
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-25 19:11:37 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19162
downloading 4.5 now.. you didn't include the portal random tech and button sounds btw. =) sorry for mucking up your comments next time i'll pm.

edit: even with the new sven, i can't pick up the blocks for some reason, so it's hard to test the map...

It's a pretty tricky thing to get right using HL1 entites, but here is one way you could cheese it.

1. Button_down/open door)have one trigger over the pad in the approximate size of the cube, and call it trigger1. have that target:

-mm_button_dn_sound: (triggers button_dn_sound at 0.01, and then off at 0.75)
-button001:(the red func_door plunger, set to toggle. try a delay reset of 0 and -1 to see what works)
-door001: (targets the door open)
enable_trigger2: (change_target enity. initally, give trigger2 an erroneous target, and this trigger will change trigger2's target to mm_button_down)

2. Now, build a trigger multiple "wall" called trigger2 around the area the cube will take up when it's on the pad. give it a nonexistent target name like listed above, say "mm_button_downxxx". hollow out a small section in the middle, so it clears the a cube when it's on the pad. give a little wiggle room between the depressed cube area and the trigger, if that makes sense.

-mm_button_up_sound: (targets a button_up_sound twice like above, one turning it on and one turning it off)
-button001: (sending the button back up. if the plunger doesn't work properly, you could get crazy and use 2 func doors with env_renders and some other bullshit, but hopefully you won't have to)
-door001: (closes the door)
-disable_trigger2: (an additional trigger_changetarget that re-disables mm_button_up by changing the target to something nonexistent)

Hope this helps, or at the very least gives you some new ideas on how to fix the problem! let me know if you get it working! there is without a doubt a better way to do this, i just can't think of it right now..


edit X2:

got SC4.5 correctly installed, but i find it almost impossible to get the cubes on the plate. Maybe cover the cubes in a clip brush to make them simpler?

i'll take another look at your version of the map tomorrow and play around with it.. i think you're pretty close to getting it to work.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-25 00:03:29 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19158
oh hey also, i just thought of something: maybe try using a momentary_door? This will probably only work if the momentary_rot_button is triggerable means other than the "use" key.

Good luck! I'll try to look at it again tonight if i have time. =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 23:54:28 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19156
oh ya, i only have version 3.0.

I'm outta time for the day, but i'll try messin with it tomorrow. neat map anyway!
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 23:42:30 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19154
hmm i tried that and it didn't seam to work. the sven weapons are pretty cool btw! i tried guiding the cube with akimbo golden uzis =)

if the player jumps on pad should anything hapen?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 23:36:37 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19152
nice i can play the map now, but how do you get the cubes on the pad? is there a portal gun hiding in there? When i try jumping on the pad nothing happens.. should it?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 23:20:51 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19150
also buncha muncha cruncha leaksa.. what did you cordon compile?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 22:50:18 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19148
Need "custombuttons.wad" and "untitled1.wad". I'll try compiling it but i don't have a lot of time to play with. Awesome-looking map so far btw.

Here's the rest of the ResGen file for BONUS:
// .res entries:
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-24 21:22:01 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19146
I'm stealin that shit. LATES IM OUT =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-23 20:25:21 UTC in journal: #7239 Comment #41763
Yay Lyssa! Glad that you're ok and I wish you well on the rest of your recovery! I admire your courage to go through with the surgery.= )

Rim: Is that you making the city17 alert sound from the crowd?! =P
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-22 00:31:51 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99885
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-21 21:16:59 UTC in journal: #7230 Comment #51347
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-20 06:36:26 UTC in journal: #7227 Comment #67040
real high!

hiieee dexter =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-20 01:02:20 UTC in vault item: Abandoned Pool Comment #19131
oh mai i didn't even know about monster_leech before! <scarrt>
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-19 23:39:39 UTC in vault item: Abandoned Pool Comment #19129
Very nice destroyed/abandoned pool! I like all the little details and props you added! (including the trigger_hurt thank you very little) =)

The only real let down is that horrible half-life desert sky, that doesn't match your map(or any map for that matter) well. Also as dexter said, it would have been nice to see some height and a border around the pool, giving it the illusion of more depth.

Still anyway, very nicely-constructed pool!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-18 21:34:37 UTC in journal: #7223 Comment #38457
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-17 07:23:40 UTC in vault item: Let's Build a Rocket Comment #19087
god wish i had l4d2.. someday! ='(
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-15 07:10:27 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19080
unb, you have it its in your minimod folder... that's why it's so strange ur getting that error... maybe try recopying the mod to your half-life folder?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 20:01:08 UTC in vault item: cs_sarajevo testing Comment #19077
Looks amazing!! =)

First i should mention i had to shorten your filenames in order for the maps to work in wonHL, just to let you know. ;)

sarajevo-big-no-rad and MDL-test
These maps look utterly amazing. I can literally think of nothing to make it look better after running through it quick, except that the skybox is a distraction, because the corners aren't properly blended, so they are visible. Also perhaps, if you played with the water, you could make it a little more realistic, but that's not a huge deal at all. I've seen [url=]Soup Miner[/url] pull off some really amazing water in GoldSrc (maybe pm him for some ideas if you're interested).

Looks as realistic and as good as you can get in goldsrc, and better than many source maps i've seen for that matter... Truely impressive stuff!

As with the rest of the maps, truly amazing stuff. The only thing i can think to improve is replace the decal parking stripes with brushwork stripes. they don't look quite as fresh as the decals, but they won't give you that unnatural blur effect as you walk toward them. (pm me if you want some tips on the parking stripes)

Superb stuff, truly top-notch mapping!
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 19:42:20 UTC in vault item: czm_pit_complex Comment #19076
K. it won't work as a func_train, which is intended for stuff that rides on a flat plane.

Like i said, change it to a func_tracktrain, and change all the path_corners back to path_tracks. There are some other settings that are different, like setting the wheel distance and height from the track, and including an origin brush as part of the train, so make sure you read through the entity guide entry on track_train.

There are some good examples in the Map Vault for tracktrain as well.

Very cool-looking map btw!
= )
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 19:08:04 UTC in vault item: 9mm machine gun Comment #19075
I would recommend including a compiled version of your prefab, so people can have a preview of how your prefab looks/behaves in the game.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 19:04:14 UTC in vault item: de_castle_bridge Comment #19073
Sorry it took so long for me to see your updated version!

+/-nice new textures, tho some are rotated 90 degrees in the wrong direction(main rock wall texture).
-don't understand the random models
-make the castle walls a little thicker, since they are made out of stone, it's ok for them to be a bit blocky ;)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 06:50:32 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19067
hmph strange. since it's in minimod format i would think you'd have no problem with that type of error, especially since that spirte IS in your UNBsprites folder....

Everything loaded fine for me using wonHL..
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 04:17:59 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19065
endless hallway: just the big table with full of guns, which reminded me of the "endless" shelves of guns that fly by trinity and neo at the end of The Matrix. =)

When i said "test chamber" i really should have said teleportation chamber. ;)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-14 01:08:12 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19063
+Superb splash and intro effects!
+/-first room is as spectacular a space i've ever seen in half-life, but a downer that there are intersecting brushes on an entire stretch of molding..
+nice detail throughout
+great interactive destructive effects
++AMAZING cutscenes!
+good use of game_text (LOL at the prompt to level change
-model-in-floor errors as zeeba mentioned(which actually works if you have a night map with a call for fireflies! =)
+nice scripting and special effects!
+great trigger camera work
(how did you get that thin laser in the chamber, is that an env_beam?
++beautiful visuals in the test chamber
+beautiful uplighting in the last chamber/hallway
++awesome/funny "endless hallway" of weapons ala matrix! =)
++fun ending!

Superb stuff, especially considering how old this is. overlooking all the gordon-in-floor errors, no real problems besides that.

Commented 13 years ago2011-05-13 09:40:37 UTC in journal: #7216 Comment #62224
software developing was his boyhood hobby =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-13 08:03:40 UTC in journal: #7216 Comment #62223
Haha excellent! Can't wait to see your house!


Commented 13 years ago2011-05-13 02:09:21 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19060
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 09:22:03 UTC in journal: #7214 Comment #55804
OH, it's TopHattWaffle!


I think we ought definitely add him to our links page.. great site for video tutorials among other things..
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 06:23:31 UTC in journal: #7213 Comment #62213
lol idk, just be upfront/honest should be ok.. but yeah it could be pretty bad if she overreacted like that, which i suppose is possible however unlikely.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 04:41:34 UTC in journal: #7213 Comment #62212
show show show!

also btw i wouldn't be scared to tell her.. girls are flattered by that sort of thing, even if you used ninja technique.. +)

also btw:
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 02:42:39 UTC in journal: #7210 Comment #66465
this looks neat i will have to check it out! =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-09 20:00:59 UTC in journal: #7208 Comment #52220
Velcome back!
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-09 19:22:21 UTC in journal: #7206 Comment #48120
lawl i try force pushing my girlfriend, she doesn't find it funny. Maybe let him play Jedi Knight series now :P
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-08 19:49:47 UTC in journal: #7206 Comment #48119
haha that's great! =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-06 17:26:36 UTC in journal: #7203 Comment #55799
Question: Anyone know how to eliminate the cmd window that pops up when i run my nyan script?

Click here for a picture of what i mean

Also, anyone know how to include the content used in the .exe to make it portable?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-05 10:24:11 UTC in vault item: hq_firstblood Comment #19052
Wow pretty neat map! i previewed the valve version quickly, but it was in a sun-bleached room, so it was pretty hard for me to see the main area cuz it's so dark. Should tell you that i never played the original quake, so i can't make comparisons to the original game.. SORRY! =)

++neat, interesting structures
++neat multi-part doors!

-the doors for the main hall overlap with the wall, making an ugly view when it opens and the wall/door try to occupy the same space =(
-door parts can fall out of sequence if the player touches them or jumps on top of them.
-double doors will open only one at a time sometimes, depending on position of the player. fix by having a trigger_once in front/back of the doors targeting them, so they always open together.

I couldn't really check out the two "back rooms", because of my lighting situation making it impossible to see anything in the dark parts of the map.

Very cool stuff!
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-30 20:56:44 UTC in journal: #7187 Comment #55795
That's a shame you don't have any source games. =( we could use some more testers..
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-29 08:58:51 UTC in vault item: LollerCaeks Comment #19050
probably because it's alien swarm, that's why you didn't get comments. =(
In the future, brendanmint will get comments..
= )
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-29 06:55:53 UTC in journal: #7187 Comment #55794
Sounds good X-LAyer2. BTW, what gameplay mode do you think would be the best personally? (As of right now, I have it setup as a AIM map with buyzones, just for testing purposes)
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-28 17:21:51 UTC in journal: #7187 Comment #55793
yea absolutely care packages are crucial imo. i think it would be relatively easy using HL2DM, but i hate HL2DM's gameplay..

pm me on steam if you have time so i can ask you some questions:
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-28 17:08:56 UTC in journal: #7187 Comment #55792
Would like to start beta testing right away. Looking for 2-3 people who own and play BLOPs to help me get gameplay elements and "feel" right. (again, i DO NOT own BLOPs, and just built from screenies and watching my friends)

The most importan question i have to answer first before testing, is what would be the best game type to port this too. (i'm kinda leaning toward FY for starters, but i'm open to anything)

CS (you could rescue the maniquens! =))

After i can get nailed down what would be the best port, i can think more seriously how i can handle care packages and other gameplay elements, mwhahaha.


Commented 13 years ago2011-04-28 13:55:25 UTC in journal: #7187 Comment #55791
thank you moocow, this is the type of feedback i'm looking for! (specially since i don't own Bops)

So, are you saying 4x4 max or 8x8 max?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 18:38:43 UTC in journal: #7184 Comment #60813
are source textures really that big in filesize?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 18:30:08 UTC in journal: #7184 Comment #60812
gah, why would you ever need to upload an image that big anyway?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 18:21:16 UTC in journal: #7184 Comment #60811
make sure you choose the "do not resize" option, and it should preserve the original resolution.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 17:03:33 UTC in vault item: de_abandoned Comment #19040
A VERY good, thoughtfully-constructed bomb defuse map! Looks like it would be a fun layout to play.

Just a couple things i noticed right away after quickly running through:

-There are some spaces--at least one place by a group of those plastic crates--where it looks like you can squeeze through, but you can't. If this intentional, disregard.

-Vary the height of the walls and buildings around the outer bounds of the map to make it look not like a box and more natural. For that matter, i would alter the perimeter of the map to make it NOT a square.

-obviously all the stock cs/hl are shite, i would port one from source or make a new one

-ambience? Even if you can't think of good sounds to add, almost ANYTHING is better than pure silence.

-texturing on the whole is not bad at all, but i would try to avoid using the more recognizable/bad original HL textures, like that wood plank. (i wish i would follow this advice on my own maps!)

All told, a very solid map that is easily improvable to make it a first-rate map. 3.5 rounds up to a 4. please pm me if you add anything and i'll re-rate.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 13:38:58 UTC in journal: #7181 Comment #41759
<calls moocow to bring spy zapper>
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-25 13:29:17 UTC in vault item: de_space Comment #19028
This is seriously pwn for one of your bronze-age maps!

I can't be too rough on the bad parts(which there are not many), considering the age of this map, so i'll focus on what really impressed me:

++the curved/beveled corridors at all different angles are VERY impressive, and NOT an easy feat for a new mapper!
+Layout is pretty sweet if a bit small.
+Detail in different rooms is great, if not feeling a bit unrefined.

With some small changes, like adding some more beveled brushes to some of the blocky bits like the windows, some nice texlighting with different colors, and a little more orgainization in the detail areas, this map would be 5 all the way!

I want to rate it 5 now just for how much it impressed me for such an old map, but i don't want the overrating police on my ass yet again.. Actually, you know what, screw it; i'm rating this 5 for an exemplary and inspiring beginner map. This map has more heart in it than most of the "expert" maps i see, and for that, i'm giving it 5 stars.

Great work! Please subscribe me for updates and changes to this1
