Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 18:01:59 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2464
umm...i got movie time, and the cam dont turn, and i dont hav the hd pack (less my friend gets it back from his uncles)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 17:40:51 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2463
Model Making is a little beyond the scope of the site, but I am willing to look at anything you might come up with.
The idea of getting it to open a door is already covered in the tutorial Security Key's but that uses a key that already exists in HL.
If you want to write a tutorial, all I need are the example RMF's and the text. (using a simple text editor like NotePad) No need to send the screenies, and please zip the lot together.
As for a coding tutorial, If anyone is really good at it, and can decipher all the complex ideas and turn out some text that makes sense to the New Mapper, then feel free to put it down and send it to me.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 17:26:35 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2462
Yeah, Merlins tools rock. ZHLT 253 Custom build v 1.7
Just on the ZHLTLightflags "n" stuff. If anyone ever get's a really good understanding of the ZHLT Fade and Falloff, drop me a line as I need some "understandable" New mapper friendly info to finish a tutorial and I am a bit busy at the moment.
If you want to view the tut, to see how far got check out : Light, all you ever needed to know.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 17:12:59 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2461
But fair warning ... I found the WIP1600 difficult to use and unpredictable. But having got it to work I am reluctant to switch to POD Bot, and it was on the server I test on.
I think the idea is to use something that has an active help forum. ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 17:04:58 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2460
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 17:04:43 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2459
have it a func_train track and path_tracks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:56:50 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2458
i'm thinking of really complicated angular velocity setups... like making wheels on trucks etc..
btw, isn't there a bank on turns property? - or something (in degrees) :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:51:41 UTC
in Replace function Post #2457
It can be done, but i'll need to actually make it to explain fully, but i don't have time so i'll just give you the consept to ponder over... hang on.. just one func_wall toggle....

make it "visible" by triggering it... this will stop the player from beeng able to shoot at the button_target... and trigger it again to 'enable' the button

make the func_wall toggle invisible in the game by doing the same as for a ladder (rendermode > solid ; renderfx > 255 etc..)

BTW, could this be a ploy to boycot the use of a multisource? > i'm not sure (unless i compile) but i think button_tergets can use masters...
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:42:36 UTC
in Web Hosting Post #2456
i'm on solgamers - probably the nicest bunch of people out there : one misarable button some where on your site : you get every thing you want, lots of scripts > subdomain > and if you want s script they don't have - just ask and it'll get installed - one thing though = 20meg space
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:37:46 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2455
Hmmm.. i thought ZHLT were pretty well, crap compared to these beauties
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:34:38 UTC
in Replace function Post #2454
Does anybody know if it's pssible to replace brush entities ex:
"button_target" to "func_wall". If it is, how do I do? DOH!! :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:27:51 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2453
Hmm... A coding sec. in the tutorials will be very good.. seeng as how some people are already advancing to more complex acpects of mapping

/me thinks of a coding tut about the head tilting like in bs when strafing... hmmm

did that make sence?

i thought so
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:23:43 UTC
who the f* cares.. are we allowed to use spirit or not?
This topic is going out of control
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:11:27 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2451
So? He's never meant to walk, is he? Not up close, anyway! :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:10:31 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2450
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 16:09:56 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2449
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 14:09:41 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2448
That sounds awesome! :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 13:07:27 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2447
How did you do it?
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 13:03:30 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2446
i worked it out. :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 12:09:55 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2445
Do you mean to make a train turns left or right when their tracks turn?... Well, I don?t know how but maybe it deals with the angle of the path corner...
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 11:57:09 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2444
Right, I?ll do this key stuff no one has done before (I think :P) but I don?t know in wich format I should do it... A txt with some Jpgs in a Zip for someone to upload in a proper way???... I wouldn?t care to write the txt and to take the sreenshots (as soon as someone tells me how to take screenshots from Hammer) as well as to do example maps and models and so on if anyone uploads it nicely. Of course, I?ll be credited as author :P.
And on the weapons stuff... Well, I don?t know how to make it so I can?t write a thing. Maybe someone knows how to do it and helps us.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 11:37:11 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2443
Angle? Maybe it only works w/ func_tracktrain? ???? Innit?
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 11:35:36 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2442
1-Sounds cool! DO IT!
2-Make a tut. on that as well. I REALLY suck at that. Well, I don't know how for starters. I know how to edit the models and skins of weapons, but...
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 11:33:22 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2441
*download. No, the prob w/ movie time is that the cam gets embedded in the wall. :( And have you seen the gordon_scientist model from bshift? He walks REALLY fast. About 1.5, maybe 2 times as fast as a normal sci.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 10:56:42 UTC
in Trains that Turn? Post #2440
How do i make func trains to turn around a bend?

i tried a through thing but they didnt work. : :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 10:34:43 UTC
in TEXT TEXT TEXT... Post #2439
Tip of the day by DR PHIL, hehe :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 10:01:27 UTC
in Tutorial suggestion... Post #2438
1- I?ve done something funny: created a model key and then use it for its picking up and opening of a locked door... Do you consider this interesting enough to make a tutorial about it???.
2- I?d consider neccesary for mod makers a tutorial about weapon making for newbies or people who don?t know a word about coding. It could be specially interesting the code section that could be just the code rip with explanations about what things the parts of the code do... Would it be possible to do a tutorial about it?.
And thats all!!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 09:52:55 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2437
And sucks when someone seems to shoot trough 10 metres of solid rock. Right into your carefully covered head. :|

... I hate that.

Bots anyone?
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 09:30:40 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2436
Yeah, but I didn?t realise till this morning, I was so stressed trying to import a Milkshape model that forgot about map building... When I discovered I also laughed my ass off :D!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 09:07:25 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2435
lol, you do need ZHLT for ZHLT lightflags! rofl ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 09:05:41 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2434
Yeah, also does it through brick-texturing and everything!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 08:03:50 UTC
in Zhlt comment... Post #2433
Well, my first post on this forum was about how to make a door opaque, that is, that light could never pass through it.
I tried a thousand different ways but it never, never worked... I specially tried those ZHLT lightflags on and on but never got results. This morning I woke up happy and tried something, I installed those Zhlt tools... And well, whenever I tried this flags they worked!!!!!!!.
I just wanted to tell everybody that those Half-Life specially designed tools are cool, I mean, they were made for Half-Life (original compiling tools are Quake tools, I think) and tough they are too strict in their level building (won?t build up a thing if there is an error in the map, anyway, this will make mapping skills grow!!!) they give nice a more realistic results...
The thing is that I invite everyone to try them and see if they are convincent enough. That?s all.
Be happy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 06:58:02 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2432
CS your mainly supposed to shoot through walls, this isnt a bug, its summit included into the game to make it more realisitic, If your in a wooden USA house (im from uk) then a bullet realisiticly can travel through a wall, The game was made in usa :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 06:54:58 UTC
in Web Hosting Post #2431
I recommend 100meg Only a little banner at the top, very good for using it as a download mirror (speedy 60kbps here) :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 06:52:25 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2430
It's an issue with the animation timings: people walk slower in the HD pack, for instance - compare the old gman with the new one. It's damn annoying :(
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 02:23:51 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2429
OK. You're a bit stuck then. Doqnload pepper's movie time map. I think it has the RMF. But for some reason the camera freezes in high definition. But the RMF will tell you all you need to know.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 01:03:38 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2428
Yeah, but in DoD, it's intentional, Andy: better determined, too, I imagine!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 00:56:48 UTC
in mesha needin helpedin Post #2427
Fire on pass is the trigger. Put your entities name there and it will be triggered as the pt or pc is passed.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 00:52:35 UTC
in Can't find my map Post #2426
Compiling across drives is the biggest cause of problems.. but you weren't doing that, however if the changes you made work... stick to them.

I did get some development errors about goals not being found, but since I hadn't had a really good look at the structure (because I didn't understand it) I just dismissed them.
Word of warning about combining goal setups... I don't know about TFC, but it isn't recommended in CS.

If it works the way you want it to, that is the main thing...
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 00:43:39 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2425
Funny you should mention projectile physics...
I was chatting to someone the other day about the "shoot through wall's" problem with both CS and DoD. The gun physics is pretty cool with CS, but sometimes misguided. A brick wall should protect you from pistol fire and erratic automatic rifle fire but it doesn't always. In CS it seems to depend on which way the wall is facing when it is compiled. I have read a lot about the "gapped wall" theory, but can't seem to duplicate it in test maps. I think the best idea isn't to bitch too loudly when you get waxed behind a wall, when the guy on the other side is using a large caliber high velocity weapon.
That's life....
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 20:33:46 UTC
in sequence Post #2424
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 19:13:47 UTC
in Two questions Post #2423
Ok, I have both of them done. Wrench Software still seems to be down, but I downloaded the Sprite Explorer. For the title of a mod, you have to create two different sprites for it, put them in you sprites folder, and copy hud.txt from the Valvesprites directory to your sprites directory. In the .txt you'll see down below title_half and title_life. Just change the sprite name that they have (originally 640hud4 and 640hud5) to the name of your sprites. I'm still not exactly sure how to edit the file other than the filename though, and what the 320 stuff is above.

Thanks for the help again.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 18:17:58 UTC
in TEXT TEXT TEXT... Post #2422
well, thanx for the and Jester will try it out as soon as possible... (School u know..) :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:59:49 UTC
in Minimicus Post #2420
Yeah, it took a couple of tries to get it working right. But it's really just 4 sets of path corners with 4 func_trains following them. Setting up the letters and getting the paths figured out was the hardest part. Glad you guys liked it! I'm still chuffed from the review it got on hangar16. WOOHOO!! :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:57:36 UTC
its ot extinct.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:56:53 UTC
in a REALLY thorough guide on cameras Post #2418
uhh.......................................................................................................................all of it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:55:51 UTC
in mesha needin helpedin Post #2417
iiiiiii uhhh dont quite catch u there, kol oldbuddyoldpal. its a path_corner, and wtf does the fire on apss hav 2 do with anything. i need a func_train on path corners, an env_fade (fading IN, not out) and an env_message to trigger when i go through a tp.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:27:52 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #2416
CS in multiplayer is my first choice because of its excellent gun physics. Natural Selection is also nice I like the player class options it has.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:05:59 UTC
in Web Hosting Post #2413
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 13:55:02 UTC
i thought that thing was extinct... i shot the last one :badass:

and i don't really care any more.. if i'm not able to submit it i'll just do something else with it.. its too late go go back for me