Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:30:27 UTC
in next competition? Post #4362
Spirit's more versatile when making mods. Env_customise allows you to (kind of) create otis with monster_barney! Barney's model: otis. Trigger the env_customise at the beginning of the map to alter his voice pitch and it looks and sounds just like otis, although he says the same sentences that barney says.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:28:15 UTC
in Trekkies Post #4361
probably not. does it involve outdoor work with heavy lifting?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:26:14 UTC
in Geeky Nerdy Thread [Danger of Death] Post #4360
devil may cry is f**king GREAT! bit cheesy sumtimes, though...

...nerds. ?_?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:24:13 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4359
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:22:17 UTC
in Downloads Section? Post #4358
hmm. a vault for tinkering with code. i like it. kepp it simple though. big words make my head hurt. :confused:
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:14:11 UTC
in Rust wheel Post #4357
ah so momentary removes the need for origin brushes?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:12:16 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4356
i thought 4 footsteps an env_footsteps wouldve worked (unless thats only in spirit)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 13:10:07 UTC
in next competition? Post #4355
i think a spirit compo should b allowed. i mean, spirits practically hl.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 11:41:47 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4354
"the problem is, that the coffin opens in the wrong direction sometimes.
not allways, only sometimes "
Go to flags, set
" One Way (16) - Door only opens in one direction."
And if you need
"Reverse Direction (2) - Reverse direction of rotation"

Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:42:00 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4353
forgot one thing...

if you like REAL brutal metal, listen to Cryptopsy, they are great..especially the album None So Vile...its great, but you can't hear a word of what the singer is saying :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:40:02 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4352
never heard of them, now i got 2 things i need to check, the Covenant album and Nasum :D

I really like arch enemy, their music is great..and the bandmembers are really cool to their fans too, they answer to your questions and stuff on their site...BTW...they have SIGNED my burning bridges Cd :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:36:48 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4351
Of course I checked Arch Enemy out ;). I had a friend that was REALLY into northern death, grind and black metal. In fact, he was the only drummer in Seville who could actually play grind!!!!. He lend me some albums. Apart from Arch-Enemy he introduced me to Nasum, know them?, Grind-Death, awesome!!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:33:58 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4350
Thanx man! i'll try that when i get home :P :P :P :P :P :P (etc)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:31:55 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4349
Hmm... First take it to another map to help a faster compile... Now... Now... Don?t touch the angle, just set the origin brush in the part of the coffin door that is almost in touch with the rest of the coffin and try ticking the Y flag only... Compile and try... Make it "Use only" and "Toogle" first until it works and then set it as you like...
If doesn?t work, try the map vault.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:14:15 UTC
in Geeky Nerdy Thread [Danger of Death] Post #4348
i know the basic commands that are useful for mapping......and of course the cheats.... :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:13:21 UTC
in Trekkies Post #4347
Are you ready for the action, the desire
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:11:12 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4346
WHat you told me is BS. it can't be what you said.

Help me someone! (exept Jester) hehe
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:09:57 UTC
in Trekkies Post #4345
You Suck :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:08:59 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4344
I told you, but you won't listen... :roll:
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:04:33 UTC
in Trekkies Post #4343
  • Listen Billy, you'r hurting my arm. Listen to me, you do drugs, you party, you borrow money from me...
  • NO!! It's not over! I love you... The band is gonna make it c'mon :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 10:01:30 UTC
in Problem with origin brush (??) Post #4342
i have med a coffin on one of my is supposed to open when you pass through a trigger_one, and that works fine.
the problem is, that the coffin opens in the wrong direction sometimes.
not allways, only sometimes...why the H**L is it going the wrong direction???? why the F**K can't it make up it's mind???

Sorry for the cussing, i'm a bit annoyed by this problem... :badass:
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 09:50:35 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4341
Ok, i'll check that album out, sounds really good. BTW marlboro, have you heard Arch Enemy??? it's swedish death metal at it's best. (IMO)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 09:50:01 UTC
in next competition? Post #4340
I heard of a guy who was so excited when he bought BS, but got very disapointed when he completed it after only 2 hours. That's why I never buy games (except of Half-Life Generation of course). :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 06:39:59 UTC
in Geeky Nerdy Thread [Danger of Death] Post #4339
Some consoles (of gaming, gaming consoles) rule... Take a look at Devil May Cry, it?s a game... For the love of god!!!!!!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 06:37:14 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4338
Now I read :). Which Darkness we are talking about?, And who says that the only good music from Europe relates to the NWBHMB???... Come on, there were real BAD bands in that generic_denomination. True that Iron Maiden and Judas Priest were leading the rock scene during, almost, 15 years, but we are forgetting some bands like Saxon or Uriah Heep, just to mention a few, not to mention Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Yes... There were GOOD rock bands before, in my honest opinion.
Nowadays still there are good bands: The Gathering, Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Stratovarius... Some of this bands, even I don?t like them all, made their career in the Early 80?s and are still a reference, more creative and alive that Iron Maiden theirselves!!!!.
By the way, ever tried to distinguish the different Iron Maiden eras???. You may be surprised to see that there are some songs that are actually identical to anothers in the same era, it?s something strange. Well, same happens with most Stratovarius records since Visions (let?s give them a little margin to be creative) and with other bands.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 06:24:57 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4337
Hey 7th, thanks for the info ;).... By the way Jobabob (and in general all people), I managed the env_sounds so they work now (or at least seem to) just changing their radius, position and deleting some of them (that is, just changing everything), you were right, more than one env_sound is a sure bug...
And I also managed to do the level transition I wanted!!!. Now I can show how to do it to anybody who wants to :).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 05:43:10 UTC
in Booleans? Post #4336
I THINK I've sorted it out now... but on the other hand, as soon as you do, it seems to turn agains you... But I think: If you make anything (like a func_breakable) act on a trigger_relay (trigger set on ON) that triggers a multisource, this multisource will act as a boolean "true", i.e. "ON" after triggering the first entity(shooting the fun_breakable). Add a few trigger_relays to that multisource and you have the boolean operator AND...
OR is eaven simpler, that's of course when a couple of different triggers target the same event.
NOT might be done in a couple of ways, maybe... If a trigger_multiple triggers a trigger_relay (set to OFF) on a multisource, and this trigger_multiple is surrounded by another trigger_mutiple that through a trigger_relay sets anything back to ON, the event will always be turned OFF when you go into the area... Right?

Whatever, I won't bother yoiu with this anymore. My own problem now...
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 05:22:53 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4334
um. wrong topic I think 7th ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-10 03:53:44 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4333
About not being able to see new posts on that other thread? It's more than a page long. The only page-changing bit is at the top-right.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 22:22:42 UTC
in Downloads Section? Post #4332
Could work... Wally could be put there.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 19:15:32 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4330
Still, If someone is replying, I cannot read him!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 19:13:45 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4329
Well, I know I have to be making a sound ;)... And about their overlapping, I guess that 2 are necessary in the same area, one to turn one style and one to turn the other... I?ll take a look at original HL maps.
Anything about the level change?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 18:17:23 UTC
in next competition? Post #4327
stusaysyo dont be so damn depressed we all love you.
but screw all other mods.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 18:09:30 UTC
in next competition? Post #4326
LOL! But what's your prob with BS? I know it's too bloody short. That's why I map for it!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 17:11:10 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4323
You have to be making a sound for them to work, and you really REALLY shouldn't put more than one in an area. If they overlap, expect crazy results.

Env_sound is buggy as hell, I try to avoid using it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 17:10:03 UTC
in next competition? Post #4322
We certainly dont :|

:| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 17:07:43 UTC
in next competition? Post #4321
So do I, but not many people do. Anyway, it's TWHL, not TWHLBSCSOPFORDoDNSTS, is it now?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 16:51:30 UTC
in next competition? Post #4320
i have bshift and opfor, but you guys dont care about me anyway :(
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 15:36:23 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4318
darkness is cool ffs!
but to compare them with queen is alittle of-track
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 15:32:55 UTC
in Rust wheel Post #4317
one in middle works
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 15:32:13 UTC
in next competition? Post #4316
NOOOOOO BLUESHIFT ARGH! /me burning and crying
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 13:18:05 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4315
I guess you ain't noticed the second page! Not suprised, I always forget :nuts: it's not very predominant!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 13:10:40 UTC
in Bunch of questions (part two). Post #4314
Hi!!!, it?s me again!... This time I came up with something really basic (I think) but I can?t manage it!!!. Basically I have one basic problem and one advanced problem... And then a single question but that?s another story ;) and will be told in another post.
-Well, my env_sounds work... But they work whenever they want. I?ve put 5 of them in a double sized door (5 in each side) and 2 of them in single doors (2 in each side... too). Sometimes they work, sometimes they don?t. It?s something very strange, guess it?s something about their placement, their radius value or even that their radius interfiere one with another... Frustrating to enter a huge room and hear your footsteps with echoes. Then enter again from the same place and don?t hear nothing. Can anybody help me with that?.
-And then... Due to a little mispreparation in my map I need to make a changelevel in a little room connecting two areas. How do I do it like in an Half Life outdoors area where the entering door closes, the level changes, and the other door (really in the other level) opens??. Also I?d need it to work in both ways. I think it is done with MM and triggering the changelevel... Anybody help?.
I?ve looked for it in the original HL maps but I can?t remember exactly where they were. If I did, it?s difficult to decipher it :P.
And that?s all.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 11:52:14 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #4313
Hmm, I?m not able to see anymoe posts here!!!!. Something wrong withthe site?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 11:32:25 UTC
in next competition? Post #4312
Well Everyone has to be able to enter the competetion. And how many guys have Spirit, blueshift or opfor?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 11:18:43 UTC
in next competition? Post #4311
LOL. I hope there's a spirit or opfor compo some time. Maybe blue shift.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-09 10:00:59 UTC
in next competition? Post #4310
you should be :|