Commented 5 years ago2019-09-29 11:45:33 UTC
in journal: Made a Blender modelComment #102283
Anyway. Back to Source.
I've made a head with shape keys as a test model for Half-Life 2 Beta. All it's going to have is Eye movement but I struggle to make the qc script compile.
Just a moment.
EDIT: Here's the script. `$modelname "ampa.mdl" $cdmaterials "models\Ampa"
EDIT: Remember that video named "Hiape"? I made it play on my 3DS. (Test unit) It's was from awhile ago. Think I should work more on 3DS games? Cause I think I should.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-26 12:53:27 UTC
in journal: Resident AlcoholComment #102007
I should work on that total conversion, so I'll be starting with making a prop with physics. Some encouragement is highly appreciated. And some old tools for compiling bop ver19 maps.
Do someone have any of those? I can't make the home-brew without old source tools.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-17 05:54:50 UTC
in journal: Resident AlcoholComment #101991
Resident(Residence(Home)) Alcohol(Make(Brew))
And ORIGINAL Xbox is what I meant to say, I have gotten to work with someone's Xash3D port for the Xbox and are encountering unexpected interferences with it. (Crashes cause it's more than 64mb)
When I get a 128mb ram it'll be changing. But for now I'll be trying to make things work again.
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-17 13:18:30 UTC
in journal: YayComment #101769
Yes the only HL1 with a menu theme was great thanks to the theme. But I also meant the graphics. I see those retro looking environments more atmospheric then any reality looking ones.
And the gameplay weren't bad either cause games where born from joy-sticks and learning how to control something by trial and error is one of the true joys of gaming. Mouse controls are too easy.
And I'm actually called Screamy at some places.
PC degraded Human-kind into shit eating apes. PC is prof that too much is too much. So please stay out of my way you apes.
I've made a head with shape keys as a test model for Half-Life 2 Beta. All it's going to have is Eye movement but I struggle to make the qc script compile.
Just a moment.
Here's the script.
`$modelname "ampa.mdl"
$cdmaterials "models\Ampa"
$sequence idle "AmpaHead_ref.smd"
$model "ampahead" "AmpaHead_ref.smd" {
eyeball eye_right HS_Head 1.8552 -2.41958 65.1821 ampaEYEBALL_l 1 3 ampairis_l 3
eyeball eye_left HS_Head -1.8552 -2.41958 65.1821 ampaEYEBALL_r 1 -3 ampairis_r 3
eyelid upper_right "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 1 -0.27 neutral 0 0.21 raiser 2 0.28 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid lower_right "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 3 -0.3 neutral 0 -0.26 raiser 4 -0.11 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid upper_left "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 5 -0.27 neutral 0 0.21 raiser 6 0.28 split -1 eyeball "eye_left"
eyelid lower_left "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 7 -0.3 neutral 0 -0.26 raiser 8 -0.11 split -1 eyeball "eye_left"
flexfile "AmpaHead.vta"
defaultflex frame 0
flex "EYE1" frame 1
flex "EYE2" frame 2
flex "EYE3" frame 3
flex "EYE4" frame 4
flex "EYE5" frame 5
flex "EYE6" frame 6
flex "EYE7" frame 7
flex "EYE8" frame 8
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "upper_right_lowerer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "upper_left_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "blink"
/* flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "EY_ANGR_L"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "EY_ANGR_R"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "EY_SAD_L"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "EY_SAD_R" /*
%upper_right_raiser = right_lid_raiser * (1 - right_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - blink)
%upper_left_raiser = left_lid_raiser * (1 - left_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - blink)
Any help?
$modelname "ampa.mdl"
$cdmaterials "models\Ampa"
$model "ampahead" "AmpaHead_ref.smd" {
eyeball "eye_right" HS_Head 1.8552 -2.41958 65.1821 ampaEYEBALL_l 1 3 ampairis_l 3
eyeball "eye_left" HS_Head -1.8552 -2.41958 65.1821 ampaEYEBALL_r 1 -3 ampairis_r 3
/* eyelid upper_right "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 1 -0.27 neutral 0 0.21 raiser 2 0.28 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid lower_right "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 3 -0.3 neutral 0 -0.26 raiser 4 -0.11 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid upper_left "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 5 -0.27 neutral 0 0.21 raiser 6 0.28 split -1 eyeball "eye_left"
eyelid lower_left "AmpaHead.vta" lowerer 7 -0.3 neutral 0 -0.26 raiser 8 -0.11 split -1 eyeball "eye_left" */
flexfile "AmpaHead.vta"
defaultflex frame 0
flex "EY_UI_Lid" frame 1
flex "EY_LI_Lid" frame 2
flex "EY_LR_Lid" frame 3
flex "EY_UR_Lid" frame 4
flex "EY_ANGR_L" frame 5
flex "EY_ANGR_R" frame 6
flex "EY_SAD_L" frame 7
flex "EY_SAD_R" frame 8
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_lowerer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_lowerer"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_lid_angry"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_lid_angry"
flexcontroller brows range 0 1 "left_lid_sad"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_lid_sad"
%EY_UR_Lid = right_lid_raiser
%EY_LI_Lid = left_lid_raiser
%EY_LR_Lid = right_lid_lowerer
%EY_UI_Lid = left_lid_lowerer
%EY_ANGR_L = left_lid_angry
%EY_ANGR_R = right_lid_angry
%EY_SAD_L = left_lid_sad
%EY_SAD_R = right_lid_sad
$sequence idle "AmpaHead_ref.smd"
Model textures from this era's Scientist and Barney models.
Why doesn't YouTube work here?
At-least when I get more than 64mb RAM on my home-brew Xbox.
Remember that video named "Hiape"? I made it play on my 3DS. (Test unit) It's was from awhile ago. Think I should work more on 3DS games? Cause I think I should.
Do someone have any of those? I can't make the home-brew without old source tools.
It might be old but it's good enough to be undying. No matter what people say. Consoles will still be around.
I have not been able to work on that HL2 TC yet. Maybe I should do that Morrowind TC first cause it's easier to modify.
And ORIGINAL Xbox is what I meant to say, I have gotten to work with someone's Xash3D port for the Xbox and are encountering unexpected interferences with it. (Crashes cause it's more than 64mb)
When I get a 128mb ram it'll be changing. But for now I'll be trying to make things work again.
Just to cheer you up. You're a great guy.
The fan-made version
But first we have to work on it. I'll be writing a script and post it on the forum so if anyone can help then they can.
(It's in the original game if you where wondering)
But I can announce in THIS journal the current status of the server. For now it's open.
Go in and get in the lone server. Say if you are onto it.
And the gameplay weren't bad either cause games where born from joy-sticks and learning how to control something by trial and error is one of the true joys of gaming. Mouse controls are too easy.
I am planning on making more maps and have the Stripped Combine Soldier model as a player model. But currently I am stuck.
Consider making a HLDM version?
What happened to it?