
Commented 12 years ago2011-06-23 14:50:08 UTC in journal: #7293 Comment #57650
Replace 'Skals' with 'brendanmint' and it wont be a dream anymore
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Commented 12 years ago2011-06-20 23:54:57 UTC in journal: #7288 Comment #49260
I was gonna tell you but ok. Anyway the maps are picked randomly from phillip's collection. We've had really bad maps so yours is above average in that respect
Commented 12 years ago2011-06-19 12:52:23 UTC in journal: #7286 Comment #57621
Withdrawing from a heavy TWHL addiction can be quite difficult. Symptoms include nausea, cold sweat, night fever, and diarrhea.
Commented 12 years ago2011-06-19 05:32:28 UTC in journal: #7287 Comment #38499
theres always gonna be an audience for sand box games, no matter how pointless they are.

Speaking of which, there's a mincraft pick crowbar replacement for HL1. So come join us and play half life, please.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-06-11 16:00:25 UTC in vault item: Rooms Comment #19247
Pretty challenging, and also a bit of variety is always good.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-06-10 04:14:19 UTC in vault item: hl_calibre66 v0.87b Comment #19241
Hey, can you categorize this under 'HLDM' instead of HL? Thanks.

Anyway this myroom rats map as a whole looks nice and simple. I also like that door handle. It's good that players can gain height via the use of func_ladders. However I suspect you haven't tried your hand at actually playing HL deathmatch.

First of all, the placement of all the weapons are hard to reach. They are all up high on a shelf and no additional ammunition are provided anywhere else. This is bad especially on one-big-room maps because all players are constantly firing away at one another. 12 shotgun shells or 10 gauss shots go out very fast. I don't think I have to mention how fast 1 rocket goes. And then everyone will have to conduct a symphony of glockshots.

Never, ever provide the gauss in the middle of the map where anyone can easily get it. In case you didn't know, in DM, gauss is THE most powerful (yes, even more than gluon gun) weapon. Skilled player (or most anybody, for that matter) will use the charge-up gauss to kill everyone else (who can barely fight back due to the hard-to-reach weapon placements) very quickly.

Do not craft pitch-black areas (like the one near the flashlight) in DM. Players DO NOT get to use flashlights in DM so pitch black areas end up as places for blind firing.

Once players have teleported up to the top of the cupboard there doesn't seems to be a way down safely. I tried jumping from that poster but the fall damage is still pretty bad. Given that there are no medkits or wall first aids, that fall can quickly kill players who are also being shot at constantly.

Here's some little things:

The carved cylinder at the left side of the machine under the window is badly clipping everything. Movement there is very choppy, try for yourself. In DM everyone is going to run around like maniacs to dodge each other and bad clipping is definitely problematic.

What's with the glass on that right side cupboard? There's nothing behind it, it's like glass taped onto a solid cupboard wall

It's unfinished, I shouldn't rate it.
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-08 08:18:35 UTC in journal: #7267 Comment #63815
This may be because of the poor economy in america right now, but in certain other countries this problem is a lot a lot worse. I believe you're right about the super rich people being selfish. Like, this one guy I heard purposefully buys several homes at once, not for living in but for the sole purpose of forcing the house prices to inflate. This prevents your typical middleclassman from buying a home. It's pretty sad, anyway enjoy being a democrat.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-06-07 23:50:35 UTC in journal: #7264 Comment #48593
great, lets make huntey a mugen character.
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-06 22:34:29 UTC in journal: #7262 Comment #63260
Well, I tried my best to type the glitch symbols
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Commented 13 years ago2011-06-02 22:44:29 UTC in vault item: sp_gravity Comment #19191
wish I had portal 2 too.

What's funny is I'm imagining brendan, this adolescent man, talking to this doctor, using such terms as 'wtf' and 'shit'. Pretty funny.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-25 23:41:50 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99888
I think he needs help, looks like he's gettin' dangerously high off cat pee.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-25 00:10:46 UTC in vault item: Doors + trigger_relays Comment #19159
theres no limit to the diversity of sven coop maps. And I love it.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-19 05:49:52 UTC in journal: #7223 Comment #38459
Dimbark caught chocobo flu playing too much final fantasy. He needs to be quarantined.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-17 21:16:46 UTC in journal: #7222 Comment #57585
who needs 8000, when you have 9000?
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-17 21:14:26 UTC in vault item: Opfor room for beginners Comment #19094
excellent. for your next challenge start learning to use lights.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 21:13:39 UTC in journal: #7213 Comment #62217
depends on how well the person knows you. In the worst case, though, it could get pretty bad. Authorities may get involved. You'll be alienated faster than mark zuckerberg in that facebook movie. In the best case... well I'm not an optimistic person, so, tough luck.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-12 21:07:31 UTC in vault item: Surprise! Comment #19058
Think I played this a long time ago. Sorry but can't remember it too well, it was a really long time ago. It 'was' being hosted? You mean he took it down and all?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-28 05:56:51 UTC in journal: #7188 Comment #57510
who the flip uses a left handed mouse!?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-19 21:01:56 UTC in news: A wild Portal 2 appears. Comment #99882
50 bucks is more than half my weekly salary.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-15 16:18:05 UTC in vault item: de_castle_bridge Comment #19003
I fear for TWHL's future.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 01:32:06 UTC in journal: #7158 Comment #60800
dunno if you should divert time to predisaster, just thinking: Although I don't do this, a number of people prolly will just rush thru the predisaster areas so they can quickly get to the action parts. I'm thinking maybe when you have finished all the maps, you can come back to polish the earlier maps. That way the mod will be insured for survival since all the maps are finished.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-04-08 02:02:15 UTC in journal: #7149 Comment #62208
everyone has to see this error at one point (at least) in their gaming lives.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-08 02:00:30 UTC in journal: #7151 Comment #60796
glasses make me drowsy. I think it's the distortion effect of the curved lens. Also made me quit sports (and hence to gaming)
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-05 05:53:07 UTC in journal: #7143 Comment #66986
pshh, my maps take on average 1 year to make. Really gotta keep your eyes on the end product and I really hope you guys don't go 1 map per year like me, or worse... no maps per year..
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-02 19:14:38 UTC in vault item: Beta5th Comment #18934
can you recategorize this map as 'HLDM' instead of 'HL', 'HL' would mean single player, thanks.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-04-01 05:48:18 UTC in journal: #7136 Comment #62199
to my exp, people aren't known to be considerate of others. Next to my habitat are these dumbasses who play loud music every frickin day, and sometimes late at night. You don't think there are much of this kind of persons but we always get to meet them.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-01 05:44:50 UTC in journal: #7133 Comment #66346
it may not be true to book but I think king was impressed by that ending too. I don't think I've remember any other movie with such a twist
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-31 22:23:03 UTC in journal: #7133 Comment #66345
haven't you all watched the movie version of The Mist already? It had an epic ending.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-30 16:56:55 UTC in news: Competition 30 Comment #99870
now it's time to have some fun,
with test users two and one!
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-25 23:13:52 UTC in vault item: Apartment Comment #18918
I think there's a better sky than 'black'. try 'space'
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-25 22:29:54 UTC in journal: #7127 Comment #60783
Dimbark, you really should take some reading comprehension classes.

Based on the passage above, was the author's picture in the yearbook?
A. Yes, he was in the yearbook, in the extracurricular section.
B. Yes, he was in the yearbook, in the section where everyone's picture is.
C. No, he was not in the yearbook, but his name was in a page devoted to the people who didn't get their pictures taken.
D. No, he was not remembered in the years to come.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-15 23:06:46 UTC in journal: #7106 Comment #66339
I just checked your server and it's almost 300 ping for me... sorry man.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-15 16:49:15 UTC in journal: #7106 Comment #66338
do you want mp_shipment converted to OP4? Check my maps
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-12 16:48:50 UTC in news: TWHL is Moving! Comment #99817
too bad theres no way to get back the maps and data that were lost already
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 03:51:49 UTC in journal: #7092 Comment #60761
I highly recommend you leave Duke's (white) base alone. They are the ones with all the ghosts and nukes. Just take out Mengsk (red) and rush the ion cannon. Do not attack ghosts.