
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 19:06:57 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62844
Instead of lamenting about this, let's face the reality:

1. In the immediate future, Windows 7 is going to expire. It's an excellent system even today and I still see it as a modern operating system. I think it has 4 more years of support if I'm correct. I know it's going to outlive that just as Windows XP did, which is even now used in many enterprises that can't afford to update systems that just... work.

2. Fortunately, software has advanced sufficiently that the linux-based systems are now a good alternative. Honestly if one is not professionally bound to applications that work only on Windows, you can switch with no problems to linux. And linux is not hard to tackle either: Ubuntu is retarded-proof. Even more advanced distros are easier to maintain these days. The only one I've tried and was hardcore was Arch linux, but it falls in another category. There are also the BSD-based systems, but those are usually meant for server-side.

3. Most of the people I know who use Windows 10 don't complain, they even praise it, but most of them have the "I've got nothing to hide" attitude. From my point of view, these people don't get the point. As I see it, it's not about you at the personal level(even though you should care...), but the fact that someone is milking the masses of data and using that data in its self-interest. Because they can. Because it's natural. Until now the consumer was the one who had to be pleased. Now he needn't be. Now the corporation can adjust its services so as to provide maximum perceived quality(by the consumer) while minimizing costs.
But the fact is that Windows 10 is a 10/10 OS without its privacy flaws. So, onward to point 4.

4. I'm sure you've all seen the news: people all over the world use ad-blockers and marketing companies are not happy. Their hunger for too much and forgetting to be reasonable led to their demise: people, at least initiated people, hate seeing so much ads( I personally don't use an ad-blocker, instead I simply don't visit sites that are 80% ads and 20% content... it's a good indicator that the site is shit, but I've always accepted seeing ads as long as they're reasonably placed).
Well I think that's what's going to happen with privacy invasion too, even if it's much harder to tackle. People will become educated in what internet privacy means. For Windows 10 there are already solutions for blocking telemetry with software. A more aggressive one would be a custom built router software that detects these telemetry aspects.

I too have that icon and I'm still reluctant to update. I waiting one more month( afaik, June is the last month you can get it for free).
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 18:38:39 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62867
So far I thought there were some implicit limits Microsoft wouldn't dare to cross. Looks like I was wrong.
I'm now excepting them to simply force us to do what they want without prompting or informing us.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 18:34:17 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62872
If so, cancel the update :)

I'd go back to XP though... I could have it as a virtual machine, along with Windows 98, 95, 3.1 and MS-DOS.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 18:27:08 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62861
Are you using Windows 7 Home Edition?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-14 18:26:44 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62860
I find it odd that I have not gotten that pesky message at all on my computer.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 22:07:41 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68019
I see what you did there ^^
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 21:15:54 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68015
Can I just say that I love how "money" and "silver" are both "argent"? Makes life feel like a video game.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 17:52:12 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68024
So it can't translate phrases :(
The original meaning of D.G.G.G.n.G. was "The hills down there burn worse than up."

But, back on topic, I hope that the plan will conclude well. Afterall, it's on my list of '50 things to do before high school'.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 17:40:49 UTC in journal: #2016 Comment #50180
2016 was an interesting year, full of twists and turns and unpredictable goings on.
Probably the most shocking development was that TJB beat Jessie to being first commenter on one of these year journals.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 16:05:40 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68018
Google Translate :
Croatian (auto-detected) => English
Dolje gore gore gore nego gore. => Down up up up up care.

Google Translate :
English => French
Money on it being gory. => L'argent sur elle étant sanglante.

My translation of the previous sentence :
French => English
L'argent sur elle étant sanglante. => The money on it being bloody.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 11:09:29 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68023
What? I don't understand...
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-12 03:08:43 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68020
Money on it being gory.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-11 21:12:01 UTC in journal: #128 Comment #35570
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Unless the plater is 2muchvideogames, I hear that guy punches babies for fun, although don't tell him I told you that.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-11 13:45:30 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68022
Well, I have said that I spent a month researching, and:

The debit card provided with the account can actually make payments via the Internet.

And, using the bank's app for PCs and Android phones, the client is able to convert to (and so make payments in) other currencies.

One additional thing I've found are the daily limits (thus discovering can the card be used for via-the-Internet payments) and a few costs regarding using their mobile app service (including conversion).

P.S. See if Google Translate can translate "Dolje gore gore gore nego gore.".
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 22:32:32 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68013
It's not US only because I used my Australian bank account :)
I couldn't find any details on whether you can do it in Bosnia though. It is in the list of countries they support though, so it's worth looking at least!

But going by your link the "Teenage" card will do what you want. Google translate says that one of the bullet points is:
"Buy products and services - payments through POS terminals at all points of sale in the country and outside the country..."
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 12:55:12 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68021

That may be very possible to happen in my country, but if the bank, however, does offer accounts for other currencies (and still without being an international account), then that might be a good solution, but I'll have to speak to my parents about that, because I'm not sure if they'd agree, but hey, Euros are common in Bosnia, too. Many thanks for the information.


Prepaid cards act just like debit cards, yes, but I'm not quite sure if they, again, support international payments, but they really do support paying across the Internet, or I don't remember correctly.


Yeah, good idea, but that service is US only, it's lucky for you to live there. Despite that, I'll see that information again.

@Instant Mix

Well, thank you! My English teacher and the school's director, who used to be an English teacher, both said similar things to my mother.
Regarding the cards, the UniCredit Bank (the one I chose) has only MasterCards for debit cards, and 5 types: Teenage, Golden, International, Regular and Prepaid. So the ideal one would be MasterCard International. And if you need proof go here.

Edit: Umm, actually, they also have a debit card for students but that requires an ID card (and I have to wait to turn 15 for that).
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 10:08:50 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68014
I'm simply impressed at your fluency in English, that's bloody incredible. I certainly wasn't that good at your age!

It all seems to depend on the card; if you can't do international purchases you are up shit creek I'm afraid. Can you enquire with your bank if you are able to?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 10:03:16 UTC in journal: #8701 Comment #58527
Congrats, dude. Let us know if you do invest in a pro bike!

There are areas of the opportunities 'pool' that shrink, but there are other parts of the pool that are always expanding as you get more life and work experience. Don't get too anxious about thinking you need a perfect plan.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 09:16:06 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68012
Before I had a Visa card I was able to link my bank account with Paypal. Basically they use normal bank transfers to transfer money between your bank account and your Paypal balance without needing to use a credit/debit card. You had to wait a few days for funds to get cleared, but it did work. I don't know if Paypal still offers that service or if it's available in your country? Worth a look if you can't use your debit card for online/international purchases.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 09:10:35 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68016
I remember being in your situation. For the first two and a half years of my TWHL existence, my copy of Half-Life was a pirated disk that my friend had copied for me. I had the money and would have been willing to buy it, but I just didn't have any way of buying things through the internet. Up until December 2011, I had gotten my games on Steam either by buying them in a physical store, or by giving my friend money so he would buy them for me.
User posted image
(With the exception of Half-Life 1, which was gifted to me by Urby and Archie as a competition prize).

Eventually I managed to get a hold of a prepaid card, which is like a debit card that's not tied to a bank account. You go into the place where you got it, and give them money to top up your account. If rufee's right, you might want to try getting one of those. Although I can't remember if there's an age limit for them.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 05:41:43 UTC in vault item: fy_alienation Comment #5475
Nicely shaded gray mmmm :)
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-10 05:39:34 UTC in journal: #8702 Comment #68017
Umm usually these bank plans for teenagers include a limited card i.e. local payments. So don't be surprised if PayPal won't accept your card, if so probably neither will Steam.
Don't know about you, but in our country you have to be of age to have a fully featured bank card be it credit or debit.

As far as conversion rates go PayPal will automatically convert any currency to EUR or USD upon purchase (depends on where you buy from), but not for free.
It might be wise to open a EUR bank account, yes banks let you open accounts in different currencies. Exchange rates in banks are usually better than PayPal's so you wont have to pay PayPal more for converting your cash.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-09 18:24:37 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62838
It's as good as you imagine it is.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-09 05:43:33 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62834
And I'm just sitting here thinking - Facebook has storage space ?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-08 05:49:12 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62837
It's terrifying how many people consider facebook a good file management platform. I've worked with people in the past that had only used facebook for their file sharing needs, and a very brief description of Dropbox was more than enough for them to realise the mess they were doing before.

Not all of our teachers are like this. Most are well acquainted with the concept of email and send people the right attachments, some even upload course files to a blog or something. There also are, of course, the handful of overdoers that require students to follow them on facebook, twitter and pinterest because they're so cool they upload all the important class things there. Those I hate too.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-08 01:57:25 UTC in vault item: fy_alienation Comment #5474
Why play with the textures =o
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 22:31:48 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62831

Edinburgh uses blackboard Learn as well, it's a bloody useful system but unfortunately depends on how well the course organisers can use learn. Some will have loads of content in loads of places, others will literally consist of a home page with a single lecture notes pdf on it.

The computer science side uses Piazza quite a bit but I've never gone onto that side.

Like to try new things but dont't understand for a second how ANYONE could consider facebook a good data management system
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 16:48:37 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62841
That's partially right, but still, I can't take people who refuse to consider new alternatives simply because they don't feel it and are too bored to try. Of course, on the other hand, you have to give some reasons why you think this alternative would be better.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 16:37:20 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62833
I just remembered that we used a system called "Piazza". That's a good classroom management system but sadly it's not very used.
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Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 15:53:57 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62839
Remember, you have to consider this from the other point of view. Would you rather use a system you are familiar with because you log in it every 2 minutes, or would you want to use a completely unfamiliar system that someone in your group said was good but you dont know anything about how it works and feel that it is unnecessary to learn about this system because the one you are currently familiar with is able to do what you need. Not everyone is an expert tech whiz like everyone on twhl is. Although your school does seem kinda ancient to me, it's that we all spend long time on the internet and take for granted that everyone is like the internet folks and know all about these things, but it looks like most people dont seem to use the internet beyond facebook
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 13:52:08 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62835
My university uses a "Blackboard Learn" brand course management system. Has rudimentary messaging, announcements, file hosting. (though my profs generally use dropbox for anything that isn't a PDF or DOC and just link it there)

I'm not a big fan of Google Drive's file management tools (Docs is fine, though!), since the stuff I generally work on in group projects have to be edited by multiple people at various times.
Generally though we just use a repo or dropbox, depending on what the file is for, and then communicate through Skype or Discord.

Using a facebook group or communal email for file sharing is just asking for trouble.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 13:47:02 UTC in journal: #8699 Comment #51086
Sounds like things are going well!
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 12:15:54 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62840
On my final first year project one person of my group who was quite experienced in computing refused to use any kind of Drive system, preferring uploading files to the facebook chat, because that's more tidy and easy to find, of course.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 09:49:36 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62830
That's bizarre...

It was a few years ago now, but my university had an intranet to host and share files. Each subject had a site and some were pretty crappy-looking, but any required files and teaching resources were uploaded there.

Facebook is probably pretty common for group projects these days (for communication though - not storage), but it wasn't when I was learning. We made do with Google docs and email. Every student had an email specifically for that purpose. For code-related stuff the school tended to give us an SVN repo, and everyone had some personal storage space on the intranet as well.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 08:51:20 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62836
It was one of my old teachers who "forced" me and my classmates to store our work on Dropbox. After weeks of usage, I loved it.

When I start a new code project or even test, my first reaction is "git init", " git add ." and "git commit -m 'Initial commit'". I defineetly love these tools and can't live without them.

I do have a Facebook account and it's file storage system is a magnificient piece of ** that even a beginner could do bettet.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 05:05:54 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62832
Scratching your left part of the head with your right hand at its finest.
I thought that our teaching methods are old, but at least our teachers use Dropbox and the like for stuff like this.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-04 20:34:32 UTC in journal: #5555 Comment #51213
Tasty flesh.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-04 20:31:58 UTC in journal: #111 Comment #35481
How did you know?
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-04 16:15:08 UTC in vault item: fy_alienation Comment #5473
Goodness gracious me that looks sexy :o
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Commented 8 years ago2016-05-04 10:28:11 UTC in journal: #8260 Comment #65838
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-04 01:07:26 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33001
Hello thar Daubster
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-03 02:29:38 UTC in journal: #8699 Comment #51085
That's so awesome :D
Fantastic work, please keep us updated.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-30 11:09:30 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48419
Thanks. I can't wait.