This is our only window of oppotunity, it's now or never.
no, there is always a key : if you don't like the way our civilisation is going, you are "free" to build your own one, with your own political party (dunno if it's the right word), and/or your own religition, or sect or whatever.
I do hope it will be possible to go away in space if things are going too bad for us on earth : for centuries, until the last one, when people was fed up of something somewhere, they just had to go away and live somewhere else, now the earth is surrounded by the humanity, with that "mondialisation" : if something is wrong somewhere, it may be wrong anywhere on earth ...
I understand your fears, I got a part of them, by not everything is totally wrong in this way to use people, because for example, being a "part" of an higher system (anyhow you call it), it may provide you advantages, like security, a
real security I mean : of course you aren't yourself able to do anything you want, you may feel sometimes frustrated, but that the point of a 100% security : your liberty is ok as long as it doesn't annoy somebody else, etc. currently we are already a part of higher systems : countries.
do you think a lone guy could be able to build, launch and drive a space shuttle until the moon ? no of course, but some countries working together can do these great things. not everything is totally wrong in the "gathering hierarchy", I think, from a neutral and objective point of view, that that is to be done : we have to work together, each skill on its own job, but I couldn't agree on
how it will be done, because there always will be some thieves and liars to try to get the system for themselves.