Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 17:28:48 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #210822
I'll enter too. This'll be my first competition.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 17:24:24 UTC
in Cat Macros! =D [56k no] Post #210820

Do you mean reformat my whole hard drive? I would rather not do that if I can avoid it :
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 16:41:52 UTC
in Cat Macros! =D [56k no] Post #210815
Some of these images aren't loading properly for me, even after a reboot.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 16:27:50 UTC
in Spawning a Prop_physics Post #210812
Make a prop_physics and give it a name. Make a point_template and give it a name. Set its first template to the name of the prop_physics. Make a button. set an output so that "OnPressed," tell "point_template's name" to "ForceSpawn" after "0" seconds.

Rinse and repeat ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 15:29:07 UTC
in Spawning a Prop_physics Post #210800
Use the edit button below your name instead of double or tripple posting.

If it's not sorted, then tell us what's not working. Do you still have problems with the obsolete entity or can you still not find the proper entity?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-26 18:32:47 UTC
in Func_water_analog Graphical Problem Post #210667
I don't know whether it's the water texture that I'm using, the fact that it's tied to an entity, or that I'm having some sort of graphical issue, but when I tie a water brush to a func_water_analog, there is no underwater fog and I can't see through to the bottom, or through the top of it, like there's a completely opaque layer on top.

It's most likely a special water texture that I am in need of. I'm sure it's not the fact that it's tied to an entity because Valve used this entity and you could see through it. And I'm more than certain that it's not a graphical bug as I have the latest in my graphics card drivers, nor did the problem occur in any of Valve's maps.

Any ideas?


I fixed the problem. After poking about a bit in the textures browser, I found a water texture named "nature_water_movingplane."

As you'd probably guess, it works now :D

Although, I'm still wondering: How would I get the underwater fog that Valve's map had? No visible fog is there by default.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-26 18:23:25 UTC
in Shadows Through Floor Post #210664
Wow... what a bump :nuts:

It's usually best not to reply to posts this old :D .
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-26 18:22:10 UTC
in Sound problems? Post #210663
HL1 ambient_generics and Source ambient_generics are similar, although Source will allow you to manually control the maximum hearable distance by either setting the value in the entity's properties, or by pulling at the circle you see in the 2-D view around the entity.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-24 17:29:39 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #210452
I agree. But the sharper pebbles (at least from the angle that the screenshots were taken) looked just a little better. The new texture looks more like marble, or that anisotropic filtering has been turned off.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-23 17:36:04 UTC
in Streched Reflections: Fixable? Post #210385
Will do.


Ok, so here's the brush tied to a func_detail, and here's the same brush tied to a func_wall. The engine is auto smoothing the brush, instead of auto hardening.

I have a few ideas up my sleeve, though. I can either leave it as a func_wall and put a blocklight textured brush inside it, or I could just not give it reflections.

Either way, your help has been useful, and now the map looking much better than it looked beforehand. So, many thanks to you! :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 20:22:52 UTC
in Streched Reflections: Fixable? Post #210260
I was messing with this again, and for some reason, instead of planar reflections as default for func_details, it is making them rounded by default. The only way I can get the reflections to revert to planar is by turning them into func_walls... which won't work because they cast no shadows, or making them world geometry, which makes compile times crappy.

I'll mess with the DX levels of the func details and see if I can force it into planar reflections that way.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 15:40:14 UTC
in Decal Error Post #210240
Sorry it took me so long to reply

I used an overlay, but the transparent parts of the texture become opaque.

I just had a thought: I'll make a func_illusionary, covered in nodraw, and place it 8 units below the ceiling, then apply the info_decal to it. If I'm lucky, it will try to apply itself on the ceiling, like how it wanted to apply itself to the displacement on other side of the original brush.

EDIT: After trying my idea, it continued to draw on the displacement, but not on the ceiling where I wanted it, as if it skipped the brush I wanted it on. I'll just use a prop_static in its place for lighting until I can get this to work properly.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 15:37:33 UTC
in Parenting a Prop_physics? Post #210238
Nope, there's no option to parent the point_template. Only "name" and positions for the names of the props being spawned.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 14:33:38 UTC
in Parenting a Prop_physics? Post #210232
I was messing in Hammer the other day, and I was trying to make a cannon that launched an explosive gasoline canister. I was using a point_template hooked up to a button to tell it to spawn the canister when the button is pressed. The problem is that the prop_physics entity won't move with the cannon's barrel - it will spawn in the position it is at startup.

Is what I want to do possible in Hammer or am I up the creek without a paddle?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-20 22:53:58 UTC
in rocket launcher respawning Post #210079
Isn't that what it's already doing...?

Or do you mean instantaneously?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-19 23:52:28 UTC
in Decal Error Post #210010
I'm trying to apply a decal of a light fixture into this level of mine, but the problem is that when it's applied to the brush, it is appearing on the displacement on the opposite side of the brush that I want it on. I can't pull the info_decal away so that it is only within range of the brush I want it on because then it won't appear in-game.

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-19 01:59:50 UTC
in Water textures not showing up in hammer! Post #209926
Ok, I'll shut up now :D .
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-19 00:40:53 UTC
in Water textures not showing up in hammer! Post #209924
Perhaps your GCF has become corrupt? Try deleting the local game content (Enter the Steam Games list, right-click on Half-Life 2, and go to "Delete Local Content"). That's the only other thing I can think of, based on what's already been said.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-18 18:03:42 UTC
in This year's nature sucked Post #209902
I was taking my Biology mid term and I casually looked out the window, and it was snowing. 5 minutes later, it stopped.

Rather depressing :
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-17 21:35:06 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209865
It's a leoplurodon, Charlie!
A Magical leoplurodon!
It's gonna guide our way to Candy Mountain!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-15 21:19:04 UTC
in Streched Reflections: Fixable? Post #209690
Not a problem :D

And, smoothing groups was the answer. Thanks a bunch :D
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-15 00:25:57 UTC
in Streched Reflections: Fixable? Post #209634
Really? I didn't think that this particular effect was part of the texture.. especially due to the fact that it also happened in areas where both sides were perfectly symetrical, but showed on only one side. I'll try other textures and see what I come up with.

Also, I tried to download your map, but the site gives me an unavalible page error :)

EDIT: After trying a new texture, the same problem occurs. I also tried a full run of VIS and RAD to no avail.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-15 00:02:09 UTC
in Streched Reflections: Fixable? Post #209631
I've been working on a Combine-Themed map for a while now, and I see one recuring problem throughout the level that I can't seem to solve.

On some (not all) brush surfaces, there are these streched reflection issues that I'm seeing. They're clearly visible on the walls of this screenshot.

What it seems to be doing is pulling the way the brush reflects its cubemap from one vertex to the other. I guess that this is an attempt by the game engine to give the illusion of roundness to things like pillars/curved walls/etc. However (obviously), we don't want that effect on a perfectly flat wall, let alone when it ends up streching the reflections, rather than smoothly curving them.

I have never seen this problem in any of Valve's maps which leads me to believe that there must be a solution to this problem. Can anyone help?
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 22:21:15 UTC
in (CS:S) func_pushable help Post #209471
Do you mean, it's frozen in air before you hit it with a bullet, after which point, it begins to move freely, but if you bump into it, it will stay frozen in the air until you shoot it?


Do you want it to freely move at the start of the map, and even if you can move it with bullets, you want the player NOT to be able to move it if he bumps into it?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 17:32:45 UTC
in I Need help with npc movements! Post #209455
I haven't tried any NPC set ups yet, but I'm gonna make a guess: Check to see that the speed of the path corner is set to something other than zero (like 100, etc.). It's just a guess. Also, I think that you can tell a citizen to stop movement via an output on the path_corner tells the NPC to "stop" "OnPass". Also, just a guess.

I'll experiment with them a little and see if I can get anything to work properly :) .
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-12 01:38:47 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #209373
I got this name from my brother on a car trip. He and I were bored out of our skulls, and started making up words by smashing together two completely random words. I was 9 at the time, and I found particular facination with "Rotator + Splint". I started to use it for things like AIM, e-mail, and forums. I saw no reason to change it, so I continue to use it today.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 18:47:55 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #209337
This is gonna be open to both Goldsource and Source
Oops! Missed that :D

So is this a "Go!" or a "Hold on a sec"?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-11 02:29:15 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #209282
If it goes up, I'm in. It'd be the first competition I compete in :)

Can we get a hint as to what your idea is? And whether or not it's Source, HL1, or both? :D
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-10 01:05:13 UTC
in hint brushes: basic understanding? Post #209171
It's okay if a hint brush intersects an other brush. If you want to have a hint brush go from the floor to the ceiling, then simply make it go striaght from the floor to the highest part of the arch so the entire area is covered, and clip it into shape. I would strongly advise you not make individual brushes for hinting, as there is a much greater possibility for error, and it can be a real pain in the ass to work with or around.

I'm not sure if hint brushes partially (or completely :D ) in the void would cause issues. If not, then it makes no difference whether or not you clipped it into the shape of the arch (I figured I'd say that because clipping with arches can be a pain in the nuts). Experiment :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 20:33:36 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209162
Perhaps they don't actually possess the technological means to travel that far, but rather have adapted to live in space, like absorbing solar energy or something... I don't know. :D

As for my vote... I'd probably say no, there aren't any.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-09 20:22:51 UTC
in hint brushes: basic understanding? Post #209160
You're on the right track with the way they optimize, but rather than splitting world geometry, it splits vis leaves. Vis leaves need to be efficient in what they cover, or else, as in the example you gave, the entire length of a coridor will be rendered, regardless of what is in view.
User posted image
In the above picture, you can see (with my crazy Photoshop skillz) what happens when a hint brush is applied to something like this corner. Before hinting, visleaf 1 can see straight into leaf 2, and vice versa, so both leaves are rendered all the time. However, after a hint brush is added in (the purple line), area one can only see area 3, and area 2 can only see area 3. So if the player was to stand in visleaf 1, leaf 2 would not be rendered. Of course, this isn't the only case where hinting can become useful. Experiment with gl_wireframe a little and see where your map needs these useful little things.

Here's a little guide on optimization. The guide itself is for Source, but the hinting principles remain the same. So >>>here<<< you go.

That's hinting, in a nut shell :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-08 01:33:56 UTC
in No Render? Post #208969
It's not a waste of time :D . Anyone who has this problem could check for that mistake, or the things that one of us suggedted. And even if it was something no one could learn from, then at least your problem is solved, and (as far as I know), none of us mind helping.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-08 00:43:07 UTC
in No Render? Post #208963
Try experimenting with different graphics settings in-game. Also, ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers from your card dealer. I'm sure that they can be found at somewhere. And if the graphcs card came with an installer disk, be sure to use that. It's surprising how many people don't :D .

Also, were the models not working immediately after the card and ram upgrades, or did they work, then a few days later, suddenly stop working?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 22:16:23 UTC
in Ropes not working in CS:S Post #208952
Do you have the move_rope attached to the ceiling and the keyframe_rope swinging in the air? I think that the move_rope can't have anything parented to it because it's what starts the whole rope line. Of course, I could be wrong because that's speculation, but if you DO have it set up like that, then give it a try, it can't hurt.

I think (only thinking because I haven't used them in a while) that there's a setting to leave the rope hanging at the time that the game starts. Something like "Begin Swinging" or "Broken" or something. Anyway, make sure that something like that is checked.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 02:20:58 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #208865
I do like the sort of bright look to anything space-based. It reminds me of all that white panneling that space ships use, or perhaps the space station in one of those hundreds of Bond movies (Moonraker?). But then, on the other hand, you have the infinite darkness of space, and the limitted light that the sun emits (Doom 3?). I suppose that in this case, either usage of lighting would result in a good looking map, but is still something to heavily consider.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 01:18:30 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #208858
Iron Butterfly - War
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 01:16:46 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #208857
It's a major improvement over the previous screen shots. I haven't seen that much of StarTrek, so I don't know if this is a look you'd think would fit, but I think that effect would look great if it lined the edges of the floor that meet the wall. It would add some horrizontal and coloring interest to the walls, as well as a sharp transition from floor to wall.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 20:32:23 UTC
in Tank Controls ? Post #208817
To remotely control the cannon, either make the trigger_multiple volume in the area you want the player to be able to control it from, or use a prison pod and a game_ui entity to tell the cannon to turn/fire/etc. on the player's command while in the pod. I'm not sure quite how to work this. TheGrimReafer can explain it far better than I can.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 00:22:04 UTC
in HOW Do you create ROUND objets!!! Post #208748
You can only control the brush type (Ie, cylinder, cube, arch, etc.) when the brush tool is selected. If it isn't, then the selection box will be come grey in color, meaning you can't use it.

To alter how the brush is clipped, drag the line in the direction you want. If it wasn't exactly how you wanted it, then you can click and drag on the 2 white squares at either end of the clipping line to move them into place. Then just hit enter!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-05 18:32:07 UTC
in HOW Do you create ROUND objets!!! Post #208708
Additionally, the clipping tool can be used to cut sections into pieces, round off corners, and allow the mapper to add embelishments to textures (like a window as part of a long wall (because you can only have 1 texture on a face)). To use it, click on the Clip tool (it's the block with a flat slice in the corner) and draw a line in one of the 2D views to make the cut. Pressing enter completes the action; clicking on the Clip button a second time controls what is to be deleted in the process. White means keep, red means delete.

As Mr. Habboi said, If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 23:21:44 UTC
in Lighting Problem :\ Post #208634
Most likely, you used a prop texture on the wall. These are vertex-lit, and because it's not on a model, it chooses the lighting that the player is in. Change the texture to a light-mapped one, and the problem will (should?) be fixed.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 20:54:49 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208618
I don't map for HL (because I don't have it : ) but I know that Source is fun to map for because it's always a fun challenge to map something to look as realistic to real-life as possible. I often times map an enviornment simply to see how life-like I can make it.

To make a true comparison, though, I need to grab a copy of HL and map for it.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 17:05:45 UTC
in XSI model not textured correctly! Post #208316
Check both the .QC as well as the .VMT. If either are incorrect or misspelled, you'll have that error.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 04:13:11 UTC
in Double Whammy Post #208109
What you could do is make 2 versions of the sound: a loooong fade in one, then one at normal volume, and trigger the fade in one first, then the normal one afterward.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-30 18:58:55 UTC
in A Call To Arms Post #207970
Would we be focusing specificly on the HL1 engine again? Or is this open to both?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-29 19:12:02 UTC
in problem with prop_vehicle_jeep :P Post #207883
I believe that the buggy is considered an NPC, perhaps you can make the trigger brush affected by NPCs (which can be altered in the "Flags" tab). You would also want to tick the flag that says "Triggered by Clients in vehicles", since you want the car to always trigger an explosion, regardless of whether the player is in or out ;) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 19:51:15 UTC
in LOOKING FOR A GUY NAMED "Kasperg" Post #207824
This is what 'Private Messages' are for. Use the search function at the top of the page.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 19:50:16 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207823
I meant the drivers that came with the card on a CD, not the desplay drivers from the site. They're two sepparate things :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 03:13:28 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207775
Ahh, yes, I was having that problem, however copying it to the HD and ajusting the brightness levels still left the video too dark. :

FIXED: I hopped on over to and grabbed their display drivers for my card. Everything seems to be working fine.

If I have any more issues concerning this problem, I'll use this thread again.

Cheers :D