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Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 22:39:48 UTC in journal: #6938 Comment #46770
You either run, hide, or get your shit fucked up two ways from tuesday. You are merely a man, weak and losing your sanity. Utterly helpless.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 18:54:30 UTC in journal: #6938 Comment #46769
I beat it last night. If you love horror, you'll love this. My ONLY complaint is that it was too short, but I've never complained about quantity if the quality is superb. So take your time. Go slow, explore every inch.

They did EVERYTHING right. It makes Resident Evil feel like Halo, and F.E.A.R feel like goddamn super mario brothers. Other "horror" games ruin horror completely. Giving you guns, shitty stories, making you a goddamn superhero, killing immersion with cutscenes and location changes via level changes, blatantly unbelievable events early in the story, the list goes on.

After this, you should download the Penumbra series. It's their first few games, in a much older engine. It's essentially the same game, but unrelated story as far as I know, as Amnesia takes place about a hundred years earlier.

Commented 13 years ago2010-12-14 13:27:36 UTC in vault item: Last Christmas Comment #18673
is it l4d or l4d2? seem to have left that out.

edit: i see now on the other site that it's l4d2.

Commented 13 years ago2010-12-14 08:33:48 UTC in journal: #6933 Comment #39121
It's not the only milestone left, once you're 35 you can run for President of the US! And once you're 40 you're officially elderly!
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-14 08:31:09 UTC in journal: #6934 Comment #49224
It took me until yesterday when I saw some Minecraft teeshirts on there to realize that ThinkGeek is actually the bee's knees. I'm gonna spend a bit of xmas money there I think.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-13 17:25:59 UTC in journal: #6934 Comment #49223
ugh, those self-checkout computers... such trash they crashed every day, and only one guy on the whole staff knew how to use it.

i saw these a while ago too, looks like some good fun
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-13 10:06:37 UTC in journal: #6931 Comment #53629
that sucks bro, but it'll feel fuckin good when you get the desktop you've always wanted. I just got mine after only having a laptop. BC2 on high settings... satisfying.

Do you know what parts you're going to get?
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Commented 13 years ago2010-12-10 23:54:48 UTC in journal: #6929 Comment #36076
Wow! She's got some talent. What is she considering doing?

She'd be a FANTASTIC childrens book illustrator.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-04 14:03:21 UTC in journal: #6917 Comment #66263
Then you should see a psychologist.
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-02 22:02:59 UTC in journal: #6911 Comment #63187
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-25 16:19:59 UTC in journal: #6892 Comment #49204
Best stick to SC2! Happy thanksgiving other US based TWHLers, I know a good few of you.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-24 13:37:20 UTC in news: Competition 29 is a Go + A New Tutorial! Comment #99725
ah see, i read acronyms just as I'd say them if possibe i.e. "a fahk". Must be a difference in our dialects is all, because around here absolutely no one says "an US citizen"

'course round heah we say half werds an pronounce "r" as "ah" like 80% ah tha time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 22:45:40 UTC in news: Competition 29 is a Go + A New Tutorial! Comment #99717
"an FAQ"
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 09:38:45 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99711
Yeah I was going to say, if we have any female TWHLers they are keeping unnaturally quiet. :P
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-23 09:35:44 UTC in journal: #6888 Comment #42959
The answer is congratulations, you have finally become "that crazy cat lady".
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-21 19:25:13 UTC in journal: #6884 Comment #49195
I bought it but it needs SP3! Microsoft just got ten cents! Well played, well played indeed.

Well now it'll go in my ever growing collection of titles for my future computer :P
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-20 23:13:09 UTC in journal: #6881 Comment #45153
Got it, played for like an hour. It BLOWS. Small gun battle followed by thirty minutes of wandering around in the dark/bloom just to get to the next fun part. Awful.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-20 14:31:40 UTC in journal: #6881 Comment #45152
You really think so? I thought it was exceedingly mediocre.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-17 00:22:33 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99689
...and then Rimrook trounced the competition and ended up in the news for the third time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-15 18:29:58 UTC in journal: #6874 Comment #57120
An artist's tools are much, much less important than his mind eyes and hands.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-15 18:26:53 UTC in journal: #6875 Comment #41635
AW SHEET now how will i will I make you my queen? Ah well even though we've never gotten to know eachother personally I'm quite happy for you, you must feel amazing.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-11 21:37:10 UTC in journal: #6873 Comment #55187
I don't see how a disc could do that. I've had four 360's and once only the video crapped out on one, and it turned out to be the cable. Fixed it myself with a little solder, so you should check that.

aslo moomoo's right. I run MW2 on a 2.2GH duel core, it's really not a very demanding engine for a modern game.
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-07 18:45:11 UTC in journal: #6869 Comment #49181
I'm right up in MA tet, too bad I don't need a car!
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-02 07:25:03 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99680
if there's a difference, I don't know it.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-22 16:29:03 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99668
I suspect an accomplice, there's no way you could've made it through the KY Jelly maze and past the Balrog alone.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-21 07:20:01 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99665
He didn't leave, I kidnapped him.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-14 13:15:35 UTC in journal: #6824 Comment #41572
old people are hilarious, they are basically children with drivers licenses.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-13 11:14:44 UTC in journal: #6823 Comment #55172
Srry is probably right on some level, I mean, there's always someone who needs to get paid. But on the other hand, that rice one is EXTREMELY popular and I've heard of it many, many times. I'd imagine if they were doing something terribly illegal that it would get shut down.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-10 14:58:39 UTC in journal: #6817 Comment #63165
Seriously, it reflects poorly on the quality of what you build if you can't even build a sentence.

Mod sounds neat.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-09 11:27:19 UTC in journal: #6818 Comment #53615
Get some coffee after the show! Driving tired is worse than driving drunk!

I don't listen to much Paramore but I imagine you feel similar to how I did when I finally got to see Metallica, after long since becoming my first real musical obsession. (besides No Doubt, binged on that in elementary school)
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-08 18:52:35 UTC in journal: #6815 Comment #45136
I like it so far but I feel like, ah, whatever.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-08 18:49:16 UTC in journal: #6816 Comment #41562
double pwn. i see that, I heard wrong.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-07 14:10:45 UTC in journal: #6816 Comment #41561
MRE's are not ever supposed to be made public, but there are private companies that make civilian knock-offs and sell them by the box online. It's a fantastic thing to keep in your basement in case of emergencies, because they are designed to be able to serve as your one meal a day should it ever come down to that.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-07 07:21:10 UTC in journal: #6816 Comment #41560
Oh man, I haven't eaten one of those things in forever. Isn't there like 2300 calories in that?
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-05 10:25:27 UTC in journal: #6807 Comment #60684
Drilling is not that bad, after the novacane which pinches for literally half a second you can't feel anything at all. I've got three already, gotta get two more done this month. (drink less soda kids!)

The only unpleasant part is the smell of your burning teeth.
Commented 14 years ago2010-10-05 10:23:49 UTC in journal: #6810 Comment #57065
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-24 17:24:13 UTC in journal: #6787 Comment #41533
Wow nice little promotion real fast, good job.

My newish(since May) job loves me too. It's amazing how far showing up and trying hard can get you. People these days just have really shit work ethics, especially kids.

Kids on this site when you get your first job, tryhard mode. It'll benefit you right away.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-19 06:51:11 UTC in news: The Reason TWHL Will Never Die Comment #99642

No but seriously, I had a really, really shitty day yesterday and today just started off right.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-14 23:40:43 UTC in journal: #6771 Comment #57039
legit. its great.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-11 03:19:20 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Creating caves using Displacements Comment #100947
Ok this worked great, third attempt produced some nice results. I'm totally going to use this technique in my next map.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-09 23:27:36 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Creating caves using Displacements Comment #100946
This tutorial looks fantastic you should do more. We need more source tuts here. Going to try my hand at it now.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-08 20:57:14 UTC in journal: #6765 Comment #42900
newegg has some 23" for 150-200