Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 10:14:53 UTC
in Does HL's wad have... Post #6341
Just do a Google. I found this floating around some obscure cheat site... (Why dont we list them here at TWHL, anyway?)

HEV suit, weapons, and ammo /impulse 101
Spawns gibs and blood /impulse 102
Monster stats, while looking at monster /impulse 103
List global entities /impulse 104
Silent player /impulse 105
Model/sprite stats, while looking at target /impulse 106
Texture name, while looking at object /impulse 107
Control onscreen monsters /impulse 109
AI node information /impulse 195
AI node information /impulse 196
AI node information /impulse 197
AI node information /impulse 199
Delete monster or NPC from world /impulse 203
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 09:12:49 UTC
in Decals SUCK! Post #6327
me again... always logging out :roll: I hope that answered ok
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 08:41:27 UTC
in yet more prefab probs... Post #6321
try opening the .map/.rmf with all the bundeled prefabs, select just what you want, and then click the "create prefab" button on your objet bar. This will allow you to seperately use this prefab later.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 08:38:44 UTC
in Decals SUCK! Post #6320
Garr... server loggs out.. Garr posted twice..
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 08:15:01 UTC
in Lights.rad Post #6308
yeah, zoners also comes with a practically empty lights.rad. -and im not talking about hlrad, im talking about lights.rad!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 08:09:45 UTC
in Message map Post #6306
env_message is really only practical for building a mod, since nobody likes having thier titles.txt changed, you would have to make a seperate mod folder to put youres in. I suggest you use game_text instead. It looks more like the thing you are after, and its abit easier too ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 07:25:40 UTC
in Lights.rad Post #6295
You never HAVE to, it's just recomended. valve.rad contains all the default texture lights for the halflife .wad file. It dossent matter what version you use, because the lights.rad file you get with hammer comes empty for some silly reason; meaning no textures listed to be lit. You have to either edit it yourself or replace it with a renamed copy of the default texture light settings in valve.rad.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 02:45:05 UTC
in texture lights+HLCC Post #6279
What you need to do is create a "lights.rad" file, and put it in the same directory as your compile tools. If you look, you will see there is already one there, but it won't be much use, so make your own . rad file or find the file called "valve.rad", copy it, rename it to "lights.rad", and put it in your compile tools directory.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 02:28:58 UTC
in A lil' Help Post #6278
Sure it's possible! :) check out func_trains! Weve got some tuts to helo out if you need it!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 02:27:24 UTC
in Does HL's wad have... Post #6276
Grr.. logged out
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-02 00:13:45 UTC
in Does HL's wad have... Post #6271
tarmac? sure! use OUT_PAVE 1, 2 or 3!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 09:06:39 UTC
in Hammer problem Post #6213
rad is what PUTS light in your level! If you want pretty lights, you have to get rad to compile! -don't worry about it taking ages, it's supposed to do that. Just visit Venice/ Belgium/France and try some of the coffee they have over there. It should have either finished or crashed when you get back. It's what I would do :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 08:36:45 UTC
in vehicle asks Post #6211
-oh, yeah. It's the server. We all get logged out from time to time (some server's these days... :P)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 08:35:33 UTC
in vehicle asks Post #6210
well, yeah! GOOGLE away!:D esp if you want some realistic vehicles for CS
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 08:30:39 UTC
in vehicle asks Post #6207
:roll: some url's these days... Honestly!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 08:28:26 UTC
in vehicle asks Post #6206
A prefab is a pre-built THING that you can simply and easily drag out of a prefab library and toss into your map. Quite a time saver, esp with crates! There's tons of pre-fabs for all-sorts floating around the net, and its easy to make your own by selecting some brushes, entities (whatever!) and clicking the "create prefab button"

How do you find tons of pre-built prefabs?
DO A GOOGLE!!!(clicky)
Im sure you'll find the right car/truck somewhere!
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-30 05:02:56 UTC
in Trigger_relay. Post #6073
As kol said, easy! You have the two buttons each target a diffirent relay, which intern target the light. One relay you set the trigger state to "ON", and the other to "OFF", so one relay can only turn the light on, and the other can only turn it off!

It would look like this:

Button1 -> trigger_relay1 (triggerstate=OFF) -> light (turns OFF)
Button2 -> trigger_relay2 (triggerstate=ON) -> light (turns ON)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-30 04:25:21 UTC
in Congrats on a geat site and community Post #6071
YOU LIKE TWHL??? vote top 200! :cool: (goes off to vote again)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 00:55:13 UTC
in Guns on the Ground Post #5660
Use the armoury_entity to place cs weapons on the map ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 00:38:31 UTC
in Whent in the game... Post #5659
I dont think so.... As far as i know the tetures on the "outside" of the level and in-between brushes dont even exist after a full compile, unless your compile dies half-way through due to leaks, of course
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-25 09:35:07 UTC
in Beta Test! PLS see IT Post #5587
Looks fun! Nice for a first map.. my comments are in the vault!
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-15 05:39:32 UTC
in my first map Post #4781
2nd Answer: After carving, the remaining shapes are automatically "Grouped". What you want to do is to ungroup them. To do this, select the jumble of joined brushes, and then click on the "ungroup" button in the upper toolbar. It's the picture of two blue cubes being pulled apart.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-15 05:25:33 UTC
in my first map Post #4779
Know that ther are two DIFFIRENT TYPES of entities? Point based entities, which do not actually take up any space, light lights, starting locations etc?.

And? BRUSH BASED! These include any entity that actually takes up space? like func_doors! To make one of these, just create a brush (make a simple cube) and right click on it to bring pup a menu. Select the "tie to entity button" and VOLIA!!! You now have a BRUSH BASED ENTITY!
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 10:59:33 UTC
in Custom sounds... Post #4707
As far as I know it's not possible with HL (pleese correct me if im wrong)

But here's a random and completely untested idea: if your desperate, you could have a seperate ambient_generic for every path_corner... and link the "fire on pass" property of each path corner to an ambient_generic that plays only once. It's fiddly and inconsistant, but if you're desperate...
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 10:47:00 UTC
in texturing one side of a brush Post #4704
Have you heard of Wally? It's a program for making your own Qua- >AHEM< I mean, Half-life textures with!
or even better converting bmp's, jpg's etc to hl textures! get it at (how do u post url's with this thing? :|)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 09:56:09 UTC
in Custom sounds... Post #4699
To Make a custum sound you would have to trigger an ambient_generic (If youre using plain-ol HL)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 09:48:39 UTC
in texturing one side of a brush Post #4698
-that was me btw... How'd I log out? Oh well...
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 08:55:17 UTC
in func_train problem! Post #4690
Weird. Can you put it in the problem maps so someone can take a look?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-14 08:49:21 UTC
in texturing one side of a brush Post #4688
Read Andy's handy-dandy tutorial's called "In the beginning"! You would want to look at part 3 but I suggest you read the lot
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-24 19:12:09 UTC
in See through level Post #3195
Well, I'm at a loss, then. I simply can't find anything wrong with it, besides the detail being a bit high for software players (although you don't notice, vassy, until you reach the second platform and look around as JesteR suggested). Since I cant find any problems, I would still say Its not the map at fault, but ?Something? about your video? try lowering your video mode to something modest. Perhaps your CPU or Graphics card is being overworked. If that does nothing, try swapping PCs... HEY! I just absent mindedly alt-tabbed back in your map and... YUCK! there's some crazy stuff happening! I've never seen that happen before. In the left corner, there's a continuous grey shadow... and occasionally bits of the railing on the second show right through the walls infront of them. If this is your problem, I fixed it by closing a few other programs I had running and re-loading the map.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-24 00:42:40 UTC
in See through level Post #3121
You have you're HL video properties set to Software mode! Yes? Yes?
I've been running frantically around a tastefully constructed lab, trying to find the problem in OpenGl! (Which I think worked very nicely in this case)
I'm afraid that your map has too many textures for poor software mode to juggle all at once, which is why some things appear? well, actually, they don?t appear, or even get rendered.

I suggest you either just not use Software mode (which, to those who don?t have an alternative is also rater brutal)

Or do some brutal simplifications ie economizing on textures by stretching them instead of having then tiled, using fewer surfaces, removing those nice looking indentations from around the room. It's there all in Andy's fantastically large r_speeds tutorial. You may find it VERY helpful considering the detail of your map.

I hope I nailed the right problem there. If you can run the map with OpenGl, do and see if it looks any better. If not, then I've found you another problem to worry about.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-24 00:40:40 UTC
in See through level Post #3120
You have you're HL video properties set to Software mode! Yes? Yes?
I've been running frantically around a tastefully constructed lab, trying to find the problem in OpenGl! (Which I think worked very nicely in this case)
I'm afraid that your map has too many textures for poor software mode to juggle all at once, which is why some things appear? well, actually, they don?t appear, or even get rendered.

I suggest you either just not use Software mode (which, to those who don?t have an alternative is also rater brutal)

Or do some brutal simplifications ie economizing on textures by stretching them instead of having then tiled, using fewer surfaces, removing those nice looking indentations from around the room. It's there all in Andy's fantastically large r_speeds tutorial. You may find it VERY helpful considering the detail of your map.

I hope I nailed the right problem there. If you can run the map with OpenGl, do and see if it looks any better. If not, then I've found you another problem to worry about.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-23 05:22:44 UTC
in See through level Post #3056
JesteR , I've sompiled your map successfuly, and it APPEARS to be running fine. What exactily is this "hole from nowhere" problem? (I must be missing something, here: )
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-20 04:09:04 UTC
in is it possible? Post #2925
HEY!!! did someone say FOG? :cool: I've been puzzling myself over that one for ages and I've come up with a few solutions! (unfortunately, none are as quite as good as "fog" fog, of course, buuuut we have to make do with what we've got)

Anyway, a super-cheap, reasonably-effective method is this:

(you may look upon this and frown, I don?t blame you, it is a bit ugly (-a bit??) but hey, give me a better way!)

Just make yourself a brush -textured WHITE all over, and slap on a good ol' func_illusionary! shape it so that you have a nice big panel, say... 1w, 512l, 512h would be nice dimensions.

Then edit these properties:

Render FX: Slow wide pulse (<-makes the fog* look like it's moving about)
Render Mode: Color
Fx amount: 100 (this just decides how "thick" your fog* is, play around here, I would recommend between 50 and 150)
FX color: 60 150 30 (good ol' "graveyard green" color )

lovely, you should now have a large, transparent panel!

now shift-drag it, and put another about 32 behind it (-or 64 if u want to speed things up). Now shift-drag that etc, etc, until u have a lovely row, back to back. Now group them, and paste them back on top of each other. Rotate this second group 90 on the Y axis, and, Volia! a cube of fog!*

OOPS! how did that tutorial get there? I dunno. It just started off as a posting...and...grew... sorry about that, but I hope it inspires the someone out there. I'm still experimenting with fog (and other methods of creating-AHEM er, faking) Sooo if any one thinks i should actually bother to write a decide fog* tut, encompassing the use of sprites, maybe?

*The "fog" mentioned in this explanation is entirely artificial and/or fictional and it should be understood that this "fog" is in no way, in whole or in part, related to real fog. :lol: