
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-18 03:24:06 UTC in vault item: Missing faces in aim_best_temple Comment #1908
Wadinclude de_smyrna into your map. It's not a standard .wad that came with CS, so not everyone has it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-18 03:20:19 UTC in vault item: Sabotage Comment #1907
You might want to wadinclude ship_tex.wad into the map...
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-18 03:16:17 UTC in vault item: fy_2stas Comment #1906
Looks nice, but well, layout is pretty simple... OK, it's a fy-map, but still...

Strange lighting bytheway. The overhead beams don't have parallel shadows, wich is impossible with only the sun as a light-source.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-13 10:03:55 UTC in vault item: de_frozen Comment #1865
Your first map and it shows. You didn't know about the Max Viewable Distance, so some rocks dissapear in the distance. Quite bad VIS-blocking troughout the level, wich results in way too high r_speeds in most of the map. The textures are quite boring, and become repetetive after a while.

But I've seen your second level and that's a lot more promising. You have progress, and you have good progress. Keep it up!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-13 09:29:18 UTC in vault item: knife_chess2 Comment #1864
I think it would have been much better when you had positioned the pieces across the board as if it had been played for a while. And that pushability has some really bad effects coming with it, I was sliding on top speed all over the chessboard. I think it's better to leave them non-pushable (and non-breakable) so they provide some interesting cover/hideplaces.

Bytheway, your r_speeds are really way too high, you should cut that down first. Peaks at 1600 wpoly's... :(

But the overall idea is nice, although it needs a better workout in my opinion.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-13 03:17:06 UTC in vault item: Elevator Problems Comment #1859
Blue, track_corner doesn't exist. You mean the path_track. But that one isn't necessary here. A path_corner is OK.

@ adsims2001: The elevator starts at the right position, p1 is the name of the highest path_corner, and that's where you've set the 'first stop target' of the train to.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-10 09:45:23 UTC in vault item: de_cretewarz Comment #1835
I noticed most of your maps (if not all) are just a cubic room filled with crates, walls, cans, whatever. No real CS-styled maps. Maybe it's fun to play but the design is thin.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-10 09:34:05 UTC in vault item: fy_dirtking2K Comment #1834
Oh my! The sound! Stop it! STOP IT!!!!

How annoying. No cover, rumble ( = bad aiming), THE SOUND!

Nice textures thought (self-made?).
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-10 06:18:45 UTC in vault item: Full_city Comment #1832
I just read you don't need to put these textures in a seperate wad file first, -wadinclude only includes used textures from the specified file.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-10 01:56:50 UTC in vault item: Full_city Comment #1831
Personally I'd like it if you included all your textures used. I'm not so eager to copy and copy and copy and copy wad files again into my valve folder. Put all used textures in a custom wad and wadinclude it. That's more userfriendly.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-28 07:46:51 UTC in vault item: Wizard Comment #1720
Well, I see it's inspired by Halo... It's a little the same style.

Too bad that also counts for the uniformity of the map... I could only distinguish that I had been teleported to another green portal because of the decals I had made woth some grenades...
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-27 01:57:24 UTC in vault item: de_ramses Comment #1702
And now in English please, Des!r3...
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-26 09:45:03 UTC in vault item: cs_aztec Comment #1695
Not a great lay-out, some parts are also too similar.

But there's some nice details and architecture present too. You should do some more research on layour and gameplay and I'll see you making great maps. Keep it up!
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-26 06:05:08 UTC in vault item: de_ramses Comment #1694
Graphically it looks decent. Little too dark though...

As for the gameplay, I'm not really sure. The T's and CT's will arrive at the bomb spot at the statue at about the same time, but the one at the obeliscs is much further away for the T's. I think you should replace that bombspot so it equals more to the statue bomb-spot in distance for the T's.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-25 14:39:45 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #1688
Remembers me of the map I made from my room... it's still on my website...
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-17 14:54:42 UTC in vault item: Issues Comment #1645
As has been said before, some maps were of poor quality but some are really good. Legacy was definitely the best visual map. Also, the WW1 map was really a different setting that I liked... and how the scientist finally showed up... made me smile... :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-27 11:21:43 UTC in vault item: commander_keen_testlevel Comment #841
Keep them coming, Muzzle! ;)
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-26 08:31:47 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #828
YEAH! Finally someone who tested it for real! This is good news to me, craash420!

Well, I got a map upcoming that will tear your eyes out... ;) If you concider this as top already...

Check out the forums and look for screenshots of Mudanchee... ;)
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-26 08:21:06 UTC in vault item: dm_arena Comment #827
Hey MuzzleFlash, I played trough this map yesterday with my brother and well, just plays like the average HLDM level... I like the flashing HL logo, though...
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-27 04:53:42 UTC in vault item: De_Putkisto Comment #487
Judging from the screenshot, you need to learn what light is... the map's just unlighted. Is that because there is a leak in the map or because you didn't place any lights?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-23 06:59:36 UTC in vault item: atrium3 Comment #354
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-23 06:50:52 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #353
Sounds very good... bytheway, have you played it too? On LAN or internet? I'd like to know how the gameplay is...

I thought the Egon gun was too dominating...
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-20 06:58:13 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #339
And the rating... 3 rates with an average of 4,7... I'd like to see more ratings!
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-20 06:56:42 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #338
OK, some more feedback please! I see it's being downloaded at a rate of 28,7 % of all who look at this, but feedback is a little spare...
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-09 03:22:53 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #301
You played it on LAN, or internet? How many players? I think the map is a little too big for only 8 players but I can't test it (no Inet at home, only LAN with my brother).
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-07 07:45:11 UTC in vault item: Detention Comment #297
Good to hear this. It's my first map released ever...

So, anyone who played it already? I'd like to know how it's in-game.

Bytheway, check out my site for more screenshots: