Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-08 10:54:25 UTC
in Your Favourite Game Thru All Time Post #126734
Classic DooM, without that - I wouldnt be playing Half-life
nobody would.
Moonstone (Amiga)
I never got what was the final goal of this game : I mean, I killed the other knights, the middle "womanonacould" and the dragon, but ... nothing, I still just wander endlessly on the land, so could you tell me if I missed something ? :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-30 20:56:22 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124826
Yeah these "stucking points" are very annoying, and I keep on fixing them with the project running, and they keep on "jumping" again, again and again from one point to another on the map after every fix :| ...

The truck and the plane aren't models or prefabs :)

The truck is 100% brush, and the plane = 3x func_breakables (plane parts) + 3 transparent func_breakables (cockpit windows) + 1 func_wall_toggle (a sub-part of the main func_breakables).

Actually, only the textures are not, unfortunately, "home-made" : I first planned to make all the textures of the project, but my team mappers ... well, they made me understood my textures weren't that good, quite hard to use :( ...
( )

Thanks for this report.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 20:23:52 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124576
wow, thanks ! :)

well I exactly know what you feel, about the "accident" : years ago I lost once a, believe me or not, one hour and a half post (I was angry ;), and the post was in english, which I needed to take a look many, many times in my old dictionary), and now when I am writing something longer than a dozen of lines, I post it, no matter it is completed or not, and edit it then, sometimes many times. I like to edit, to finalize stuff as much as possible ... that was why I asked for an edit button on this forum some monthes ago ...

I am pleased about your feedback, but I am sorry, there are some parts I didn't understand :
_what do you mean with "props" ? do you mean the flowers/rocks sprites ?
_what do you mean with the "hallway incandescent flag" ? do you mean the subterranean access, under the bridge ?

There will be environmental sounds later, when the sound designer I recruited will respond (looks like he is on holidays for two weeks, without noticed me :| ...)
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 18:12:49 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124546
They don't on this map :cool: ...

We are actually working on optimizing the total file size (but don't expect to have it under 5 MB neither ...).

omg Seventh-Monkey, your new avatar is ... so ugly :zonked: : why did you just change it ?...
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 13:50:33 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124463
Cool, thanks you ! I won't miss to ask for help again : it might be about once per week max, for 2-6 webpages max : would you mind if I add you to the team as "external english revisor" ? :) ...

About the affiliations, I am talking about something like adding more banners under "Onliners" (the left column) : there are already "CS top 200", "Half-Life top 200" etc banners ... I am a bit clueless about internet codes, but I don't think it may be that hard to add more items here, sorted by "affiliations power" :cool: ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 12:48:47 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124416
webpages updated.

1?) would you mind be my official english revisor ? your job would "just" be to take a look on the web pages sometimes, and report mistakes and wrong spelling on the forum or via mails for example ...

2?) would it be possible to have an affiliation with twhl ? a banners share or something like that ...

thanks for this help anyway :)

(are you really sure about the "which provides good gameplay" part by the way ? this sounds ... not totally perfectly :confused: ...)

PS (for the other users) : I started a "craziest CS pictures tournament" on the forum by the way : if you know some impressive, funny or amazing pictures about CS, you are encouraged to take part to this topic :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 09:30:17 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124384
I liked it a lot, but be it in my own team or from the first (external) testers, nobody like it, and ask for an "official"-style map, without nothing to use but AK on CT 'ol school average CS gamer style :aghast: ...

About the planes and the clips brushes, believe me or not : well, I am worried about the clipnodes since the beginning of the projet (the clipnodes already reached 100% while the map was only 50% done, and since that time, I keep on optimizing and optimizing and optimizing the map to keep that ##### clipnodes under 95%). Ok. Once, I decided as you suggested to add some clip brushes around the planes to make its collision box simplier for the BSP, that worked : the clipnodes has been reduced from say 98 to 96.5 %. later, believe me or not, I erase all those clip brushes, and the clipnodes decreased again ! that stuff has no logic and gonna make me crazy :nuts:

Oh, an other thing I planned to ask you : would you mind to be the "english revisor" of my website ? I noticed you was a bit netpicking with that, and as my english is not perfect at all, and as I would like a clean english part, I need a true english speaker to keep the website usable by most internet users :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 06:31:39 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124360
The plane is nice yeah, but it ruins my clipnodes (95% with, 85% without) :

The map objective is to destroy it (it is breakable and got 99.999 hp, so using the bomb is still the best key to do it ;) ).

Wow, thanks for these feedbacks : after the "original textures" topic I did some weeks ago, I feared a "what ? CS 1.6 ? hahaha !!" : We are working hard on this project, and really hope it will rocks : betatests will be organized once the map will have less collisions bugs :) ...

oh by the way, the first tests (that happened some days ago) report that most people don't like the "all dark" rooms (rooms with 0% lighting : the subterranean part of the map is light up only with triggered lights, breakables and switchables lights, and if everything is turned off/destroyed, well, you cannot see anything), and seemingly would like better a "all light up map" (like the "official" maps : the same level of lighting everywhere on the map) : do you have the same feeling ? do you think the map could be better if it has 0% interactivity and if every rooms got about the same permanent lighting ?

The objective of the current concept (of triggered lights and cameras) is to make that teams who play with some teamplay and strategy have better chances to win that "quakers" team.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 16:23:07 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #124192
hi all,

I started some monthes ago a map project for CS 1.6, and we are now five guys working on it. CS fans for years, quite tired of "dust/aim only" servers and disappointed about CS:S, we are trying to provide to the "true" gamers community something new and fresh with this original concept.

I am proud to present you here and today the de_raid project : :cool:

(the website is actually, as the map, under construction ... once done, it will be available in three languages.)


(outdated and in french ...)


(version alpha 0.6 : 7.6 Mos)

already a de_raid fan ?
wanna support us ?
use the official de_raid sprays ! :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-02 16:11:41 UTC
in [CS1.6] some new textures Post #118259
hi there,

I create this topic just to advertise the two webpages of CS textures I did for my CS 1.6 map projects. :cool:

the de_destroyer project

well, as this project have been canceled, the textures became useless : I first wanted to use these textures only on this project (wadinclude), but finally, instead of just deleting these works, I decided to offer them to the community ...

(there is an old post about that on this forum monthes ago ...)

the de_raid project

Hehe, this one is going fine actually, about to be released as beta (coming soon ;), but the textures are finally useless too : the team mappers don't like them : they don't fit with their style, and most are awful when tiled :roll: ...

So, if you are still mapping for HL1, I am just telling you if you are looking for some new textures, that you should take a look on these ones, there are just some use conditions : no use for crappy "aim" maps, and don't forget to give me credits ;) ...

I made these textures for my own projects, and this topic is only dedicated to the guys who could need them ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 17:00:52 UTC
in What makes a CS map fun? Post #107140
Hi, I wanna start a CS map but first I would like to know what makes a CS map fun to play.
it looks like you never played the game : ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 20:35:53 UTC
in My Scathing Attack on Roman Catholicism Post #94900
not bad for a first flash movie.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 10:05:33 UTC
in dying project - last request Post #94732
I'd be glad to not see my work wasted, but convert the map on source would mean a huge additionnal work, because the source players won't expect a CS 1.6 quality map : , and, for the best use of this new engine, and to make the map nice to play, to convert a lot of brushes into models ...

I am ok to let a serious (obsiously skilled) guy complete the map (give him the rmf file), I am even ok to make for him new special textures and maybe a part of the models (from 3DSmax), once I got the right modeling scale. but, again, I wouldn't be able at all to test my own works, because Hammer 4 cannot run at home (not CSS, CSS is fine on my comp), that mean we will need an efficient organisation to work together, but the conversion looks interesting.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 17:22:53 UTC
in dying project - last request Post #94644
I tried, but my comp/OS cannot correctly run Hammer 4 :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 14:40:01 UTC
in dying project - last request Post #94604
oh ... ok :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 07:56:24 UTC
in TWHL: The non-motion picture! Post #94562
wow ... that much ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-01 14:17:11 UTC
in TWHL: The non-motion picture! Post #94427
so ... what about the second frame ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 13:59:20 UTC
in another reason why Steam sucks Post #94159
it's not because of Valve, it's because of the evil Vivendi behind ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 12:13:00 UTC
in The Truth Post #94143
maybe all FPS are just softwares to train the future soldiers, make them used to deal with weapons, reloading bullets, the death, train them to camp, rush, ambush, deal with objectives and terrain features, command and especially ... follow orders.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 12:09:02 UTC
in I hate you Post #94142
but because of the lame CS:Z and CS:S, and the future CS2, nobody won't play anymore CS 1.6 :( ...

and with me, HL1 mapping = "allocbloc:full" when the project is 80% done :| ...

the only kind of games I can make fine, are the ones I am doing with my old Macromedia Director 7.02, but it takes so long to just code the main engine and do the main sprites :| ...

my last one ==> (sorry it's in french, but the game is in english : you can only buy the "gun" and the "rocket" weapon)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 12:03:36 UTC
in The Truth Post #94139
I thought, no ... I still think, you are all americans.

I thought, no I still ... indeed I don't know ... what is really TWHL : ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 11:57:54 UTC
in I hate you Post #94138
I could map for Doom3 (I'd love to), but my comp isn't powerful enough to correctly run the game (12fps max right in front of a wall (looking outside the map) with everything turned off or at the lowest level)

I could map for FarCry, but the interface is scaring me :zonked:

I could map for AvP2, indeed I did, but the game sux and is totally dead ;)

mmh, finally the best key would be I get some money somewhere, and that I buy my own company, with my own programers to build my own game engine, yeah :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 11:04:30 UTC
in I hate you Post #94131
yep, 60 euros for 15 hours of game = 4 euros/hour wtf :|

with no hope in addition to sell back HL2, and with the sucking CSS and "HL2 deathmatch" ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 10:49:23 UTC
in dying project - last request Post #94130
I am about to give up trying to complete this ambitious project for CS 1.6.

the development has been stopped two monthes ago because of a boring "allocbloc:full" error, which we finally concluded it was because of a massive use of textures scale settings under 0.5 (caused too much "patches", which overload the HL1 software memory while loading the bsp file). I tried to switch the project on Source : no success, just two weeks of boring install/uninstall/install/uninstall/install/uninstall tests ...

the mapping of the whole map has to be redone.

the project is ambitious and original, and means for my level designer/builder/texturer part more than 300 hours of work. 90% of the map brushes (modelisation) is done, we just need somebody to map all of them to make it nice and realistic looking.

if you have some free time and skills with mapping, please take a look on the project. we need help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 10:40:40 UTC
in I hate you Post #94128
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 10:40:30 UTC
in I hate you Post #94127
I hate you.

you can use Hammer 4, I can't.

I tried for one month to install and use Hammer 4 on my comp : no way, it's an endless and very tiring fest of reboots, "no more available memory", slowdows, freeze and blues screens ...

damnit I am so frustrated, I had so much ideas of maps and mods with Source ... omg fuck you have fun building great stuff with Source :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 12:36:52 UTC
in OMG LEMME EDIT Post #93963
I am used to edit every of my posts at least ... three times, and up to ten, seriously :)

I don't care that much of being disabled, I mean, you're a nice community given all of those I tried to join, with some mature and/or funny topics, but as I am not able to complete my map project on both Hammer3.4/CS1.6 and Hammer4/CSS, I feel like a stranger here, 'am so frustrated that everybody look like to be able to use Hammer4 but me :| ...

the real point of that topic was that : is the fact that it isn't possible to edit posts a technical fast (it isn't really possible to enable users to edit their posts), or that's because the moderators/admins don't want to let people use that function, and if this is it, why ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 12:25:14 UTC
in CCN Report Says No Plane Hit Pentagon Post #93959
I think I understand what you feel, but on an other hand, I cannot picture a world without that kind of guy : we cannot all be tall, else there won't be people to be able to go through tight paths, we cannot all be small, else nobody won't be able to catch the sweeties hidden over the furniture, we cannot all be intellectual, else nobody won't want to work on manual jobs, if we were all manual, we would still hunt animals with spears to survive, we cannot all be men, else omg gay world, etc etc ... we need to be together, to take advantage of every sides of our human being, and that kind of guy you are critizising is a part of humanity, they constantly teach us how hard it is to gain and keep what we call "liberty".

I don't like them too, be president of a country or boss of a company, we can find lame asses tyrans anywhere, and sometimes there's a dire need to kick their asses ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 11:28:24 UTC
in OMG LEMME EDIT Post #93919
The reasoning behind this is that people have been known to ask a question, then get a reply, and then change the first post to make the replier look stupid, thereby alienating the replier from all newbies.
these people you are talking are just lamers ... aren't moderators supposed to deal with this behavior, instead of disabling such useful function for everybody ?

what about disable every functions then ? included post writing, to be 100% sure that lamers won't be able to make anybody look stupid :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 11:20:08 UTC
in CCN Report Says No Plane Hit Pentagon Post #93910
The truth is, the whole 'terrorism' thing is one big fabrication akin to the supernatural and paranormal
I may misunderstood this sentence, but I think the terrorism is a real thing, not paranormal at all : the point is that the governments are making some groups of them crazy and exagerating the media reports.

terrorism has always existed and will ever in my opinion, as long as there will be "governmental powers" on earth : for example, this message you just posted, about truthes and lies, could be considered as a kind of "preterrorist media attack", of "heretism" if it was some centuries ago ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 19:02:34 UTC
in OMG LEMME EDIT Post #93810


us frenchs don't like unperfection ya know : we might be the bloodiest bastards while talking, but for the writing ... no :| it's like a disease for us to let a text with mistakes and not be able to correct it, like "MY LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE : EVERYBODY WILL FORGET THE LAME THINGS I SAID THAT'S OK, BUT EVERYBODY WILL REMEMBER THE ONLY TEXT WHERE I DID MISTAKES IN OMG NO".
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 18:14:41 UTC
in OMG LEMME EDIT Post #93803
sorry if this question has already been asked on this forum section, I didn't take a look on the posts, nor never go here anyway.

is there any way to enable users to edit their posts ? at least just once : I hate let a post with mistakes, grammar or formatting errors in :| ...

thanks kmoney for my post correction, but as I didn't find any private message function, I post this there :|

again, sorry if the question has been answered 654654 times, but ... why this technology choice ? wouldn't be better to let users correct their own posts ? what's wrong with the editting feature ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 12:39:15 UTC
in TWHL: The non-motion picture! Post #93764
result of the vote

do you think masterofpuppets should make his comic bigger ?

sure goddamn it !.................100%
maybe, I don't know.................0%
no, I like little things.................0%

then please make it bigger, now !

Another post saved by the might of the Monkey
Don't complain about the lack of the editing function ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 07:56:03 UTC
in TWHL: The non-motion picture! Post #93714
master, try not to make it very detailed and high count because you WILL make lots of images in LOTS of strips so make everything simple

make things as much detailed as possible, but make archives of your work (backgrounds, characters, ...) to be able to use them again on other stories, with maybe some editing to not look "omg copy/paste nub!"
Make it bigger
I agree too
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 07:53:13 UTC
in The combine radio Post #93713
1?) you may find on some internet sound databases the radio noises effect you need, (just a research on google with "radio noise sound" as keywords)

2?) then you just have to get a not-that-bad sound program, that can at least use two sound channels, (if you find a trial version, check first you can save files : I wasted half an hour once working on a sound to finally realize I wasn't able to save it, because the save function was disabled on my soft version :| ).

3?) record the speech you would like to have as combine-like radio message (to get a wav file, or something like that),

4?) import it on the first sound channel of your sound software, and import the noise sound on the second channel,

5?) put the noise effect at the start on the voice sound, and copy/paste it at the end, then try to merge the two sounds with basic fade-in/fade-out commands, to finally get something that sounds like a radio message.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 18:54:47 UTC
in The combine radio Post #93631
these kids ....

who always think there is somewhere on the net the soft that will exactly do what they need, and for free, with instant download, with of course no pop-up, no bugs and so on :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 14:57:32 UTC
in CCN Report Says No Plane Hit Pentagon Post #93529
I seen a TV report that said a plane crashed on the pentagon, now I am seeing an other TV report that is saying there looks like to be no plane nor crash evidences on or around the pentagon.


why should I trust more the second TV report than the first one ? what make this one more "trustable" ? :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 08:51:45 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93452
the map project is currently for CS 1.6 :)

an original concept of a 4 floors level instead of the tired 4 corners square map on the same level with always on each corner Ts, bombA, CTs and bombB :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 08:05:31 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93426
if you are interested by this project, and think you could deal with the job and your studies, don't hesitate to email me at, I would be glad to give you every details about the project.

I noticed while visiting your screenshots gallery that you almost exactly got the style I would like for the map : something a bit dark, claustrophobic, and mechanical. I'll give you a free hand to design the map like you want (as long as it fits with the topic) and can provide you extra textures if you need some material you don't have :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 07:52:15 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93420
did I say something wrong ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 18:07:48 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93297
what are you saying ? it is, you just have to create a custom texture with your description on, assign it to a face players won't ever, and focus a camera on : if it's the only one of the level, CS will start the game with using the cam view, and won't unstick from it as long as the user doesn't select a team. after it's only a matter of wadinclude or not ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 17:15:50 UTC
in Valve Prize Thoughts Post #93211
a perfect editor would be first an editor that is running fine, not like actually 1 frame every 10 sec on my comp, with a 50% chances of crash or freeze for every clics :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:43:00 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93122
wow you look like to be a good mapper (just taken a look on your website), do you have some free time currently ? I am looking for a mapper (to assign and map textures, not to do maps) for my project about to be canceled (the map is 80% done), would you mind to take a look on it ? :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:30:42 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93121
these guys need 2 things to exist and control :
the people agreement
be votes or just silence, or anything else, they need to be in the people minds, they need to be known, to be "nice", "strong" or whatever the people ask their government to be.

the people energy
be dollars, euros or direct work (slavery ?), or anything else, they need material to establish their autority, to make it real.

these two features mean a lot of sub-ones, like medias, money and people transports, an autority hierarchy (a lone guy cannot control the whole world), "action forces" (be the police, the army ...), they need hardware and software etc. that means there could be many possibilities to attack them : underground medias, software virus, a stock exchange crash etc.

these solutions are existing for centuries
why do you think the writers are writing ? why do you think the reporters are reporting ? why do you think the creative are creating ? to critizise, to comment, to report, to tell to the masses what they feel as a reality. that problem you're look like to discover is existing since the humanity stopped to travel and started to establish cities and created money, what do you think you could add to the whole system ? if you already know all that yourself, it's only because an other people decided to let you know :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 11:19:47 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93113
This is our only window of oppotunity, it's now or never.
no, there is always a key : if you don't like the way our civilisation is going, you are "free" to build your own one, with your own political party (dunno if it's the right word), and/or your own religition, or sect or whatever.

I do hope it will be possible to go away in space if things are going too bad for us on earth : for centuries, until the last one, when people was fed up of something somewhere, they just had to go away and live somewhere else, now the earth is surrounded by the humanity, with that "mondialisation" : if something is wrong somewhere, it may be wrong anywhere on earth ...

I understand your fears, I got a part of them, by not everything is totally wrong in this way to use people, because for example, being a "part" of an higher system (anyhow you call it), it may provide you advantages, like security, a real security I mean : of course you aren't yourself able to do anything you want, you may feel sometimes frustrated, but that the point of a 100% security : your liberty is ok as long as it doesn't annoy somebody else, etc. currently we are already a part of higher systems : countries.

do you think a lone guy could be able to build, launch and drive a space shuttle until the moon ? no of course, but some countries working together can do these great things. not everything is totally wrong in the "gathering hierarchy", I think, from a neutral and objective point of view, that that is to be done : we have to work together, each skill on its own job, but I couldn't agree on how it will be done, because there always will be some thieves and liars to try to get the system for themselves.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 10:13:28 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93094
k, so what ?

by hosting the most dangerous virus ever, windows is definitely the N?1 virus, by defining everything dangerous to them as a dangerous parasite, the mankind is definitely the N?1 parasite on Earth, by deciding who is wrong and who isn't, Batman is definitely the N?1 gangster, by talking about defense, every countries during our whole history is getting for offensive weapons, to sell medicine, factories create sicknesses, to sell antispywares, companies create spywares ... so what ?

the leading minorities of any people majorities are looking for ways to control everyone of us since the humanity is existing, and that mayn't ever change : they won't stop until they get a way to put everyone of us in "jail cities", because of some "evil acts", or to control us in huge matrix-style dormitories : TVs spots, sponsoring, marketing, market layouts, laws, weapons, "education", operating systems, products, drugs ... everything is done to control you and prevent you to ask yourself the right questions.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 20:45:20 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #92992
because you voted for bush.

now have fun ruining the world.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 20:37:07 UTC
in runescape Post #92991
are you serious when you are comparing runescape and World of Warcraft ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 07:08:22 UTC
in Favourite Game 1990 - 1998 Post #92769
what's the point of Moonstone by the way ? I played it again some months ago with WinUAE, got the four keys, killed the map boss, the dragon and all other comp opponents, but the game didn't end and I finally just quitted so I was fed up wandering in the map :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 20:22:55 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #92673
in both HL1&2 games, I am feeling playing in a corridor : you just have to go from the point you spawned to the exit, and there's only one way : anywhere you can go, you must go in, anything you can pick up or use, you have to pick it up or use it, no free stuff, "just for the fun" :| ...

I don't say it's bad, but that isn't what I like most in a game : in my opinion, the HL series are more interactive movies than real video games : the stories, the characters, the action and the atmosphere are great, but everything you will do while starting the game is already written :| ...