Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:18:21 UTC
in Forums Post #58432
Atom is the only one who can increase the number of forum topics.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:11:20 UTC
in Custom Game Post #58430
Is the map folder in your mod called map or maps?
It is meant to be maps.

If it is trying to access your HL maps folder, then there is a chance that the startmap name in the liblist.gam is not the same as the actual map name, or the folder is named incorrectly.

This all assumes that you have activated your custom game?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:04:58 UTC
in Message of Day Question Post #58429
You might want to browse the site, most of your questions have been answered in the tutorials or in the forums.
Have a go at using the Search Function...

The Titles Text tutorial discusses the answer to this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:02:53 UTC
in logo.avi Post #58427
The game is coded to look for the .avi file, so it has to be an .avi file. You can replace it with a blank.avi.

Read logo and that might give you the answer.

If you type "logo" on the search bar top right, you will get two pages of results. Have a look at them.

Sending me 8 suggestions via the contact button is good... but reasonably pointless if you don't include your return e-mail.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 07:25:28 UTC
in I cant load a screenshot to my map!!!!! Post #57926
Check that it is jpg format.
Check that it isnt a large file.
Resize the 640x480 shot to something like 200x150
Check that it is Jpg format... Oh, I already said that..

If it is taking a long time to upload, it is probably trying to resize it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 07:16:33 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #57925
I don't believe I just searched for 'jobabob' :confused:

You only got 597 on my list...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 17:12:20 UTC
in Errors Post #57318
And fixed... Strange no one spotted it before?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 17:07:00 UTC
in Stealth fans: Look now! Post #57316
Good to see you progressing something Vassy...
Well done, I hope it all works for you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 17:05:35 UTC
in A few interesting articles... Post #57315
Gamasutra articles worth reading...
Almost all of them Cap'n P. However I was fascinated by the Cabal series of mod design articles.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-04 02:23:23 UTC
in Env_beam tutorial Post #56435
Do you mean the Laser and Beam effects tutorial?
Notice that the func_train has an origin brush grouped with it
Did you miss that bit?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 06:48:53 UTC
in Textured Lighting tutorial Post #55194
I started to write a tutorial on the humble light entity many moons back, but got sidetracked.
I like your example map...
How would you like to have a crack at finishing Light and adding the good stuff about Zoners Options, flags and texlight info?

I can't offer much, but I will put your name on it :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 00:20:28 UTC
in Andy - the url to your resume page.. Post #55154
Thanks to everyone for pointing out my stupidity :-)

Sorry about the confusion... That is what I get from copying link shortcuts :-(
Thanks for letting me know.

Some of you might have realised that node/edit means I can actually edit pages over there....

If you want to post your Resume, feel free to read THIS for details on how to go about it...

And yes Kol, you have to register to load up a resume, but you don't have to register to read them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 02:31:07 UTC
in Stupid VHE causing yet another problem.. Post #54399
Error: Exceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX
Description: Texture memory usage on the map has exceeded the limit
Howto Fix: Merge similar textures, remove unused textures from the map

This indicates that VHE might not be stupid after all, you might want to check the Chair/keyboard interface?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 02:22:17 UTC
in ToDo Post #54398
That sounds like a great idea. Getting ready for HL2 is my top priority at the moment. Well maybe not right now...

Welcome back Kol 'Lord of the sensible comment, and mapping genius to boot'.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that nothing has changed?
But we are still growing...and those that threatened to move to other sites are still here? Or at least still dropping in and posting stuff.

I guess it is because there are very few sites around these day's that offer simple HL mapping and modding.
Before you decide to post about your frustration consider your position, after all, you log on in the first place and nobody forced you too.

I still think the greatest asset of this site is the people! Even though I believe what they want is outside my power... I still support them, until they forget why they came here.
[/semi rant]
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 02:02:22 UTC
in Anonymous Posts Post #54397
All valid points.
I mentioned deleting anon posts because that is about the only thing I can do...
I don't have the access to change the posting format.

I will leave it for now and see what happens.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 01:55:31 UTC
in need help no matter what forum! Post #54395
Did you load the textures into the Texture Tab when you set 3.5 up?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 01:51:47 UTC
in Software for Mod making Post #54394
For a good HL toolkit I suggest Slackiller's HLprograms
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 01:46:44 UTC
in Mod finally has a Site. Post #54393
Site is smooth and nice to look at...
You might want to add Half-Life to your index page name and register the site on Google and Yahoo for the webcrawlers to pick up next time around.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 01:43:29 UTC
in doom conversion Post #54392
Why copy DooM into HL? Doesn't make sense to me.
Just fire up QuArk and map for DooM.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 00:56:47 UTC
in Anonymous Posts Post #53051
I am debating wether I should delete all posts started by people who haven't logged in.
I am not talking about replies.. just initial posts.
What do you think?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 00:50:41 UTC
in How can you make models... Post #53050
Ambient Generic Of particular interest would be the note next to WAV name...

To All... Before you ask a question have a look at the Entity guide. I wrote it for that purpose.

Because most of the sounds in the Ambient folder loop.

Anon... The Loader was designed to run in HL, that was 5 years ago. It was not meant to be updated. Why not build your own.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 00:29:27 UTC
in Question aboot the glass contest Post #53044
Looking forward to sorting through all the 'two hour entries' Fiz....
Enter what you want Vassy,
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 05:24:06 UTC
in Gravitation.... no not the yaoi comic Post #52779
You have to pass through a trigger_gravity for it to work, so the best idea is to have two triggers, side by side leading into the room that you want to have reduced gravity.
The first outside Trigger is set to 1 or 'Normal Gravity' the second inside Trigger to something lower... I suggest 0.1.
The range is 1 to 0 with 1 being Normal.
That way when you walk in the room you will walk into a reduced gravity zone and it will be normal when you walk out.

Works for me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 05:17:16 UTC
in Pity from the mapping gods Post #52777
You might want to download the example map and have a look at it. It might shed some light on this...

Don't worry too much about the frustration, that is just a part of mapping. Each and everyone of the people here managed to push through this and come out the other side not with their sanity I am afraid
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 05:13:05 UTC
in blood gulch? Post #52776
This should be in Maps and Mod's.

last post

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 05:11:22 UTC
in a question about info_nodes... Post #52774
Suggest you get familiar with the Search bar on this site, other wise I might think I wasted several day's writing an Entity guide....
A Search For info_node
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 05:08:42 UTC
in leak problem Post #52773
There is a massive square Trigger_Hurt outside the map?
That is most probably where your leak is coming from.
NO entities in the VOID!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:51:52 UTC
in the Apache Post #52768
Osprey is very similar to the Apache, but the flight characteristics of the Apache mean that you don't have to addjust the Roll and Yaw.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:47:46 UTC
in How can you make models... Post #52765
You will need to add two un-named Ambient_Generics.
One for each of the Loaders sounds. Otherwise the loader wont make noise.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:22:46 UTC
in Question aboot the glass contest Post #52759
Hey, I would be happy with a bit of Glass in a room...
But I guess that some people will think that is a bit lame :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:21:10 UTC
in trigger_camera entity page needs rev? Post #52757
You are partially right and my extensive testing has proved this... but only if you are running in OpenGl.
Different graphics cards produce different results.
On mine, the camera is fine, does what it is meant to and looks good. But any scripted_sequences don't seem to call their monsters.

The reason we left that in the Entity guide was that it was correct at the time. I don't think the Engine has been upgraded, but there is a good chance that what was not possible then is possible now with today's machines.

If your system is fine running the camera without moving the player into a Brush visible area, then great... Hopefully it will work for everyone else.
I suggest you find someone with a crap machine (Like Mine) and see if it works on theirs, or try it in Software.

I am always open to suggestions on how to improve the content of our work, so Thanks for bringing this up...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:06:35 UTC
in Security Camera example Post #52754
I will add links to these at the bottom of the Security Camera Tutorial.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:02:30 UTC
in IRC prob Post #52753
Yes Mephs... we hate you! :-)
Seriously though, I have noticed a lot of Database errors recently. Hopefully it is not ternminal.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 03:59:27 UTC
in duble compiling Post #52752
Don't you just join them together with a bit of String?

Sorry... couldn't help myself..
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 04:08:23 UTC
in idea for a map with cliffs... Post #52022
Glad you have 'Mastered' the VM tool,
But why VM Cliffs?
You can save youself all the trouble and run a terrain generator...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 03:41:55 UTC
in Compo 5 resurrection? Post #52019
Good Question Vassy...
Anyone know what Compo 5 actually was? Is it true that no one entered? Or is it just that the compo's were loaded that way and someone forgot to add 5?

Or more to the point...
Does it really matter?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 03:38:22 UTC
in Search engine needs to index titles? Post #52018
My fault...
If you had searched for:
,info_teleport_destination,trigger_teleport,entities,Entity Tool,func_button,
You would have found it.
I have added teleporter and tele.

Please let me know if you have any other Search engine failures...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 04:04:51 UTC
in Spwaning creatures, then ordering them Post #51095
I added animations to the script and increased it's serach radius but that didn't seem to work either.
There is something odd about this...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 03:41:54 UTC
in A Big Thank You! Post #51088
Well done members...
If Drek had arrived a few weeks earlier he would have been slagged off for being a Noob and would not have posted this message.
See, being nice works...
Play fair and Happy mapping...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 03:37:01 UTC
in Compo 11 Post #51086
Yes I am running all entries in OpenGL.
No I didn't e-mail Atom for an extension.
Multiple entries are OK, but I would prefer to see your best work, rather than judge three maps that are similar.

As far as how many Maps you upload... I am only interested in the Glass Feature of your map... I am not interested in playing a series of maps just to see one bit.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 23:38:27 UTC
in Camera appearance Post #50847
No it isn't... I don't think. I will add it if I get a chance, but when we wrote the tutorials we assumed that people would read the Hammer Help file, it contains heaps of info on setup and tools....

People don't read help files now do they? :-(
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 23:18:48 UTC
in Monster Jump Post #50845
I just did some testing with this entity and am afraid that it doesn't live up to it's name.
You can get a monster to jump, but it only seems to 'run up and over' even if there isn't anything there.
The height property won't make the monster jump higher... if that makes sense, but I am wondering if this was used to help monsters navigate ramps and stairs?

Test and retest till you get something to work, and let me know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 23:05:08 UTC
in Machine gun Post #50839
Make the Gun 'Target' an ambient generic that has the noise you want... No need for a multimanager. I mentioned this in the Grunts and Gun's tutorial...
Or am I missing something here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 22:39:19 UTC
in Spirit of HL Post #50837
Off topic...
Yeah, I used to map for DoD 1.3 and it was great fun, not all that much different from mapping for HL or CS, but it seemed more realistic to me. I liked the end result, textures and models... the goal system was easier that TFC.

On Topic.
Spirit is a brilliant modification option. It is relatively easy to use and adds functionality.
It hasn't been taken up by most of the community.
A reason for that might be that most people new to mapping feel that Spirit will solve all their problems, when the reality is that it creates more if you don't understand the basics.
As for downloading it... Not really, most people who release a Spirit based Mod include the dll in the download, so the player doesn't actually need Spirit.
There were a lot of members here at TWHL that tried to map with Spirit but I haven't seen anything come of it... Although one of the recent compo entries used Spirit.
Some people love it... Some hate it.
I think it is worth trying, if only to look at the test maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 22:22:52 UTC
in Compo 11 Post #50835
Omfg! A compo! Yay.
Started today. (Srry, Andy) ROFL
I guess this means I will have to find another Third Judge?

Too All, Sorry about the time limit, I will e-mail atom today and ask for an extension, I don't set the deadline...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-12 04:28:53 UTC
in Gun Turrets... Post #50320
Try this tutorial Trigger_camera
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-12 04:23:36 UTC
in Compo 11 Post #50318
Models are fine...
BUT, for the sake of my sanity make sure that you upload a self extracting zip file that includes everything.
That goes for anyone else including textures, sounds, models and anything else.... The entry must be uploaded as a stand alone mod and be zipped properly, in directories, so that the map can be unzipped straight into Half-Life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 22:57:42 UTC
in Gun Turrets... Post #50275
The main problem you face here is that as soon as you trigger the camera view... you wont be able to have the player control the gun.

Are you using func_tankcontrols as your remote trigger, or just a simple 'on' 'off' trigger?
If you are using and on off trigger then make it toggle, so that when you activ ate the gun it stays on while you trigger a camera.

If you are using remote func_tankcontrols, I think the best way to achieve this is to place the player in a position where he can see the gun.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 22:54:25 UTC
in max patches WILL NOT go away Post #50274
Did you read:
MAX PATCHES on Tommy14's excellent Error Resource Site?

Of course you did... After all, everyone talks about Tommy's.

So you will have tried -sparse in your hlrad compile won't you?
You will have increased your -chop value to under 96?
And you will have most certainly had a very serious look at the way your map is light, dynamically and statically keeping a close eye on textured lighting and the scale of large faces?

So since it isn't any of those potential problems, maybe someone can come up with another suggestion.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 22:43:21 UTC
in Decompiling?? Post #50272
So, you don't have a copy of the .map file?
Well there is a lesson here... Always back up your RMF's and .map files.
Also make sure you let everyone know what you are doing in the first post!!

In your case, where you are decompiling your own work (Because you haven't got the originals)... then, I don't have a problem with decompiling... ethically or morally or community wise.

That doesn't mean I am going to tell you how and where to get the program... it just means that it can be done and if you look hard enough you will find out how.

Having rebuilt earlier versions of my own maps, I can offer this advice...
Don't Bother.
Start again from scratch...