
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 19:24:23 UTC in vault item: Improved Blue Shift Shotgun animations pack Comment #105236
Why do you use the same three very poorly lit areas for all of your weapon model screenshots? You can barely even see the weapons.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 08:56:13 UTC in vault item: Dmc_GrayDust Comment #105232
I feel like this map was unfairly judged during its time. For those who are too young to remember, de_dust 1 & 2 were even more popular back then if you can believe that. So yes, from day one people made endless remakes, ports, etc and it got really old as you can tell from the above comments. With that being said, I remember giving this map a shot a long time ago and being impressed despite having similar reservations. Replaying this map recently and I still feel the same way, it has aged incredibly well.

What makes this map so worthwhile is the changes done to the original layout to help flow for DMC. Interestingly enough there is a change (the stairway connecting underneath the bridge) that I believe is inspired by an actual alternative path that was cut from the original de_dust, but my memory could be faulty here.

Another notable difference is addition of secrets which are pretty core to Quake/DMC and give this map character of its own. Finally when it comes to visuals, it nails the aesthetic of DMC and just looks really nice in general. Lots of great little details and additions throughout, my only complaint is that you can see a giant ad for a now defunct website, should've left that exclusively to the secret room, but oh well.

An easy 5 for me, worth giving a second chance even if you hated dust or the seemingly endless ocean of remakes it had. This could've just been another run of the mill boring port, but P3R16O50 wanted to make this feel like it was made by Valve themselves for DMC, and he achieved that goal.

One last thing worth nothing is that Valve ships a version of dust1 for CS:GO that has layout modifications similar to this. Not saying they were inspired by this map specifically, but even Valve had similar feelings about the layout.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-04 07:36:40 UTC in vault item: Testing Map Comment #105231
I sorta like the look of the screenshot here. I haven't seen nor downloaded the map (Yet) but the looks makes me think of something. Maybe some liminal space feeling.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-02 16:56:00 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105230
Happy thirtieth.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-02 12:15:47 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105229
Happy Birthday!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-30 00:53:39 UTC in journal: Progress on my WIP Map #1 Comment #105228
Hard to say why it wouldn't retrigger if you hit the button again without seeing the actual map file unfortunately. Something or multiple things must be set to either play once or to be killed after being triggered. It depends on which part of it doesn't work the second time you press the button.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-29 06:47:53 UTC in vault item: dm_cardboard Comment #105227
Really creative map i love it.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-29 06:43:16 UTC in vault item: bootbox_vanilya2_hero Comment #105226
Good work!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-26 01:17:23 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105225
Happy birthday!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-24 17:46:52 UTC in journal: Gift Comment #105224
It gives you wingsIt gives you wings
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-23 19:04:00 UTC in journal: Gift Comment #105223
"My Buddy!""My Buddy!"
Obviously they're the lovers of the product they're starring on. Svansokk is the one who was in love with Gift and she found him as a close friend later. And even more later a lover.

They're not perfect ragdolls but I'm happy with them even with a single texture for eyes.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-23 09:43:42 UTC in journal: Gift Comment #105222
Gift was supposed to be featured on an animation that I've planned for a couple of years ago. She was gonna have a buddy called Svansokk with her that was a homeless guy living in the streets and was the one that found Gift at the start.
User posted image
Gonna make a model out of him.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 22:43:20 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105221
A truly lovely man; happy birthday, my friend!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 20:22:54 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105220
Happy birthday!!!
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-22 18:05:21 UTC in journal: Zinc Comment #105219
Happy birthday, Oliver 🎈
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-21 22:13:34 UTC in poll: Tis the Season Comment #105218
This monster is loving the spring weather. 18 degrees ❤
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-21 19:14:19 UTC in journal: Gift Comment #105217
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-21 13:52:44 UTC in journal: Gift Comment #105216
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-20 23:37:53 UTC in wiki page: Entity Programming - Handling Player Input Comment #105215
so... you say we cannot add new inputs. what about things such as Xash3D? it is technically an open-source goldsrc, meaning there aren't any programming limitations. it should be possible to make this "buttons" variable 32 bit or something, right?
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-19 15:46:00 UTC in vault item: Prefab Pack For your map Comment #105214
Who takes screenshots like that? The window isn't even maximized. Put some more effort into showcasing what you've made.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-19 00:02:11 UTC in vault item: OP4_PATIO | DEATHMATCH Comment #105213
Hell yeah, bro! Beautiful map.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-18 13:26:32 UTC in journal: Long Story of how I gain the ability to make a GoldSource map. Comment #105212
Back then, I actually don't think of any consequences or issues of joining a team. Half-Life Extended used to be something as a skin for Half-Life, turned into an Overhaul mod (Overhaul as improving or in some cases remaking certain levels from scratch, Adding some varieties to the models of monsters, Adding a new texture, ect...). From the time there was a conflict with a member about how the mod was changing directions, still remember the times where I added a elevator to the Observation Room from the Hazard Course (As a nod to Half-Life Decay), A member of the team doesn't like this due to how (If I could recall correctly, I have an issues on remembering past event) The elevator door does not make an appearance in Half-Life 1, So technically there shouldn't be any elevator door at all. I did try to argue about how that this was fine due to Half-Life: Decay but he still doesn't like it, so I had to force removing it until he left the team. Sometimes it could be hell other times it's funny.

Overtime my mapping skills had gradually improved, from just stretching a level into thinking of "what is good to add into the map". There are in times where I would get stressed over how I cannot think of new idea for the next map that I was about to make, then I need to take a day off from making a map.

Still remember where I met a dude on Discord (We sometimes chatted several times and has the talent to make C++) asked to me, If he could join the team. I asked the lead dev if he could join the team, the lead dev gave a go ahead and he was in the team in just a day.
To this day he's still working on the mod, and he too worked on several mods from time to time.

I also forgot to mention that, back then I really like to offer my help to every people that I came across (because I like being helpful)
One of them being Half-Life: Another Shift. I still remember how I was asked to make a Locker Room, A parking lot, and an intro sequence for Half-Life: Another Shift.
This didn't really get too far tho due to how the team (Which is only three member and including myself) is just in-active
Which is the sign that the mod is no longer in-active development. Hence I left.
I'm actually glad that John Smokes revives the ol' Half-Life: Another Shift with a new title called Half-Life: Protocol Blue
I wished the best of the best for John Smokes, so that he could finished what he had started.

At the moment, the team of HLE is trying their best to improve, polished all of the maps and patching up any possible bugs that could be found in the GoldSrc Engine so that they could at last release the "Day One" build.
(They we're in no rush, since they cannot make a realistic deadline and there is no actual deadline yet.)

And according to this new replies, does that mean my Journey of Mapping is.... Crazy but Inspiring?
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-18 08:55:56 UTC in journal: Long Story of how I gain the ability to make a GoldSource map. Comment #105211
I indeed find it impressive enough that you almost immediately joined a team with your newly acquired mapping skills. I also remember that I had to stick with the WON version for a long time for a reason similar to yours, until a generous person bought it for me on Steam.
As Urby said, working with other people helps a lot. My biggest released project yet is a collab, and I was about to give up on it if it wasn’t for the other member of the team who kept insisting that I must finish what I started.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-17 21:44:41 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #105210
hey I wasn't dead, just sleeping :P
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-17 21:44:13 UTC in vault item: BspTexRemap v0.3 (pre-release 2) Comment #105209
Man, this is clever and very evil at the same time. I'm glad we don't have to do this kind of stuff in FreeHL :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-17 21:42:57 UTC in vault item: BspTexRemap v0.3 (pre-release 2) Comment #105208
this is awesome
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-17 20:51:24 UTC in journal: Long Story of how I gain the ability to make a GoldSource map. Comment #105207
Pretty bold to jump right into working on a mod with a team. However, I do believe that is one of the best ways to work on a project. Having people around who can immediately test your map and give feedback is incredibly useful, not to mention inspiring.

I worked solo on maps for years and either cancelled most of the things I started or only released very short maps, beatable within 10-15 minutes. With The Core however, I stuck with it for long enough to get another mapper, Archie to join the project. Same goes for the TWHL Tower mods. Working with a team really is the only way I can maintain focus on a project, as well as releasing something that lasts longer than a lunch break.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-16 18:14:23 UTC in journal: De_??? showcase Comment #105206
@Archie thanks for your comment. Im still working on the gameplay so textures and ligthing arent my concerns just yet.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-16 01:42:05 UTC in journal: De_??? showcase Comment #105205
It looks like you've put a lot of thought into gameplay, which is great, but the visuals could use a lot of work. Try to make areas distinct and recognisable to make navigation easy, and lighting being straight down has created some very odd shadows. Give it a bit more character :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-15 19:57:16 UTC in vault item: Prefab Pack For your map Comment #105204
Would you care to add more details? The screenshot isn't great, nor is the description. What prefabs are contained in this download?
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-15 09:49:38 UTC in journal: De_??? showcase Comment #105203
Suggestion: use proper formatting. You can click on the video icon here:
User posted image
And then you'll see something like:
[youtube:youtube_id|caption text]
Delete the caption text part, and paste the video ID (the part after v= in the URL), so you're left with
You get this:
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-14 03:38:22 UTC in vault item: de_freight Comment #105202
Not a bad start, but there isnt anything else to say. Its a nice map edit, but i think you could have done something else like extening the map.
I dont play CS a lot, so im very unfamiliar with the gameplay and everything, so i might be wrong. Again, nice work. Just nice.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-13 22:39:34 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Map details and misc Comment #105201
Could you upload them to TWHL instead? You can use the link above
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-12 20:27:04 UTC in journal: Everything I Hate is Game Related Comment #105200
That is called "Burnout". It consist of you getting tired of the usual stuff or hobbies you used to do. Normally, because you tend to do the same things all the time. You can try making new stuff, or focusing on other thing and then coming back to the project. Showing off your stuff can also give some motivation.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-12 02:21:17 UTC in vault item: de_dust_deadline Comment #105199
10/10 would play again
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-10 22:37:11 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Blue Shift Bench Comment #105198
i want the plant too ;(
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-10 18:24:03 UTC in vault item: Sewers Comment #105197
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-06 18:55:42 UTC in vault item: Map2Curve v0.81 Comment #105196
This looks really impressive. Site looks detailed too. You are wonderful person who supports goldsrc scene.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-05 21:57:14 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #105195
Hello, and welcome to TWHL
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-05 19:59:04 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #105194
hello oskar potatis
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-04 22:16:33 UTC in journal: #6605 Comment #105193
nfs sucked since underground
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-03 21:38:02 UTC in vault item: wow.bsp Comment #105192
Surprisingly difficult, but still fun in a way. Good job.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-29 18:51:02 UTC in journal: Everything I Hate is Game Related Comment #105191
Addiction. I want to finish what I've started as well.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-29 15:22:42 UTC in journal: Everything I Hate is Game Related Comment #105190
don't work on anything game related?
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-27 09:12:01 UTC in vault item: info_hullshape example Comment #105189
Thank you for your additions, kimilil!
I'll make sure to include those in the guide 😄
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-27 08:13:44 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105188
I've never seen that video review from urby before.

Its actually very surreal, watching it is like sitting in a job interview and the HR manager is giving an explanation of the company, but he has lost so much hope in the company he has the creeping suspicion joining the company himself was a bad career move

also was never aware of "Bohemian Rhapsody with lyrics replaced by TWHL in-jokes"
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-24 02:39:13 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105187
Also it's awesome to see these old names again! I hope you're all doing well Archie, Urby, and Striker!