Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 17:01:25 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #83076
Mod: Yes.

I hope i don't force people to levelchange because of my Xen sky hogging ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 16:53:17 UTC
in What's going on? Post #83074

Err.... I AM GOD (of my own maps)
And that's as much religion as i'd like in leveldesign.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 16:50:55 UTC
in The bible... is full of oddities Post #83072
Meh, i'm convinced.

Forget debating the wrongs of the world, i'd rather grab my self a lemonade, map some maps, and post some posts on TWHL. :P :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:41:14 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #83039
I sure hope so.

And Gman is in charge of custom textures, so Yes. We are allowed to use them. whew!

Gman: i'd use the 256 versions. Makes life faster for a lot of people.

Haz: i understand your concerns with the compiling. But i remain optimistic.

How about we just map first ask questions later?
Or that's probably a bad idea...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:32:13 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #83036
I don't think Hl1 mapping is ready to subside just yet :D

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:20:08 UTC
in The bible... is full of oddities Post #83035
Why doesn't everyone just get on with this life, assume it's the only one we get, and make the damn most of it instead of squandering it to an "all-merciful God" who in that case should be most pleased with people not wasting what he may have given
Now the Bible:
Die First, Be happy Later (Hevn)
Err.. I'll go with the former.

Why not be nice now, and live life, and forget about dying in order to get to something you don't know.

I like life, and i'd like to do that whole "living" thing for as long as i can.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:15:06 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #83034
Heh - a lot of people are surprisingly young, or old :nuts:
Nobody inbetween.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:12:50 UTC
in What's going on? Post #83033
Oh god.. this thread reminds me of ..err - that one that got deleted.
Yes kol, it is funny, the way you imature people reacted when I posted common sense.
AAaaargh! don't drag me in.... - i don't want to enter the "political" & "religious" debates :o
N0o!! I don't want to die!!!

*runs away to hide behind an .rmf
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 14:04:14 UTC
in Challanges Post #83032
:o : :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 19:00:27 UTC
in Rory's back and w/ question Post #82878
I'm afraid you'll have to follow the tutorial - because there IS no simpler way to do fire.

What's so complicated with the tutorial?

Or is it the "look" of the fire ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 18:58:35 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #82877

As long as you make your part well balanced, there will be less need for mangling everyone ;)

There will be a bloody battle over those textures - there's no way i'm retexturing my xen :badass: :x :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 18:21:14 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #82873
1: Thankfully, you'll be happy to know that you are wrong: You can make your own individual style as long as you make a good transition from one to the next. (teleports will be popular) So more freedom there ;)

2: I must say that its a great idea. the Old HL textures are so old, that it makes it REALLY hard to be original. New textures are allowed, and that's good. Once i get all my stuff together - i'll post it so that everyone can use it.

3: I agree with that one ;) We should have suggesting changes to already built areas.

4: Compiling switches - Nasty stuff there :o

I think the best way is to compile with your own tools, and with your own switches and make sure there are no bugs.
Then when the thing is finished (BL will have the bother of compiling the final run)

We will pick the switches that make most of the maps look best - personally i like to keep that -dscale thing default, -bounce 9 or 10 and a few other ones like -smoth and -notexscale (but that's just me)

Once the map is finished, we can adjust the lights, monsters /ammo and stuff like that, without any complaints from the mapper - hehehe.

(hope i got my facts fight...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 18:04:57 UTC
in What's going on? Post #82871
Heh - all the stuff was caused by political / religion debates in the forums.

There was a smaller "Proudly Liberal" thing last year i think - this time its more common, and its surviving. Even Internet "History" tends to repeat itself ;)

Its funny in a way (but not HAHAHAHAH funny)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 17:19:14 UTC
in My website Post #82862
tk is good... but its not the best i must say - it gets attacked sometimes :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 17:16:00 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #82861
Its not you, its everyone. Everyone is too cynical with "New Mod" Posts
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 15:22:39 UTC
in My website Post #82834
Well.. not exactly crashed - Avant just takes alittle time to "recover"
And the sounds really slow things down :(

And please prefix subdomains with http:// or www. so i can middle-mouse-click the links and get them opened auto-magically in the background and not disturb my forum prowl. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 15:18:47 UTC
in Last level of hl2 Post #82833
You can always make it harder for your self by using weaker weapons or by not picking up all the ammo / health ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 15:16:51 UTC
in Music to enhance yer gamin' Post #82832

Remembers the good old days of QuickBasic coding

PRINT "Hullo seventh"

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 15:13:33 UTC
in need peepz for possible hl/hl2 mod Post #82830
:( :roll:

The thread continues...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 15:13:05 UTC
in God damn see-through Post #82829
OpenGL sometimes masks the Blue, as black for me - if i don't set the right properties.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:29:20 UTC
in Server Problem Post #82813
Heh -the old windows classic "I'm gona Echo a device and create conflicts so you think you have a problem but you dont"
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:28:25 UTC
in compiling problems Post #82812

Err.. Vis shouldn't take longer than 45 Minutes on a 500MHz Machine, even for complex maps. unless you're taking up all of the map limits... in which case, split the map into smaller sections or make it smaller. If you get No errors - try looking for potential stuff to improve vis times - stuff like overly complex brushwork that can be turned to func_wall, vis blockers etc.

RAD is by far the longest. And most important in my view ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:25:12 UTC
in Player starts outside of bsp. Post #82811
1.) Yes. points at self There are still lots of HL1 mapping questions ;)

2.) Make sure landmark names have no caps, and that the areas in both maps are identical to ensure that there's nothing blocking the landmark.

Try to keep things are simple as you can. Levelchanges are tricky at best.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:12:48 UTC
in Music to enhance yer gamin' Post #82807
Heh - winamp forEvah!

worships winamp
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:09:35 UTC
in Challanges Post #82801
But that's the key, there is no point in having great ideas if you're not going to implement them.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that you BEST ideas often come spontaneously, and with relatively little ?Hard labour? that?s just how ideas come, if you?re enjoying your self while mapping, then you mind will constantly think up new ways to keep you going (your brain likes enjoying itself ? that?s why you get addicted to drugs).

If you find that you don?t have any will or ideas to map, but still want to map something, why not take one of your previous screenshots, or ideas that you never implemented and start mapping that ? even start laying down brushes for some random prop.

Even go as a far as replicating someone else?s work, and trying to improve it. Note that I said REPLICATE, Not COPY ideas.

Before you know it, you?ll be in there mapping away, and the next time you look up its 3 AM and you?ve school / work tomorrow...

Those who look like ideas are pouring out of their arse, really have very few good ideas, and have learnt to modify existing ideas into new and original ones. Its always much, much easier to start from something familiar and modify it, rather than starting from scratch.

I often find that most of my ideas come to me when I?m bored silly at school or at home, when I start drifting off or daydreaming, that?s because your mind starts to entertain itself, often with something you?ve enjoyed doing before. Its all one big productive cycle, create something new, and feed off that to create another new idea, and so on. Unlike a vicious circle of failure, the creative cycle is a little less painful to get in and out form.

Imagine what your maps will play like, imagine being in the shoes of your character, read books, watch films, look at pictures, look at real life: All these things help you create maps in one way or another. Most New ideas come from old ones. Only some special cases where the abstract is involved, new ideas are spawned by the subconscious, and are a result of one?s own inner thoughts ? which are more elusive and almost impossible to define or debate.

This turned into a really long post.. too long if you?ve read it all ? well done ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 12:55:15 UTC
in My website Post #82798
Aw god! it crashed my browser with the ads and geosthitties.

I didn't look at any content because i couldn't stand my winamp skipping because of the music and flashy flash..

Get a proper, Free, (ad free) host. [say that you got referred from an existing happy costumer ;) ]

Learn a bit of Html and CSS prowess.

And for the love of god don't put in sounds or "Intro" pages into websites! that's just pure evil! Get straight to the content. The average visitor only stays for a few seconds before moving on (if they don't find what they are looking for)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 12:47:17 UTC
in need peepz for possible hl/hl2 mod Post #82796
tha_crazy :nuts: : please post any kind of media and kill this thread for ever. :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 12:45:11 UTC
in hl2 hammer Post #82795
Oh god.. if only that was true... :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 12:44:21 UTC
in God damn see-through Post #82794
* last colour in the pallette (index 256) is all-blue (0 0 255)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 20:00:18 UTC
in hl2 hammer Post #82695

Try looking your self ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 19:58:34 UTC
in Challanges Post #82692
Built a room, built another room... connected it with a corridor.
Add 15 Gargantuas...

that was me... :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:46:17 UTC
in Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) Post #82655

You can port forward any router - as long as you have the username and pass for the settings - mine didn't even have that - just a menu and stuff.

if your router doesn't have settings, shout at your ISP
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:37:05 UTC
in need peepz for possible hl/hl2 mod Post #82651

Poor Vassy, Or happy vassy?

Depending on what he's like, he'll either think " OMG EVERYONE HATES ME"

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:34:39 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #82647

I'm mapping already ;)

Having studied the brush construction of the previous TWHLmix (the old old one btw not the released one) A lot of people are afraid of going vertical ? Why? :

Either way, all good for me ? since I can take up a quater of the map size and still leave all the room.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:29:21 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #82642
Eegad Mkt!!! BMP???!! Shame on you man!

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:26:54 UTC
in Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) Post #82641
I think my problem was the Hub thing - My HDD is twice as small as the Minimum share values of most hubs.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:25:16 UTC
in Be good Post #82640
Everyone wants power over everyone else.

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 18:23:07 UTC
in Challanges Post #82638
Heh - i'd say its time, but i'd be wrong. Time has nothing do to with becoming a good mapper.

Its what you have and have not.

You can have all the technology, all the tools, all the technical and theoretical know-how, but without creativity, you'll fall flat on your face.

Just like someone with bucket loads of creativity but no technical grasp of Game engines.

Making great maps, just takes a whole load of mapping, and a right balance of encouraging feedback, and destructive comment that raises the standard of your work by making you work harder. Sadly, all this has to be done by you, not anyone else.

And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with game engines. Half-Life1 map can be just as fun as a Half-Life? map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 11:05:18 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #82548
Heh - nice.

If we all take our time, we'll have this finished by the 1-st of May ;) :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 11:00:55 UTC
in Be good Post #82547
Heh - Posh name ;)

Puts mine to the "proles" pile

I have power over #twhl (IRC) and that's enough for me.
where does kol come in? lol
Noplace ;)

I'm afraid of the responsibilities with moderating the forums, I'd be way to zealous and heavy handed.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:53:25 UTC
in map/game loss Post #82546
A French philosopher once said, that self-esteem is equal to your Success / [divided by] expectation.

To get more self esteem, lower expectation ;)

Everyone had high hopes for Steam, and when it didn?t deliver more than was expected, people complained. And everyone else joined in (sheep)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:49:01 UTC
in Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) Post #82545

Anthony: I must persuade you to use BearShare - its got more files than WinMX, and is a lot faster for dialup users - especially serches.

The only downside, is cleaning out the crappy "weather" proggy that comes bundled with the install.

Nothing ad-aware SE can't handle though ;)

I've had nothing but problems with DC :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:45:25 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #82543
Yes, there was this whole "thang" with people using pics of them selves as avatars

I saw Seventh that way ;)

I'd post one of my self, if i could - or bothered my lazy arse.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:39:21 UTC
in hl2 hammer Post #82542
Ok.. if you want Hammer 4 to make Source engine maps, you need:

A valid Steam Account,
HL2 / CS:S (for the content .. duh..)

Without those, No hammer 4.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:36:08 UTC
in Hostile Intent - new mod Post #82541
The features are impressive i must say ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:32:46 UTC
in need peepz for possible hl/hl2 mod Post #82539
PM system, Where art thou ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:30:06 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #82538
Vassy, If you try hard enough you'll pull it off ;)

A full list of members would be handy..
that way you can make the transitions between maps better.

Here's what i know so far:

1. Vassy
2. Zombieloffe
3. kol ;)
4. Um..

heh - that's a bout it

To number 4 person:
Start any type of map you want - the sky will be almost definitely a xen type (sorry ;) )
And you will exit my map from a teleport.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:21:54 UTC
in one omega wad file Post #82532
don't forget -wadautodetect along side -wadinclude too - removes crappy wads that some people include, like gfx.wad, fonts.wad and cached.wad

If your map used completely original textures you might use -nowadtextures

Its worth to note that those switches include textures as opposed to wad packages

Have a look at your map information to give you an idea of your texture usage. If it says its 2 MB, then your BSP will be up to 2 MB larger - sometimes smaller, sometimes even larger than that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:16:13 UTC
in hi i new - where can i get worldcraft Post #82531


Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 10:14:24 UTC
in Entity help Post #82529
But there is something you should know, different damage types cause damage differently. "FALL" is almost instant, "BURN" is sometimes gradual.