theres no point in votin ur map good cos nobody cares about what other people think, its what they think. everybody has different tastes, so its pretty much impossible to make a map everybody likes. "combining action with strategy and stealth". this wont appeal to everybody, because even if you like stealth theres still the action and strategy. the problam with the map vaults voting is that it works on the average amount of ratings. i think andys i dea was good to have a reviewer check the maps, but like i said, every1 has different tastes. i think it would b better if there were a panel of judges, each with different tastes. reviewing a map is really just describing it, so with a team working together it could get rid of the biased reviews. this navbar is orange fading to light yellow. its like that whether you like the calm yellow colours, or think it looks like cats piss. im going to stop now, cos im rambling on now and i dont know where to, that post was almost worthy of something andy would write!