Forum posts

Posted 11 months ago2023-12-22 19:21:39 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #348323
Goldsource forever!
ah ok thanks
Ok thanks i Will try...but im Happy you helped me!

Thanks a lot man, it worked! :biggrin:
You don't need to keep posting one after another. This isn't Discord. Write everything you want to say in a single post. If you forgot to add something, just edit your post :P
How do you did the dead sitting scientist?
It's just a monster_scientist_dead in the sitting pose.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-22 16:38:29 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348319
Hammer is quite out of date and you should consider using JACK which DOES have file browsing for a lot of fields.

To answer your question however, sprites are in the sprites/ directory. There is no weapons/ directory

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-22 16:04:09 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348318
Hammer really lacks some functions to just "browse and choose" things and I have tried writing the adress to the sprite several ways and every time it crashes on start saying sprite not found!
User posted image
How to write it???
Basically you'll want two light entities:
  • One for the initial light (name it for example no_flicker)
  • Then the same light but with a flickering Custom Appearance and the Initially dark (1) spawnflag set (name this one flicker)
The link to the Custom Appearance page contains the patterns for the various Appearance presets, so copy one of those for your flickering light.

Then you'll want a multi_manager to toggle both lights at the same time, that way the normal light will be replaced by the flickering one. Just let your trigger target the multi_manager. It should look something like (with SmartEdit off):
targetname - flicker_mm
no_flicker - 0
flicker - 0
Can you explain Better? ( I know i am dumb)
So cool! How do you did the dead sitting scientist? I also prefer singleplayer maps.
I joke that people in TWHL insists you need to edit the half-life SDK code and produce your own custom DLLs at the slightest problem but I'm afraid this is the case for this one.
Yup, that's the case.

More specifically, the battery percentage is there, the first highlighted line of code move the starting point a slightly bit to the right of the H.E.V. suit icons (empty and full). The second one actually print the percentage.

As for the line you're refering to, it's called a "divider" and it's part of the health HUD. The code you need to remove is there (the highlighted one).
You need to use Custom Appearance (pattern) instead of Appearance (style) to make a switchable flickering light
I joke that people in TWHL insists you need to edit the half-life SDK code and produce your own custom DLLs at the slightest problem but I'm afraid this is the case for this one.
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-22 08:56:59 UTC
in Removing battery percentage and little line from HUD? Post #348310
what things do you want to remove could you send a picture marking it? I dont understand what you mean by Battery Percentage and little line
Tarek TarekA literal dumbass who uses Hammer++
Sorry i was intending flickering on trigger. Can you help me?
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-22 01:48:09 UTC
in Removing battery percentage and little line from HUD? Post #348306
I have spended a quite considerable amount of time trying to figure out how, but i end up breaking something.
...At exactly 2024-01-03 23:59:59 UTC the form will disappear and the competition page will change to state that the competition is done and awaiting review.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
OK, thank you for this answer.
Would it be possible to know the deadline for delivery of the map or is it too early ?
Probably means flickering.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
to make a light freak
wdym by this
January 3rd, 2024 is the last day that you can submit your entry. At exactly 2024-01-03 23:59:59 UTC the form will disappear and the competition page will change to state that the competition is done and awaiting review.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer

Is the deadline of January 3rd, 2024 the last date to delivery the final map or just the limit for registrations ?
Have a good day.
Any reply appreciated, especially from UrbaNebula, he seems a very expert mapper his Maps are amazing
Thank you!

I'm not entering the competition though. I started working on a map for it, but I've decided to continue it as a single player map. I find that I prefer working on linear, single player maps.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Ah ok Sorry thanks for help
So i was using the wrong tool

UrbaNebula i like a lot your Maps!

Did you entered in the competition?

Condense posts again... Urby
Oh God! Stop spamming... You don't need to keep posting, I was asleep.

You need to select a blood texture and then use the decal tool to place decals, not env_blood.
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
I want to splash Blood decals around, because Is a sitting wounded scientist. My objective Is making Blood decals like when you hit something with the crowbar. Can you help me?

I was intending before: when you hit ad example something like a scientist with the crowbar, some Blood decals Will spray around and remain here. Not like my current env_blood that After 2 seconds disappear. Pls UrbaNebula help me in a beginner

Removed too many posts and condensed into one... Urby
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-20 22:59:58 UTC
in Water plop sound Post #348288
Please tell me why I don’t have an info_compile_parameters, where can I get the current, newest FGD file?

By the way, none of the methods helped with clipping the sky; shells are still hitting it like a wall..
env_blood simulates an impact, similar to when an npc is shot or hit with the crowbar. It's not supposed to stick around for long. What is it you are trying to do?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Any help appreciated
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-20 11:49:32 UTC
in Christmas Textures for HL1 Post #348285
Thanks, ill maybe use them once I make the next map,ill mentionyou as texture source ofc!
Tarek TarekA literal dumbass who uses Hammer++
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-20 11:34:57 UTC
in Christmas Textures for HL1 Post #348284
I have some christmas textures you can pick up form my MOD Bloody Christmas if you want. Always mentionned me as source :)

MOD link
neophus775 neophus775Goldsrc mapper
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 19:30:03 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348283
Oh thanks a lot!
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 14:31:37 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348282
Tutorial: Retina Scanners and Other NPC-Only Locked Doors just finished writing a tutorial that explains more in detail how to do that second question
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 14:20:59 UTC
in Mod_numforname bag.mdl not found half life 1 sdk Post #348281
Hey thanks man you made me have more motivation making a new map even better one than the one i made now i know more about modding you deserved a sub from me if you have any other tips for me please tell loved your video it was simple and straightforward oh and if i need more help i'd gladly ask u seem like a nice guy :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Is there a way to do It?
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 12:35:10 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348278
Thanks for the fast reply
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 08:48:34 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348277
I know, which is why I started writing one a few days ago when helping someone in the Discord with the same thing
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-19 07:13:53 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348276
Interestingly I searched for a tutorial on the second and there's nothing. Like has nobody thought of writing it for the past 25 years? 😵
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 23:44:27 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348275
For the first: here's the entity guide page for the entity you'll use.

For a button that's only useable by a NPC, a trick is used where the button itself doesn't do anything (alternatively play a "no access" sound or sentence).

Instead a scripted_sequence is used. In a very basic setup, it uses the Search Radius key (value of roughly 100 units or so, depending on how far/near the monster needs to be before starting the sequence) and Target Monster set to the classname of the NPC you want to use (for example monster_scientist) and Move to Position set to Walk and Action Animation set to the sequence you want it to play (such as retina for monster_scientist).
Then you'll want the scripted_sequence's target to be whatever you want to be triggered when successfully unlocked by the NPC.

Of course it can be made more complicated by chaining multiple scripted_sequences or having the target of the unlocking sequence be a multi_manager that controls a chain of events to take place.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 23:00:44 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348274
Okay so it works perfectly now, the helmet now spawns and I can pick it up finally. Thanks for linking this to me I never would have known it existed otherwise, it's actually really good with the amount of features it provides. Thanks for all the help, I got a bit frustrated earlier but I still greatly appreciate it.
Your mod directory should mimic the valve directory, but you only need to include files that you're actually replacing/using. You should add any custom models, sounds, etc to their respective folders. WAD files just go in the root directory.

Like so: Steam/common/Half-Life/mymodname/mytextures.wad

You do not need to copy over files from the valve/ directory if you're not replacing them. You also do not need to copy over cstrike/ files if you aren't using them.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 20:16:23 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348272
Everyone in this forum seems very keen on suggesting modifying game code, the hardest modding task there is, at the first opportunity. If it's not a very specific problem, I can guarantee you that somebody's already done the hard work.

You said you wanted guard vest and helmet from Blue Shift? The Half-Life Featureful mod already has that:
Here's the list of items added by the mod and you can see the ones you specifically needed is there:
Here's how to base your mod off of it:
For further help on using the featureful mod you'd have to turn to its main dev. He's usually reachable on TWHL's Discord.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 19:59:44 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348271
I have Two question here: the First One, Is how to make a button get used by pressing e, and the second how to make that button work only for NPC (in Scripted Sequences)
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 19:57:22 UTC
in Mod_numforname bag.mdl not found half life 1 sdk Post #348270
Yes i am using cs 1.6 assets like textures i made one of those launcher mods where u have to add a folder into the root directory of half lfie and then i'tll appear in steam library should i copy paste all of the files to my mod file?
and do you know what type of folders should i put there is it like wads or the folders like "models" or "resources"?
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 19:08:00 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348269
Yeah visual studio doesn't like it. It's thrown up an error complaining about being unable to format ClangFormat or something I don't understand. Almost all of the code has red lines underneath it. I knew it wasn't that easy, I was right.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 19:01:35 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348268
So shall I just copy those over to the SDK I've decided to use? You'll have to excuse me, I'm very sceptical of the solution being that simple. I'll try that now.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 18:50:21 UTC
in Recolor the hev hand textures Post #348267
Any tutorial for editing textures should be helpful, whether it's for map or model doesn't matter, it's the same format either way: 8BPP BMP with dimensions that are multiples of 16 up to 512x512.
The wiki and The303's guide should be plenty helpful for that.

For the actual recolouring you'll have to export the texture you want to edit using a model viewer like Solokiller's Half-Life Asset Manager and opening each weapon's viewmodel. Then you have to change the colour mode in your editor to RGB or similar (in GIMP it's Image -> Mode -> RGB) and then you're able to modify the colours freely without being limited to the palette. You can either use a tool to shift the hues (such as GIMP's Hue-Saturation) or paint the colour on a separate layer above with a colour/hue/etc blend mode. There are many ways one could go about this and looking up guides in a search engine for "<editor> recoloring" or something like that can be helpful if you've never done that before.

Afterwards just follow any guide to convert back to 8BPP BMP and use HLAM again to import the texture back to each viewmodel.
Let me try and get this straight. You are making a Half-Life map using CS1.6 assets? In that case, these will need to be copied to your valve/ directory (or your mod directory if you're making a mod).
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 17:10:20 UTC
in Mod_numforname bag.mdl not found half life 1 sdk Post #348265
Hello i've been making a map for half life 1 with jack hammer its almost near completion but i got a error when i died by using the command kill or starting an autosave.
ive tried to drag the bag.mdl into the valve model files because i thought it would find it that time but it didnt now i dont know what to do i have no idea why it occurs at first i thought maybe its because half life and cs 1.6 dont really go together when ur using the cs 1.6 textures from maps if anyone has an idea why it occurs please let me know i can put more further infortmation about the problem but i need help.