember having gently woke up my girlfriend so she could comfort me and she managed to make me sleep again.

As for "good" dreams, I don't remember having made any of them.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-26 17:28:19 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62850
Yeah they pulled a few other tricks before: First it was [Upgrade now] and [Upgrade later]. Then it became [Upgrade now] and [Upgrade tonight].

I never clicked either and made sure there wasn't an "opt out" option anywhere before X'ing out. Until it scheduled itself anyway because fuck you and what you want your own computer to do, right?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-26 16:19:44 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62870
"Upgrade Now" and "OK"
Good design there Microshaft
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-26 16:02:49 UTC in vault item: detail_wasteland Comment #19305
For Garrys Mod is a good map :)
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-24 08:40:17 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Changing Levels Comment #100628
I made two test maps for an HL mod I want create.

The transition from 1st map to 2nd map worked correctly.

But when I tried to return to 1st map, it didn't worked. Why?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-23 19:34:57 UTC in vault item: detail_wasteland Comment #20643

I actually had a dream whose part closely resembled this map! Weird...
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-23 19:09:37 UTC in journal: #8572 Comment #65926
@2muchvideogames : Shut up and take my money
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-23 16:18:08 UTC in journal: #8572 Comment #65929
I notice now that my picture has turned into a nice living room.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-22 14:35:24 UTC in vault item: secret_depot Comment #6960
Seems little random, ill test it later ;)
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-21 22:36:34 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33121
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-20 04:35:35 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Multi_manager Comment #100555
i never knew the use of multi_manager until now, i always did it the hard way and put multiple trigger_once or trigger_multiple in one location
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-20 04:33:02 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: trigger_camera Comment #100678
ah so the multi_manager is an entitity to trigger more than one thing? i always used multiple trigger_once or trigger_multiple and put all of them in the same location
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-19 17:15:51 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62871
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-18 20:57:08 UTC in vault item: fy_alienation Comment #6959
well made ;]
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-18 07:47:39 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #6958
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-17 06:34:31 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62857

microsoft still doesnt test their own updates i see
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-16 10:23:29 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Ant Comment #100277
Fortunately, there won't be any new news posts between now and next Ant's-birthday, so we'll have a convenient view of how things have changed since now.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 20:33:18 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62868

Concerning your second point, that's mostly wrong in my opinion: There's not only professional software. There's also games, general softwares... Windows also has its perks over Linux, including the fast boot, the Windows 8 UI (how come? you don't like it? :P )

You're right concerning Ubuntu, God I don't know why it is so praised and recommended for beginners. Although I would advise fedora. Unlike Ubuntu which has the worse ever made Desktop Environment since the ancient Greeks, fedora has a sparse and very good one and God far far far less bugs.

@Striker + @Shepard + @DiscoStu + @everyone fuck yeah
For the third point Striker, I simply don't agree with these people who praise Windows 10. It is for me a devolution. And that explains the fact I am reluctant to update Windows 8.
Let's be honest, I am not saying Windows 8 is a good OS, but it introduced what I think are genial and long awaited features: apps, and a new UI: a Start menu bigger than a thumbnail, buttons and options you can click without aiming at them for hours.
I perfectly know what I said is highly controversial, but I'll explain myself.
Apps: it's just necessary for an OS to have a unified place to look for harmless software you can install, uninstall and review easily. With the traditional system, all software are potentially harmful or not fully removable, and do not offer a cohesive experience (clicking an icon which opens an app taking all the screen is a cohesive experience I like). Now I think, as for linux, you should be able to chose the server from where you want to install apps.
Now, concerning the UI. I like it because I feel resting and home with it. I like the fact apps can only take 3 sizes and positions, it makes everything more simpler, the screen more easy to understand. I like the Internet Explorer 10 ergonomics. With everything hidden until you right click at one end of the screen. It helps so much to concentrate, and it makes me feel so much better. I like the fact the taskbar is hidden by default ( even though sometimes it doesn't want to reappear). I like the big buttons, the sparse and simple presentation of elements in apps and on the start menu. Call me clumsy, but on the classical UI, I feel like I need so much efforts to identify the button I want to click on and to click on it. Especially for the contextual menu. With Windows 8, its' far more easier with the 2 dimensional start menu.

Just to repeat myself, I don't like this OS, but I think it's the less worse Windows. There are a lot of flaws with it: obscure messages ("taking care of a few things"), duplicated options applications, lack of options with applications, the charm bar, the fact apps take ages to load and are unstable, the necessity to use a Microsoft account to use apps. I just think Windows should go further with Windows 8 and fix all those flaws.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 20:07:07 UTC in journal: #8701 Comment #58528
Hey Man, Thanks for linking to my site from your profile, Means a lot that you find it useful.

Best of luck in your exams

Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 19:48:45 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62849
I agree Windows XP was great for its time. Now, however, it's fifteen years old and obsolete. Windows 95 was also great for its time, and nobody in their right mind would use it anymore.

W7 is fantastic and probably the best version so far, but I'm not going to hold on to it as if it were the last operating system in the world if a better one comes along. I mean a proper one. It WILL be obsolete eventually, so if this goes on I'll just move over to Linux after a few years. By that time, I'll probably have a new computer too so the old one will keep W7.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 11:24:55 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62845
Building up on what Striker said :

1) The standard support for Windows 7 ended in 2015, the extended support will end in 2020. A lot of enterprises here in France are still on Windows XP and refuses to upgrade to Windows 7 or 10 because they think that Windows XP has been the best Windows in the whole history and I tend to agree with them.

2) Ubuntu is the worst Linux distro since their move to the Unity desktop, if you take a look at Ubuntu 16.10 specs, you need 2 Gb of RAM and 1,2 Ghz of CPU to run it properly. Seriously Canonical ? Do you think I'm gonna ride a Citroën 2 CV when I can ride a Porsche 918 Spyder with Arch Linux ? This is the first thing I'm telling to people that wish to try and/or move to Linux : go for Arch Linux if you have the patience and wish to build a PC that suits you, if you need an "out of the box" Linux distro, go for Manjaro. Windows 10 should have integrated the "standard Linux software", not those "Ubuntu derivatives".

3) Since Windows 8, I've been complaining about the "Access Denied"/"You can't do this unless you have administrator privileges" when you add/edit/remove files outside of your personal folder. One of the solution could be to disable UAC (User Account Control) but some stuff won't work because of that. So you spend your time, copy/paste the file you wish to edit to your desktop, edit that copy, move that copy to overwrite the original with Admin privileges, test if it works and repeat if it don't. Don't get me wrong, when you create an account on Windows, by default it's an "Administrator", in theory, you should have the liberty what pleases on your PC.

Something I hate since Windows 8 are those "Metro" apps like "Mail", "Calendar", it gives me the feeling that I am on my phone and not on my PC. Luckily, we have tools to remove them.

I was running Windows 10 months ago, and I had a notification telling me that "Updates were available", I clicked on it, pressed the "Update Now" button, waited a few minutes and Windows 10 told me that it need to reboot to finish, so I pressed the "Restart now" button. Everything was doing great until instead of having the loading icon at boot time I had a BSoD. I tried rebooting, rebooting in safe mode, using recovery tools in the Windows 10 DVD, Boot-repair (Linux) and my Windows 10 installation was "dead" because of an update. I said that "enough bullshit is enough" and went back to Windows 7. I loose a little bit of performance but I have stability instead.

4) Using that "telemetry blocker" software is the first thing I do after I install Windows 10 for me, my GF or a friend and I agree on the fact that it's YOUR PC and like a software licence would say : you "DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT" and this is what I really like about Linux and I would be moving permanently to it if developers would stop supporting Microsoft only. I know that packaging applications on Linux is a pain in the ***, but it shouldn't be a barrier.

For reminder, the free Windows 10 offer end in 29th July, after that it's a $139 licence cost.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 03:40:30 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62848
Funds are never disposable :P
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-15 01:26:00 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62842
Because of some bullshit that went on with my computer, I'm now running an unregistered copy of Windows 7. It's the exact some one that was running on this computer before, but it refused to accept the fact that this is the same computer with two different parts.
I'll have to get a new copy of Windows at some point so all the annoying little quirks go away, and I'll probably get Windows 10. But I have to come into some disposable funds before that happens.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 21:46:58 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62862
Yeah, I never get it because I have Windows 7 Ultimate. I guess I get no free upgrade to Professional Windows 10 which is fine by me.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 21:30:36 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62847
@ssy: This is Windows 7 Home Premium.

@Admer: Yeah that's what I did. I'm just pissed that it keeps insisting.

@Loulimi: I'm getting off easy. There's plenty of people on the internet that are really pissed because it straight up updated without notice. Rolling back isn't quite as easy as Microsoft claims and often enough problems crop up that brick people's computers and they end up with neither OS.

@Striker: I agree with you on everything, especially point 3. I'd have moved over to Linux long ago if I didn't need to use Windows-only software like AutoCAD, 3DS max, the Adobe suite, etc. I'd have to run them in a VM, which means I'd still have to use Windows.

What pisses me off the most is that they're trying to shove it down my throat. It's MY computer and whatever happens to it is up to ME.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 20:46:10 UTC in vault item: de_stroyschool (Pre-Alpha 9) Comment #5476
LoL, I've realized one thing, maybe it's +/-4096, so then the map isn't that big...

For example, a 8192x128 brush's vertices are basicaly offset -4096 and 4096 units from 0, aren't they? Well, then I have no reason to be afraid of expanding the map even further on the end-of-development phase.