Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 08:39:00 UTC
in Competition 30 chit chat Post #289486
UHMU.. I don't know how to use dynamic camera angles. >_<
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:03:05 UTC
in Your Pandora Stations Post #289473
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 01:01:14 UTC
in Competition 30 chit chat Post #289472
I'd like to hype-up the idea about mapping from a single wad as well.

Though I think the was should be provided by a member of this forum (for all legitimacy purposes), with no less than 100 images.

//double edit, too prove my mad-priority supremacy
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 00:45:32 UTC
in Yet another steam problem Post #289471
Just so happens.. I have an 11g hard-drive as a slave in my system, specifically for mounting iso. >_>'
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-21 00:42:34 UTC
in source fgd Post #289470
Anyone have (know where I can find) a ready-made version of half-life source fgd.

The only one I could find with google was on half-life developers community and I'm uncertain as to the steps I go about converting that into an actual fgd.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-19 16:48:58 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #289344
Good job, bro~!
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-19 16:42:23 UTC
in Competition 30 chit chat Post #289343
I don't know what all this "from lay-out" talk means. Let's all make counter-strike maps for the next compitition.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-19 16:35:47 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #289342
Hey boi.

Ripping on source.. perfectly fine and natural (hell, expected of you)

however, ripping on 1.6, now that's just uncalled for. (nor is it going to sit right. see, I had been tossing these around, seeing what sounded better, apparently, I went with the latter.) (I hate texting, on the ps3.. "/ )
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-19 16:29:03 UTC
in Your Pandora Stations Post #289341
lol, wut?
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-17 23:22:01 UTC
in "Who the Fook Are You?" Versio Post #289289
_> .... <_< .....
O'doyle rule.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-17 21:40:56 UTC
in HL1 skyboxes Post #289283
Your welcome. :)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-17 21:39:37 UTC
in "Who the Fook Are You?" Versio Post #289282
Yeah, I'm like addicted to k-on. It's unhealthy, but easy for me.. I'm like the male equivalent of yui, and alot of my ex-girlfriends resemble little azu-nyan (let alone the one i'm practically obsessed with that i've nicknamed neko-chan) @_@.

I'd try to think of some lesser known films, but I really only like the main-stream stuff when it comes to anime. All that 3rd party stuff gets kind of weird for me.

OH~! Another REALLY great anime, that I had forgot to mention. Is:

-Code Geass: R2 Lelouche of the rebellion. (freaking instant classic)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-17 07:38:35 UTC
in "Who the Fook Are You?" Versio Post #289249
_< It's a very tragic story.
(and I couldn't bring myself to joke about it. though it happen 9 years ago)

Anyhow.. Yeah, I've got some picks for you.

I recently just finished "K-On!" (freaking loved it)
I've also just picked up something called "Our shine's fox diety" (though I haven't gotten around to watch any of it)

Some of my all-time favorites are:
-Cowboy Bebop
-Samurai Champloo
-Queens Blade
-Big O
-Outlaw Star
-Ghost in the Shell
-Spirited Away

Also, not to site-drop or anything. However, ( ) this website is BADASS for anime stream. It only hosts yuri though. Don't know if your into that sort of thing.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-16 21:54:29 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #289223
Puffy Ami Yumi - My story (a variation remix)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-16 21:50:54 UTC
in Phones: What Phone You Have, And What Yo Post #289222
Are you kidding? You mean you got a phone, let the battery die, and just said, "Well I guess that means no more phone for me!"
Uhm.. Yeah, pretty much.

HAHA~! Actually, someone gave me the phone. I don't usually have phones (because, I never have anyone to call, anyhow). However, this particular case, someone had gotten a family package and they had like, 2 extra lines free, so they gave me one of them.

I had someone teach me how to change the text that appears when the phone turns on and how to change the little back-ground picture. Used the thing like.. maybe 5 times total (2 of those times were learning how to text) then it died.

R.I.P. little nokia thingo.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-16 21:46:10 UTC
in Your Pandora Stations Post #289219
_>' I use winamp radio.
I like 'Cronix Aggression', though. And uhm.. is it Radio Wazee? The other one I like.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-16 21:41:48 UTC
in "Who the Fook Are You?" Versio Post #289217
I thought I was the oldest shagger here for a moment, then I read 2muchvideo's post. Lol, YOUR OLD, old boi~! Like.. WAAAY OLD. HAHAHAH.

Full Name: Christopher Paul Stewart
Age: 26
Hometown: Lima, Ohio
Born in: Columbus, Ohio
Self Classification: The great and terrible deviled king
Education: High School Graduate

Favourite Films: Mostly anime, anything with Milla Jovovich in it.
Favourite Meal: Bell peppers with beef.
Favourite Actor: n/a, movies is dumb.
Favourite Actress: Milla Jovovich
Favourite Game to Date: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Game you're most looking forward to: Diablo 3 (naturally)
Favourite Bands/Musicians: Puffy Ami Yumi, Avril Lavigne, T.A.T.U, Yui Horie, Yoko Kanno, Uhmu.. whoever did the K-On soundtrack, ect. ect. down that pop-culture line.
Favourite Drink Hot/Cold:Booze, Cola.
Favourite Alcohol: Whiskey!!
Hobbies: Complaining, making fun of things, getting 'pass-out' drunk.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend Yes/No?: Not at the moment.
Past Girlfriends/Boyfriends: A few.. Only two (living) that are worth mentioning. The one is married with a child and the other became a model for 'bacardi' drinks.
Things that make you smile: Girls, Girls kissing other girls, Girls in love, Girls making love, yuri, triangles, triangle shaped bikini's.
Things that make you really laugh out loud: Stupid and/or ironic instances.
Things that annoy you: Just about everything I've experienced, when I take the time to really review it, I can find something about it that annoys me.
Things that well and truely piss you off: Being told what to do. I can handle being asked, it isn't that big of a deal to me if someone suggests, hell, on a good day, I can even stand being begged. However, when someone 'Tells' me what to do, it just sets me right the flip off.
User posted image
(That's me, guiz.)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-16 21:02:09 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #289211
Lol @ Huntey taking names. (c wut I've did thur)

They are right though. This thread demands updated screen-shots.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-15 21:41:36 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #289148
Uhmu.. I've never.. mapped for source. >_>'

But I can still has a try? Anyone know off-hand the jump/ducking/player scales?
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-15 21:27:14 UTC
in Phones: What Phone You Have, And What Yo Post #289147
I don't have a phone, any-longer. The battery died and I don't know how to recharge it.

I've heard you can get counter-strike on the droids though. They tell me it plays even better than the pc version.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-14 20:12:14 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #289100
The best part is, I can't even tell the difference between those screen shots~! Geez, I had been playing in software mode for far too long. :(
Aww.. Gee, sanks gui. Though, you've obviously never played any of my maps. Especially (map namedrop time), psilos_killredux, that had purposeful vis and bsp errors built into the map for gameplay purposes. (nothing like looking through a way too thin wall, then throwing a pushable through it at somebody in a floor higher than the one your standing on.)


Other than that.. more relative to topic(s).

-your correct, your hills are far too pointy, just clip off a little triangle at the top of them, give a more realistic feel to the environment, and a platform so the player doesn't have to do battle with the grunts on a bunch of inclines.

-should consider adjusting your resolution as well. Be certain that your graphic settings are set to 'openGL' before attempting to change the resolution, however. (half-life's default 'software' settings are.. rather lacking.)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-14 02:03:17 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #289064
Monster_rat doesn't do anything. I only put 1 monster rat in my entire life, and that's when I though it would attack you like in DAV's Point of View.
Okay okay.. then. Try this one on for size, dag.

Get a modeling program (i.e. milkshape is the first that comes to mind, but I'm certain others may be able to open the model as well.) Extract the monster_rat from your half-life directory (I want to say it's in the .cfg, but don't quote me) , or if you want to skip that step, just find a .mdl form of the monster_rat online.

Decompile the monster_rat.mdl in your modeling program, then select all shapes/attributes/parts/whatever_they_call_it and resize them in exact proportion to the scale of about 500%-700%. Then create a new standing animation for the monster_rat.mdl and name it something random like. THISISTHECOOLESTMODELEVER.mdl

FINALLY, in your map, directly in the dead center of it.. place a 'cycler' point-entity and in the properties of the 'cycler', for the body attribute, search your hd and select the THISISTHECOOLESTMODELEVER.mdl. Leave other 'cycler' attributes at default (set scale to 1).

This is a useful tip at creating interesting and unique environment. It can also be applied to hiding unsightly seams in the textures. Or in the very least literal usage, can be an example as to why you should always give me whatever outlandish request I have made, promptly and without otherwise complaining.

Lastly, you can ignore this post, As for at this point I am simply surfing the interwebs in mear effort at escaping boredom.

There's no need for such nonsense.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-14 01:47:54 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #289063
I don't know if this can apply here, or if anyone cared to know for that matter, however, Diablo 3 seems to have released details on the new 'forging system' and information on a character class called 'demon hunter'.

On a related note, can anyone offer confirmation for me as to the release date of Diablo 3 being set at 2015 ?!?>? Because that really upset me. :(
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-13 20:59:39 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #289051
Needs more monster_rat.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-11 02:08:26 UTC
in Goldsource mapping for steam- How to fix Post #288958
-turn off sv_cheats
-reconfiguer your half-life directory (make a new one, with same files)
-save your map into a new folder (weird, but yes, works)

if all of the above fail, reinstall half-life

(your dll error is the result of an altered 'temporary' file, more than likely the result of a recent mod you've played.. you might ALSO be able to solve it.. by creating a new game in half-life (the executable you use for hammer editor) and saving the game somewhere within the real one after the map loads)

other than that.. my amateur opinion is.. your console is trying to run the cheats command before the map begins compiling.. or your actual dll is altered. Remedies listed above.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 04:44:10 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288855
So like.. say a gigantic plant grew.. but the plant was made from old throw-away metallics left over from the broke-down Crystler's in your local junk-yard. However, not only is the plant robotic, but it also regenerates itself.. 100 hp per second (with no hp limit.)

Also.. crossbow is considered null and the gauss cannot jump over the gigantic plant's height.

... That's pretty much on topic.

(can't resist.. you know me... my birthday is in two days.. expect me drinking up until, and well passed then... better yet, just expect me banned with-in a few days. :D )
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 20:35:32 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #288842
Puffy AmiYumi - Circuit No Musume
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 03:23:49 UTC
in Desktops of 2011 Post #288810
I don't have any special 'fitting' edits or anything on server os.. so tiled is about as classy as I can get.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-07 23:46:15 UTC
in Desktops of 2011 Post #288792
User posted image
All those torrents.. are porn. -_-'
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-07 23:41:20 UTC
in My friend asked server-related question Post #288790
yeah its good stuff.. i played a guy (who wasn't too bad either) i believe his record was 111w - 2222L - 33disconnect
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-07 17:56:23 UTC
in My friend asked server-related question Post #288776
google for 'starcraft hacks'

there are plenty of them... no 'fog of war' hacks, drop hacks, 'only win' hacks, 'only lose' hacks, 'change alliance' hacks..

honestly, starcraft 1 is a blasted mess.

if your trying to play that game without getting hacked nearly every other game, try joining a league for it (search forums or various channels, in game)

Also.. I don't suggest using them yourself.. as to, where they are not being hunted for by administrators as they were in years previous, if someone reports that your using hacks, your account will get permanently banned.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 03:15:10 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #288673
Right now, I've really only been playing Grand Chase and Starcraft 2 (with the occassional switch up to starcraft 1, for the custom map nostalgia)

I really like the editor for sc2, it's practically a make-your-own 'Mod' executable. Really fun to splice different units together, chreating a custom set of abilities for them and other junk.

I was playing Perfect World International for awhile. However, gameplay gets pretty repeatative and maxing your character's level costs an unreasonable amount of time, in my opinion. The graphics are pretty, though.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-01 14:32:40 UTC
in Connecting Func_TrainControls Post #284828
Oh, okay, thank you. That was really helpful.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-01 12:26:01 UTC
in Connecting Func_TrainControls Post #284821
How can I make a func_train with train controls that move along with it?

I forgot how to connect them. :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-24 00:09:58 UTC
in Please Help ~ (rmf included) Post #284504
Wow thanks~!

That's really helpful.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-23 17:34:41 UTC
in Please Help ~ (rmf included) Post #284495
afaik, you can't call a func_illusionary to appear like that. you either have to use env_render(s), or use a func_wall_toggle
okay.. so then.. say I were to use renders.. how exactly would the string look about to complete the desired effect.

(renders are what I had used the first attempt, though I could only get the illusions to switch off, not reappear.)
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-23 16:01:02 UTC
in Please Help ~ (rmf included) Post #284492
Everything checks out spelling wise.

Any other ideas what it could be?
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-23 14:37:20 UTC
in Please Help ~ (rmf included) Post #284489
That's how I have it set up in the example map..

Button > multi > illusion

It doesn't do anything.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-23 13:10:08 UTC
in Please Help ~ (rmf included) Post #284484
Same question. (Honestly, because I cannot find the original thread I had made for this.. suspicions of it being deleted yet linger)

Download Link to the Rmf/Bsp:
User posted image
The goal is to set it to where the button will trigger the func_illusionary to be toggled visible to invisible and vice-versa.

The multi_manager is there because ultimately I want the button to trigger multiple func_illusionary.

(side note: Forgive me for not setting the button to 'shoot to press', I completely forgot about it when I put this together)
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-19 11:24:02 UTC
in Noobish Illusion Toggle Question Post #284366
Hello. Miss me? Yeah, wasn't too hung up over most of you either.

Anyhow, catching up aside.

I'm setting up a cheap environment rendering for a map I'm making. The mirage consists of a few func_illusionary that i have set up against the sky that overlaps a texture you'll be able to see through causing a pretty-ful effect.

The DESIRED effect of all this is, the mirage will be able to be toggeled on and off through a button. Which unfortunately.. I'm having problems accomplishing.
Right now.. I have the string set up..

Button > multi_manager > trigger_relay > trigger_changetarget(and)env_render(both sharing the same name)

(the target of the trig_changetarget, being the trigger_relay, which changes its target to another paired trig_changetarget(and)env_render)

with the 'no rendermode' flag checked on the first env_render

and the 2nd env_render with texture(155 amount) as it's render mode in properties
I have it working to the point where pressing the button causes the func_illusionary to go invisible. However, I cannot seem to get the func_illusionary to become RE-visible.

Can anyone please, please, please help me?
on a related note..

Is there a means of connecting a trigger_once to something that will automatically trigger itself the moment the map starts?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-23 18:10:07 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #280736
Sanada Asami - Maddy Candy
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-17 01:08:50 UTC
in Super Sleuths? Post #279000
Is the answer, "Huntey has multiple personality syndrome" ?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-12 03:32:09 UTC
Can anyone leak to me (privately if must)

A copy of Counter-Strike: Source .FGD

I've attempted the one at fps banana.. but, it makes my hammer editor crash

(I'm on a 64x system if that matters in the situation)

Thank you in advanced.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-11 16:00:09 UTC
in Sourcey Rooms Post #278839
the targeted lights are beautiful
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-05 16:20:43 UTC
in Fun with Func_Tankmortar Post #278728
can I do that easily?

like.. if i made it a func_wall first with a transparency.. then put the whole thing to a func_tankmortar?

I'll try it.. Thanks man.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 13:11:10 UTC
in Fun with Func_Tankmortar Post #278688
well.. yeah pretty much.. See I made a telescope and one of the portions is a giant glass lens

:/ maybe if i double up on the controls..
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 10:31:30 UTC
in Fun with Func_Tankmortar Post #278685
can no one answer this for me?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-01 06:23:17 UTC
in Fun with Func_Tankmortar Post #278600
Trying to get a Transparent Func_Tankmortar to move with a normal Func_Tankmortar..

so far, making a multimanager alone has no effect and naming them both the same entity only gets the nearest one to move.

Is having 2 Func_Tankmortar to move with the same Func_Tankcontrols possible?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-31 22:05:14 UTC
in de_trolleybus Post #278583
Can I has make quick suggestion?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-22 16:23:53 UTC
in psiRAVEtest05 Post #278300
sry, tetsuo..

you HAVE to admit (spelling and grammar aside.. because at this point i am.. VERY drunk)

compiolator... all.. the.. way.. for the win.

'N'ot to rass me/you, that's.. how.. it is. :D