The causes:
- Unoptimized map layout - too open and without the classic kinked corridors used to block visibility →do that
- VIS ran with
→ remove-fast
- too many entities → remove some, merge some
→ remove -fast
<path/to/ripent> -textureexport <path/to/bsp>
<path/to/ripent> -textureimport <path/to/bsp>
! exclamation mark at start of line marks a line comment
! similarly you can comment out entries below by prefixing with !
! 26/12/2023
! these 2 lines remove the background for a better Dark Reader result
||$image !important)
! this makes textareas use monospaced font
! trust me, you're going to need this! !important)
! this compresses entity guide's attribute value lists into 3 columns[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)
! this compresses Render FX list into 6 columns[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)
! this hides the bloated TFC entity guide panels below most entity guide pages[id^="Team_Fortress_Classic_only"]:upward(1):style(display:none !important)
! 2024-05-23 resize game icons in articles down from 32px img[src^=""]:style(width:20px)
! 2024-06-22 make overflowing card scrollable
! 2024-02-14
! === wiki edit pages ===
! makes edit page fullwidth[action=""]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)[action=""]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)
! reset original width for preview>:last-child:style(max-width:1140px; margin:auto)
! 2024-05-08 added fira code for code blocks, kbd, pre, samp:style(font-family:Fira Code,SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,monospace !important)
! 2024-06-10 side-by-side editor-preview adjust size of preview card .form-group:last-child .card:style(max-height: calc(100vh - 60px))
// ==UserScript==
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wikitext: {action: "/wiki-special/query-search", method: "GET"}
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for (const item in searchMap) {
.addEventListener('click', e => doCustomSearch(
searchMap[item].method) )
// wiki pages
if (location.pathname.match(/\/wiki\//)) {
//const title = decodeURIComponent(location.pathname.split("/").pop()).replace(/_/g," ")
// Adds a button that shows what links to/from it
const title = document.querySelector("h1").innerText
.replace(/^\s?(?:Edit\:|History of|(Upload:)?\s+)/i,"$1")
document.querySelector(".wiki-navigation .btn-group:first-child")
.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
<a class="btn btn-light" href="${encodeURIComponent(title)}">
<span class="fa fa-link"></span> Links
// checkbox to narrow the page
document.querySelector(".breadcrumb .no-breadcrumb")
.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `
<label class="mr-2">Narrow page <input type="checkbox" id="twhlx-narrowpage"></label>
.addEventListener("change", (e) =>'--page-pad', ( ? 10 : 0) + "rem"))
// setup --page-pad defaults and make wiki pages use it'--page-pad', "0rem")
document.querySelector(".wiki").style.padding = "0 var(--page-pad)"
files at the root of the game/mod folder.$origin 0 0 -36
(can't remember positive or negative), or just use HLAM's transform tool. use trial and error until you get it right, basically.!
?C2A2_launch (p50) deeoo deeoo deeoo (p100) satellite launch system activated. five deeoo(p50) four deeoo(p51) three deeoo(p52) two deeoo(p53) one deeoo(p54) launch is go
then in the ambient_generic
) = !C2A2_launch
, speedfactor
, and mtlx_decal_text
also I don't fully understand hence why I missed it.model()
rewriting in the next update!Item | Description | File type(s) |
zhlt_strip | strips stray zhlt keyvalues that might produce unintended results in your map | .ted |
speedfactor | multiplies any speed keyvalue in entity by a factor. useful to quickly multiply values for a range of entities with finely-calibrated speed values. | .ted |
mtlx_decal_text | translates to a bunch of infodecals representing stenciled text. besides letters and numbers, also transforms some text symbols to a bunch of other decals. | .ted, .map |
mtlx_multi_manager | translates to a multi_manager. this entity facilitates easy selection of targets using JACK's dropdown textbox. Also shows the arrow connections. | .ted |
mtlx_trigger_sequential | translates to a relay that fires specified targets in order, and can loop back at the end of the list e.g. this → t1 , this → t2 , this → t3 , this → t1 ... |
.ted, .map |
texture_scrollspeed_handler | BUGFIX for the one included in MESS 1.2.2 | .ted |
<mess 1.2.2+ install path>/template_entities/custom/
sv_cheats 1
map d1_trainstation_01
give weapon_portalgun
<steam library>/steamapps/common/half-life/bshift_addon/
and its own decals.wad
is a brush entity. you need to select the brush you want to turn into the entity then do "tie to entity" via either the menu or the Entity panel. It'd create the default brush entity. Only after this can you go to Object properties dialog and select trigger_gravity
from the dropdown.I am using J.A.C.K still missing some useful browsing functions like for this.You also need an FGD written for JACK. The functions are there but unless the FGD makes use of it it'd be just the same as Hammer.
to make a light freakwdym by this