Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 15:54:12 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160961
Yes these maps are incredibly nice-looking, I remember the first times I took a look on the screenshots (on "clicme" thumbnails), I first thought it were fake photos, like this guy did with "HL3", taking a photo of himself in the street, holding a crowbar, yes these maps are nice, but did you play them ? Did you really play them ? Man the runtimes are f###ed, the camping points, the hotzones etc, everything is different, not totally different ok, but not exactly the same. Wait wait wait, you will tell me "hey these are new maps!", but no they aren't!! these are the maps that made CS what it is, and Valve level designers, which I repeat are clueless about CS, simply didn't give a fuck and did them the way they felt them, that is the proof Valve doesn't care about CS and why I don't like them now.

They obviously think because it's pretty there's no need to worry anymore about the gameplay, "bah, give them ak and dust and new graphics effects and they will be happy...", which is an evidence of contempt to me...
I think CS's gameplay is quite fun, but the graphics detract from the game once you've played more modern games.
CS:S looks pretty
and plays exactly the same
No :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 12:37:07 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160921
I am talking about a "bonus" : servers where I was used to go had like 50-65 before Steam, now they are like 65-90, ok Steam may not be the only factor to be considered in this case, but I strongly think Steam got something to do in this :| ...
"This isn't Counter-Strike 2, it's a port from the old engine to the new Source engine"
It was a stupid idea, the only one Valve found to make people buy HL2...
I seriously don't get people like you, whining all the time about Source, like valve forced you to switch game.
oh yeah ? I thought I would be able to do maps on Source, but the editor simply doesn't run on my comp (while I repeat I finished the campaign without a single slowdown), and the game is totally unsellable, because of their nazi registration...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 10:28:14 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160901
They make the community splitting, without taking any risk in this sequel : there aren't any added features, nothing, nothing at all but graphics and lame lame physics, and even the good old maps, what made CS what it is, are even not well done : some new unexpected stuff like rolling barrels, and some strategic covers removed for no reasons but has been done by nubs who only master in environmental level design but are clueless about what CS is.

CS:S could have been a whole new game, with original new features, but no, nothing, just a lame sequel to make people switch on their crappy source engine...

Steam : still infested of cheaters, all servers got at least +10 of ping, with no real improvements, nothing but monthly updates nobody ask...
CZ : exactly like CS but not CS indeed, just a strange way to split the community, to grab something they don't own, now there are twice more servers, and half less players on each ones, good...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 08:36:22 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160889
There's so much hatred and intolerance now at TWHL. Where is the love?
A very good question, here is my personal point of view about that :

1?) I love CS, and all people who really love CS : good players, good admins, good mappers, good strats, good maps etc...
2?) some people come, totally new in the CS community, and do shit, "fun" "maps", with weird weird names like "fy", "ka", "aim" etc, and when you tell them "omg you do shit, please make better maps", they always answer the same shit "I am a nub then it's normal I do shit", "these maps aren't well done but they are "funny"!", blabla...
3?) I see what I love turned into shit (whole pages of the servers list infested of iceworld, poolday etc, and my love is turning into hatred, very serious hatred...

And I am not talking about Valve who is slaughtering CS with Steam, CZ, CS:S etc...

Do you get it? Do you see now where my love is gone?

Nubs make everything around them going bad I tell you. Kill'em all or be turned into a zombie, you got the choice between being full of hatred of stfu forever and leave (die), but with them there is no matter of "love", with people who can't love anything else but themselves...

Hatred is like smoke and love like fire : it can't be if there wasn't first fire/love, my hatred is just a natural behavior to try to defend what I love...
And those topics often get called spam and useless and get closed. But it?s just general discussion.
btw, i?ve been wondering a long time why nobody ever called "now playing" spam, is it just because seventh posted them? suck on that one for a while. Seriously, you people should think about that as spam
I consider this thread as the ultimate spamcore ever : actually nobody care about it but his own posts and just keep posting in thinking this is what keeps the forum (and themselves inside) "alive"...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 20:12:42 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160838
The matter is not to like a not a given topic, to call it spam or not, the matter is that some topics obviously come from lonely persons who are trying to get some attention by talking about anything. Again, the matter is not about looking for attention or not, the problem is that those topics are worthless, that even their authors don't care about them, but just keep them alive because somebody pay attention to them, ok that's a kind of trolling (that way ==> ), but I still consider it as spam, as a message I didn't expect to see, that I finally consider off-topic with the forum (which is first dedicated to HL)...

No offense but it just looks like a gathering of stupid people who have nothing to talk about, but still discuss, about anything, just because they don't like the silence...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 18:45:18 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160827
If you're anoyed at bad spelling, dumb questions and useless spam then do something about it! I mean, are we going to be a community or not?
agree, but some members don't like you think another way they do, ok that isn't really the case in this forum, but on most forums there is always a kind of selfproclaimed aristocraty who say what's right and what is not, and the matter of "community" lost its meaning :| ...
This place has become popular, and popularity spawns crap because people come and sign up but have no interest in mapping
right, but a raising popularity means a raising need of rules if you want to keep things as they are, else yes this slowly becomes the lamers reign : people who do nothing but spam and troll, critizice the last ones who are still trying to do something worthy and approve only retard stuff, I seen that on a lot of (cs related) forums :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 11:00:19 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160711
They won't stay as n00bs.
They will.

A nub is supposed to be a nub his whole life : a nub is somebody lazy and stupid who just come to spam some ideas, post some dull comments like "gg!!" about others maps to try to make friends, post dozens of "myfirstmap!check it!!" crappy CS maps to try to show he is a "mapper", spam general discussion with mindless posts like "what's your favorite" topics and "yeah" or "haha" replies to raise his posts counter and try to look like an old member and that's all, a nub is somebody who will never understand anything, who will never bring anything worthy to the community : if a nub can learn, can agree that he is new, doesn't know everything, that his first ideas are just off-topic and has to learn, understand what older mappers tell to him, do maps that become better and better with updates and time, he is not a nub, he is a beginner, which is completely different.

Nubs are just nolife talentless people that just hop from game to game to spam on forums, never understand anything, endlessly got kicked and go act like a lamer somewhere else, everytime they got pwned in a game, they think their opponents cheat and use cheats themselves for crappy reasons, they download decompilers to make dust remakes, once they did a frag, a kill, something in a game, they think they dal337pwnorizor, once they did something they call a "map", they are dapro, they know everything etc, they are the plague of internet...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 20:08:17 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160601
an example of... well, just read...

the topic is in french, here is a translation here :

first post
little edit of my finished maps ...

kz_ea_harbor !!!!!!!!!!!!!

59 maps

Record LJ : 242

second post
well my competitor, time to finish maps, "hf and gl man" (in english in the post)

third post
it's ok yesterday I finished 5 maps in the same day hehe

fourth post
(the first part is totally ununderstandable)
so gg for all map small padawan

fifth post
lol I've finished 16 maps in the same last holiday week xD

etc :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 17:18:19 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160567
I think more people would use the TWHL map vault if it was easier to navigate. I suggest a better filtering system and (...) - etc
The first thing to do with the map vault as for all the opinion pool systems on internet about CS maps is to ban all the retards who give the best mark and a "GG" as comment to all the nub jobs around...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 14:05:48 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160528
In CS, the bad maps are the favorites of average players because they make they don't have to think while playing : they just endlessly spawn/buy ak/move pointer to enemies heads/fire/get pwned/type "/rank" or "/hp"/wait for the end of the round, while a good map make players have to learn it :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 08:36:12 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160469
wow nice, what about my income tax now? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 07:42:43 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160467
Just because you care doesn't mean a topic worth to be posted here : this forum is already slowly dying (in my opinion), and if everybody post now his own "weird-topic-but-I-care-so-stfu" shit, the forum, which is supposed to be a space of ideas sharing, of discussions, will just die quickly, infested of off-topic topics with just some replies for each one, the point here is not that you have to care so it's ok, we know you care as you are the author, the point is to make that as much people as possible care about it, to make it really interesting ...

I am unemployed for years in France and am actually wondering if I move and work in Ireland, will I have to pay (income) taxes in France anyway or not (even if I don't live anymore in France, but still have the citizenship), but I know surely nobody here don't give a f#ck about that, then I don't post and just keep looking for the right persons to ask them ...

This stuff is just historian meat, it can not be proven and just provides endless and pointless discussions between "no-I-am-right!" persons (who have nothing better to do) : if you start that way, what about discuss about Jesus Christ as Manko said, about JFK, about the origins of the noodles (most say italian but some say chinese), of the gun powder (european or chinese?), who had the leadership in the prehistorical tribes (old, young, male, female), dinosaurs etc...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 18:32:44 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160390
Who the fuck cares?

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 10:04:47 UTC
in if you out of idears what should you do? Post #159803
To have ideas is like to breath, to love, to see etc, nobody can teach this to you : you got it or you don't, some people are very creative when it's about to build a house, some others are about clothes, some others about RPG, some others about FPS etc, what is the point of wanting to make maps if you are clueless about what you want to do ? If you don't know what to do, just don't do, that's simple ...

I use Hammer because I have some ideas I would like to check : if I wouldn't have any ideas, if I like the game (CS) the way it is, or if finally I don't like it at all, I wouldn't even think a single second to open Hammer and spend hours then days then weeks then monthes to build maps ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 10:41:39 UTC
in Fears Post #158248
51?) that commercial advertising reach a point that you have spams now everywhere you look at : you visit a new apartment, spams everywhere on the walls, you walk in the street, spams everywhere, in the park, the windowshops, etc, you watch a movie, every 2 sec. there is a half-hidden advertising about a fucking trademark of noodle, or shoes, or drugs or whatever you absolutely don't need, same in video games, hospitals, schools, restaurants, WC, books, everywhere ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 10:37:04 UTC
in Fears Post #158246
1?) to have a wife who will become like my mother (fat and stupid),
2?) to die a painful way (something that makes you die slowly, very slowly),
3?) to die without have done anything worthy for the humanity and/or the earth (at least write a book, make a cool website, at least something, anything, come on...),
4?) to waste my time (talking with stupid people, working on something that have no chance of success, to wait etc ...),

49?) that people become so corrupted by technologies we cannot anymore consider them humans,
50?) that internet become a nazi place where (american) corporations like Microsoft, Intel etc make you have to ask for an agreement to do anything (download a file, make a map, update your homepage etc),
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-16 19:48:36 UTC
in looking for HL solo missions... Post #158203

I am looking for some nice HL custom solo missions, (aka "black-mesa like"), but I only found crappy quakish maps, too short some days jobs and others with missing files and/or crash for no reason and/or with a single (and too light) .bsp file I don't know what to do with in the map vault, :|

so please if somebody know some links to nice HL1 solo missions (with at least a playtime of 10 minutes, at least graphics with a quality close to HL1 etc), I would be glad to have them :) ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-16 15:14:50 UTC
in Daft proverbs Post #158158
"un bon tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras"
(Jean de la Fontaine, France, 1621-1695) (french website dedicated to this guy)

Almost never said, but often thought, could be understood as "a good here is better than two you'll have it" : it is a proverb who says it's much better when somebody who owes you something he/she gives you back once right now, instead of telling you dozens of times you will have it later, and more, much more ...

"il vaut mieux entendre ?a que d'?tre sourd"
(old popular french proverb)

could be understood as "it's (still) better to hear that that to be deaf" : it means when you hear something really, really stupid, well ... it's still better to be able to hear such idiot things that to not be able to hear anything anymore ...

"Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir ? point"

An old proverb from de la Fontaine, never said but so much actual : it could be translated as "to run is useless, you must start the right time", which means it's wrong to think you can take shortcuts to do something that need work, effort and time, like for example a nub who thinks he can (quickly) become famous with just decompiling dust2 and adding some crates piles and telling everybody "hey, I did it !!" ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-16 10:22:34 UTC
in c-strike with badminton rulz Post #158097
Am I the only one here to think that idea totally sucks and that there is absolutely no point to discuss about how to do it ? :roll: ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 20:16:46 UTC
in How long will HL1 last? Post #157811
people still play PacMan and Pong.
yeah, how much ?
that's not because a grandma played it once with her grandson the last year it is still "played" :| ...

Source is much better than Hammer 3.5 from many points of view, be the triggers system, the better lighting, the fact that you can map textures with lower scales (look more "realistic" ingame), that you can model rough/natural terrain that won't be infested by collision bugs, that models are better managed by the engine, and are better looking, etc, the only problem I know with source, is just it has been coded by pigs and drain all my computer memory, while I finished HL2 without a single slowdowns :| ...

Source could have been a good engine, but because of indredible hardware requirements, because hl2dm and css suck, and because of steam, I think there are other FPS maps editors that could be maybe at least as much interesting as source is (Quake4, UT etc) ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 15:12:53 UTC
in How long will HL1 last? Post #157741
How long will HL1 last?
as long as CS 1.6 will last.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 11:25:19 UTC
in anime Post #157039
I sometimes download here :

but it's in french :) ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 18:03:05 UTC
in da omfg list of dust remakes Post #156060
the CS gamers community splitted into two very different categories : those who play public servers (mostly "FFA" games on dust/dust2/aztec, if not on "aim" and "fun" maps), and those who play on private servers (who do "warz", mostly on "official" maps).

I was about to give up CS myself when somebody told me "if you play only on public FFA servers, that's normal you are pissed, leave them and come on irc/teamspeak and join some "gathers"", then I realized the "true" players were still existing, they just went in the underground side of CS : while they are much more demanding than the average player you are talking about, working with them is much more interesting and rewarding in my opinion ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 14:21:10 UTC
in da omfg list of dust remakes Post #156005
Not totally, these maps are most downloaded than the one we worked on for monthes : ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 12:34:19 UTC
in Mapping from Half-Life 1 to Source Post #155987
Once people will have to map their brushes (apply textures on), I am not sure they will like them anymore : ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 12:32:14 UTC
in func_water in any HL1 map or mod Post #155986
As much far as I noticed, the water got two serious problems with the HL1 engine :

_no lighting rendering on, no shadows, nothing, it just look full bright no matter the lightings around,
_you might fall from a top of a skycrapper, if you touch a func_water brush just before to touch the ground, you are totally safe, which is an incredible lack for the gameplay (on CS) and the realism ...

I try to never put water areas in my (CS) maps, and when I see a (CS) map with water on the screenshots (especially with that too blue old HL1 texture), I think "omg again another nub map : why the hell do mappers hate CS so much ? : ...".
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 12:27:02 UTC
in Mapping from Half-Life 1 to Source Post #155983
Hammer 4.0 (Source) and Hammer 3.5 (HL1) could look similar but aren't the same software, so you have to download and install the Source map editor if you want to make maps on the Source engine.

Otherwise I don't think it's essential to start mapping on HL1 if you plan to map for HL2 : just read and practise with tutorials and you'll get the hand of it, I just hope you got a computer powerful enough to be able to run it ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 11:46:27 UTC
in da omfg list of dust remakes Post #155979
I first thought there were only crappy remakes, but got surprised there are some really nice dust-like maps too, and think it's a good point to add them in the page, to show all those fake mappers what really means a "map" ...
Sheesh! Why is dust so popular for crap remakes? I don't understand it!
I already wondered myself, and after gathered those urls, read some articles, dozens of forums topics about "mappers" who are presenting "the" remake of dust, I concluded that :

_most maps use the name (dust) and the look (the textures) because of its popularity (they litteraly do "remakes", I mean something with the same cover, showed the same way, but nothing original inside the box),
_as almost nobody used the gameplay of dust, the gameplay itself is not an important factor (for the mappers I mean),


_the problem is that dust is mainly popular especially because of its gameplay, and most remakes mappers simply didn't understand that point, and are clearly nubs who didn't even understand the basics and really should STFU (confirmed by the lack of details, originality, gameplay, well, everything in their "maps").

dust is shining for those players/mappers, they are so far from anything, so far from the idea of dignity, from originality, from pride etc, that they are just trying to gather this light, put themselves between this light and the players, to try to exist by themselves, while they cannot because they are totally transparent, they are nothing but idiots who think it just needs to add "dust" in their map name to become ... somebody, but they totally missed the point ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 07:27:50 UTC
in da omfg list of dust remakes Post #155944
I don't really see the point.
The point is about the same as doing those crappy maps :)

More seriously, if for example you got a l33t CS roxor who come here and start to spam you all about his great map fun yeah GG etc, just send him there ...
Good work, I guess.
Two hours of work actually, and only 30-40% completed :roll: ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 18:39:24 UTC
in da omfg list of dust remakes Post #155870
was bored, decided to try to settle a list of all the remakes that have been done on dust ...

sorry :nervous: ...

feel free to report other "maps" that have not been added in this great webpage ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 18:00:13 UTC
in Cat Ownage Post #155866
Too much TV ...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 17:56:47 UTC
in Bigger Worlds Ep. 1 & 2. A new comic! Post #155864
This is a good work to me, but you will have to modify the formatting once you'll find a publisher for the paper version :) ...

Some points I don't like :
_we don't know the name of the guys,
_we didn't see Gordon, I mean come on guys, we didn't see Gordon, not even a single f#ck#ng crate !!!" :zonked:

the stuff black hole in the sky could need more frames, or "GGRrmmblbmmrrr" sound or something, maybe a change in the lighting I don't know, it looks too flat actually to me ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 13:44:03 UTC
in Computer running slow Post #155472
1?) try to just reboot your computer,

2?) remove useless programs from your start menu (stuff that are loaded when your comp is booting),

3?) look for spywares/trojans/virus etc,

4?) check if your harddrives aren't like 99% full, if so erase pron, old cracked games you don't play anymore, mp3 you don't listen anymore, avi files etc, (put them on CD or another hdd), depending of your operating system, your harddrives should never be more that 75% full (to let windows and other softwares some space to swap datas on)

5?) run scandisk and defrag,

6?) check if your processor fan is turning right, that the power stuff is running fine, that there no dust on your mother board, that your memory cards are well plugged etc...

if everything is fine, this is just either you are running too much software for your computer, and/or your hardware is getting old ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 11:17:05 UTC
in Music of 2005 Post #155446
Gorilla - Demon days
Garbage - Bleed like me
Moby - Hotel

I would buy more music, but I have no money actually, and I don't like to listen cheap stolen mp3 (I feel like a stupid 15yo kid who think everybody owe something to him, and in addition the sound sux with my computer sound system) ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 14:11:20 UTC
in Mice/Rats r_speeds Post #155001
That's why all rats maps look like shit

one of the way for the fake mappers to not do true CS maps while claiming all the same to be mappers ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 11:09:47 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154978
In addition, my map is downloaded over 1450 times. So I think the odds are that it's being played on more than one server.
de_raid has been downloaded almost 500 times until now, and I only see it on four servers (including two teams privates ones and another where nobody ever play), then I strongly believe that most people who download the map aren't gamers but just fake mappers who take it just to grab all the resources (try to get the rmf, take the textures, the models etc) ...

A downloaded map doesn't necessarily means a played map : keep in mind the CS community is infested by cheaters and nubs, the gamers as the mappers ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 19:15:35 UTC
in Religion Post #154661
I am not religious, and don't like religions, and religious ...

I agree that religions enable humans to do great things through our history,
_our ancestors builts cathedrals ok,
_our ancestors defined ways of life ok, with matters of dignity (special points of view most of the time, but dignity all the same), of hygiene, of laws, they changed barbarians into "civilized" people, make people live (sometimes) together, with the same objectives yeah yeah yeah, this is great ...
_our ancestors defined crazy stuff like time zones (when islam spreaded), of humility (about the nature mainly), of education etc I know that ...


_billions of people have been murdered just for a fucking matter of religion,
_hundreds of scientists have been killed or got a big "STFU" just because they were annoying a pack of old well-dressed religious, with strange discoveries of "round planet" etc ...
_thousands of people abused again and again of the people, the mobs, with religion stuff, they did nothing of their lives and got the others to work for them (build and keep cleaned palaces, collect food, etc), they parasited them ...


I agree that religions were an essential way for our evolutions, but now it has to stop : we have to take back the divinity of our existences, and kill our gods ...

I live in France.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 19:02:33 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154660
Ok, I'll be more specific. I've seen my map in more than a dozen server map lists in the internet. It's (or was) hosted in many sites, and I only uploaded it to csbanana (called cscentral back in those days). So I do consider it played. But then again, that is not the usual thing...
I just took a look on your profile and wonder ... are you talking about CS (1.5-6) maps or HLDM ones ? If you already seen your hl maps on dm servers, I would easily trust you, mainly because you did a lot of maps (of decent qualities seen the screenshots), and especially because I think that the dm community may be more open-minded than the CS one, that way yes I agree with you, but I just wanted to point that the ammount of players is not always a good factor of sense in making maps ...

You're talking about originality in another posts, do you really consider HLdm maps more original than those you could design on a new game (even with ugly graphics) ? I mean, all hldm maps are just closed quakish arenas with items layed anywhere, it is "just" a matter of architecture and optimization, but the point is always the same : let players see the map (put some lights and a lot of polys), let them play (put some weapons and other spawnpoints) and that's all ... Maybe in this other level editor you can set new game mechanics, enable new gameplays etc, wouldn't be more original ?...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 14:23:29 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154618
You join once a server running your map then you consider your map played ?

I could think the same thing with this software : I make a map, post a link here, some guys reply "omg crap!", then I consider the map played, at least as much as yours ...

de_dust2 is played.
awp_map is played.
de_raid, cs_industrywest, de_vine, cs_assault_christmas, de_vostok, de_arizona, de_herrenberg, cs_rio, de_alps, de_quarry, de_struction, de_volare etc aren't played.

There is no matter of "skills" or "art" or number of players who are statistically playing the game or whatever here, there is only a matter of mentality : CS gamers do not play mappers maps, they just play endlessly dust and poolday, then sorry but in my very humble opinion there isn't less sense making maps with that software than with Hammer (I am talking from the CS point of view, I don't know how is the hldm community, if it even exists) ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 13:38:35 UTC
in TOUR Maps Post #154609
Is it that lame mod that makes you spawn and respawn (and spawn killed) anywhere again and again as in an old Quake game ?

Why "fun maps only" servers admins and "fun maps" mappers hate so much CS ??
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 13:33:33 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154606
Do you mean you can't edit anything on this soft ? no way to create your own gameplay ? is it "just" a level editor for a given FPS, or really a "3D game creator" ?
There's no point mapping for something that no one else will ever play.
Do you mean you know CS gamers who play mappers maps ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 15:14:19 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154466
It looks like most of you consider Hammer is the only 3D level editor maps and everything else is just shit ...

Are you always so self-centred ?...

Valve must include some drugs into their softwares to make most CS gamers not play anything else and most Source users not use anything else ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-17 19:14:48 UTC
in Job Interviews Post #152909
Had a lot of interviews, and every times I like them, because I feel at last in a professional environment, I think "omg that fucking boring life will at last end and I will at last get a new job, a salary, buy at last a new comp, new books, magzaines, watch movies, have a social life, meet people etc", and everytime for some reason "your profile doesn't fit with the job", while everything was ok some days ago, and that is lasting for six years now :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-17 19:09:19 UTC
in Where are all the HL Mappers? Post #152907
(...) and we haven't had any original half-life maps (...)
Are you talking about multiplayer deathmatch or solo missions ?
If you are talking about dm, could you tell me what is for you an original map ? :roll: ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-15 07:14:32 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #152391
Nice. If you send me an empty 'frame', like the one you're in, I'll send you back a proper framed photo, if you want. More consistent.
The webpage is now ready to receive your photo :
but it has to be 135x135 px sized to be well centered.
Otherwise "pit" is probably a better term.
"the pit" page updated :

the names "pit", "padA" and "runwayB" updated on all pages.

"the second tower" page updated :

"the hangar supervision room" page updated :

"the main tower" page updated :
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-14 12:32:28 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #152266
name updated :
(I knew it in addition, it was a Command and Conquer (GDI) building years ago :) )

"the subsidence" page updated :
(a perculiar title... did you get it straight from a dictionary?)
Yes I did, is there something wrong with that word ? what would you use for a kind of big hole in the ground, something like a giant trench, but natural ...

"the terrorists spawn" page updated :
(no change)

"the "grass" area" page updated :
(no change)

"the path in the mountain" page updated :
(I added something about the possibility of reinforcements)
Important note: "cover" is a "mass noun"
I didn't know, do you mean I should say "I need some cover!" or "get some cover!" instead of "I need a cover point!" or "get a cover!"

what about these pages now ?

You just have been added in the team :
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-14 08:51:56 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #152235
The Helicopter Runway (eh? Helicopters don't need runways? )
I thought so, but they need some plain area to take off and land, so I thought the word was the same as for planes, as in french ("piste") :| ...

How to tell that else ? helicopter take-off area ?...

"the helicopter runway" web page 99% updated :
(just wrote "counter-terrorists" instead of "CT", to make the description 7 lines long :) )

"the Hangar Access" web page 100% updated :
(no change)

"the Inside Watch Path" web page 99% updated :
(I just added a return to add a line :) )

"the bomber room" web page 100% updated :
(even if I don't like the 5 lines long description look :| )

"the path to the runway" web page 75% updated :
(I added a "r" to "surprised", and something to underline that this path is the best for snipers, but not for sniping : it is the only way to have a "open areas only" path to go plant the bomb, but the area itself is not open, this is the subtle contradiction here :) )

"in front of the base" web page 100% updated :

"the road" web page 100% updated :

"the base yard" web page 80% updated :
(I did the last sentence simplier because it is obvious, no need to specify more)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 13:00:14 UTC
in the de_raid project textures Post #152034
ginsengavenger (the guy who did cs_industrywest) told me exactly the same thing on the "official" counter-strike mapping forum :

and I will reply to you exactly the same thing : :)
I tried to add more details in HL (CS 1.6) maps as we used to see, so I first tried to add more wpolys, which was of course a stupid idea as you might picture, then I decided later to add the details into the polys themselves, but the problem that way is that as the textures already got their own pre-lighting, they became way harder to use, because of the need to make them fit with the general room lightings : I wanted to make a map with a "doom3-bump-mapping look", but the problem that way is that I had to design almost one texture for each face, which meant too much work for me, so I tried to make "generic bump-mapping-like" textures, with the results you see now. :|

The mappers didn't like them mainly because of the quakish style : they used some photographs textures for the outside background, and these original ones weren't fitting with the real ones : ...

but, yes, I learned, I learned that I hate mapping (to assign textures on faces, to align them etc), but that I love make textures. Strange, but this is actually my artist feeling :) ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 12:51:45 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #152033
there are only two small restrictions for the job :

_no "advanced" word, nothing too academic or literary : keep in mind this is for CS gamers, so the descriptions have to be understable by (young) people,
_all the descriptions have to be 7 lines long, this is a display format (sometimes use "CTs" instead of "counter-terrorists", and use or remove returns ...)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 12:43:05 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #152031
"proofread" ?

(take a look on the dictionary ...)

Oh, yeah, sure : my english is not good enough to make all my web pages nice to look and read, I can design basic "international" websites, but once I have to add details, technical words, descriptions etc, I like better to ask for people who really speak english instead of releasing english pages finally only french people can get. :)