
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-07 03:49:11 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99314
Edit: Never mind.
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-05 22:06:17 UTC in journal: #5985 Comment #59595
It's going to be in the high thousands at least, I agree.
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-05 21:32:18 UTC in vault item: dm_falls Comment #5704
Le fixes are nice.
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-05 21:30:09 UTC in vault item: Alpha4th Comment #5707
Look into texture lighting for the future. They look much better than point lights in most cases.
Tutorial here:
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-05 21:28:14 UTC in journal: #5985 Comment #59594
Well, there's a dumbass.

Not much more to say.
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-02 19:52:02 UTC in vault item: Alpha4th Comment #6412
Well, it's functional but there is plenty of room for improvement. To be honest, it's very underwhelming.

+Warehouse boxes looked nice
+Very large map
-No sounds
-No interactivity
Incredibly boxy and empty in most areas- Try working on your corridor architecture for the future.
-Awful choice of textures
-All lights were white
-All lights were point lights
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-31 18:08:32 UTC in journal: #5978 Comment #35613
Welcome back, whoever you are.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-31 17:32:20 UTC in vault item: dm_falls Comment #6780
Just played it with a bot and Potatis.
I think its good fun, but those pulsing lights are really a problem. They made dm_cliff lag, and they make dm_falls lag too. If it weren't for those lights, I'd 4star it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-31 11:03:17 UTC in journal: #5975 Comment #47646
Big headphones are great :)
I can't stand buds.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-30 05:43:46 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99311
I'm pretty sure they make a powder for that.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-26 19:49:53 UTC in journal: #5967 Comment #45039
Should be fun.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-24 16:37:39 UTC in vault item: New Old Home Comment #17682
I tested this map on completely vanilla HL2DM, and I never saw the pink checkerboard that I'm assuming you're talking about when you say the "AAA texture". You must have not been running it in HL2DM.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-20 02:59:59 UTC in journal: #5956 Comment #59571
Copyright infringement.
Laughed my ass off.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-19 22:11:36 UTC in vault item: New Old Home Comment #17656
Ropes were the only thing I could use that made sense given the theme. Any kind of door, wall, or gate was out of the question for most clipped off areas. I think it's a bit harsh saying "raped in the face by invisible walls", because they are, in fact, very clearly marked as places you can't go.

As for no physics props, it's because the map wasn't really built with gameplay in mind to begin with. The competition is supposedly based on visuals with "gameplay being nice but optional".
You're right, though. Had I built it with gameplay in mind, all those motion-disabled physics props WOULD be grabbable. But I put them there for visual aesthetics, and as such, I didn't want them to go anywhere.
It would be a real shame if it cost me any award because I neglected gameflow in a competition about eye candy.

Edit: What I'm trying to say is that I wanted to build a very clean map with a clean theme. And I guess that makes it feel barren from a gameplay point of view, but heavy physics props littering the ground everywhere would only hurt the "peaceful" feel that I wanted from the beginning.
And that reminds me that I forgot to put the pipes on the last two buildings that are missing them.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-19 15:48:42 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa South Comment #14517
Couldn't open puzzle.wad.

Reupload with puzzle.wad in your zip. I'm telling you this for the judges, not for myself.

Anyway, it's a very cool map! Nice work, especially on the cavern!
Twas a bit confusing at first, but really fun. And I accidentally crowbared barney when he got too close to a grunt :P
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-07 03:28:24 UTC in vault item: The Mansion 4: G-Man Residence Comment #17638
I really want to give you 5 stars for this, but I just can't.
The intro map blew me away, and I thought I was in for something incredible. The front yard and front of the mansion look ASTOUNDING. But when I walked inside, I got pretty annoyed.
This minimod has some SERIOUS navigation issues. It's annoyingly confusing. The only indicators I could find in the whole mod were the obvious camera to the dining room, and the subtle broken beam in the dining room(which wasn't clear enough at all, really). "You got the East Tower key" That's cool, now where the hell is it? You see what I mean?

I found myself wandering around, checking and rechecking doors time and time again until I ran into doors that wouldn't open the last time I checked. I also kept running back to places that I thought might be important later, but turned out to be nothing (especially those 5 statues in the corner). Yeah, places like that tree painting looked cool and everything, but you made them look too important and they ended up wasting my time.
Another example was when I finally got into that middle room. After seeing the Gman disappear, I thought I was supposed to find something in that big room. I probably spend 5 minutes looking for some kind of trigger, when I was really just supposed to backtrack. How was I supposed to know that?
There was just too much "where do I go?" and not enough "oh that's cool".

Everything else, I really loved. The arcitecture was very well constructed for the dreamy setting, and the textures, albeit pretty strange, fit the theme. The scripting was also excellent, especially for that zombie that falls out of the window and breaks the floor.
It's a great minimod, visually. But really, it's so guideless that I just wanted to quit on more than one occasion.

And if I was supposed to get the smg, I never did. All those ammo crates make me think I somehow missed something after passing through the mansion for the 40th time.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 17:44:56 UTC in journal: #5921 Comment #53954
Habboi just got out of the pool.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 13:21:29 UTC in journal: #5921 Comment #53953
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 18:19:18 UTC in journal: #5921 Comment #53952
This is why I can't have nice things
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 15:31:09 UTC in vault item: dm_vacant_cod4 Comment #17609
It looks a lot like COD4's map, especially for sticking to default textures. But it needs ambience. Just because COD4 skimped out on ambient sounds doesn't mean you can't throw in a few soundscapes.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 14:25:21 UTC in vault item: Fy_Silverdamn Comment #17615
I have to stop saying I'll do things in the early hours of the morning when i can't think straight.
The map looks great but feels dull.

+Choice of textures
+Brushwork gets the job done, though the terrain was noticably flat. I also would have liked to see a hollow fountain instead of water falling on a flat surface.
+Use of model props
--No ambient sounds other than a a short bird loop every 10 seconds or so. The lack of ambience kills the feel of the map.

4 stars because of how good it looks.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 01:57:05 UTC in journal: #5923 Comment #53115
Never seen a mini crit before?
They were introduced in the spy/sniper update.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-30 16:07:47 UTC in journal: #5922 Comment #59535
Beer companies have been doing things like this for years.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-30 09:03:13 UTC in journal: #5920 Comment #42625
:x God dammit.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-27 00:48:32 UTC in journal: #5915 Comment #47619
I like how he sings.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-26 22:58:29 UTC in journal: #5914 Comment #44385
Good luck, Livewire!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-25 02:18:56 UTC in journal: #5910 Comment #51894
What exactly am I listening to, here?
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-23 11:44:38 UTC in journal: #5906 Comment #60348
Import textures into a new wad in Wally and you won't get that frankenstien thing. There's other ways, but that's a quick and easy way.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 15:42:50 UTC in journal: #5901 Comment #47585
Play games? I'm amazed that you have the strength to get out of bed, much less focus on a computer screen.
When I had the flu, I was bedridden for most of a week.

Godspeed on your recovery.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 11:02:56 UTC in journal: #5900 Comment #56469
Pretty cool, but nothing that we haven't already seen.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 16:53:43 UTC in journal: #5897 Comment #60342
I laughed out loud when I read #3 :D
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 03:42:28 UTC in journal: #5892 Comment #38285
For one reason or another, that guy makes me think of Fez from That 70s Show.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 03:41:46 UTC in journal: #5891 Comment #51887
Words like "yall" and "darn tootin" make me hard.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 02:13:33 UTC in journal: #5894 Comment #61455
I thought it was funny.