
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-03 09:38:07 UTC in journal: #5116 Comment #40675
That site has rubbish textures . Try this instead
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-03 09:36:26 UTC in journal: #5117 Comment #39278
that's cool :D . I like your case , it's simple , but I like it .
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-03 09:35:01 UTC in journal: #5118 Comment #58695
I'm not that kind of a person . I feel lonely without my family or my friends.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-03 06:21:21 UTC in journal: #5114 Comment #56117
[EDIT 2012] I am here to report that the computer doesn't work anymore. Perhaps the BIOS battery is dead, anyway it's a 13 year old computer. RIP Pentium 2.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-02 16:18:52 UTC in journal: #5114 Comment #56116
So ? you don't have enough room here because of me ? blow it out your ass
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-02 16:09:21 UTC in journal: #5114 Comment #56115
Lol you can read the big title on the screen " open ttd" which stands for " open transport tycoon deluxe" . It's translated into many languages , romanian included :D

And skals what's the matter .... I can't do anything here ? you posted something about gta 4 .... I could have said "ok... and why did you show this to us?"

But .... lol .... not all the people are as you expect them to be ...

And yes I had to clothe the computer so it would run :)) =)) =)) =)) .
And I also had to warm it up using an electric heater :)) . It was really cold , like -5 C .
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-02 15:50:33 UTC in journal: #5114 Comment #56114
are you a querulous on this site or what ? nothing is good to you .....

Have you ever heard of "sharing" ?
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-02 14:22:44 UTC in journal: #5111 Comment #56104
lol , the website is 1 year old but I left it as an uncompleted tutorial site and I decided to make it a portofolio site .
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-02 07:59:10 UTC in journal: #5111 Comment #56103
It;s not finished , I want to add some "sound" and "artwork" pages . Of course , I'm a beginner\intermediate in all of these , but I want to share them , it's a pleasure to share !
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 04:22:17 UTC in news: New Tutorials Comment #98517
lol , lazy people .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-31 15:15:19 UTC in journal: #5108 Comment #40655
If you're surfing the net without virus protection and a firewall, you have almost 100 % chances that in the next 15 minutes you'll get a virus .

Commented 16 years ago2008-05-28 13:40:28 UTC in journal: #5106 Comment #54846
I played the demo I I don't like the game very much . It's a little boring .

oh , skals , its 15+ :P :P
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-27 12:27:46 UTC in journal: #5101 Comment #56089
Blow it out your ass . :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-27 09:37:16 UTC in journal: #5101 Comment #56088
I have auto login turned on :P
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-27 09:20:02 UTC in vault item: Reissues Comment #16679
This is a great MOD everyone HAS TO DOWNLAOD. I just played through several maps and my eyes dropped on the floor . It's amazing ! Pure detail . Interactivity ( in some maps ) . I even spend some time looking on the walls :))
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-24 12:12:50 UTC in journal: #5091 Comment #56081
I'm talking about null textures . Hl 1
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-24 09:03:39 UTC in journal: #5091 Comment #56080
Wrong . I made some test before I started to make the sven coop campaign and if I nulled all the outside faces the r_speeds dropped with 6 ( the original r_speeds were 12 - it was just a chamber)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-23 17:31:07 UTC in journal: #5091 Comment #56079
when i make a new chamber first I build it with textures , then I null everything and retexture . All the details are func_walls. And because all the details are func_wall , I MUST separate now my level in 2 maps because I get the error " no free edicts" and some lasers aren' working ....
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-23 17:06:45 UTC in journal: #5090 Comment #54807
You can inspire yourself from Duke Nukem , it has an entire campaign in a space station. I saw the map . What can I say ? Excelent.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-21 11:50:26 UTC in vault item: fy_speedweapon Comment #16660
amazing map for 5 hours ? lol I thought this map is really crap i didn't believe somebody will like it . I made it because I finished all the exams and I was very happy ... :)

Edit : 5 hours because i started in a day ( 2 hours) and completed it next day ( 3 hours) .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-20 06:38:40 UTC in journal: #5073 Comment #56075
I don't want to spoil it ...
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-19 22:04:11 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Grunts and Guns Comment #100545
Very interesting
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-19 13:54:36 UTC in journal: #5073 Comment #56074
You don't have to comment if you feel something bad about my journals ...
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-19 12:37:34 UTC in journal: #5074 Comment #39773
Happy birthday .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 12:13:30 UTC in journal: #5073 Comment #56073
I hope it's the war not only a battle :(.

Man , the map is so complicated at this point that I have to make tests on mechanisms in another map !
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 06:18:55 UTC in journal: #5072 Comment #54747
lol fucking copy of avp. ..
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 03:22:19 UTC in vault item: fy_canion Comment #16642
Yes I made it and I wrote the big list to show what I think is good and what I think is bad about it .

I forgot to tell you : Samurai Jack is my original nick , Striker is only on TWHL .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-17 04:45:16 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16637
ok , coolness !!!! This map has a very realistic feel . I'm always impressed by outdoor hl1 maps because they're the hardest to achieve . I'm not very good at commenting a map , so I just want to say this map is really awesome !

I don't like a thing , thought ... if I fail to complete the mission , the map ends .... This is a little stupid . It should restart but uh .....I don't think that's possible with triggers in-game only from the cfg file .

5***** for it's realistic feel and ambience .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-16 12:22:56 UTC in journal: #5062 Comment #56064
From now on , mapping , nature , sports , and with the books on the fire !!!!!!!!!!!
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-16 12:22:12 UTC in journal: #5062 Comment #56063
Geography - 10
Romanian Language - 10
Mathematics ...... result on it's way ...( I hope at least 9 :( )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-14 16:43:08 UTC in journal: #5062 Comment #56062
whatever :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-10 10:36:19 UTC in journal: #5057 Comment #56057
I didn't lie , but tomorrow , and in some of the next days I won't map .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-09 17:21:54 UTC in journal: #5057 Comment #56056
Actualy , today I completed another part of the map . And the rest of it I'll continue it next week.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 12:05:13 UTC in journal: #5048 Comment #56049
are you playing svencoop , halflife_genius ? I didn't know :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 15:10:39 UTC in journal: #5048 Comment #56048
thanks :P :P
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 11:07:48 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16613
Still ain't working.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 08:35:31 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16611
Broken url....
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-25 05:56:46 UTC in vault item: cs_portugal Comment #16573
Man this map deserves to be downloaded . Extremely realistic and very detailed . How long did you work on this map ? I mean , wohooooooooooooooo I really felt in a market !

5 stars . There is a strange thing , thought : the fading lights are func_water ?!

I didn't like the lift . You must think that in this world there are a lot of noobs . I pushed the button and I had to wait quite a lot until the lift came to me . Well , the noobs will keep pushing and finally will say : the lift is broken .

Anyway , the crates are making this map . I like the ads - especially the borat ( it was filmed in Romania with some gipsies...)

You should include an overview - it's quite confusing until you learn the map .

I'll let the experts to comment further ...
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-25 05:20:18 UTC in vault item: cs_portugal Comment #16572
LOL agent-x is right . I posted my map ( de_dome) on cstrike-planet and in 3 days I had 600 downloads . Now downloading ... I'll post a comment tomorrow maybe ...
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-17 08:03:59 UTC in vault item: Enigma Beta Version Comment #16367
I downloaded the mod , it doesn't work for me :(
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-16 15:38:41 UTC in vault item: 3_awsome_effects Comment #16377
Sorry :D I thought cs is a game everybody from here has . ....
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-02 09:11:25 UTC in vault item: Flat-Life Comment #16542
Inspire yourself form counterstrike2D
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-31 13:17:55 UTC in vault item: 3_awsome_effects Comment #16535
Well it's the same .... :| only that you can play it in counter-strike .
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-29 04:02:18 UTC in vault item: 3_awsome_effects Comment #16520
cs_havana is included with counterstrike , sorry .

Oh , all right I'll update the archive !
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-11 11:26:01 UTC in journal: #4937 Comment #54701
Arhitecture? I think snarkpit has some ....
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-03 16:04:56 UTC in vault item: Comboman Comment #16485
I played the map and it is very cool . I felt disappointed because there was no ambience on the surface , only in the subterrain buildings.
The map is good for lots of players , but the problem is that you can easily get lost in the subterrain structures. You should provide a top-down picture for ingame use.

Those were the "bads" of the map.

Arhitecture : Very complex , I like it.

Ambience : Except of the surface , it's good( but i really didn't like the creepy wind in some underground place ....)

Originality : If you weren't inspired by something , then you have a lot of imagination.

Textures : 100% Half-Life 1 map :D :D

Lighting : 1. Outdoor : Sucks !
2. Underground structures : Medium to good.

Gameplay : Medium-to good.

FPS judging : Well the r_speeds are relatively good. The average was 500 wpoly and 2000 epoly.

Nice work !
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-01 19:32:05 UTC in vault item: De Fizzy Comment #16481
I know it's not compatible anymore . Sooo bad :(

Anyway I played the map , and I can't accord you more than 3 stars , sorry . Maybe 2/5 stars.

Well , I found ceiling texturs on the floor .

The map layout is a little bit difficult to learn , but after 2-3 rounds you'll know it .


Something for nothing - lots of buttons that aren't working.

The map is fun , tho....
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-27 14:21:15 UTC in vault item: De Fizzy Comment #16465
Did you play tycoon ? :D

[Edit] LOL ? wtf happened ?

Triplicate comments deleted
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-27 11:03:38 UTC in vault item: Awp_2tabere_v2 Comment #16462
Thanks again . The trees are solid near the ground , because I used some clip-brushes ....

Oh well , the worst parts of the map are the spawn areas :P so I'll work a little more there . Maybe I'll use some custom textures on the spawn ares , what do you think ? :)

Oh , I'm currently working on the third version. And there will be a surprise . Anyway , It's a pain in the ass cuz' I'm making some cave tunnels ....and I can't make them flat ;D