Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-10-06 00:18:27 UTC
in Time for TFC crashing round 2!! Post #2230
Which Bot/waypointing program are you using..?

PS: I like the new map... I am compiling it now, but it looks a lot better than the old one, well done.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-05 22:53:46 UTC
in See-through grates. Post #2228
More info right here : Render Properties
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-05 22:46:40 UTC
in mp help. Post #2226
Oh, :roll: doh !
Hammer doesn't need any special settings for Multiplayer.
You might want to add -deathmatch 1 in the additional commands parameters for normal compile, but I think it is included in the expert... And that is for CS , not sure about DMC and the others.

Entities automatically respawn at round start, but globals might not. If you have a series of complex triggers, you will need to manually reset them with a functional entity like a door or something that targets the global state. This is described at Egir's site
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-05 22:31:04 UTC
in Setting up a mod, Part 2 Post #2224
Vassy, the more I look at ArchVille's work over at 69th vlatitude, the more I think it is going to be difficult to do better. It is a really complex subject and ArchVille has done a brilliant job making it understandable.
I suggest we change "Making a Mod Part 1" to "Starting Your Own Mod" and include a link to ArchVille's work at the end... I will ask him first of course
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-05 22:24:09 UTC
in erm map in progress forum with.......... Post #2223
Fair comment... I think moving them to a more suitable forum will be a good idea. that way the poster wont get too annoyed.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 22:05:08 UTC
in Want to make a CS map? Post #2190
If you want to make a CS map, you will find it surprisingly easy.
But what makes a good CS map?
Will it work on a server, will people play it, and what makes a CS map successful, when the maps I make are not?
For answers to these questions check out:Dave Johnston's Site for a behind the scenes look at the making of Dust and Dust2.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 21:28:20 UTC
in mp help. Post #2186
What is mp?
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 21:23:25 UTC
in Sitting models Post #2185
If you want to be a bit more creative, check out:
The Spawning Tank for the best tutorial on getting Barney to swivel in his chair. I does mention the basics as well.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 08:26:43 UTC
in Level transitions. Post #2158
If you think the maps are a good enough example of level transitions, please load them in the Example Maps. If you think they need words, I will have a go at it if you want, unless someone else wants to volunteer :
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 00:32:57 UTC
in FIRE Post #2124
You need to access the pak0.pak file. It is in the Half-Lifevalve folder.
The pak0.pak file has to be opened with Pakscape, Wally or something similar. You then need to extract the sprite folder into your Half-Life directory.
You will not be able to view the available sprites until you unpack the pak0.pak file.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 00:27:16 UTC
in compiling problems Post #2123
Sorry, too busy trying to compile your map... :)

Seriously though, if you use Gensurf19 or nemisis then be ready for a long wait. 1 hour isn't all that long, and it's not the fault of the compile tools. It is the fault of the map. The map you uploaded has hundreds of grouped brushes that have opposing faces and angles. The tools have to break this down into faces and leafs so that it can get an idea of what is there, then it needs to build a light map....
If this was not such a complex brush map, then it would take about 5 seconds to compile... But with so many bruses with different faces.. Oh well.

Have you tried generating the terrain yourself?
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 00:17:41 UTC
in Outdoor Maps Post #2122
Go up four posts and read Kol's reply...
The sky textures are not in .wad format. There in the env folder, and that is only if you have unpacked them with Wally or whatever.
Actually there is a tutorial somewhere on making your own Sky textures... but the link I have is broken..
Happy searching ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-03 03:54:08 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #2086
Sorry pepper, I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't see the 2nd page of posts.. ;)
The Avatar logo was stolen from the site, but do me a favour and don't tell atom.... :)
To insert an image you need to link to an existing web address. So yeah, you need to publish the picture to your home site and link it that way. First person to find my homesite wins $2.50 and could you let me know where it has gone... I seem to have lost it
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-02 08:24:19 UTC
in Being a Bitch Post #2031
Unfortunately, VIS compiling is required as well as RAD. If you don't use them your maps will run in FullBright mode and won't look good. However if you just want to test a set of entities and how they interact (like Scripts), then you can save time by not running VIS and RAD.

If your map has complex brushes, lot's of light's, is large... or one of a million other things then it might seem like your computer is freezing, but in reality it isn't. If you run your "Task manager" you should see that hlvis or hlrad are still running. VIS and RAD Compiles can take a while. I have heard stories of DAY's... I have had personal experience with 13.5 hours. Remember the "Ship" Skeeve?
Stick with running VIS and RAD initially, as they can bring up some possible errors in the map as well..
Most of all "Be Patient" great maps are not made in 15 minutes ;)
Also, there is no rule of thumb for compile times... Some maps will take longer than others. That's life, just hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete to see what tasks are running... bet you will find hlrad sucking up page files like there is no tomorrow.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 22:33:38 UTC
in Being a Bitch Post #2024
253 even :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 22:31:19 UTC
in Being a Bitch Post #2023
Error's Error's and more error's.

1. Try Tommy14's Error Reference guide, as this duplicates the information given in the original Zoners235 ZHLTProblems.htm
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 22:23:28 UTC
in cs start with weapons Post #2022
game_player_equip was added to the cs.fgd in 2000 by Tim Holt.

The most current modified CS.fgd is available at Slackillers link to Tommy14, who posts his own personal Expert FGD, cs_expert-tom792e.fgd.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-30 18:18:03 UTC
in Mod problem. Post #1932
The new .fgd has both target_audio and trigger_audio, there hasn't been any replacement....
If you don't have them, then get a new copy. No idea about the CD problems.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:54:03 UTC
in Glowing Switches in Dark Rooms... Post #1878
Yeah, right again... .01 to 1.0
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:51:55 UTC
in Cluttered Maps Post #1877
Shift+E will turn the grid off.
D and C will zoom in and zoom out of all the views.
If you hightlight a brush and Ctrl+E the views will center on that brush.
Apart from hiding the vis groups as panda and kol suggest you can try out the "Toggle auto selection" button on the top tool bar.(Blue dotted square with a little black arrow) Left mouse Drag a square around the area you want to hide, click Toggle auto selection and then click in the square. Everything in the square will turn red (highlighted) and you can hide all of it in one go.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:39:37 UTC
in Mod problem. Post #1876
If you are brave you can try to decipher the leak trace from Hammer 3.5. I have solved a few difficult leaks with it, but it isn't exact. Follow the line till it turns red, bright red.... your leak will be there somewhere.
Alternately you can upload the map to the problem map section and see if anyone else can find it?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:20:32 UTC
in Error: Bad Surface Extents Post #1874
Leaf is defined in the Glossary.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:19:01 UTC
in advanced compile mode Post #1873
Sorry Vassy, your right... XXX should have been gearbox in both examples... so the Normal compile additional parameters window should contain: -game gearbox (and -dev -console if required)

"map change failed stargate command not found on server.
(stargate command is my map name)"

It is not a good idea to have a space in a map name. And I might be wrong, but I think there is a maximum character length of 15 for a map name, try to reduce your map name, and get rid of the space.
I know it works now..... but this will save problems later.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 21:39:33 UTC
in TWHL...7..6..! Post #1872
Funny, a year ago we were 7th and that was when only Atom and I were voting..
Keep up the votes, and thanks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 23:08:43 UTC
in Glowing Switches in Dark Rooms... Post #1823
No point in putting a value greater than 1 in the Minimum Light level setting, as 1 is it, it is either 1 or nothing...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 23:04:39 UTC
in Error: Bad Surface Extents Post #1822
Normally texture scale, but sometimes it can be brush alignment.
For the full answer see Tommy14's Error Reference
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 23:01:06 UTC
in advanced compile mode Post #1821
Check the setup guides for HalfLife and CS and the Glossary for Map change failed....

The Copy file line in Expert should be: Copy File $path$file.bsp $bspdir$file.bsp ..........NOT Copy File +map???
The +map command is part of the $game_exe line.. which should be the final line in the compile sequence.
The last line in Expert mode is the only one that needs changing when you are doing a mod that hasn't already got an advanced mode. Just copy one of the other expert modes and change the last line:
$game_exe line +map $file -game XXX -dev -console
Where the XXX is Opfor (or whatever it is)

In Normal mode it is loading HalfLife instead of OpFor because you need to add : -game XXX (where XXX is the name of your mod) to the Additional command parameters box at the top....

Arggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is driving me nut's too!!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 17:40:12 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1767
Good point Seventh,
Panda... the map I uploaded to the Vault compiled on my machine and ran in TFC. So that .rmf is Ok... If it won't compile on your machine, then it is not the map at fault, it is more likely to be the setup of Hammer.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 17:30:51 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1766
Um... when you click the link just delete the <br>/ that seems to have remained with the code.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 20:59:01 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1720
I just had a look at the Map... I am going to move it into the Problem Map section till this is sorted. Because you haven't uploaded the .rmf's I couldn't play with the transition, but I wonder if it has anything to do with the narrow area the change is taking place in. It is easiest to make the change in a corridor, so you can directly copy the elements from one map to the other.
I didn't get stuck in the floor... test2 wouldn't load at all, I had to load it seperately...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:31:27 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1709
Path_corners are really only good for getting monsters to walk around inside rooms, you really need to use scripts to get them to go through stuff. Once they leave a path_corner for a script, they wont return to one. So the best Idea is to script the whole thing.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:16:05 UTC
in Atom, just wondering... Post #1707
Ummm, gotta be Forest Gump for me. Yeah weird I know, but hey :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:03:34 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1706
Panda....... I have uploaded a fix in the problem maps.
There are a few things you need to look at.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 02:02:40 UTC
in Having trouble with scripted sequences Post #1675
The scientist won't actually pound the func_button... even though it looks like he is. You need to trigger the button (or a multimanager) by using the Target property of the scripted sequence. When the scientist stops pounding the window, the Target will be activated.
So, let the door target the Ai script, and the script target the zombie. Don't forget that the Zombie will kill the scientist regardless of what triggers are in place, 'cause that's what Zombies do. You are better off hiding the Zombie somewhere and letting him out when needed to kill the Sci.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 01:56:23 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1672
Won't work Seventh... TFC is really dependant on it's own .fgd
I have opened it and the first thing that needs doing is assigining all the missing textures with a new texture, especially the AAA trigger texture.
There are some invalid solids and a few triggedr/entity problems.
Any of the above could cause the crash.
Will uopload something in the Map Vault when I get to it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 01:30:17 UTC
in CS lightning problem Post #1669
Have a look at the Dark Outdoor Maps and Environment tutorials.
A lot of the maps light depends on the brightness setting for the light_environment (The fourth figure in the line) but that doesn't fix the covered areas.
Are you using texture lighting?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-25 04:58:31 UTC
in Minimicus Post #1650
I think the links that seem to have popped up all over the world might have helped along the downloads :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-24 22:41:43 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1641
If you are just compiling in Normal Mode (F9) and have all the "Normal" option boxes ticked and, -game tfc -dev -console ,entered in the top line called "Additional Game Parameters" then this shouldn't be happening??
If you are using Expert Mode team Fortress (full) then check the very last line in the list, it should be something like: $game_exe +map $file -game tfc -dev -console -toconsole +sv_lan 1 . If it isn't and that is the compile you are using, then that is where your problem is. If you want a screen shot of either compile option let me know and I will send one.

Also, you have a few textures that you used in making the map that are not available when you are compiling it?
These three textures are no longer available in the textures you have listed in the Hammer Textures Tab. Find out where they where and add them before compiling next time and the Warnings will go away.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-24 22:25:02 UTC
in The specialists Waypoints Post #1640
Waypoints depend on the type of Bot your using. Unless of course Specialist is using some new entity types, Note to self: I must read the .fdg.
Waypoints are normally added after the map has been compiled, if you find out the type of Bot, then download that program, as they normally have pretty good instructions included.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-24 22:16:42 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1639
So you found ISSUES, PQL or PQL2 whatever. Actually it was such a good concept I thought I would try it out here at TWHL.
The biggest problem with merging maps is that complex ones do not like to be transformed (rotated). I actually joined all the compo entries up a few months ago, to see if it was a viable project. Interesting results, but not such a good idea. If anyone is interested in hosting a project like this, please let me know and I will send you the list of stuff I encountered just putting the compo maps together.

Oh, you want to see the final product? Lost when the machine went down
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-24 22:06:27 UTC
in texture lighting Post #1638
By calling it lights.rad you automatically make it a .rad file, no need to do anything else. But as you can see from the little screen shot I sent, your lights.rad works perfectly well on my machine. So there must be a problem at your end, and it isn't your lights.rad that is causing it.

The only other thing I can think of is that you are not actually finishing the RAD compile...or another problem is occuring before RAD. Email the log of any compile where you had the problem please don't post it here just yet, as I haven't got admin rights and can't edit it to just show the problem.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-23 21:37:15 UTC
in Outdoor Maps Post #1586
Dang.... So that's why my Kid's look strange...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-22 22:00:54 UTC
in Yes, me again... Post #1548
Is there a reason you are running the map in software mode?
If you have an OpenGL or Direct3D capable videocard, then change your settings :)
If you don't, then welcome to mapping last century style, and as Kol mentioned, you will need to do some heavy reading on polygon counts, vis and r_speeds.
Basically your map has more than 800 polygons to be rendered by the engine from where the player is looking. The amount of short surfaces are the number that the engine is NOT drawing because it is in software mode and limited to the magical 800 figure.
Don't forget, what the engine see's and what the player see's are two different things.
FIX: Reduce the amount of brushes...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-22 21:52:37 UTC
in milkshape replacement Post #1547
I can't wait until I get my Forum Admin rights back.....
You guy's are toast!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-22 21:44:54 UTC
in texture lighting Post #1546
This should be in the Mapping questions forum?

Looks like you lights.rad is in the right place.
Any chance of e-mailing a copy of the lights.rad and letting me know what texture (name and what .wad it's a from) ?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-20 19:25:37 UTC
in Retexturing Tutorial Post #1488
So where is the screenie?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-20 19:24:57 UTC
in compiling textures in bsp Post #1487
Didn't we already do this in another Forum?
Read Atoms Custom Textures Tutorial !!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-20 19:10:16 UTC
in Yellow Phase Post #1485
Maybe a size limit on images to help us poor folk with dial up connections?
And who is the Mad Fireman Seventh? :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-20 01:29:48 UTC
in -wadinclude Post #1450
MASTeRmiNd is right on the money.
I did some testing after the previous posts and it doesn't really matter what you use. Both -wadinclude xxxx and -nowadtextures only include those textures that you have used in your map.
However, -nowadtextures includes all .wad files like halflife.wad into your .bsp, where -wadinclude only includes those files you select.
The savings in .bsp size can be considerable. It all depends on who is getting the final map. do they have the .wad files that we consider generic? Some of the Mod specific .wads are not all that common. CS is a classic example of this. If you don't have the same CS maps as the guy distributing the map, then there is a good chance that you won't have the right .wad file.
An easy way around this is to use Wally to build a common.wad (all your favorites) and -wadinclude it. No need to add generic files like cstrike.wad or halflife.wad... and we know you can't add the decal.wad, but it will save the guy at the other end a whole heap of problems.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.