
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-23 08:20:03 UTC in journal: I really like someone, how the fuck do I take that somewhere? Comment #105283
Be brave and when you have a moment alone just ask him if he would like to go on a date. If he's interested, great. If he's not interested, he will probably get an ego boost from being asked, and you can move on mentally. Win-win either way.
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-22 22:31:11 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b1.5 (Update!) Comment #105280
There aren't a lot of city maps this detailed, and it's so large! If you're in the TWHL Discord, ping (and join using /role) the Multiplayer Crew group if you're testing the map - I'd like to try playing this against others
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-22 20:03:22 UTC in journal: I played Quake for the first time today Comment #105278
O k .
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-22 10:56:18 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #105277
Sadly no yet :(
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-21 10:52:29 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105276
If it was painful then maybe it's not worth showing?...
I don't think you understand the basic purpose of recording gameplay in the first place.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-21 09:28:13 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105275
If it was painful then maybe it's not worth showing?...
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-21 00:38:45 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105273
You know there’s that story of a highly trained professional in New Mexico who, instead of conducting a scientific experiment, ended up blowing up the entire facility, which resulted in the death of thousands first and then a dozen world invasions. Think about that guy’s regrets!

More seriously though, it’s something very common in anything software (or even work) related. It’s a way to build up experience, but sometimes (or often) it is because the software was poorly designed.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-20 20:43:37 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105272
Hoo boy. The number of times I did that very same thing back when I was regularly recording playthroughs for mod reviews.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-20 06:43:11 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105271
ahh it happens, very annoying... but give it another go later and everything will be fine
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-18 12:57:01 UTC in journal: I played Quake for the first time today Comment #105269
I definitely didn't find it too challenging. I played through the entire demo on Easy
I think you might be on to something there, chief. :)

I'm old enough to have played the shareware and full release of Quake back when it was released and back then it really was top tier stuff. I too played it on Easy back then, while also using cheats because I mainly enjoyed messing around with my friends.

I've only recently (around 2020) gone back and played through those classic FPS games like Doom 1 & 2, Quake 1 and even Half-Life. This time however I played each of them on harder difficulties and had a much better time with it.

As with Half-Life, Quake has a very active mapping/modding community so it's worth getting the full game if you're into that. There's a back catalogue of over 25 years of custom content available to play :D
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-16 17:49:10 UTC in wiki page: Entity Programming - Handling Player Input Comment #105266
so... you say we cannot add new inputs. what about things such as Xash3D?
Since you have access to the engine's internals with Xash, you could change the data type but you need to be careful to not break everything. Also, if the game/mod is multiplayer, bandwidth/data size need to be taken into account.
it is technically an open-source goldsrc
Xash is an open-source heavily modified version of Quake to be compatible with Half-Life, it is not an "open-source GoldSrc". Valve only released the game code to the public, not the rest (launcher/engine...)
meaning there aren't any programming limitations.
Friendly advice: just because you have access to the engine's internals does not means that "simply bumping limits" will work. There will always be limits regardless of the engine/programming language you are using.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-14 22:07:05 UTC in journal: Progress on my WIP Map #1 Comment #105265
Looks interesting
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-14 04:18:15 UTC in vault item: fy_bloodstrike_2023 Comment #105262
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-13 09:19:17 UTC in vault item: Lost at Sea Comment #105259
I really enjoyed this map. The setting has an interesting feel to it. I had some big frame rate drops in certain places, what could be the cause?
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-11 16:02:52 UTC in vault item: fy_bloodstrike_2023 Comment #105257
No. This is a derivative of a classic map that I designed.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-11 15:12:58 UTC in vault item: fy_bloodstrike_2023 Comment #105256
Is that map for new F2P game on steam? Bloodstrike?
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-10 11:47:00 UTC in wiki page: func_monsterclip Comment #105255
it seems that this entity does not interfere with snarks
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-08 11:55:58 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105252
Thank you guys! Appreciate the comments :heart: :D
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-07 18:39:40 UTC in vault item: Improved Blue Shift Shotgun animations pack Comment #105248
Accidental double post
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-07 18:19:48 UTC in vault item: Improved Blue Shift Shotgun animations pack Comment #105247
Is this a troll comment? What are you viewing on, a 1982 monochrome CRT with massive burn-in?
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-07 18:07:15 UTC in journal: GoldSRC + Godot = ??? (continued) Comment #105246
Nicely with a touch of sandwich!

I might even ask someday how to make a sectors generator for an engine. I guess making the sides (2 vertices down and up connected to another 2 down/up vertices) and maybe the sectors (Floor and ceiling) is easier for me to work with, but not generated UVs with offset and rotation values.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-07 14:30:07 UTC in vault item: Teleporter Holocaust Comment #105245
Took me 29 minutes to complete. Great mapping, scripting although it was a bit too dark in some places.

Clever use of the theme, also I really like how areas are connected with each other, makes backtracking interesting. Great pace and atmosphere
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-07 00:00:41 UTC in journal: GoldSRC + Godot = ??? (continued) Comment #105244
Surprisingly there has been some. I managed to fit BTX's interactive console into Elegy, hooked it all up via ENet, so it's good. I also have a map compiler now.
March 2023March 2023
I happen to be making a game in Unity, which is gonna be an excellent challenge to port to Elegy after that's done. I'm expecting to do that by September.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-06 18:09:28 UTC in vault item: Haphazard Comment #105243
Yeah, all in one sitting :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-06 12:57:00 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_bcc_final Comment #105242
Here's the remade version called:
dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style)
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-06 12:56:21 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style) Comment #105241
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-06 10:04:50 UTC in journal: GoldSRC + Godot = ??? (continued) Comment #105240
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-05 19:52:47 UTC in vault item: Haphazard Comment #105239
I had fun, nice mapping, scripting and ideas. Did you really made it in one sitting?
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 19:25:51 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #105237
This does not look like a goldsrc map...
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 19:24:23 UTC in vault item: Improved Blue Shift Shotgun animations pack Comment #105236
Why do you use the same three very poorly lit areas for all of your weapon model screenshots? You can barely even see the weapons.
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Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 08:56:13 UTC in vault item: Dmc_GrayDust Comment #105232
I feel like this map was unfairly judged during its time. For those who are too young to remember, de_dust 1 & 2 were even more popular back then if you can believe that. So yes, from day one people made endless remakes, ports, etc and it got really old as you can tell from the above comments. With that being said, I remember giving this map a shot a long time ago and being impressed despite having similar reservations. Replaying this map recently and I still feel the same way, it has aged incredibly well.

What makes this map so worthwhile is the changes done to the original layout to help flow for DMC. Interestingly enough there is a change (the stairway connecting underneath the bridge) that I believe is inspired by an actual alternative path that was cut from the original de_dust, but my memory could be faulty here.

Another notable difference is addition of secrets which are pretty core to Quake/DMC and give this map character of its own. Finally when it comes to visuals, it nails the aesthetic of DMC and just looks really nice in general. Lots of great little details and additions throughout, my only complaint is that you can see a giant ad for a now defunct website, should've left that exclusively to the secret room, but oh well.

An easy 5 for me, worth giving a second chance even if you hated dust or the seemingly endless ocean of remakes it had. This could've just been another run of the mill boring port, but P3R16O50 wanted to make this feel like it was made by Valve themselves for DMC, and he achieved that goal.

One last thing worth nothing is that Valve ships a version of dust1 for CS:GO that has layout modifications similar to this. Not saying they were inspired by this map specifically, but even Valve had similar feelings about the layout.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 07:36:40 UTC in vault item: Testing Map Comment #105231
I sorta like the look of the screenshot here. I haven't seen nor downloaded the map (Yet) but the looks makes me think of something. Maybe some liminal space feeling.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-02 16:56:00 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105230
Happy thirtieth.