
Tetsu012 years ago2012-03-26 01:20:29 UTC 11 comments
Yum Journal Time :)
So there are two things i'd like to share with the peoples of TWHL.
One being the coolest 8 minutes on youtube.
A HD video camera strapped to the solid rocket boosters of the Space Shuttle.

The second being a personal dream.
On April 18th, my band, Positive Chaos, gets to share the stage with Fair to Midland. Their biggest song is probably Dance of the Manatee.
These guys have been in my top 3 favorite bands since i can remember.
I can NOT wait to meet and play with these guys.
Striker12 years ago2012-03-25 21:10:40 UTC 9 comments
Well I finished the mini-project I was talking about in my last journal.

I wrote an article and also made a video for it(it's HD! :P)- Read Here.

Also, The Mighty Atom you might want to save this link for later if you'll ever buy an Arduino kit :).
Notewell12 years ago2012-03-25 18:31:17 UTC 5 comments
Well, I just conclusively proved that somebody involved in level design on the gamecube version of Nightfire had no clue what they were doing.
Those of you who have played the gamecube version (maybe versions for other consoles as well) should remember a mission called Chain Reaction. (the sniper map) You may also remember that in the second map a sizable portion of the ground in the main area is made of metal, like it was covering a pit.
Today I was doing a runthrough of the map, and when I got to the roof of the final building and went to go into the windowed building where some of the snipers were, (An optional part for some bonus items and a 007 bonus after gold) I managed to glitch out the game.

You know how in some areas you can press action to do a 3rd person move to cross a ledge? You know how there's one up there? Well, I guess I jumped before doing it, but when I entered it, the camera was further ahead than it usually was, at a smaller angle, and no bond. I could still move ahead with the C stick as per usual, but when I reached the end of the ledge, I found myself below the map looking up. I wasn't falling, but I couldn't get back up. That's when I spotted the pit. The floor was of equal elevation to me, so I walked towards it. I clipped back into the map through the walls, and I promptly died.

So I guess at one point there was a pit you could fall into and die instantly from, but they decided to get rid of it because it hindered gameplay. One problem, they didn't actually get rid of it, just covered it up. It's still there, still taking up space, still being rendered, and it still has the console Nightfire engine equivalent of a trigger_hurt taking up entity space. This is extremely inefficient for a commercial game from such a large company, and it shouldn't have happened. EA, I am dissapointed.
Still a good game, just one more flaw to the list.

GCN Nightfire has a big inefficient trigger_hurt pit from the beta still in it.
Striker12 years ago2012-03-25 10:18:39 UTC 11 comments
I need a function that decreases linearly for an Arduino mini-project. I need to somehow program the RGB led to go from blue to green, to yellow to red as the temperature varies and that means that I have to individually control 3 pins.

I have a couple of "if"s for each pin.

While the red pin is easy to control, as I simply have to gradually increase the output from 0 to 255( gradual control of electronics with arduino is achieved through PWM(pulse width modulation), in this case in 256 steps) in the interval of, say, 45 to 120 degrees C, the green and the blue pin is more complicated.

The blue pin will be simply at its maximum value if the temperature drops bellow 0C, but from 0C to 25C it has to gradually decrease in intensity.
Before going into more details I want to say that Arduino has a special "map" function that takes an interval of values and maps it to another interval. So what I am doing is this:
map(temp, 0, 25, 0, 255); 
temp is what the sensor outputs( well it actually outputs a voltage that is used to compute the temperature). 0-25 is the interval that will be mapped to 0-255. I would have made a function that maps the values myself but I have no idea how, but it's kind of redundant since there's already one.

So I have to basically decrease the value from 255 to 0 as the temperature increases from 0 to 25. Is there a magical formula for decreasing linearly? Because using something like f(x)=1/x gives me an asymptote and only the first 2 or 3 values are "visible" on the LED.

For the green pin I have to do a combination of what I'm doing for the blue and red pin. From 15C to 45C it will gradually increase in intensity, but from 45C to 70C it will gradually decrease.

Anyone has any suggestions?

TL;DR I need a function that decreases linearly. Any suggestions?
Strider12 years ago2012-03-24 16:37:19 UTC 8 comments
Playing System Shock 2 for the first time (well, actually the second, I tried it once before and gave up after about half-an-hour). It is an amazing game. Survival horror on a personal scale I've never seen before, all thanks to Looking Glass and Irrationals immersive sim approach. It's not as scary as some horrors, but the tension and work involved in just looking after yourself is off the charts.

You are never safe in this game. There's always something out there roaming the halls looking for you, and if that wasn't bad enough you have to worry about your own affairs. Health, energy, toxic and radiation poisoning. Nanites (cash), weapon degradation, complex skill branches, carry space... the list goes on.

They don't make games like this anymore. Thief, Deus Ex and this might just be my holy trinity of games design, and nothing has come close since.
DiscoStu12 years ago2012-03-22 23:06:43 UTC 8 comments
I got bad electronics on my 550D. When I use it with the 18-135mm the f number randomly jumps around and I can't set it. It's not AE because it happens on manual mode :/

I took the lens to a repair shop but they can't find the problem and I have to bring the camera in too so they can check on it. Sucks :(

Also the focusing screen is horribly filthy, but they said it doesn't show up in photos and I should live with it. They don't clean focusing screens because there's a very high risk of damaging them and they'd have to replace it if they do. What the hell, they ARE fragile, but new focusing screens cost like $5 at Canon according to Several Forums From The Internet.

Maybe I'll end up doing it myself. I'll get a new one first in case I screw up the old one.

Oh well. Had to vent it out.
Stojke12 years ago2012-03-22 11:03:08 UTC 9 comments
A little about data disk sizes

I was thinking after reading how Bruce likes .FLAC and have decided to make a little journal about difference in years when it comes to movable data diskettes.

All i could get my hands on for now was an old PF HDD and a newer IBM ATA HDD, an old 5.25" floppy and a new 10GB Dittomax floppy, and an Magneto-Optical disc, which was top tech than and was made before CD RW.

As we know, every day more and more transistors/data gets squeezed into even smaller spaces. Genius error correction codes and protection is made to assure it works well, but how good is it really?
On the next 2 pictures i will show you an IBM 123.5GB HDD, on the left, that was made in 2002 and on the right i will show you an 60MB HDD that was made around 1988.
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The difference in data size is enormous! But, that 60MB HDD still functions perfectly even today. While the exact same IBM HDD died a few weeks ago from getting too much bad sectors.
The older data drives are much more resistant and will last much longer. Over voltage? What is that asks the 60MB HDD.
I once overclocked my AMD K6-2 550MHz by 0.6V more than it should get in the core, no problem at all, even no heating.

Next are floppies, the one on the left is an newer Omega 10GB floppy disk, and the on the right is a 160KB 5.25" floppy:
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You could take the old floppy and bend it as much as you like, even trow it as a frizzby to your friend who needs it, no problem with it falling on the ground or getting hit. But if i threw this 10GB disk any kind of way it would probably get damaged a lot. Sure it has more memory, but if i accidentally threw it, or something shakes the writing head in the drive the disk would get damaged. (PS These 10GB disks are slow as HELL)

Next is an Magneto-Optical disc. These were made before the existence of CD-RW discs. They were using the newest crystal technology to achieve a rewritable function.
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They were early steps in rewritable technology when it comes to Discs. This one could be used over 100 times and it had a capacity of 650MB. I even had a reader for these things, but it died a long time ago, this is the only not used MO Disc i have left.
Also, an interesting thing, Blu Ray discs would have also been cased into such boxes as the MO Disc, but because the production costs would have been larger by a great percentage they just decided to rise the reading head that is almost touching the Blu Ray disc. One kick and the disc damages the reading head. That is one bad thing about Bly Rays, but, they have invented a protective coating for the disc, so they are more or less safer to move around and store, with out the fear of them getting damaged.

Thats all i had time to find to show you, what i was aiming with this is to tell you that if you'd lived and worked with such limits as 1.5GB of data memory, or less, you start to appreciate every spare KB of space you can get.

Computers may be very advanced today, but its still up to us and how we use it that determines their working hour.
Striker12 years ago2012-03-19 20:39:04 UTC 19 comments
Testing a condom by waving it outside the car window?


This thing made my day. It actually oddly reminds me of the white cleaning solution drops in Portal 2.

Oh, and drinking milkshake at 160.9344 km/h.

Just 2 random awesome videos I found today...

[EDIT] So I visited the stats page once again too look at the browser pie graph:
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Who is responsible for the 5%?!
38_9812 years ago2012-03-19 18:05:26 UTC 5 comments
So, at the urging of a friend, I decided to get back into The Walking Dead and caught up from the mid-season break up to the last episode of the season. I honestly don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to watch them but I did. And I regret doing so, as its still a pile of shit.

Since writing my complaints on several episodes in one journal posting sounds too much like work to me, I'm just going to underline my misgivings:

1 - Why do they continually insist on trying to keep suicidal people alive? If they want to die then they can't be saved. Stop fucking around with lost causes and do something useful.
2 - Speaking of doing stuff, something actually happens! They found people! They advanced the plot and it only took them just one episode to do it! I'm impressed. Pity they didn't adopt that successful formula for EVERY EPISODE.
3 - Why does Lori thank Shane for all he did for her? She does know he tried to rape her, right?
4 - Why does Lori get at Andrea for doing guard duty rather then domestic work when Dale and (presumably) T-Dog also do guard duty and no domestic work? What, does their being men make them incapable of taking 10-15 minutes to scrub cutlery? Logic, this show doesn't employ it.
5 - Why does Rick abandon Lori in like 5 seconds when Hershel tells him to, but it takes him like 10 years to figure out what to do with Randall?
6 - Whats with all the character inconsistency in the final episode? They say and do stuff completely out of character. Its like the writers wrote the story for the final episode then tried to jam their characters into as best as possible.
7 - Why do the Cattle suddenly exist on the farm?
8 - Why does a walker struggle to get out of mud until a kid throws stuff at him? Does he just go into hulk mode or something? And a ninja too it seems, seeing as it can magically sneak up on Dale in a field. At night time admittingly, but even Dale should've been able to pick up on a walker approacing.
9 - They should just make T-dog wear a shirt that says "Token Black Guy"
10 - How come the walkers are only just now hearing the gunshots at the farm? They've fired like a bajillion shots yet get no walker, then Carl fires one and suddenly every walkers onto them? WHUT?

Please bring Frank Darabont back. He had actual talent.
monster_urby12 years ago2012-03-19 12:21:42 UTC 8 comments
I'm confused.

I rarely sleep for long periods of time, especially at the weekend. In the week I can quite happily stay up til 2am and get up when the alarm goes off at 6:30. On Friday I will usually not go to sleep until around 4am, getting up with the alarm at 6am. While I don't have much energy I am perfectly capable of driving and stuff like that.

Now, this weekend, I've had 2 (relatively) early nights. Saturday night I was in bed at half-past midnight until 8am and Sunday night I went to bed at 11ish and woke up BEFORE my alarm at around 6am. If I wake up prior to alarm, that to me says that I've gotten plenty of rest.

Why is it then that today I feel drained and nauseous!?
2muchvideogames12 years ago2012-03-18 18:20:24 UTC 10 comments
Good news everyone! If you thought the hazard course was too easy, then you can attempt this insane challenge in this German HARZARDOUS COURSE which is basically a renovated Hazard Course! Get your HEV suit up and running, because Moving Around in your HEV Suit will be slightly disorienting WHEN YOU'RE RUNNING LIKE A MOFO! The next three jumps get HARDER each time, but they are barely possible. And don't even get me started on Long Jumps.

This is a hazard course for ADVANCED Half life players only! Know that every obstacle IS POSSIBLE without cheating. If you feel you are not a good player then feel free to move on to the next mod. And yes, it is ALOT harder than Half-Quake and Test your skill. There is limited combat, as it is only a hazard course, so don't expect to be a runnin' a gunnin' either.
I recommend you record this so that we can hear all your frustration while playing thru this. However, the 'renovations' to the vanilla hazard course is very funny and amusing to go thru, you know.

I have yet to complete this mod, but there is one part that was really annoying, and that was the test track labyrinth. It's not hard, just really long, and you can't quicksave on this map because doing so will break the track switches. So just a heads up for you on that.
X-LAyer212 years ago2012-03-18 17:46:59 UTC 22 comments
Random stuff my 4 year old sister says.

On Garbage day: "Nobody throws trash away, even if they're frogs."

On Rhyming: "Glasses rhymes with... asses!"

On the Outdoors: "Did you know there's dirt under the grass?"

On restrooms: "If you didn't have a butt you couldn't go to the bathroom."
Kurosaki Ichigo12 years ago2012-03-18 03:56:30 UTC 4 comments
3 weeks into uni and am loving it (chaos will come later but my future self will deal with that). I was going to pursue an acting career but ended up landing in to "Bachelor of Arts in Games and Interactivity" which I do not hate at all, rather it's the direct opposite.

It ain't all about making games which is what I like about it, you also go through the psych behind it all and deconstruct mechanics of specific games. Heck even going through the history of games (mind you, before the digital age) is not even boring as I'd thought it would be. I could keep on going about this but I do have to remember this isn't "LiveJournal".

In gaming news, I still haven't bothered picking up SourceSDK nor Hammer 3.5 again since those immature days of highschool and SSX on PS3 was disappointing at first (lack of splitscreen which was what made the franchise so fun, blander characters due to less voice acting and the inclusion of dubstep - now remedied by using my own playlist) but still quite fun carving up snow and pulling off unrealistically awesome tricks. Which reminds me I haven't gone snowboarding in years.
goldsrcforever12 years ago2012-03-18 02:35:21 UTC 33 comments
About Me:

I am 14 years old.
I am 4' 11".
I weigh 65 pounds.
I can't gain weight.
I use the persona of "Dr. Amazing"
I like Half-life.
I like Mythbusters.
My favorite film of all time is Dawn Of The Dead (1978).
I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My favorite character is Pinkie Pie because she reminds me of myself.
I dislike Brostep.
I've been a member here for just over a month.
I have no friends.
I have ADHD.
I have OCD.
I am currently being medicated for both.
I am constantly bullied at school.
I am a social outcast.
I am weird.
I don't act right around other people.
My teachers hate me.
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
I want to be a game designer or a film director.
Everyone here hates me.
I've tried mapping for Half-Life but I suck at it.
I suck at sports.
I have no hope.
I suck.


What am I doing
goldsrcforever12 years ago2012-03-18 01:11:06 UTC 14 comments
Dr. Amazing's Rants of RAGE:
Modern Gaming

Why is gaming sucking so much now? Everything is just about Halo and Cock of Booty: Modern Whorefare. What ever happened to color (I would mention My Little Pony but Archie and co. would get pissed)? The palette of a lot of games nowadays is just Brown, Darker Brown and Lighter Brown. Games now are just all about realism. Games aren't supposed to be realistic. They are supposed to be about doing things you couldn't do in real life. Would Super Mario 64 of been more fun if Mario had to stop constantly to catch his breath and he could only jump a few inches? No! I'm not saying that all modern games suck. It's the popular ones that usually suck.
I have a feeling the comments will not go well.

Edit: I wish I was born in the 80's