
Commented 5 years ago2018-12-02 04:40:01 UTC in journal: Christmas Avatars (Chrivatars) Comment #101653
As you wish.
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Commented 5 years ago2018-12-01 21:31:24 UTC in journal: i can read letters in russian server Comment #101651
Exactly. In my country, we say the same thing: fajl.
Commented 5 years ago2018-12-01 18:06:22 UTC in journal: i can read letters in russian server Comment #101650
:) nice.

i remember you told before: in russian you read exactly what writed.

and from my experience this is true. for example fayl means file in russian. and sounds same as english "file".
Commented 5 years ago2018-12-01 17:37:17 UTC in journal: i can read letters in russian server Comment #101649
I learned the Cyrillic script in 4th grade, and thanks to that, I can easily read a good part of the Greek alphabet. :D
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Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 23:31:55 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101647
I use HitFilm.
The Express version is free, and it's got the basic stuff that you need (and from what I see, plenty of tutorials). It seems simple on the surface, and it is simple if you use it for basic stuff. (can be advanced only if you wish)

The only thing I'm not fond of is its way of doing text. You make a composite shot, add a text layer, edit it with the Text Tool, find the Text tab, edit the parameters, and then place the composite shot in the video.
Sony Vegas does text in a much much more straightforward way in comparison.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 22:59:57 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101646
Whenever I had put together a video or make a quick edit I usually resorted to Sony Vegas, mostly because it's really fast and snappy for simple edits. I tried Adobe Premiere, I actually was obliged in college to use that for a course (we had a television course). But I didn't continue to use Premiere, mostly because I'm used to Vegas and I edit videos very rarely (more rare than SpaceX launches rockets nowadays anyway), and somehow I consider the editing flow faster there. Also Premiere gave me the impression that it uses a lot more RAM, and even today my most performant machine has just 12GB of RAM (plan on upgrading next year).

But I checked out the suggestions in this journal and I really dig Shotcut. I remember trying other alternatives a number of times but most of them were trialware/crapware. There was also this thing called Virtual Dub, but I swear to you it was easier for me to learn how to install Arch Linux and use it than how to use this mysterious tool reserved for the gurus.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 13:34:30 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101645
Another free one I stumbled upon today is KdenLive, I haven't tried it but it looks useful.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 11:12:34 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101644
VSDC is pretty good and totally free, they offer a premium version but I never needed it, no watermarks, easy cutting, splitting and adding effects...etc, most basic features you might need are there, and a couple of extras aswell, try it :)
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 04:11:45 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101643
I use Vegas Pro in the rare times I actually do any video editing, but I also got that in a Humble Bundle so it was like $20 (which especially considering it came bundled with a bunch of other stuff was basically like stealing it). It's uh, not anywhere near as cheap now. Like Urby suggested maybe an older version would be more affordable if you can find it. They seem to have a monthly-recurring version as well, which is more accessible but since it doesn't appear to be a "rent to own" type deal that's not super good.

I've also used Premiere years ago in high school, and it was fairly competent. Seems like it goes for $40 USD a month these days, so that's not exactly a good deal either (Why must companies gouge us with recurring payments!!)

If you need just the absolute minimum, Blender of all things has some built-in video editing capabilities but they're uh, not great usability-wise, but it's free so you get slightly more than you pay for. Slightly.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-30 02:17:06 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101642
There's also DaVinci Resolve, which I never tried but heard good things about.

I'd suggest watching this, as he basically explains some of the pro/contras of the editors:
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-29 23:31:45 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101641
I've only really got experience with Sony Vegas Movie Studio but I love it. It's expensive if you go for the latest version, but older versions tend to be much cheaper but you sacrifice functionality/features.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-29 23:29:34 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101640
^ I've seen Shotcut recommended a couple of times recently. I might have to check it out myself.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-29 22:14:55 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101639
Shotcut is pretty decent, I use it and its free https:/
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-29 12:58:41 UTC in vault item: Access Point Comment #101638
This was great fun!

It's not the most visually striking thing on Goldsource, but it's got it where it counts. A little more detail here and there couldn't hurt, but honestly it feels very true to the original game. I would have no trouble believing this was cut from We've Got Hostiles.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-27 01:44:18 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Vision Comment #101637
Looks like you were so busy replicating the original Valve style (and did a brilliant job on that!) that you almost forgot about ammo and health. Great work!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-25 23:33:36 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Vision Comment #101636
Wow... Well I would certainly be surprised if this doesn't get first place in the competition. Seven maps!? That's insane!

Played on hard as recommended and it was certainly challenging in some areas. I think for the most part I was running around with 100HP, but the various combat encounters were often frantic and I wound up in the red a number of times. I must admit that it was getting a little tedious at the start given the number of zombies and headcrabs, as I would engage these with the crowbar to conserve ammunition and whittling their health down took a long time.

There are quite a few areas that serve as little more than combat arenas and as such they lack detail or do not make a lot of sense. One example that comes to mind is the crossroad shaped section which had a single office in one wall... The middle section with the laser cannon was also a little bland in terms of detail and lighting.

However, not once was the game play dull, including the Half-Life staples of combat and platforming with the occasional bit of exploration which was always rewarded.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable map pack that hits a lot of the beats from the original campaign without simply copying it.

Bug Report: I noticed that with the electrical arcs that appear after the generator starts up, the trigger_hurt doesn't always disable properly for the first one. In two play throughs I took a chunk of damage when the beams were off, but only on the first one. The other two work fine.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-25 17:16:27 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Vision Comment #101635
I must say this compo entry is indeed lovely and very reminiscent of the Valve style.. While there are many segments that are empty and barren looking others therefore shine even more by nice design - light and texture choices.

All in all you even added basic story elements which almost seems to be a re-run of Gordons Adventure all over again just in mini format.

I did play in on hard and unfortunately especially in the earlier levels till the point where you reach the guard locked inside the toilet it was somewhat unbalanced for that particular difficulty setting. 'Cause you simply ran outta ammunition and couldn't kill the alien slaves anymore. But once passed that point ammo wasn't much of a problem anymore mostly due to the soldiers.

I did enjoy this little competition entry despite the fact that many corridors are simply leading into a new box like environment. True 1999 modder mapping style. A great old school mod.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-23 00:40:10 UTC in vault item: de_xmas_minibomb Comment #101633
Is it already that time again
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Commented 5 years ago2018-11-21 00:17:49 UTC in journal: Why I am here, where else you can find me. Comment #101630
just the vertex mode. Youll never make intricate stuff with generators. As for those gothic domes, its just two cylinders passing through each other
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-20 22:06:31 UTC in vault item: C5A1-R: BAD END? (comp35_Moaby) Comment #101629
This was great. It was eerie in a good way. I think I have never seen a level set a mood as well as this one.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-20 22:02:43 UTC in vault item: Access Point Comment #101628
Nice small map. Liked how you kept the visual complexity of original levels. Most mappers would be afraid to do something like this. Was fun indeed
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-20 10:10:59 UTC in journal: Why I am here, where else you can find me. Comment #101627
If you're interested in pre-displacement-era terrain (which is not just fake displacements), take a look at my Advanced Terrain Creation tutorial, precisely the last few sections under "Toward Gearbox-style terrain".


It should serve as an introduction to these old (but gold) terrain-making methods. I covered only a few terrain types that you can make with each technique, but I am planning to write a part 2 for tne tutorial.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-20 04:15:59 UTC in journal: Why I am here, where else you can find me. Comment #101626
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-19 16:26:11 UTC in journal: LGR's Half-Life Retrospective Comment #101625
Looks like Noclip also has something planned for Half-Life's 20th anniversary :)

Half-Life Documentary Trailer - Noclip
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-18 22:51:49 UTC in journal: LGR's Half-Life Retrospective Comment #101624
I like that guys channel, has some really quality stuff on it
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-18 01:36:43 UTC in vault item: de_edifice Comment #101623
It's so much a political statement that I had to make an edited version for my clan's server (I suspected that this may happen, we try to keep a friendly atmosphere). I couldn't come up with a good name for it so I just called it de_compromise. haha
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-17 15:48:57 UTC in journal: LGR's Half-Life Retrospective Comment #101622
Love that channel, probably my most visited channel on the Youtubes.

Also worth watching: The Rise and Fall of Half-Life (GVAMERS)
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-17 14:10:16 UTC in journal: LGR's Half-Life Retrospective Comment #101621
Me too, I like his voice and his content is very interesting.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-17 04:02:01 UTC in vault item: de_edifice Comment #101620
Ha! Is this a map or a political statement?

It's more dystopic than City 17.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-17 01:47:40 UTC in journal: LGR's Half-Life Retrospective Comment #101619
Love me some LGR. His fascination with old tech is always pleasant to watch. This was a good video, but boo to anyone who can't handle Half-Life's ladders!

I hope Valve remember to do something too, but I won't hold my breath.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-11 17:38:56 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101618
A miracle happened and my hospital visit was waived. I qualified for something and that service took care of the costs. I got a very happy letter that said my account had been adjusted to zero. All I have to do is pay the radiology department which is kinda not a big deal. I'm very grateful, though I don't know what I did to deserve it, but it encourages me to want to release and close projects.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-11 13:00:39 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101617
How are you doing?
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-10 22:48:00 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101616
I'm sorry to hear it Rim. If it means anything, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're all sending good vibes your way - Just know there's nothing but support from us.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-08 04:38:22 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101615
happi bday!!!!!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-06 18:16:55 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101614
Thanks everybody! :3
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 21:50:10 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101613
There is an update... but it will take some organization to announce and explain things. :/
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 13:27:26 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101612
Happy belated Birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 11:11:46 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101611
Happy birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 09:21:21 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101610
Happy Birthday! Hope things are going well for you ^^
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 09:09:26 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101609
Happy belated birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-05 06:42:00 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101608

Happy belated birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-04 12:38:49 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101607
Happy birthday!

I turned 46 in October.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-04 12:35:39 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101606
Yeah, life is so inherently unfair.

Don't try to look for reason or justice--there isn't any. Good people die every day, while assholes get to be presidents.

Hang in there.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-04 03:45:38 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101605
What's the latest update Rimrook?
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-04 02:55:33 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101604
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-03 09:20:17 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101603
In my country, we use dots for multiplication and colons for subdivision.
Nobody uses × or ÷ here.
Though in my country, we just prefer using fractions instead of colons (starting from 6th grade or so), so we don't run into colons that often anyway.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-03 09:01:47 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101602
Well, as I said, I've never seen colons used for division at all. I don't know about this switching order of operations malarkey though. Sounds like something that would ruin the very foundations of mathematics as we know it!