Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-04-19 11:29:53 UTC
in blood Post #813
I want some blood on the floor under my dead scientist but I can't really get it done.
I tried the blood texture, but they look funny because the blood is black and the background is white. Check out this screenshot:
that's what my blood texture looks like.
I also tried the env_blood entity, but that does not work good.
The gibshooter does, but it's not really easy to put that in.(check out the screenshot, you might start thinking what a blood & dead scientist loving freak I am, but I'm not of course, well, just a bit ;) )
but does anyone know if there is an easier way to get this done?
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-19 02:17:10 UTC
in Texture Problem Post #820
Thanks, helped a bunch :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-18 03:53:41 UTC
in Texture Problem Post #819
Once you have SlayerA's suggestion working you might also want to consider using the texture lock tool. That way if you move your ladder, the texture will remain aligned after the move.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-17 22:16:37 UTC
in Texture Problem Post #818
When making ladders, I have noticed that there are times that the texture does not align as it should. Rail will be in center, with rungs on either side of the rail.

Currently, I am fixing the problem by moving the group over some, compiling, and running the game to see if the group needs to be moved more to get the texture to appear correctly. This could cause problems if I want a texture in a certain spot.

I have noticed this with lights and other texture objects. Any suggestions on aligning textures would be appreciated.

Valve Hammer 3.4 SDK with current ZHTL compiling tools.

Posted 21 years ago2003-04-13 01:49:01 UTC
in textured lighting Post #834
I am wondering if that might be the first piece of advice to anyone having trouble with Hammer or ZHLT. Reinstall, somene else had problems that were solved with a reinstall of Hammer.
Also, make sure you have the latest .fgd file, the latest ones come with all the good stuff for ZHLT light effects. I think the most recent HL one is half-life_3x.fgd. DoD has just released a new .fgd, cool stuff in that one, like snow.
Anyway glad you fixed it, sorry about the register thing, It's just that your name didn't highlight, and I was too lazy to check the user list. :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-11 22:24:14 UTC
in textured lighting Post #833
Grapez, The only thing I can suggest is that you send me a copy of your .rmf (the simple box one) and a copy of your lights.rad file. I set up a test map like you said, and it worked. I know how frustrating this must be....
Do you get any other errors when you compile? Are you using ZHLT 253 1.7? You might as well send the compile log as well.
It might be an idea to register on this site as well....
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-11 13:24:55 UTC
in .bsp not working in HL or HLDM Post #836
The map will only appear in the maps list if it has an info_player_deathmatch entity in it, which defines it as multiplayer... unless they changed something while I wasn't looking.
The manual method is to go into the console (~) after starting HL with hl.exe -dev -console and then type map mapname.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-10 19:22:35 UTC
in .bsp not working in HL or HLDM Post #835
To start I have the counterstrike retail version. When installed it comes with the files for playing HL, (except for campaign) DMC, HLDM, and some others. I have created several maps for CS, all of which worked fine. I decided to try and make one for HL, just to see. I reconfigured the WC to HL settings. Made the map, exported it, then imported it into Batch compiler, I changed some things in the compiler (where to put the map, etc). Compiled it then started CS, activated half-Life, then went to start up the map, it wasnt listed in the select map list. I double checked that it was in the HLDM maps folder, it was. I tried copying it and placing it map selction of the half-life folder and the valve folder, nothing. I also tried downloading the contest maps from this page(the chopper one) and that BSP didnt show up either. Whats wrong?? Is there some special setting in Batch compiler or Worldcraft I need to set?
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-03 21:45:10 UTC
in Comp 3 Post #1318
Thanks Andy! I too enjoyed looking at the other entries. There were some really good ideas in the mix. My hat is off to Tlax for his winning entry, nice work! The competition is ramping up in these contests. A big thanks to Atom for making TWHL the cool and useful site that it is.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-03 21:00:10 UTC
in Comp 3 Post #1317
Congratulations to the competition winners: Well done,

It was great to download all the entries and have a look at what everyone was doing. ( I didn't get an entry in before the dead line or I would have won!!!!) joking... :-)
Tlax's map was a really good use of lateral thinking,I liked the way the whole thing worked together.
SlayerA's map had me laughing and then wondering how I could use that myself...
LightForce's map had me totally confused, until I found myself dropping down a shaft.
Bloodlost put a lot of effort in his map and should be highly commended, Is that the start of a level your doing?
NinjaGrinch, what more can I say, good use of the grenade...

Well done,,,,
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-01 18:00:01 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #853
Thought you were nuts when I saw your drawings. Only realised what was going on when I replied and saw them as a quote :)

As Andy said, non-visible surfaces are ignored, so I don't think the top one would be any more efficient (maybe quicker to compile). BTW, the top one is concave and therefore invalid as one brush anyway.

More lights definately slow down compile, but I don't think they matter in-game. Models... well, they are lit 'more dynamically' than the rest of the map, but whether lighting them is significantly more work for the computer is doubtful. Their lighting will be simplified.

For the hole:
1) Make the hole in a block that it just the right size, then build the rest of the wall around that.
2) Vertex manip. is best
3) You could divide the block into smaller blocks, and then VM the verticies in the middle. Pull them outwards.

So here's a drawing from the front. You'll need to click reply to this message, then click the quote button to see it correctly.
| -------- |

| |__/ __| |

| |_| |_| |

| |____/__| |
The VM tuts here at TWHL might help.

Getting more points can be done by splitting faces. In VM mode, select two vertices or two edges and press Ctrl+F. I think its mensioned in the first VM tut. BUT, doing this is perhaps the easiest way to get invalid solids. Rather just use more blocks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-01 16:13:22 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #852
Ok thanks for the info so far, I expected lighting to decrease speed if only because the models of the player and monsters are always dynamically lit (well as far as I can tell) but I guess I was wrong. So it could be texture lights are even heavier on the engine than normal light ents.

Coming back to the hole in the wall, so it would be more efficient for making the edge to have a single brush with more points to do something like this:
_/_/ ___
| |
rather than have multiple cubes like this:
_/_/ | ___
| || | | | |
I hope you can make out what I'm trying to explain.
Also is there a way to add more points to a brush after it's been created? Thanks again :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-31 19:59:28 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #851
Hey I was just wondering 2 things about map efficiency.

First say I want to make an irregular hole in a wall, is it better to make one polygon with many points to model the edge or to make every point its own cube? Does it make a difference? Maybe VIS works that stuff out anyway?

Second about light entities, I know they make the map slower the more you use (obviously) so is it easier on the engine to use texture lights or are they just as bad?
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-27 20:18:42 UTC
in sitting scientists Post #859
Yeah, If this little problem didn't drive me mad originally...

So Check out this link, it's old.. It needs some tweaking, but it does work.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-27 08:16:24 UTC
in sitting scientists Post #858
how do you make it a scientist sitting on a chair look realistic? I tried to place him over the chair but he always
gets his ass stuck in the seat.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-26 20:54:36 UTC
in to andy Post #1211
At that last reply about geting the scripted_sentences to work. Yup there working now. hey i will post stuff daily and talk to you guys. And if any questions come i know who to ask. But about myself im only 15 male and live in sc I surf the web every now and then and i think i found this site by mistake but when i saw it i just stuck around so here i am! i think i sent a map that i needed help on to adom or you i forgot see if you can get any info on that. thanks well i got to go.

See you later

angel of darkness
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-26 20:07:56 UTC
in to andy Post #1210
Atom does all the work, I just add some misguided comments now and then, Oh, and e-mail him at least fifteen times a day with ideas....

I stumbled into this site from a link someone sent me and couldn't believe my luck. Finally there was a place you could ask questions without being flamed, and everybody was really helpful, and I keep learning things every day. So I wrote a few tutorials based on the original WorldCraft help files, and help out where I can. I know a good site when I see one, that's why I stick around.

Did you get the scripted_sentences working?
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-26 03:02:59 UTC
in to andy Post #1209
thanks for the txt file that file is located at the bottom of the Pak file under sounds i never looked at that file before so when i saw that file u gave me i looked for it in the pak file and shure enough there it was! So it really helped. you also said you got together with Atom and have been working on the site together that sounds cool, keep up the good work.

well got 2 go later

Angel of death
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-25 07:50:53 UTC
in Need help Post #864
Hum ?For Half-Life I think you can make it with, item_security, env_render, func_wall_toggle, multisource, func_door and trigger_auto.
trigger_auto:Target: key_render.
     Delay before trigger: 0.5.
     Trigger State: Off.
Flags: Remove on fire.
env_render : Name: key_render.
     Target:  sec_key. 
     Render Mode: texture.
     Fx Amount: 0.
Item_security: Name: sec_key.
       Target: M_sec.
Multisource: Name: M_sec.
     Target: key.
Func_wall_toggle: Name: key.
Made from a brush, locks as a key.

Func_door: Master: M_sec.
   Speed: ...
   Sound: ...
   Locked Sound: Latch Locked
Trigger_auto start env_render, env_render do item_security invisible, when player pick up the key item_security, item_security activate the multisource and it activate and give func_door master on, multisource do the func_wall_toggle to disappear.
Place item_security and func_wall_toggle on same place.

Can it bi some help? I hop so.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-25 04:46:17 UTC
in Help Post #862
Ok this is a basic worldcraft question but i cant get a grip on how to do this. When i want to make a scientist talk or anything else for that matter, I forgot, you are suppost to use pak explore to find the sent. and put a ! in front of it but then what, I know you cant type in the whole sent like it is in the pak file. There was a certan way 2 do it i just forgot

Angel of death
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 19:40:38 UTC
in Files? Post #1213
Hmmm... I suppose we could have a downloads section, or at least links to the 'essentials'... I'll see about compiling a list. Nice idea, thanks.

Funny you should mension a place to put BSPs - we have secret plans for a new section for something like that :)

Stay tuned.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 19:37:39 UTC
in Cool ideas for levels? Post #1328
Thanks for the reply Andy i will keep that in mind. Im still just geting used to worldcraft so i think i'll what till im better to make a good level any way.

thanks agan!

Angel of death
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 19:21:47 UTC
in Cool ideas for levels? Post #1327
Cool Ideas?

I still think that anything is cool in HL. There is heaps of reference stuff out there on how to design and detail a level. I believe the main thing is that as long as it's fun to play, then it's a winner. No need to work hard to produce stuff that hasn't been done, when the game engine still has so many possibilities that haven't been explored (Or looked at recently).
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 18:09:02 UTC
in Need help Post #863
hello i got a problem i was just wondering wut totorial i would go under to find out this:

I want to maker a brush in worldcraft that has the abilty to act as a key to a door I want the player to be able to pick up this brush and carry it around until it meets its destanation which is the door.

Angel of death
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-23 20:18:09 UTC
in Is there any way to make the scientist s Post #1324
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-23 18:35:51 UTC
in Files? Post #1212
Hello i dont know to much about this site or the makers but i was just wondering why you dont have a downloads section, that whould be cool. Like i dont know, maybe put some bsp files so pepole can play maps other pepole make. I dont know its just a sugestion.
Angel of death
ps: bad spelling , sorry
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-23 18:15:37 UTC
in Is there any way to make the scientist s Post #1323
Looking for a program to write your own script for the scientist or guards in worldcraft.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-23 18:05:43 UTC
in Cool ideas for levels? Post #1326
Any body have any good ideas for levels that you would recomend?
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-18 18:24:58 UTC
in Monsters... Post #882
For the full effect you'll need to use a bunch of entities - env_sprite for the main explosion thing, and some env_lasers and info_targets for the sparky bits. And then a ambient_generic for the sound. I think that's about it. Tie all these together with a multi_manager.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-18 14:04:57 UTC
in Monsters... Post #881
How can i make that teleportting effect because it just looks stupid that monster just appear from middle of nowhere...
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-19 10:33:03 UTC
in NULL Texture? Post #940
ZHLT 2.5.3 Custom Build 1.7 is, as far as I know, the latest version. I checked the version of the tools that came with QeRadiant (I don't know if they're available with installation file, since I got QeRadiant from a friend, because I didn't want to bother with configuring compile tools) and it's also 2.5.3, but it's from May 2 2001 (CS 1.7 is from Dec 9 2002).
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-17 20:13:12 UTC
in NULL Texture? Post #939
Once again, I am guessing here, but the files you have listed look suspiciously like the ones from the first issue of ZHLT 253. I am not sure of the custom build version but there were quite a few out there, I ran into CB 1.6 the other day.
All versions of zoners seem to mention the Null texture feature, but from what I can gather the actual true implementation of it has only come with 253 custom build 1.7 as it is included in the zhlt.wad, although I remember it being there early on ZHLT, but no information being supplied.
Is there a newer version of ZHLT than CB 1.7 out there? If so let me know.
So, when you say Radiant, are you using Qradiant to map.... Excuse the ignorance, but I don't know any thing about radiant, I just saw the Qeradiant website and it had a great tutorial on Sky's, although it wasn't any good to Hammer users as the Q fgd is different.

Glad that the info helped, keep mapping.
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-17 10:49:49 UTC
in NULL Texture? Post #938
Hmm, funny thing, my ZHLT folder (installed together with Radiant) was missing the Readme.txt file. It seems to me I've been using some obsolete version of Zoner's Tools:


I've now the latest version - together with Readme file. :) Thank's for the info, Andy!
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-12 13:50:12 UTC
in NULL Texture? Post #937
I heard that NULL texture (comes with Zoner's tools) in Half-Life has the same purpose as Quake 3's Caulk (covering faces that are invisible to player for example). Is that true? Has anyone experience with it?

Great page, btw. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-05 19:21:55 UTC
in map not running HELP Please!?!?! Post #942
That usually means there's been a problem with compiling the map (or moving it), and that's usually because of the configuration. I can't remember how I set up expert mode, but I noticed now that it's possible the setup can get 'stuck' when you change configurations.

So.... presuming the problem is with the config...

in Expert mode, the first FOUR commands might look like paths (e.g. 'c:program filesworldcraftzhlthlbsp.exe'). Click each one in turn, then click the Cmds button to the right, and select one of the 'program' commands based on the filename in the path. For example, 'hlbsp.exe' (or 'qbsp.exe') is the 'BSP Program'. The only one that isn't obvious is 'hlrad.exe' (or 'qrad.exe'), which is the 'LIGHT Program'.

Replace the LAST command with 'Game program' from the Cmds list.

That might work. If not, post a copy of your compile log.
Posted 21 years ago2003-02-04 19:46:31 UTC
in map not running HELP Please!?!?! Post #941
i have made my map, and saved it onto my hard-drive. when i press F9, the expert box comes up, and then i set the drop down box to 'Half - Life (full)', because that is what i configured valve hammer for. when i click the go button on the expert box, the console opens on half life, with the half life bqackground, and i get the following message:

Map Change Failed. Map 'main' Not Found on Server.

'main' is the name of my map. i have made levels for counterstrike, and never had problems like this, anyone know what is goin worng??

thanks for any help,

&gt;&gt;&gt; Foxy &lt;&lt;&lt;
Posted 21 years ago2003-01-29 00:26:19 UTC
in Gday Post #1214
i just stumbled across this site, im guessing its new because i reguarly search for tutorials and have never come across this before. I have to say good job on the site, and its good to finally find a site where the people in the forums actually help each other instead of being know it alls and bitching to those that dont know.

Also your tutorials have helped me alot, now i can start doing a single player mission for Half Life without having to search so much on how to do it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-01-19 00:16:21 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #957
Brilliant outside the square fix... love it.
Also my suggestion about the decal flag wasn't right, to have the blood remain on the glass it has to be checked on... Silly me.
Posted 21 years ago2003-01-18 17:41:24 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #956
Thanks Andy, that worked. I was able to play around with the env_blood settings like you suggested to get the effect I wanted. I actually had to put the env_blood on the OUTSIDE of the glass with the player so that the decal would be visible to him. I used several env_blood entities set to small amounts which makes it hard to tell that the blood is not coming from the inside of the glass room. Excellent suggestion, thanks again!
Posted 21 years ago2003-01-18 11:52:08 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #955
I played around with this and used an env_blood entity, or several, triggered by a normal trigger_multiple (in your case trigger_once would be better). It threw blood onto the glass, but not directly in front of the player. So the glass looked great everywhere else. I had it set to Blood Stream, so I wonder if that makes a difference? All I do know is that increasing the amount of blood above the default 100 doesn't seem to produce more.
Maybe the Decal flag needs to be unchecked? Let me know if you find out.
Posted 21 years ago2003-01-17 21:10:41 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #954
I am creating an action sequence that shows a monster_bigmomma getting blown to pieces in a glass enclosed observation room. Everything looks right except I want a big glob of blood to splat on the glass func_door that separates the player and the bigmomma. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? I've tried a few things, but no luck yet. -slay