
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 10:52:21 UTC in journal: #5580 Comment #39935
ImageShack fails.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 10:48:04 UTC in journal: #5584 Comment #47209
I think it could be the AIDS... = /
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 10:46:00 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47198
Give baby sandwich and call me in the morning.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 09:39:29 UTC in journal: #5584 Comment #47205
My guess is
bilirubin encephalopathy
because it sounds good.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 09:35:04 UTC in journal: #5584 Comment #47211
transient hyperammonemia of the newborn. I think.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 09:34:43 UTC in journal: #5585 Comment #55609
hahahah aweslome = ))
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 09:32:18 UTC in journal: #5585 Comment #55611
I once got a "Luther" Head on an info_player start, just like in Life's end.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 09:31:15 UTC in journal: #5584 Comment #47203

bilirubin encephalopathy
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 08:51:49 UTC in vault item: MarbleFountain Comment #17238
Wow! = )

This is a really cool map fulled with inspiration, careful work and some neat innovation. There is some great detail work in the stone pillars and temples, the windows, and other areas. The fountain is amazingly cool too btw! = 0 (not that it can't use some tweaking tho!)

That said, this map has tons of room for improvement in terms of performance, texturing, Basic style, and some tweaking of that neat fountain. (i have not commented on any of the other rooms maps, but i feel with a little bit more work on your part you could turn this from a good map to a great map! = )

Your textures are scaled down to .50 on an enormous portion of the map. While this makes the texture look better it DRASTICALLY increases compile time and r_speeds (wpoly). Scale your textures up (especially the ones spanning the whole room) to 1.00 at least(on huge, wide-open rooms like this, it is normal to scale up to 2.0 or more sometimes to make manageable fps). If you don't like the way they look then change the texture to something more appropiate. this leads directiy to my next criticism...

Many if not most of the texture choices are just plain horrible. That "granite" texture throughout the whole map is completely wrong, and should be replaces with something different. Some of the marble and other textues look fine, but changing this would DRAMATICALLY improve the look/feel of this room.

Basic Style:
You have great detail in the map as previously mentioned, however the MAIN STRUCTURE of the room and the main hallways are very cubistic and are basically just boxes with no trims or indentations at all. This looks completely unnatural and boring.

Fountain and Waterfall:
The fountain is an awesome idea, and with a little more work it could be amazing. For one thing i would add more sprites at the base and throughout all the "streams" of the fountain. Next, i would play with "render mode" and the opacity properties to make the "streams" more noticable--they are nearly transparent now and don't look like water.

As for the waterfall, i think it would look a lot better if you totally removed the area underneath it--an intriguing idea jsut the same--and just make rock or even steps underneath it. Also, add some sprites at where the bottom of the waterfall meets the pool to simulate mist.

Well that's all i got. Like i said i don't want to tell you or anyone how to make their map, but i really think you could drastically improve this with a little more work! Welcome to TWHL and thanks for joining the rooms project!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 08:12:38 UTC in journal: #5585 Comment #55608
hahahah sweet i'll start loggin mine = )
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 06:31:07 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47195
Just don't lose the baby when you're swinging it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 04:16:44 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47197
WRONG. The correct test is to swing the baby round your head by one of its legs. If it turns red, it's an acidic baby, and if it turns blue, it's an alkaline baby.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-17 03:54:05 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47190
Third, and raise you a ... wait, I fold.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 23:18:38 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47201
I second that demand, and raise you a test question.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 23:15:36 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47192

i demand more of these!

And potatis - get out.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 23:12:58 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47194
The correct answer is:

electrocardiography and echocardiography

This baby most likely has congestive heart failure. A congenital heart disease frequently presents at around 2-4 weeks after birth.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 21:57:07 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35137
Rimrook: I hope not ;) That series used to scare me. I get shivers thinking of cyberspace and dark sci fi like places.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 20:13:53 UTC in vault item: rooms_basement Comment #17237
Nice improvement. I'd say give the player a crowbar, put a lock on the fence door which you can break, replace those carton boxes with (item) crates, remove the bicycle and further improve the lightning. Good luck, once again. ;)
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 19:53:20 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47199
No wonder he fails.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 19:32:56 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35139
yeah. But every time i play just a standard game with bots the enemy buildings hit me in one shot. :(
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 19:29:24 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33020
"So this is the first journal post on TWHL... an noone commented on it until 2008?!"
When TWHL was upgraded to version 3 all journal comments were deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 19:22:34 UTC in news: Top Maps Cleanup Comment #98938
.og uoy ereh os ,stnemmoc raom sdeen tsoP weN sihT
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 19:07:04 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47193
He's running Vista Home Premium with SP1.

But he dual-boots with Windows 7.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 17:51:58 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47200
All of the above, just to be safe.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 17:09:07 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47187
I still think we should install a virus scanner..
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:48:17 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47191
it's auto-immune. Possibly Lupus.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:44:23 UTC in news: Top Maps Cleanup Comment #98937
This New Post needs moar comments, so here you go.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:41:04 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47186
you insensitive clod! You havent given us any data on what hardware the baby consists off or what OS is installed!!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:40:16 UTC in journal: #5580 Comment #39931
I need opinions on lighting, too.

I kinda like it, but then something just isn't right to me. I can't put my finger on it.

I wan't it to be a map with a dusk sort of lighting, and I plan to make the sun rising in one of the corners.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:39:16 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47170
This is from a test, it would be kinda hard to keep this confidential.

Doctor 1: So, whats my score?
doctor 2: sorry, cant tell.
doctor 1: ....
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:39:15 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47196
Idk satch, you're the doctor.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:37:59 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35134
Tetsu0, its a MP game really, and still a early beta as far as i know, the goal is to destroy the hostile's team capital, which is the white building behind the the apartment buildings. the 2 factory's generate money for the enemy team, so if you want to cripple them take them also out. And, on every vehicle there is a semi translucant box, with a egg like thingy in it. Knock it off the hostiles vehicle to take it down. You can knock em off boats with the airplane. Missles also can blast them off with the blast radius.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 16:19:31 UTC in journal: #5583 Comment #47189
"complete blood count and bone scan"

Sounds to me like he's just got a cold, probably due to a lowered immune system. Hence looking at the white blood cells and the marrow, just to be sure everything's dandy.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 15:37:58 UTC in vault item: rooms_basement Comment #17236
That's the exact response i wanted.
thanks for the input it's greatly appreciated :)
I'll go touch things up a bit.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 15:06:34 UTC in vault item: rooms_basement Comment #17235
Overall I'd say the use of props just don't fit in the scene. Especially the fences; they seem pasted in such a way they don't fit in with the general environment. There is no door to get behind the fences and I still can't quite figure why they are there, because the only thing behind the damn fences are some filler crates!! I also wonder how the NPC came there, with the fact there is no door, and on what purpose she is there. I figured she came in through the gap, but I couldn't get in myself! Personally i'd advise you to use the higher fence models, so that they reach the ceiling and build in a door with that.. also put something senseable behind them instead of some filler crates; this way things might blend in more with the general environment.

Another thing needing work is lightning, now it's just too 'normal' and you seem to be having some shadow issues (especially at the pipes). I'd advise to dense the lightning and slightly add some color to them so that it enhances more atmosphere. I like the cords between the lamps but they have no source of origin and one of them isn't connected at all.

Texturing and architecture are pretty decent but they work. You might want to practice a bit and add some more detail to make it more interesting tho. Also, I would cut down on the decals a bit, because you're overusing them. Anyways, that's just a bit of input; normally I'm not one to bash lack of realism but things just felt a bit off. Good luck!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 14:41:20 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47176
I thought doctors are meant to keep these things confidential anyway ;D
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 14:19:18 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35135
reminds me of Reboot.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 14:13:46 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47174

...this is why i didn't go for a medical degree. :\
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 14:10:34 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35138
it is fun but i can only tell what i'm doing with the boats.
it's entertaining, but i can't seem to complete any special objective
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 12:06:16 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47180
Rimrook got it right.

It's vitamin D deficiency.

Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 09:53:12 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35133
Maby because the author likes that game? Really, he could have picked any game. Its more as in 'hey, look its a small game' statement then anything else....
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 08:49:38 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47181
..That his mom is dead?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 08:34:28 UTC in journal: #5582 Comment #35136
Looks cool but why do they reference L4D? Just seemed a little odd. Of all the games, they chose that one?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 08:25:37 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47169
Super Aids, definitely.

Or, maby a lack of vitamine B, i think.

Lets do a doctor house, I wanna be house, PB can be the grumpy back guy, Ant the odd australian, and someone notyet defined the girl that has a crush on house.

Now, lets try and make this as hard as possible...
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 08:04:35 UTC in journal: #5580 Comment #39936
I like turtles
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 07:12:27 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47184
Calcium deficiency ?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 06:15:51 UTC in journal: #5579 Comment #58979
Penguinboy is right. It's a really simple PHP script.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 05:34:25 UTC in journal: #5579 Comment #58967
Way back when it did that to me and told me I was 7th Monkey. For a moment, I thought I had admin privileges. Oh how I would have abused them...or used them for good. Such a dilemma when presented with superpowers.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 05:30:34 UTC in journal: #5579 Comment #58974
omg. it knows my name!!!!!!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-16 04:59:22 UTC in journal: #5581 Comment #47173
its going to be something stupid like vitamin D deficiency or something. :(