I knew that DOOM 4 SnapMap was like the track editor of Re-Volt, a simple Lego editor with a huge amount of limits.
Hopefully with Re-Volt, there are ways to "bypass" those limits, but for DOOM 4, I am afraid it won't.
Wardon! Wardon! WARDON!You forgot this :
I believe that's what CLIP brushes are partially meant for.CLIP won't help you on ground and edges collisions.
Just Dance 2017Come on xD
I carved an arch once.Facepalm
It doesn't matter how powerful your computer is, because the engine is old and can be unperformant easly if misused.+1
The good thing is that you don't need more than 100 fps to play any Goldsrc based game, as more fps would just create a mess with the entities (especially NPCs) making them turn really slow depending on how many frames you're getting (the more the slower).I see a lot this problem with Barney (when you move him because he's blocking you), and I think this is a mistake made on Valve's end because if I remember correctly, the formula is "Speed = Yaw speed depending on the monster and the activity * time between 2 frames * 10". I think this can be fixed by removing the "time between 2 frames" variable but I'm not willing to try.
Also bunnyhopping would be harder for the same reason, being unable to maintain speed.This would be very noticeable if you play on WON or you remove the bunnyhop cap limit on Steam. Otherwise, I don't think it's really an issue.
Take back what you said about backslashes or I'm calling the cops.About the calling the cops
Still with the paths as you mentioned, it does not work. It does not give me an error anymore but the sprites won't show.Did you set the render mode to "Glow" and a render amount to a good value (like 128)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\tfc\sprites\glow04.spr
Yeah! Apparently, Jackhammer bugged on saving my map, and now I can't open it no more, neither with Jackhammer nor Sledge! grin -Why you didn't used Jackhammer's format (JMF) ?I'm really starting to hate Jackhammer…
The error is: "Error: can't read 1 bytes from file example.rmf". Did someone already get this?
Sadly, I couldn't find a way to sync it up with real world time.A little bit of code can solve that ^^
I'm still optimizing my map with hint textures, I'm trying to reach 600 wpoly as maximum in every place, but it is so hard.I think 1000 wpolys is a good limit.