Sorry, nothin' I can do about it. I pass it onto Andy, dunno what happens from there. I'm pretty sure that only atom himself can post the competitions.
Nah, stick with Hammer a lot more people can support it in more detail.
Would you like me to have a look at it for you? If so, e-mail me it at; size is no issue. Just ZIP up the RMF for me and I'll look at it for ya.
I had a fade for a flash of white, one for... something else (not sure), OH GOD MY MONITOR IS DYING!
It's flickering pinkish. Oh good christ. NONONO ARGH pink!!!!1 Oh well, I guess I'll get my dad to dish out for a TFT.
...had one for the fade at the end.
I'm pretty sure I modified titles.txt for my compo entry m'afraid. It's too long for game_texts (limited to ~127chars). Use "n" for a new line with a game_text though, and study the original titles.txt to see how to use that.
A unit of luminance (or brightness) equal to 1/pi candle per square centimeter. Physically, the lambert is the luminance of a perfectly diffusing white surface receiving an illuminance of 1 lumen per square centimeter.
All of that is covered in the tutorial when you reckon you want to give it a shot. You could try it now if you really want, and are decently computer-literate.
Here's an example of actually looking through the view of a camera, used for a little movie. Here is another showing a rotating security camera to be seen watching over you rather than to look through yourself.