Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 22:19:40 UTC
in Elavator?Morpheus we are coming(Matrix1) Post #11408
You have 3 posts going at once.... All deal with the same thing.

I have played CS, I still play CS... although I admit that I haven't upgraded to v1.6, but after searching the web I can't seem to find the link between cs_matrix and the official 1.6 release. Is it part of the new upgrade, or is it a custom map?
If it is custom, then ask the person who built it how they did it.
The elevator tutorial was designed for Half-Life. It was never designied for inclusion in a CS map.
Try a CS website and post your question there...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 22:17:29 UTC
in Elavaors :/ Y IS THIS SO HARD TBH? Post #11406
You have 3 posts going at once.... All deal with the same thing.

I have played CS, I still play CS... although I admit that I haven't upgraded to v1.6, but after searching the web I can't seem to find the link between cs_matrix and the official 1.6 release. Is it part of the new upgrade, or is it a custom map?
If it is custom, then ask the person who built it how they did it.
The elevator tutorial was designed for Half-Life. It was never designied for inclusion in a CS map.
Try a CS website and post your question there...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 20:47:14 UTC
in HINT and LEAKS Post #11384
loose, adj., looser,loosest, v.,loosed,loosing. -adj. 5. lax, as the bowels.
Maybe that's what he meant.
can you guess who I really am?
Yes, your a unformed bowel movement :-)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 20:31:14 UTC
in Andy this is for you.... Post #11381
I thought I was Andy.. not atom.

The Hammer file is included in the download at the bottom of the tutorial, but you would have known that if you read that far :-)

Good luck incorperating it in a map, if you copy it from the rmf and paste it, then rotate it...
Well, anyway good luck.

And for those of you that haven't noticed...
LOOK DOWN..very bottom of the page....
See that Contact Us thing... well that's where you err, contact us.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 19:56:22 UTC
in Reducing Compile Times Post #11377
Jobabob... point well made.
Yes I can see why people might want to do that, and it makes perfect sense now.
ZHLT defaultes to -Bounce 1 to catch those nasty "Too many lightfaces" errors... so I normally won't add a -bounce X when testing.
We also seem to have answered Bllwnkle's concerns, so a pat on the hind quarter all round.

Oh, and Bllwnkel.. you would be surprised how many of our members throw a map down and then post it in the completed maps section.

Shame most of them are seriously flawed ;)

TEST, TEST and when your not sure TEST again. Works for me.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 21:27:01 UTC
in HINT and LEAKS Post #11273
I wrote a few tutorials about Hints and Leaks, but couldn't find a balance between too simple and really difficult.
There are however a couple of tutorials already on the web, and I asked Eiger if I could post a link.... He agreed.

Try Hints for Hint brush stuff,

LEAKS in Hammer for Hammer LEAK finding or,

LEAKS in Half-Life for finding LEAKS in game.

I will add these to the Glossary today. So there is no need to add pointless spamming to this post, although I am sure that some immature loser will. ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 21:16:39 UTC
in Tommy's Site Post #11271
I don't read mandarin, but I would hazard a guess that it say's:
"Stupid tourist buy gift not knowing what say's"
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 21:10:16 UTC
in Reducing Compile Times Post #11270
I don't get it?
I can see only one reason to reduce compiling times, and that is when I am testing entity setup and map layout.
Just switch VIS and RAD off when testing, and back on to do a full compile at the end of each section/hour/half day/day whatever......

So.... let me know why I need to reduce compiling times ??
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 20:12:38 UTC
in Elavaors :/ Y IS THIS SO HARD TBH? Post #11259
Are there any Retail CS maps that have fuctioning door/floor elevator... or multistop elevators?
Because CS is simple.
Once again, you are trying to add stuff into a multiplayer game that it wasn't designed to have. People have been trying to complicate CS for ages (And Failed), but most of it's apeal comes from it's simplicity.
That is why nearly all the elevators in CS are broken.........
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-07 01:07:10 UTC
in irc ice chat Post #11024
Try here:
But they seem to have a new Beta...
I use V2orc5...
Most people seem to prefer Mirc... but I am a cheapskate. ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-07 01:02:19 UTC
in irc ice chat Post #11022
Sorry, I use Virc... Really simple to set up.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-07 00:40:55 UTC
in Screenshot sizes. THEY ARE TOO BIG Post #11019
Most of us use a combination of IrfanView and MSPaint.
If you paste into IrfanView and save the .jpg file, don't forget to open it again in MSPaint and save it. This will reduce the file size dramatically.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-07 00:37:32 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #11018
I downloaded Shotgun Canyon and ran it to create an overview...

I found the problem.
You must be viewing the map in OpenGL.
The dev_overview 1 command will not work in Software Mode.
So, go to your HL start screen, click Configuration>Video>Video Mode and select OpenGL and 1024x768.
Done Done Done and run your map....
That should work.... If your Graphics card will not support this mode, then you won't be able to create overviews.... give your map to someone that can.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-06 10:31:47 UTC
in An excellent resource Post #10892
I answered this yesterday...
I e-mailed Tommy ages ago and asked if we could link his site....
I didn't get a reply.
I am reluctant to link sites without the site owners permission.
So you will just have to book mark it, now that you know where it is.
Serious case of DeJaVu when I read this post....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 22:02:38 UTC
in bad surface extents Post #10840
Which kind of makes this statement a little rash?
this has nothing to do with the brushes... their shapes or anything like it...
That is why I suggested that if they can't find the offending texture, then they should look at brushes, especially complex ones :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 21:35:43 UTC
in Elavaors :/ Y IS THIS SO HARD TBH? Post #10838
Actually that tutorial was a lot easier than the multiple stops and buttons one that was at Verc :-)

Neo, the main problem here is that you want an effect that the game engine was never designed to do. Do you remember any elevators in HL that had doors or buttons that moved with the elevator. I don't.

That tutorial was meant to show, that with a deep understanding of how things worked and a little testing, you can make almost anything happen.
I also did it to show the Spirit Devotee's that you don't need Spirit :-)

Why change levels... Just have an elevator that closes it's doors, rumbles and opens the other doors...
Hlaf-Life is mainly about illusion. The trick is to make it seem that you have gone up... After all, who else is going to see the elevator move?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 21:24:37 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #10837
Does this have anything to do with CS 1.6 or Steam or something, because it used to work?
Are you guy's using Steam... or CS 1.6?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 21:14:50 UTC
in Sound, once again. Post #10836
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 21:00:47 UTC
in Map Not Found Issue, still haunts me. Post #10835
The problem here was the mixture of Texture FIFTIES_DR4D and ORIGIN as Anthony has quite rightly mentioned,
You can texture brushes with a sky face to save the engine rendering them... (zhlt253 1.7 will do this, where earlier releases wouldn't) but I can't see why you would, it was an old trick, and it worked.
These day's you are better off using the NULL texture that is in the zhlt.wad in your ZHLT folder.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-04 01:38:50 UTC
in Hall of fame Post #10443
If you really want to be in the Hall of Shame, then post unfinished rubbish in the Completed Maps section of the Map Vault.

That seems to work for most members ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-03 23:49:58 UTC
in Tommy's Site Post #10431
I e-mailed Tommy ages ago and asked if we could link his site....
I didn't get a reply.
I am reluctant to link sites without the site owners permission.
So you will just have to book mark it, now that you know where it is.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-03 10:42:06 UTC
in ... Valve is out to get get me.. Post #10334
Everyone is on the right track....Great stuff.
CSG, BSP, VIS, RAD... that is the compile sequence.
If the .csg compile has a problem, it won't step to the next phase of the compile which is BSP. The .bsp file won't be created, and that is what Half-Life needs to run.
Anthony answered correctly, and now you have managed to get the .bsp placed in the right directory, Post the compile log, so we can see what's going on.

Don't forget to wear tin foil on your head at night, that way Valve can't steal your thoughts...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-03 10:32:47 UTC
in how do i delete decals Post #10333
Very good advice Outlaw,
But they can be slippery little decals.

You can also go to the Tool bar>Map>Entity report, find the info_decal and delete it. If you click GoTo, it should highlight it in the 2D and 3D views...
Easier to delete that way.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 22:32:24 UTC
in A new problem with a door! Post #10267
Step by Step, to summarise all the above.

Make Door Brush. DO NOT turn it into an entity.
Make Origin Brush. (Axle)
Place Origin Brush where you want it to be, but remember that the door will rotate around the center of the Origin Brush.

Select the Origin Brush and the door (Both Highlighted), and hit CTRL+T.
A property box appears, Select "Func_door_rotating" and assign it's properties.
Test it.
If it doesn't move the way you want it to, then click IG (Ignore group) and select the Origin Brush only and move it. Or change the func_door_rotating properties.
Test it.

When they say group, they actually mean Tie both brushes to an entity.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 21:30:00 UTC
in r_speeds Post #10261
Worldcraft dude and BrattyLord,
I don't think that Kol was taking out his frustration on you personally. It is just that this question is asked often.

There is a brilliant search function at the top of the page.
Type in r_speeds and select either Forums, Tutorials or Glossary and you will be provided with a wealth of information. 40 Forum Topics, 1 tutorial and a Glossary entry.

You might want to do this next time something comes up that you don't understand, it may well save you from the wrath of Kol.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 21:13:21 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #10258
Try adding a v
Bring up the console again and enter dev_overview 1 then close the console
Does that work, and if not, then I might need to update the tutorial to make it clearer. Let me know if you have any other problems.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 00:08:41 UTC
in texture very weird Post #10132
Might be that the Maximum visible distance of your map is 4096, and your line of site inside the map is greater?
Check out WyldThing's post.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 00:05:12 UTC
in Screen Shot Post #10131
Check out Screen Shots
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-02 00:02:23 UTC
in peach model Post #10130
Ummm, What is a Princess Peach?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 23:53:26 UTC
in bad surface extents Post #10129
Well I think they will be:
in the less than 0.05 or greater than 15 range
Since you said the error was 8800/0. Tommy say's if it has a 0 in the error, to try the "Check for Problems" or ALT+P and see if there was a texture perpendicular to face error.
Oh, sorry... you said you read Tommy's thoughts on this problem and so you must have already done that....
That being the case, and there are no invalid or perpendicular textures ... then look at all your complex or VM'd brushes.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 23:25:39 UTC
in func_conveyor Post #10121
Check out Rain for more information on Conveyors. Read the bit at the bottom if you are stuck with the texture direction.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 23:14:13 UTC
in New decompiler on the scene.. Post #10119
Having read all the responses at Collective, I am surprised that Chris allowed the post, or that Collective endorses the product. The mind boggles.
I am learning to build maps and sometimes it would be nice to see how it was put together.
As this seems to be a popular theme for those who see the benifit of using a decompiler, let me adjust your attitude.

Learning is testing. Testing is building.
Most of the forum topics could have been solved if the poster tried things out, rather than going for the easy option of getting someone else to do it.
Sure, sometimes you get to a point where nothing works, but only about 10% of the forum topics are at that stage.

Most of the common problems in society today can be directly linked to peoples inability to try stuff out, read the manual and do it themselves.
And before you all launch into a heated debate about working Smarter, not Harder....

Mapping isn't about producing quality stuff that has been done before. It is about the JOY you first felt when you created a simple room with a metal texture and ran around Banging your Crowbar on it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 22:57:12 UTC
in decompiling half-life maps? Post #10118
Yes there is....
But as jobabob clearly points out.... It is a tool that does not have acceptance in the community. If you want to use it then you will have to find it.
End of Post........ I will delete the whole post and any related ones if this topic continues.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 22:46:49 UTC
in Leak ????? Post #10117
Since everyone likes saying the same thing a different way 5 or 6 times, I thought I would add that there is a little button at the top of the tool bar in Hammer 3.4 that says "Help".
Clicking on this can bring wonderful results.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-31 04:09:26 UTC
in Weapon start .. Post #9887
There might be a reason you don't see elevators "n" stuff in CS.. Ever considered that?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-31 04:04:02 UTC
in Water Post #9884
Nah.. you don't, that's why adding Bubbles seems to make sense ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-31 03:37:10 UTC
in problem compiling Post #9882
I suggest you have a look at Tommy14 Error Resource page and BOOKMARK it.
All the known errors for Hammer are listed there.
Missing [ in texturedef is one of the errors listed, actually it is also listed in zhlt 253 readme, but Tommy, out of the kindness of his heart, replicated it because not everyone has access to the original file.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 07:25:29 UTC
in BlackDeath & Stuff! Post #9770
Good luck with the Mod.
Update your page early and often to keep people interested.
And yeah, use paragraphs.
I expect to be given a Preview and Press release prior to the Official Public launch, so we can Pimp it here at TWHL.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 07:21:41 UTC
in New Mod. Odd Error. Mod_NumForName Post #9768
Have a look at Tommy14 for all error related problems and BOOKMARK the page.
The link is direct to the Mod_Num reference, and it should give you an idea of what is wrong.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 07:06:49 UTC
in New strange Leak thing. Post #9767
Also, if there is no info_player_start but you do have teleporters or Level changes, the map will try to spawn you at the center of the grid where those red,blue and yellow lines are.... If you don't have any map there you will fall into the void... and die.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 07:01:08 UTC
in TFC fgd. Post #9766
The latest TFC .fgd (f1.5 Rev10 and don't forget to whisper my name in awe when you read the credits!!) is available at TFMapped although it is always worth checking Collective, if you can manage to navagate around it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 06:57:23 UTC
in Water Post #9765
Everyone is right, the water texture is only rendered on the visible external faces so when your in water you can't see it. Either drop the top down a few units or add light and bubbles to make it look like water
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 06:52:51 UTC
in Annnnnnnnnnnddd ACTION! Post #9764
Or you can have a look at Camera Examples in the Map Vault
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-29 01:27:28 UTC
in Leak ????? Post #9649
In Summary of all the above:
Hammer uses a pointfile generated when the map is compiled. You can view that point file in Hammer, but it is normally a mass of red lines.

The point file can also be viewed in game, by using the command pointfile. That should give you a dotted line that goes crazy around your map. But it should also go through a brush in your map, and that is where the LEAK could be.
But this actually sounds like an entity outside the map?
The LEAK error from your compile log will tell you the start point of the point file. And it should also give you an Entity and coordinates.
Have a look at that Entity in Hammer and make sure it is within your map.

A map is what is inside the ShoeBox.
Everything outside is called the Void.
Entities must not be placed in the Void.
The outside of your shoebox must be sealed.
You should not be able to see out of the shoebox from anywhere inside the shoebox........... And your shoebox must be located within the gridlines in the Hammer 2D views.

Simple innit?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-28 23:35:47 UTC
in too many direct light styles Post #9646
Bit difficult to read all the way to the end of your post when your post is incorrect form the start.
Your description of Dynamic lights is common, but flawed.
You failed to mention the original reason they were called Dynamic lights in the first place. Dynamic lights have evolved from Named or Switchable lights, but as far back as Quake, Dynamic meant Light emission from a known or potential light source. That includes stuff like Muzzel flash, grenade bursts and explosions and texture lights. Not just Named, or property enhanced lights. Dynamic lights are an important part of Software rendering. Something most people don't bother with, but it doesn't mean it's not important.
It has been proven time and time again that the 4 Named, or property enhanced lights in the same engine visible area will NOT always produce this error. This is just a guide to help track down the reason for the error and give people a starting point to solve it.
Large outdoor maps suffer from this problem, but the original post actually detailed coordinates for the area affected. So the answer is to go there and see why the identified brush has been singled out for a problem.
Which all seems irrelevant now, because leong2 removed the light emmiting textures and that solved the problem. However, the problem still exists as there is a brush in the map that is very unhappy about being subjected to multiple light mapping.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-28 23:10:14 UTC
in Making a message come up?... Post #9644
Oh yeah,
POKE 646 had the advantage of totally reworked titles.txt and strings list, actually I think there wasn't a shred of the original HL in any of the stuff they did.

And the New Year means just that. Sometime Next Year ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-27 21:16:44 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #9522
The delay in the release is due to pretty much the same reason that the last compo results were delayed.
I can't finish it without all the material, and I am waiting on a few more pieces of the puzzle.

So to save any further heartache, I won't let you know when it might be released. Same goes for compo results, tutorials in writing, and anything else that we collectively give a deadline. That will save me working late to meet them and makes me very happy.

Thank you for your comment pepper and high_voltage, you just gave me the excuse I needed and made my day.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-27 21:03:08 UTC
in Cartoon Selves Post #9521
Love it....
Now you all have somewhere to divert your energy to, instead of taking the piss out of each others avatars.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-27 20:42:16 UTC
in readable letters/stuff tutorial Post #9518
I found them...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-27 20:33:39 UTC
in Making a message come up?... Post #9517
Right, in summary....

To get a message no longer than 127 characters use a game_text.
To get a really good looking message, with pictures use a camera.
If you want to get a scrolling message of more than 127 characters use a trigger_relay between game texts, or
If you want it to be the same as a Chapter Title style, then use an env_message and alter the titles.txt.
Don't forget that the titles.txt will have to be part of your distribution files.

I hope you didn't alter the Half-Life titles.txt..... Or if you did, you backed it up first.

Loque's tutorial will be out in the New Year, just some fine tuning to be done.